Dennis Rox

105. Unlocking Balance: Letting Go to Grasp Your Dreams and Discover True Happiness

January 19, 2024 Eldar, Mike, Toliy, Tommy Episode 105
105. Unlocking Balance: Letting Go to Grasp Your Dreams and Discover True Happiness
Dennis Rox
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Dennis Rox
105. Unlocking Balance: Letting Go to Grasp Your Dreams and Discover True Happiness
Jan 19, 2024 Episode 105
Eldar, Mike, Toliy, Tommy

Have a question? Ask us and we will discuss it during the next episode.

Imagine if letting go of your deepest desires was the key to achieving them. That's the paradox we tackle with my guest, as we journey through the concept of balance in life and divulge personal insights on shedding the stories we've told ourselves to uncover true contentment. Unpacking the enigma that is balance, we navigate the Rubik's Cube of life's pursuits, discussing how focusing intently on one goal can lead to the neglect of other vital facets such as relationships or health. 

Have you ever considered the possibility that what you're so ardently chasing might be better pursued indirectly? We illuminate this thought by examining the nature of ideas and detachments, exploring the potential power of acceptance, and reflecting on whether the act of letting go could paradoxically bring us closer to our dreams. Delve with us into how changing small habits can induce significant transformations and why embracing failure is a pivotal step in personal growth. 

Revel in the inspiring tales and analogies we share, from considering whether children possess innate enlightenment to dissecting what Tom Brady's celebrated football career teaches us about the virtues paving the path to success. We question the balance between nature and nurture, and the collective knowledge versus individual potential, challenging you to discover genuine happiness by fostering a life that resonates deeply with who you are meant to be. Join us for this thought-provoking conversation that's not just about striking equilibrium—it's a holistic look at engaging with the world, harnessing passions, and understanding identity.

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Have a question? Ask us and we will discuss it during the next episode.

Imagine if letting go of your deepest desires was the key to achieving them. That's the paradox we tackle with my guest, as we journey through the concept of balance in life and divulge personal insights on shedding the stories we've told ourselves to uncover true contentment. Unpacking the enigma that is balance, we navigate the Rubik's Cube of life's pursuits, discussing how focusing intently on one goal can lead to the neglect of other vital facets such as relationships or health. 

Have you ever considered the possibility that what you're so ardently chasing might be better pursued indirectly? We illuminate this thought by examining the nature of ideas and detachments, exploring the potential power of acceptance, and reflecting on whether the act of letting go could paradoxically bring us closer to our dreams. Delve with us into how changing small habits can induce significant transformations and why embracing failure is a pivotal step in personal growth. 

Revel in the inspiring tales and analogies we share, from considering whether children possess innate enlightenment to dissecting what Tom Brady's celebrated football career teaches us about the virtues paving the path to success. We question the balance between nature and nurture, and the collective knowledge versus individual potential, challenging you to discover genuine happiness by fostering a life that resonates deeply with who you are meant to be. Join us for this thought-provoking conversation that's not just about striking equilibrium—it's a holistic look at engaging with the world, harnessing passions, and understanding identity.

we on X


On this week's episode. This is where we liberate ourselves from those attachments, from all the nonsense right and we strike the balance of life, and I think you did that for that specific moment and that was a very good example.


I don't want to operate from a place of limited energy, which is usually something that is not aligned with the truth and usually a limiting resource that will eventually lead to those same failures that most people and I had before.


When it comes to balance, I'm going to say that if things haven't been working for you, that's a very good thing.


Yeah, I was going to say it sounds like it's pretty easy to want balance. Yeah, you know why? Because you don't have to really try hard to be at balance.


Live, yes, live, we're live, and today's topic is going to be introduced by Toli Cool.


I feel like I'm very bad at introducing the topics. I feel like you do.


Okay well.


I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll want you to do, say and I'll piggyback.


Well, look the simplest way you know to introduce the topic is to obviously say that the topic is about balance.


However, based on what we spoke totally about yesterday, I think there's very intricate details that are very important to this topic when it comes to striking balance Right, and let's try to dive more deeper into it, because I think that if we do, we might actually strike a point where we understand what balance, what, what is balance and what do we actually mean when we talk about balance?


Because a lot of times people say, yeah, you just need balance in life, you need to balance this balance. That Buddha was a great guy, you know, told everyone to strike a balance in their life, you know, but I don't think a lot of people understand what it actually means to have balance. So, based on those details that we talked about yesterday, I think that we can come to some sort of maybe conclusion or consensus together and really hone in on this thing called balance in order to then what? Obviously improve our lives for the better, so we can have a more balanced life versus not so totally obviously can talk about your example, but I think you do a better job at it.


So yeah, well, I think the first thing with balance is that I don't think anybody wants balance until they have dysfunction.


You know, like balance is not something that like people want, like like I don't know.


Just say, like young aspiring people are not like hey, I wish, like I wish for myself to have like balance in my life, or like I wish to like go to the gym occasionally but not every day, or like I wish to to get like a decent amount of sleep, or like I wish to just make a good living, but not like I'll overwork myself, or something like.


Nobody talks like that, right, because most people talk when it comes to like with like big goals in mind, or like, or like paths that I think are like one sided. Right, like they might say, I want to get rich or I want to be extremely successful at X. Right, it's not like somewhere and nobody wants to be in a balanced state. And I think that once you experience different lows, different highs, I think only at that point could you actually like a value balance or like want actual balance. Right, because I guess I think to actually want balance it's, it's probably an indication of like a, like a slow roast or like a slow death of, like a ego right, because the ego there's no middle way for the ego.


It only wants, like the very highs of something very particular, right, or maybe you experience lows of something very particular, but I do think that wanting, actually wanting balance, like I want to be in decent shape, right, not like I want to be, have a nine pack and like do one finger push ups and not like you know, like maybe I just want to be in a good enough shape to like handle basic house chores and take like a long walk or something. Right, like who says that you know?


Yeah, you want to be able to run 10 miles you know yeah, you want, you want to be run 10 miles, you want to have infinite energy, you want to like do all these big things right. So I think that's one thing that we were speaking about. Another thing is that when you want something and I guess like if it's like a big thing, or maybe it's like a very, like a very particular goal, right, or like idea, you don't consider how it affects you on all different things, right? So, like you may want to be, like I don't know, let's say, if your goals are financial based and you're trying to get very wealthy or maybe get a very high in your company or like get to like a high position, where you're like a vice president of something right, or like a director of some sorts, when you want something like that, I think it's naturally going to create a imbalance for something else. And I think an example, I think, of what we brought up before about that was like the Rubik's Cube analogy where, like you know what the Rubik's Cube has, what eight sides or no, six right, six sides right. You could get all the like. The point of it is to get all the sides to have whole colors right. I don't think it matters like which side, but you want to get all whites, all reds, all blues right, all like yellows, like do all that.


And I think the issue is that lots of times when you do stuff like this in life, when you aim to be successful at one particular thing, you might get a really good get, get to a place where you get that high position, but then you're going to be sacrificing somewhere else with that, where that might be like family relationships, friend relationships, health, fitness goals, right, fitness, diet, maintenance of different things, like all different kinds of stuff, right.


So I think yeah, I do think like life in that kind of sense is like a Rubik's Cube where you need kind of everything for it to be in like in harmony, and you need to be in a balanced state where everything is working well and everything is kind of firing at all, so on there is.


Otherwise you're going to just get to a place like you might get what you want like at that moment. So if you want that high position, you might get it, but you're going to find yourself wanting something else very fast because you're going to be depleted in some other field, like in your life. So I think that that is like a challenge and in aiming extremely high for something and it's not to say that you can't be a vice president or you can't be a director at the job that you want or like at the company you want but I think that there is some value at a gradual pace to get there right. Maybe you get one position and then you kind of like, if you have all different types of facets of your life, you cannot just like have a goal and focus on that one thing because something else is going to drop back.


And if you get that thing, are you making an example of Tom Brady?


Well, I mean it could be. Yeah, I mean that might be an example Someone that went like hardcore for his I guess, maybe like desire and sports, or maybe passion and sports, but then got a little probably too greedy and sacrificed his family relationship and his relationship with his wife and with his close ones, right, his kids. Yeah, it probably made a huge forever rift in the family because it wasn't enough for him and he couldn't strike the balance and he couldn't do all that, even though he probably got like plenty of opportunities, like more than he probably should have to do all that. Yeah, but again, it's extremely hard to have desires to not be the best version of that thing that you want and I'm not sure the right way to still have motivation or still want to do something, but not, I guess, right away. Try to reach for the stars on that one thing.


Yeah, hope you guys got a little gist of it, but the interesting part of this whole thing that's going on that totally talking about was some of the effects that's transpired in your own personal life. Yeah, about how you feel after trying to reach certain goals, certain things right, and the type of now maybe fear that you've developed in order to maybe kickstart some right. Can you talk about that a little bit more?


Yeah, I guess in different things I've tried to change about myself over like the years. I've started and failed on many of them. I mean, I definitely think I've learned things along the way on like all of them, but I've started and stopped many different things and now it's like now I'm almost like afraid of like, like, like, like I'll there will time to time ask me like oh, you're gearing up for something, or like, okay, like I see, like about it, like you know, change this. And then I'm like no, no, no, no, no, I'm not changing anything, I'm not doing anything. Like the first thing, my mind's like no, no, no, like definitely not.


Because then it's like I right away start picturing that person that wants the grandiose change and the big change and then, just like, putting on a different outfit, through like the same door, you know, trying to like oh, I think that when we want to change, we always say that like this time is different or this time around is it's different, because we somehow convince ourselves that we have fundamentally changed something or we fundamentally understood, like understood something, and I think we prove time and time that we're wrong every time. And, yeah, I feel like I'm more at a point where I have more PTSD from like trying something and failing at it, that like now, I'm like wrestling with the idea of like okay, do I just go into acceptance mode, of like this is just what it is, but then to me I associate a time's acceptance with giving up. You know, but it could also be where acceptance leads to change, because then the attachment is gone and maybe you could do things more gracefully and not have like an ego attached to it.


Is that what all these trials and tribulations leading to? Well, so when you say leading to, well, you almost make in a case now, saying that, look, you know, after doing it so many times, or trying it so many times, one way, right Now it's almost going at it. Now it's almost like your ego is stripped right or you're trying to do it in a more graceful way.


Well, yeah, I guess I'm wrestling with the idea of like understanding more about it, like the differences, maybe, between giving up and acceptance, and seeing if it's possible to just accept something, for example about yourself, but then that thing to still change, because then it's like well in order, I guess, for you to want change, do you have to not accept that thing? You have a question right, or can you accept it and still change? But I think oftentimes not, like accepting it is associated with some form of giving up, you know.


And then when you accept it. Well, can you make that a little bit clear, Because I feel like what you're saying is like you have this grandiose goal or whatever, this big idea right. Well, I mean, I would hesitate to call it an idea, Like an idea is kind of like a pretty A goal. No, I don't know, I don't think so. I don't think so. You know, like an idea requires actually some action, doesn't it? Like you have? An idea right, and it requires, like I don't know, getting your feet wet a little bit.


No, it doesn't. Ideas don't require action. Tom Me and you can have an idea right now. About what, what idea? Oh, any idea. What is the idea? There could be anything, tom. It could be like hey, like I'm thinking of doing this and that can be like rock climbing.


That's not an idea, though, right.


Is it an idea?


Or okay, so let's.


I definitely consider that an idea.


Okay, but what do you mean by what you say?


I'm just saying that, Tom, ideas don't require action. You're saying that ideas require action. I just don't think that they do.


Ideas are thought-based, right I think so, because it's here one moment, it's gone the next. Well, exactly the point.


So there's no idea, tom, you again proved my point.


I'm just saying there's no idea. If it's gone, then that's not really an idea. It doesn't exist.


Okay, then you have to give me a real good definition of what idea means and how you perceive to be what an idea is. Like an idea can be, we can look it up.


All right, I can act on this thing and maybe it'll work for a few hours or something like that, and so maybe ideas don't, maybe ideas, some ideas are unreasonable, but I think that at least requires some doing Okay.


A thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action.


Yeah, a possible thought or suggestion as to a possible thought.


Yeah, so it doesn't require any action, it just requires thought Okay, all right.


So Like we can have an idea to do something in the future. Yeah, and not do it, and not do it, it was still an idea, right, but to realize that idea, it was a cool idea Like, hey, I want to skydive, that's cool, that idea is cool, yeah, yeah. But it doesn't mean that we are ever going to skydive.


What is this part of rejecting that you're talking about All?


right, that's about a question, the.


What is that? Rejecting what? So it's like. So here's how I see it. It's like you want to say lose the way, right. But in order to lose the way, you have to lose the idea of what you're going to be. Is that what you mean? Like she's saying yeah. What you, what that image of you is, that future view of.


Well, like I'll give an example, for example. Right, if we use you as an example? If you want to be a film producer, right, or like, let's say, an actor, whatever it is right. Okay, you have a desire or, for example, an attachment to do that right. Can you still become that if you kind of announce to the world or almost to yourself that, like I no longer care if I become one or not?


I no longer care. Is that required in order to Okay? Why say I no longer care, if you desire to become an actor or something?


Well, right now you have an attachment to do that, so you put in that kind of yeah. Or maybe you accept the idea that, like, look, it's probably not going to happen.


Accepting the idea that it's probably not going to happen. I don't know if that would really like allow or encourage, you know how could that guide you in any way to believe it's impossible, but to feel that you have an attachment to it. How would that work? You know it's like I mean, who hasn't considered I mean, at least for me, I've considered myself in the movies on the screen, you know, being characters dressing up, you know in costume and stuff like that, you know just playing characters. I've considered that but I have not really considered the possibility. It's only been this really like spectacular fantasy in my mind of doing that and I'm to be honest, I'm not sure if I would really Well before actually having an opportunity to try acting and get to know what it's like in a studio and stuff.


She's asking a very specific question, Tom. I'm not sure if I would enjoy it.


Tom, he's asking a very specific question.


He's saying like can you let go of your attachments to be something and then be them and then still become it?


Yeah, okay, alright. So you, I don't know if you can have an attachment to becoming a movie star, or I think so Maybe that's possible.


Well, you definitely can have an attachment.


Let me finish. I think that I don't know if you can have, I don't know if you can have the denial of the possibility, like do you know what I mean? No, I don't know if you can basically say like I would love to do this, but also think it's kind of in, except that it's impossible, and then go in that direction. I don't think you can act in that way, okay.


So he's saying that you cannot accept.


Okay. So I actually think that the answer to your question is yes, you can. And the way I'm looking at it is that that which you might have been attached to for a very long time, let's just say losing weight. Okay, hey, I really want to lose weight, I want to lose these 50 pounds. Let's just say, right, and that was your attachments and that was your focus point and that was your goal, right, I think it could be accomplished.


I think it could be accomplished as a byproduct of something else, and by that I mean that if you, for example, right, instead of just saying that I want to spend my whole life or my time, my energy, to losing weight, you know, but instead you focus on, for example, a passion of yours and you do photography while I'm in the park or walking, and then you pursue that right, and I find it that if you I think I speculate that if you actually immerse yourself in that journey of going around to parks and doing photography for a long period of time because you're actually enjoying it and this is your passion, I think the byproduct of that will be a loss of weight. I'm not sure if it's going to be.


I think of another version of that too, where if you, on the one hand, you become an athlete who is like very high intensity five days in the gym, athlete, right, that's on the one hand. And then, on the other hand, let's say you add like two spoons this is ridiculous. But let's say you add two spoons of like a certain fibrous food that allows you to feel more full throughout the day, and then you lose the weight. So there's, on the one hand, you're like, okay, this is a spectacular, I'm like this crazy athlete. And then the opposite side would be this by no means was the same example of what I just said.


Well, they both lead to. You see what I'm saying. No, both of those can lead to an image of you that you like more with less weight. But on the one is one requires that you change a little bit of your diet, and then the other requires that. I don't know, maybe you don't have the time you know, or maybe you don't even like working out in that way.


Is your goal right now? To confuse the audience, because I would say you're doing a really good job.


I might be biased here, because I have been that person who's gone to the gym five days a week or six days a week and spent more than an hour for every session. So spending I don't know at least 10 hours a week, You're not willing to answer my question. Just generally an exercise mode. That's a lot. There are a few people. What I'm saying is they're kind of. What you said is that you can reach it through a byproduct.


Byproduct, tom True. There's a huge difference between like really working your body hard for like 10 hours a week and then like just the 30 minutes each day that you consume, let's say, any food, whatever it is, that can help you achieve your goal better, because when you work out you actually tend to need to eat more, right, to stay fit. But when you change your diet a little bit you can make a considerable difference without overdoing it with your bodily exercise.


Okay, that's fair.


And so. But that's interesting because the tendency is to not to want to take a spoon or two of like oat bran or whatever.


Listen, I've never looked at it that way and I'm not looking forward to looking at that way going forward.


Tom, at this point we're all willing for the Big Macs. Yeah, did I answer your question? Yes, but my brain right now is a little bit of a ground beef.


Okay. So what are you thinking about? I think that the whole idea about finding that balance right Like you said, it's a Rubik's Cube and you're trying to find that balance in your life actually is in between those lines. Yeah, yeah, I mean, I guess it's also like I think that it comes from an acute awareness of self-love.


Yeah, I think that the requirement, I think, for what you're saying is to really maybe identify what your actual problems are versus what you think they are. Yeah, because a problem probably what someone thinks they have is probably their weight, but it's probably something else.


Yeah. So what are we talking about what?


are we saying now, have we not?


solved this problem. Well, if this is what you're saying is true, yeah, I think it's hard to. What about that idea? Call it almost like a Tom. Yeah, go ahead.


I think it's hard to. It's hard to not the word here is not to believe that but it's hard to have that kind of mindset if you have ego like a present. So it's inevitable.


Then you have to go through the tumbling and the falling and the hurting.


Well, yeah, I mean probably yeah.


Because that's what you're saying too, yeah.


Because it's like.


Like. You're not worthy almost right through your own attachments and your ego and your pride. You're not worthy of balance.


The issue is that, for like, if you're going through this when you're I don't know, let's just say if you were 10 or 11 years old, it's one thing. You haven't lived for that long, right, like, you haven't really done that much. But I guess someone who's older might argue that if you're 30 or somewhere around there, you're like the same thing. But like, you could have like if you're around the age of. Yeah, I mean, it does matter what age you have.


But if you're already at a point where you're an adult, right, you have an idea of different things as to what success looks like, and lots of times you haven't examined what that means from like since the moment where you maybe like unconsciously said that like this is what it is, and then you kind of keep going throughout your life wrestling with different things, thinking that like this is what you need, this is what you need to do, this is what you need to solve, like this is what you need to achieve, right. So I think it's very hard to let go of that. Yeah, I guess it's hard to let go of that idea as to like this is what winning looks like, right, because then when you're saying that, if you don't understand that. You're going to feel like you're losing. You're going to feel like you're giving up right.


The ego's feeling it.


Yeah, because it's like you have to say that like, look, you know you're actually going forward, like you don't really care about your weight or what you look like and stuff like that. And then it's like, wait, no, I do, like damn, I can't, right. No, you actually do. So for you to say that you actually don't, for example, you have to really believe that there's. Yeah, I guess it probably depends on what level of development that you're at, like, are you fighting for the leaves here, right, or are you about the roots?


You know, and lots of times the leaves are probably like when it comes to a tree, right. Like these outside things oftentimes are very good illusions. They do a very good job in tricking you and lots of times society supports those ideals too. So it becomes very hard with all kinds of outside influences on different things, right? So it becomes very hard to let go of those things, because everywhere that you turn, these are things that are highlighted where maybe to a more like intelligent mind or maybe a more enlightened mind, these are just like what are we talking about here? You know?


Interesting. You have something, mike. Are we onto something here? It almost sounds like what he said is look, if you have ego, you have attachment, you have pride, you have goals, unexamined ones, especially. Right, it sounds like you're going to beat a tumbleweed for a very long time, up until you're like I fucking had enough of this shit, time to let go of some stuff. And then you're like okay, cool, the identity that I've came up with, that I've attached myself to, isn't really serving me. What the fuck? It's not. Oh, I gotta let go of this. It's not serving me. The bad talk that comes with it doesn't serve me. How about this one? And then you examine another one you like no, not this one, this is too bad.


However, at that same moment, when you start letting go of those identities, right, the identity is like yo, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is very important. We ought to still continue and not give up, because giving up is failure, failure. It's done like we're gonna be losers, can't do this. It's like a almost Double-edged sword, whichever way you turn. So what the fuck is going on here? What is actually happening? Where is the balance? When does the balance actually kick in? And does it actually kick in after you. You've beat yourself up and you know. In turn, try to let go of your ego and beat your ego up to say, like look, I think we might have gotten it all wrong about ourselves, our identities, how we do things, how we plan things, how we talk to ourselves. Where's the fucking balance? And then self-love subs, starts to kick in, right.


Yeah, I'm not. I'm not really sure why a person, once they become an adult, or let's just say they get to the ages of like 25, to like a 30 ish, right, why do they not examine the ideals or goals or ideas of success that they had from when they were younger? Why, why don't they go through the process of seeing if that's something that they actually Want or something that will actually like fulfill them?


Hmm, Well, I think that the reason why that happens is because, number one, I think life is fast-paced. Number two, it hurts too much, right to be able to admit to yourself. It's ultimately facing your ego and say, yeah, I was a fucking idiot, I'm a dumbass. This is not right, you know. And if you can't do that because it hurts too much, you just keep rolling with the punches. You keep, you know, creating a new story or revising the story.


And keep bullshitting yourself reasons right, like Tom, you're very good at this right. I'm not talking about you. Give an input on this.


I think I'm kind of good at this, this, this topic. You know I feel like kind of, you know, I feel courageous Considering, you know, considering that I've not always been Going in the right direction. I say that very like, openly, right now?


Are you saying it proudly? Is the question.


I'm proud of where I am. Yeah, right now, mm-hmm.


They're only for so long.


I Don't know, I don't really know what that means.


I mean, don't what, when it comes to reflection or reflecting Tom, that's usually not a good time, right? What do you mean?


Like when you sit down, you reflect on it all like, oh shit you got to revise the plan To reflect on it all, to sit down and reflect on it all.


I got a first.


It's like oh, it's pretty wild, right, because they're like millions of things going on Mm-hmm in your mind you know, and like not all of it's very welcoming and not always very kind.


Before you continue, I don't want to lose this thought. Yeah, let me just put this question out there, okay to you, and think about it. Right, do you think your passion for telling stories yes is there because you keep creating a new story for yourself?


But say, like I could agree with that.


I could, I could say, yeah, that I think about it like someone agree with that. Yes, yes, because I don't know, because you keep creating a new story for yourself. This is what I mean.


Okay, so for as long as you've known me, for as long as you've known me, yeah, I've been. I've read a lot of your stories and I've been and I've been very interested in teaching myself and learning wait, you said that you've been very curious.


Yes, curious about, curious about things like knowledge and curious about things I didn't know about before. So like I turned direction, I turned into, I turned in a new direction from my teens and so, like you know, that whole, that whole like kind of growth and development thing, really Like there's something that I mull over a lot. But in terms of this storytelling, you know, like not to yourself.


It's like you keep creating a new story for yourself. My question is do you gravitate towards wanting to do storytelling into the world?




You're very good at telling your own stories to yourself Misinterpreted as like a negative me and you, I think, understand what I'm saying.


No, it's like a negative connotation.


I hear oh, it is a hundred percent negative.


Okay, but the way?


I look at it. I'm trying to give you a little blow here.


The way that I look at it is, um, like you guys have been good to me, my friends have been good to me, and so how some? And so that's the story that I tell myself, because when I get kind of hard on myself and I'm sort of beating myself up and Stuff, so like I sort of see that like this is like I'm worthless. You know, I'm going down these different roads. I'm pulled in the direction of school, then I'm pulled in the direction of photography, that I'm pulled in the direction of Computers, or I'm pulled in the direction of like you know, and so many directions right, and I always come back to this. So that's the story.


But I'm not sitting around and I Guess more of the story, what I'm trying to say here, comes out of more of what T is saying like I failed and Then I've, but I've learned something. That's what the story is, and the story is like how I shaped my myself around that. But it's often been that I kind of like get hard on myself for Not meeting expectations that I perceive to be like you know. I mean like I Put on that display of like I feel okay, I like I'm good, you know, I'm putting on this like act in a way of like, you know, I can live my life and, yes, for many years I've just been curious and pulled in many directions. That's a story. Yeah, it's not a very interesting one, unfortunately, but it could be it could be.


It's a conditional story.


Wow, dude, Wow.


I was happening to think about it. We'll get back to Tom.


Tom is not willing to like. Look at it as like a negative you know?


Well, I think he's resilient as fuck. Yeah, you know what I? Mean, I know a lot of people like I said, a lot of people a. Lot of people will roll with the punches right because the ego will keep telling us these stories about ourselves and then we'll, you know, fail. And then the ego will tell us another story and we'll buy it into that story. And we keep rolling with the punches and he's very good at doing this.


I think a lot of people are very good at this, but Tom is a mastermind.


Tom is probably mastering and the reason why he probably not looking at it as a condition is why he's a master.


Wow, I Can kind of see what you're saying.


Because I know it'd be very scary.


Yeah, this is like this is actually. You've just defined what it is to have the idea, but to like, just With all of your ego and all your emotions, like, do absolutely not deny it and you know and suppress it and just Endowed it and accept it. That you'll accept that, oh listen.


Yeah, like I said, I think that the fascinating thing about totally is thing and premise and everything else is that, after a long period of time of going through this right, you might strike a balance when you will start gravitating naturally or not naturally Towards towards a place where things make you feel, things make make you feel good. Right, you gravitate towards those things and then you will try your best at protecting those things, right.


Well, yeah, but yeah, balance, Well, yeah, but I think the issue in that is that, like again, we were, for example, bringing up a thing. A good example is like sleep, yeah right, who, who do you know that desires like or crave sleep, unless they haven't had any? Yeah, it's a good question like if you get a long nights of rest every day, yeah, well, you ever say, like you know, I know one, morgan Freeman.


Yeah, I heard, I heard that that during his acting, during his sets, that between sets, between, while he's waiting for other actors to act, what he does is he sits on his chair and goes like this I'll be back For 10 minutes, 10, 50 minutes. He just snaps and like his whole thing is all about naps. It's about sleeping.


Yeah, no, but I'm saying like for the most part, people are not like I can't wait to get a good nights of rest, yeah, unless when you when you had a good nights of rest. Let's just say a hundred days in a row. Now one person will say that Right.


So you're almost saying that that appreciation of that, all that gratitude towards things that already are good, well, it's not present. I think the issue is it's like so then, would you say that what we're looking for, ultimate happiness, is to be able to recognize the good and all the mandane easy To come by, things that we're ready to do naturally like breathing.


Yeah, I mean. Yeah, I mean. The thing is that this kind of exact statement is more in those like, well, like those like I don't know if you go, like, if you want to call them those in line masters or whoever like, say, and I guess, like it could be a confusing one, I don't know if it's a true one, but they all. But like this one guy saw and he said that that peace of mind is a contradiction. Peace of mind is a contradiction. Yeah, he goes. If you have peace, you don't have mind, like at that time, Mmm and if you have mind, then you definitely don't have peace.


Okay, you can never have peace of mind. Okay, you either have, like you're either in one or the other.


Yeah, so I guess the two don't exist. It's how much I would say together yeah, right.


And I think, like that, that's like what they're talking about, about like I don't know, like Maybe getting into this flow state, right Of kind of when, like Everything I guess is maybe clicking on all cylinders or something right, if you want to call it that, and the issue is that when that's happening, you don't want anything, because you only want things when you're at a deficit deficit.


You desire. That's the issue.


Yeah, is that again? You don't want to. You can't. No one's looking forward to their next, this bite, what Mike thinks about me. No one's looking forward to the next big meal, when they just had a big meal. Yeah, yeah right, when you're full, like you're not thinking about food again, right? Yeah, up until what? Up until you're hungry, mm-hmm. Then you start thinking about different things. Yeah, same thing with sleep. You can't wait to get a good night's arrest, try right right now.


So what conclusions are you making based on this things? Well, what are you saying? I'm saying that there's certain things that are very natural to us and they come to us very naturally. I'm saying that when it comes to this very.


It's very difficult in general to desire balance. It probably takes a really really Strong understanding of how things work right and what the the the truth is about things, because I Think, when it comes to truth, there is no imbalance that exists in truth.


Hmm, right, there's no balance, exists in truth.


Okay, right, and I think that For you to be on the level where you're craving okay well, balance you need to be like a Sick next level, like individual because, it's like that means that you're not an individual at a deficit. Which is who?


Yeah, who are we talking about here?


Yeah, who are we talking about here right now? Or anybody listening that doesn't have some kind of deficit and balance? Yeah, so if you have some kind of deficit, there's no part of you that will ever desire balance. That's right, you know. Yeah, like it doesn't make sense.


Yeah, balance is almost negated if you're living in accordance to truth.


Well, yeah, if you're living in accordance of truth, you are living out balance. Therefore, you will not want anything more or less.


Yeah, yeah, but if you're not.


You will always want more or less of something, always. There's no way around that.


So was Buddha right. If the? If you tight, tight what is a tight in the strength, to too much, it'll break. If you tight, tighten the, if it's too loose, then it won't play. The string has to be just right.


Yeah, but I guess the path to get there towards a? Yeah, I guess how do you, how can you have an attachment to have that?


It's very interesting because I think we talked about this before, mike that it's very hard to Attach meant have attachments, or attach ego or desire towards virtues.




Right, yeah, we have attachments towards like, okay, cool, I want to do this, I want to become this, I want to become that right, and we hold them. You know, we try to do our best to get there Right that are not according to truth, but as soon as we go and say, you know what I Want to, let's just say, become enlightened, you know how to fuck you attach yourself to that.


Wow, there there has to be some proven like practice way Is it's only helping yourself is enlightening the same things.




Probably in totality.


Yeah, this is absolutely a good thing.


Okay, well, not in talking about awareness enlightenment. I think it's like a total awareness Versus, like in glimpses. I think that we get aware at any given moment here within a moment, that we really understand something Truly, but I think enlightenment is probably in an ongoing phase of oh shit, like I get it all kind of thing. Mm-hmm you know. So that's. I think that's the difference. Total awareness.


Awareness also that that you know way that moment is like, just Like, just like a glimpse of what life is like and just like the truth of that moment. It's interesting because you know like being pulled in many directions is one, probably one of the worst things I Perceived. To be like me, be my nemesis, like it's one of the worst things occurring to me Did you get tired of being a ping-pong ball. Um, these are not the questions you want to post for me, I think.


I think I'm extracting these questions based on what you're saying.


Oh, it's weird. I had this experience recently. It's like a nothing experience really nothing.


It's a story about nothing, Okay right, those are the ones that I actually prefer the most. I love you why? Yeah, because I'd pay for you to be nothing already about something. Yeah, I.


Left the movies and I? I just generally wait. I joined, did you?


physically go to a movie theater, or did you stay home and then you imagine yourself going to the theater? I was at the mall.


Okay, this is a physical experience.


Okay, thank you and I enjoyed. I enjoyed. Not a lot of people understand your talents as they get to familiarize themselves with your character a little bit more than this. They don't know your talents yet. You know what I'm saying. So you're saying this one was actually a real experience. You went to the mall, yes, and there's, there was people there that you can physically touch.


Okay, go ahead and I had this feeling, this, this, this experience of, like, what am I doing? Like I had this feeling that I have to tell myself I'm okay, basically, and wait when?


during the film, after the film Okay, yeah, yeah, like I enjoyed the film and you know, and I kind of I thought it was, it was great, it was action. You know an action, you don't have to do a lot of thinking. And so I left, I left the film and I walk out of the theater and I'm just like thinking about, think about how I feel you know what I mean after the movie. Yeah, not thinking about the film or anything like that, and just kind of you know, just when you leave a film and you know you experience this thing and you, you, you get this entertainment. You leave a feeling, you know. I guess that's true.


Just to give people the context that you went there by yourself. Not a lot of people go to the movies by themselves.


Okay, yeah, I enjoy doing that as part of my self-care. Yeah, you're safe place, myself care You're safe place. No, it's like me taking myself deliberately somewhere.


All right, in order to like, in order to to the spider, the fact that you might look very strange doing it. Joe, you does this too in order to receive in order to receive, creativity in order to receive.


I like thoughts and yeah, and things like that, okay, wow, but but this experience, what? It's just like a glimpse of a moment, like I just kind of like feel like I got to tell myself I'm okay and Um, and, and I'm like feeling like I should be doing something. You know, I'm feeling like a lack of Worst in like I'm just thinking about my life, man, I and you know, and I'm just like what, what am I doing, you know? And and then I realized, like, like this weird thing, like I just realized suddenly, like Um, I don't explain this, I just read, I just basically a thought that told me just look at how amazing this life is. And just like, for a moment, like just let go of all these thoughts about becoming an actor or a filmmaker or being a creative, and just say, like just saying to myself, kind of like, live without that, like actually don't, I don't know. It's hard to explain.


And it's like I'm not trying to-. No, I'm following it.


I'm not trying to say that, yeah okay, I'm following it.


Tom, I'm not really understanding anything, but I'm following the story plot.


I mean, the idea is that how could we have such an amazing sort of like awakening and enlightenment to just saying, like if Hollywood went down tomorrow or if like you know what I mean If this dream and never, ever ever is realized, like, just imagine, just look at the beauty of like being where you are right now, here in this moment, and that's kind of like what I was feeling, and it was like nothing. It was a nothing thing, you know, and I left the film and like I walked out.


See, Tom the spider, the fact that most of the times, you ramble and say nothing. This is a very good example of what I think that we're trying to do here is we're trying to figure out. We're trying to figure out, tom, how do we tap into those types of moments more on a permanent basis, right, so we can be happier. It sounds like you really experienced a moment of happiness in that moment because you realized, let's just say, your own power, and I think that the more you're able to tap in into that kind of experience, right Outside of your goals and dreams and all this other shit that society was just installed in you, right? I think you really felt what it meant to be your true self.




You know what I'm saying, especially true self, everything that Toly is talking about right, the things that we've culminated in our minds and attached ourself to right. I think slowly he is himself also stripping himself from that and saying that, wait a second, like, is this really serving me? But he's having a hard time letting go of that. But when you do let go of that, like you just said, you went through a little mental experiment that said, what if Hollywood disappeared? And it never mattered, like it doesn't even matter anymore. So what you did through that thought experiment, I think, is that you stripped yourself away from those attachments and you centered yourself on yourself within that moment and you looked around and you said, yo, this shit is actually fucking dope. I actually fucking like it. You know what I mean. You painted this beautiful picture for that moment, and I think this is where we liberate ourselves from those attachments, from all the nonsense, right, and we strike the balance of life. And I think you did that for that specific moment and that was a very good example.


If you say anything else after this, I will fucking kick you so hard in your shin. I'm gonna be allowed to contradict everything You're gonna be done.


You know what I'm saying?


Yeah, if you give any kind of level of opinion based on what the other just said. You will be assaulted, yeah you will negate everything. You will go back to where we are.


So just reflect on that. I think that this is our attempt here. You just explained it very, very perfectly that our attempt here is to strip ourselves away from all the layers of bullshit that we put ourselves into through telling ourselves these stories right, so we can strike the balance of finding out, like Toli said, moments where we live right and we're living in accordance to truth. So we're not in the balance scheme schema at all. We are actually the truth, right. You understand, and I think in that moment you didn't need anything, you were completely content, you were at peace and you were happy, and I think that's what we're looking for Right Now. Tom, I warned you.


Anything that you can add can only take away.


Only it has to be a genuine question. That's the mic be posing. Yeah, we'll fill you in on that later Go ahead.


My question is it has to do with being? Why? It has to do with?


Tom, why don't you think about the?


actual question, that moment of being in peace with yourself. Okay, how does the happiness of doing what you care about also align with being in that peaceful moment of being with yourself?


This is what he asked earlier. He asked this earlier, tom. He said hey, just like you said to yourself in that moment, you said fuck Hollywood.


Fuck Hollywood.


Well, I'm going to explain. I'm trying to tie two together. Fuck Hollywood, I'm done with that identity, right? But now you're asking but how do I still integrate and become Hollywood? It's a paradoxical question and that is what he's asking, you understand. And my answer to that was right. If it becomes like a byproduct of who you are, from what you've been doing and enjoying yourself, then that's true success and that's true balance and that's. I think that's not so simple here to achieve, but I think it is achievable. And when you do, you bask in the fucking thing Like you, just bask for the moment. You're just asking how to stretch that moment for a long period of time and truly enjoy your whole identity.


I think what I wonder is what you're describing.


That might give a word.


I think what you're describing might be. I mean, to me it sounds like there's something missing there, Because Is this one of those statement questions?


Because, who's missing, tom, no, no.


In the statement you're saying that it's a byproduct. Like you want to lose weight, focus on something, something on your passion for example.


Exactly, he said, right, he wanted to enjoy movies. And he's like yo, I'm just going to let go of this Hollywood shit, I'm just going to enjoy the process. And in that moment he felt it, he became what he actually wants to become. And it's not through the process of becoming a Hollywood guy, it's a byproduct of something else, something else. And we miss that something else, and I think that something else is to let go of the discipline and preach and lead with self-love.


Yeah, I guess the way I look at it is there's an egotistical person who doesn't have humility and it goes about the way of whatever they're trying to achieve in an egotistical way, and then there's a humble person who goes about what they're trying to achieve in a humble way. So I think maybe your path is that humble path, but you have to be on that path for that byproduct to be a result. I'm not sure, bro. No, that's my theory. That's what I'm saying. Okay, cool, I think that is because what you're saying it's like.


What you're saying is like a reward for living a good life. You get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. How can you do that from an egotistical place? Yeah, you can't. So I think that's why I said it's like you're using certain words to describe it, but I think there's something before that, which is the humility that gets you to the place, like, if your cup is not full, how the fuck are you gonna enjoy something? You think you're enjoying, right, like whatever you're doing, but are you really enjoying it or are you just but keeping the demons at bay or the pain at bay?


I think so, but I think that you do able to tap into those moments, like he did. For that moment, just, we know overall, right, let's just say his cup is empty, but for that glance, that moment where he focused on the movie for two hours, whatever right it zoned him in, it tweaked him or whatever, whatever inspirations it gave him, right, he was able to tap into a moment of purity.


Oh yeah, I mean, people have those like epiphany moments all the time.


Epiphany moments all the time? Yeah, but that's not, that's not lasting.


That's not lasting. I think we were trying to figure out a way to last. I agree, extend those moments.


Yes, yeah, and I think, at the end of the day, I think that, again, going back to the Toli's point, is that you have to prove yourselves wrong for so long up until a point where you start challenging those belief systems and strike a balance between all of that that you're doing. My whole thing is that it is through the byproduct that you achieve some of the things that you wanted to achieve but you needed to let go of, Like you wanted to retire your parents, right? Sure, in my mind it's a good idea. In his mind it's a good idea In his, I think, the whole world. It's a generally good idea, right, but I'm not sure if it's attainable or should be done in the way we approach it.


Well, yeah, because the approach was, the idea was birthed from egoistical place, that's right, and the approach is going to be all ego.


That's right. Even though right, the idea is a good idea. Sure, the end product is like oh yeah, that's a good idea, Like who wouldn't want to do that?


It's the same thing we were saying. We've been saying is it's not the destination. That's right. It's always the journey.


So now, if you become a billionaire one day through the process of what you're doing right now, and it happens to be that it bleeds over to your parents and it happens to that that they retire, you've accomplished that goal is what I'm talking about Very naturally, selflessly and in accordance to balance. And if you can do those things in such a way, I think this is when you then tap into the moments that he taps into every 10 years. Sorry, Tom.


You don't understand. But how do you have a like, how do you tap into those kinds of things without having a desire like?


Well, I think that the desire is the premise. That's wrong.


Yeah, it's like you're talking about wanting to do, but the desire is to get enlightened.


Why? Because the desire to get enlightened carries within itself an inevitable thing to do good to all. Yeah, but let's say, okay, fine. Let's say, Therefore, you have to.


Let's say everybody agrees and the audience agrees, right From a practical standpoint. I think that's the only thing that's going to happen is that you're going to have to do something from a practical standpoint on a daily basis. What does an individual do that wants to get enlightened?


That's a very good point. That was a very good question.


What does it like? What does an individual do?


Well, I don't think that the individual should be focusing on enlightenment, totally. I think the individual should focusing on a little bit lesser of a task, right Well?


can you give a? A blueprint, yeah, like a breakdown of what an individual should be doing every day.


I think the individual should be paying attention to pains and pleasures and taking inventory of that.


Okay, so how does that individual understand their relationships to short-term and long-term pains and pleasures?


Give me an example of short-term and long-term, then so can I understand what you're, what you're asking me.


I don't know, maybe a short-term pleasure is like in the moment, like stuff your face right. Yeah, Then you have long-term pain is like it could be for the rest of the day, like you stuff your face for five minutes or 10 minutes and then for next, let's say, 10 hours you're in like a food coma. Now you have 10 hours of pain for five minutes of pleasure.


I think you should definitely take an inventory of that and to say like, okay, cool, like this is what actually happened. I understand that I needed five minutes of pleasure, which resulted in 10 hours of pain. Take inventory of that.


And then do well with it.


I think as you take inventory of it and actually realize what happens, you make a conscious effort to go into the next experience. That's especially like hunger that's gonna come in a couple of hours. Holding that knowledge, I'm asking you to be to have a better memory, Just remember.


Yeah, but see again, it's like for some reason.


No, no, no, no, no. What you're gonna tell me is that, in between of those things is you're choosing to forget, correct?


Well, not that you're choosing to forget. What it sounds like to me is happening is that your mind is already focused and clogged with all other kinds of things in between there.


You're choosing, which then makes you forget.


Yeah, which then doesn't provide you capacity to have the focus.


So you cannot be biased, asking me this question about one specific thing without asking me the next type of things that lead to the things that happen to you again. Well, yeah, you're not doing that, you're not being fair right now by asking that question. Yeah, yeah, no, but I had more questions.


That's what I'm saying. You only ask one question. You said, hey, about food, short-term eating, overeating, feeling long-term the pains, right. But then you don't ask me for what's to follow, right, I would answer the same way what's to follow? You still have to be mindful of what's actually going on and evaluate what pains and things you have.


As you start taking inventory and actually find out what's actually going on, you start saying, okay, I actually have a choice in the matter. Do I want to do this or not? And then, as you do it, you quickly find out that you are start changing the way your patterns are. Yeah, yeah, it's-. But if you're telling me like, hey, eldar bro, but the truth of the matter is, I'm not sure if I can take inventory of all the shit that's going on with me, okay, what you're telling me then you probably are a little bit far behind. That's to say that you might have too much on your plate and I'm not talking about the first fucking situation, not the physical plate, not the physical plate. Yes, you have too much going on. So where's your mind? You're choosing to ignore or you're choosing to distract, or you're choosing to have ADD within those moments, so you can't take inventory of all the things that are actually causing you pain and pleasure.


Why Is it choosing? Is it conscious?


Those types of things. I think I was already involuntary and already became habitual. At one point I was conscious, yes, but then it became habitual. Is it egotistical? No, not at that moment. That's, it's blind, it's blind, it's blind.


Yeah, I mean hope. Yeah, habitual things I think are just they're blind.


If you're biting your nails, that's not because you have an ego. You're biting your nails because you're relieving some type of pain, right, Like I like to crack my neck. There's none. These are my habits. They're part of me. I actually love it, you know what.


I'm saying they're relieving me certain type of pains, right? So certain habitual things do the same thing. It's just the long term. They might be fucking harming you versus serving you. But if a conscious mind wants to be conscious or live in accordance to what Socrates is advising us to say unexamined life is not worth living then you ought to examine the steps of your life. Take inventory.


But if you're not taking inventory, isn't that an ego? It's a school position.


Yeah, it could be. If I advise you to do it and then you don't do it, then yes, Only if me and you have a contract, like if a therapist right, If a therapist said hey look, this is your homework, we talked about this, right? Yes, we talked about this, and I agreed, of course, shake hands and everything right, and then you don't do it, then it's a negotistical thing.


But in those moments of suffering, what are you telling yourself? Like, oh, I don't want to do this anymore.


No, you justify, everything you justify it, so you lie to yourself. No, you don't lie to yourself, that's impossible.


No, so what's that conversation? Like that conversation is like that.


this is what I need at this moment smoking a cigarette, drinking or whatever it is. It's very quickly justified based on what your current needs are in that moment. We are very good at that, which is nothing wrong with it. I think you know what I'm saying. We have the right to do so. Sure, that's autonomy to do right or to do wrong to ourselves. But I think the thinking mind will, sooner or later, will challenge. The subconscious mind is to say like yo, what the fuck are we doing here? Why are we fucking eating a meal of five minutes and enjoying the fuck out of our orgasm you're like crazy but then suffering for 10 hours? Sooner or later, the rational mind will be like yo, fuck's wrong with you and you want to lead in a rationality and have like okay, cool, let's eat half of it and only suffer for five hours instead of 10 hours. I would think so. Like that's how that conversation will go. But nonetheless, if you let go of your awareness, like I said, that inventory then it gigs up. Then you gotta eat shit.


Yeah, which then like comes down to again. It's like well, what does it take to have that level of awareness, to take inventory of all these different?


things. Well, everybody's different, I think. To some people I think it could be very simple, as it could be well. For some people it could be Spit it out Well. For him, it's his sphere base. A lot of it is his sphere base, right Mine too.


I'll admit that. I'll admit that much Definitely fear base and that ties in yeah, yours is more arrogance, I think. No, that's just the running theory. Okay, fine.


Yeah, for everybody. I think it's different. You know what I'm saying? They have their reasons as to why they act the way they do.


Cause I always say my shit was really fucked up before I met you guys and actually it's been fear based to actually admit that, because I've always tried to be. How is it fear based?


Up to expectations of, like others' opinions of people of generally normal living.


Can you give an example or not, but you guys continue to remind me that it's all right to be weird, so you?


know what right?


Am I saying the truth here, or am I just speaking to nobody?


Yeah, no 100%.


What's the example of fear based Tom?


Wait, I wanna know where Eldar was going with this first.


Yeah, you were saying that for him it's fear based. What was fear based?


Reasons as to why somebody can't do certain things or follow through. Okay, you know what I'm saying. They have their reasons and they could be fear based, like I say, scared of it, like, oh shit, the unknown. Not sure you know what I mean. This is scary, scared of change, scared of surprises. You know what I mean? Like he's scared of those things. He doesn't like surprises. He wants to know control. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, you know what I'm saying. For somebody else it could be something else. You know, arrogance also probably is rooted with wanting to control Right your own situation. I'm not sure if you can spin reasons as to why you carry non-awareness from one moment to another in a positive way. I don't think you can.


That's really interesting. What the fuck made you say that?


Oh, I'm trying to analyze what the fuck we're talking about, right? So I'm trying to understand, like, why would somebody not carry the light from one moment to another? And they have very good reasons as to why not. And I think those reasons are based on could be ego, arrogance, fear, whatever it is but those things that I just mentioned ego, fear, whatever, arrogance, pride you know those are all negatives and you could never spin them in a positive way, because rationality demands positive growth, right?


right right, right right.


Rationality will then also demand humility. Yes or no?


Yeah, rationality demands the truth, demands the truth. And if ego is the one you're fighting, ego has to bow its head to it.


It has to bow its head, but it's very prideful, so it can't. It's hard, it's very hard, right, it has to be that. So, therefore, you won't carry that through moment to moment, Because you think you know yeah because you think you know, of whatever reason. Like I said, Whatever it is you think you know. If you think you know, that's arrogance 100%. If you think you don't know what's gonna happen you're scared, that's fear.


But nonetheless, I think they all are rooted in some kind of negative connotation that is holding us away from our own, and I think that's the reason that we're not afraid of fear. Negative connotation that is holding us away from growth, which our rationality, when we sit down in this moment, think about, demands change, demands good things to get us closer to the truth, and good action, absolutely, of course. The truth might not be pretty you know it's never pretty to the ego. It is very pretty.


Wow, that's profound. The thing is like some of those dreams that you might have, they might not seem like possible, you know, and to think about that is not a pretty thing.


So I can't reduce it to say it's not pretty to the ego. You see that, tom.


Yes, you see that, yes, yes, yes. So what? You said is absolutely on point.


The truth of the matter is, when you came out of that movie theater and you stripped yourself away from being attached to the Hollywood persona that you've been pumping soul for so long, you actually felt beautiful. Bro. You know what I'm saying and that is what we're trying to promote here is for you to be able to extend that moment, pass the fucking identity that they're fucking trying to install into you, that you ought to be this way. You ought to be that way, right To sit on somebody's lap, to kiss somebody's ass. No, you're a fucking individual that has the ability to do crazy magic. You know what I'm saying? Yes, but somehow somebody fucking turned you upside down and you bought in. So you ought to suffer for as long as it takes until you strike that balance which Buddha is fucking promoting.


So why do you think that the majority of people got this all wrong?


He's asking like a question that's not answerable. You can't trace back the roots of where people messed up.


Well, no, I'm asking like why do you think that that's what happened?


Why do I think that happened?


Yeah, like, why did it go down in this kind of way, like, why didn't it go the other way of like, yeah, the other way where, like, the majority of people got it right and a minority of people got it wrong? Yeah, why did it? Why? Why is it unfolding in that kind of way? What are you?


saying I guess, I don't know, it's a good question.


I don't know, for what majority does it go right, can you, can you? Sorry, we'll follow you.


No, I'm saying that the majority of people from my observation at least. They got this all wrong, Right yeah.


I negate your question.


I think in a way I don't know. Again, it's my theory, I don't know To live a good life you have to earn it, and you have to earn it through this path. It's not an easy one. Yeah, sure.


Yeah, but why is it not an easy one? It's only not an easy one.


I mean because our parents don't know any better. Because our parents don't know any better, and then their parents didn't know any better and their parents didn't know any better. So it's just a continuous cycle of not knowing any better and people just been on that path. This is my theory, but that doesn't really. I'm not sure if it's important to know where the turn, where people made the wrong turn.


Well, I'm not asking where people made the wrong turn, I'm asking like why did it unfold this kind of way?


Well, it depends what you believe, right? Do you believe in reincarnation, evolution?


Yeah, do you believe in it. Do you believe in it? I guess it depends what theory you believe in. What do you believe in?


Because if it's evolution, then you can say that it's ever evolving. Those individuals that you might be observing, right, they're not necessarily on the same level as you are, unless you believe that everybody's progressing the same way. But then that's clearly not the evidence, right?


No, but why did it happen in this kind of way?


What do you mean?


Like why didn't everybody get it right from the start?


Because everybody's not evolved at the same speed. You know, like not all fish became land animals, only certain species a fish or whatever Reptilians became land animals. Maybe in a hundred or a thousand years all the fish will, those Species of fish will be on the land. Part of it is evolution, part of it is what is it called selective Natural selection. Yeah, there's a lot of factors here that could be. I'm not sure it doesn't answer that.


So so do you believe? For example, though, if it's like the very beginning of mankind, let's just say, started from ten people, mm-hmm, right, yeah, I'll say what let's just say that's just, let's go with it, let's go with 10. Okay, yeah let's go with ten blokes.


Ten blocks and no birds. Oh yeah let's just say no.


Ten blocks. I'm just Trying to come up with a fucking.


No, ten blocks and ten, what's the 10 days? And they 20 people, right? So do you believe that in those 20 people, the majority them are were were idiots?


No, I don't think so. I don't think so, but as they start progressing, you ever heard of the game telephone. Yeah, the message starts to, starts to become diluted, Right. So if they, even if they had the truth right, it was hard to probably pass it along. So I don't you know if it started like that bro.


No, that's what I'm asking is like how did it get to this point? Now?


Which point are we in? I, like you, have a disjudgment, like well.


I have a point that the majority of things I see are done wrong like they're. No no wrong, it's like yes, everything is where it's supposed to the gazelle, not supposed to be eaten by the lion. Okay, you're saying that that process is also Natural and mankind.


Yeah, I think that the bombings that are happening, for example, throughout the world right now in these wars, if you crane and all this other fucking crap, what do you think this is? You don't think that's natural selection, even though we have this outrage and saying like, oh shit, like we shouldn't be killing babies, we shouldn't be doing this and all this other crap, what do you think this is?




We think the Jews and the Arabs haven't figured this out for a while. We think that is. They haven't evolved the oven involved Faculty they have evolved to pass the point of understanding of how to how to fix the problem without muscle.


And some of them are just craving Donald's. You know what?


I'm saying Think about it, think about it. What, what justification do you give them? They? You know what I'm saying.


Well, I your why. Why is in?


our world, right in our world, in American world, let's just say we have the progress, the progress that we do have right. Let's say women's rights. You know what I mean like Anti-racism. You know what I mean. What are the things that are progressive?


Healthy eating maybe healthy eating, yeah, organic living and stuff like that. Green energy and stuff like that. Right, yeah, you go to Africa On the develop. You think they give a fuck about this kind of stuff? These people are probably like living meal to meal, like scraps to scraps every single day. You think they give a fuck about fucking your green energy?


internet elder the. Internet. That's another thing, even there's just one computer, I mean, don't they, don't they care, isn't that sort of an outlet? I'm just it is it could be is.


What I'm saying is that it takes time to develop all this shit and everybody's just on a different spectrum of that development. You know what I mean, like oh, it's hard to say.


It's really hard to say.


What's hard to say, tom, it's a fucking fact that in Africa right now but the fuckers don't have the internet that you have, like it's a fact. What's hard to say about that, tom?


No, the fact is that you go to a supermarket right now. They might not just all be walking around with iPhone 15.


Tom, they don't have supermarkets in fucking Africa. You know what I'm saying? Like a majority of Africa, they don't have supermarkets. In majority of America we have supermarkets actually prove that.


Oh my darling, that's a running, like I guess you would say a fallacy, okay, fine. Yeah, yeah. That's something we used to say in the 90s, like oh yeah, what? What about kids in Africa? You know?


what a place that has less supermarkets in America.


Is there a place that has less supermarkets in America? I mean, bro, you already gave me this fact a week ago, so I already know that anything I say you're you're ready to contradict.


No, but I'm asking you is there a country in the world that exists that has significantly less supermarkets than America?


1,000% factual.


That's for Tom. No, as per Tom Country, square foot to square foot, has the same amount of supermarkets.


It depends how much you want to piss you off.


Oh, let's just go back for a moment, so like just remind us why this idea of what fear you have, what perspective you take on life isn't like well, how does this relate? Well, I asked him a question. He asked me the question. He said.


he said Tom, he said hey, oh dar, why do you think that we are here where we are right now? Yeah, so many people have so many problems.


That's what I can ask them. My question why do you ask that?


my counter question was that hey, what do you actually believe my evolution?


Do you believe I understand?


reincarnation and all this other crap.


You know what I mean. What is your question based in, like how?


do we end up like how, like? Yeah, I guess yeah, I'm saying that like how did the majority of people get this wrong? Good, like my.


I'm not. I don't think this at all. I think they're getting it right. Okay yeah, you know what I mean. It just happens to be that some people have to learn, unfortunately, from their kids dying right bomb getting bombed by Israel. Let's just say whoa, whoa okay.


Okay, no, I was gonna make the same thing.


I was gonna say that by some people have to learn from right, from Hamas going over there and beheading other people or whatever. You know what I'm saying? I don't know what the fuck they have right now, right, some people have to learn from Russia going into Ukraine and doing this and vice versa, and stuff like that. That's just the way people learn and that's the way they, you know, have to progress to the next level, yes, but I'm saying I don't think they got it wrong.


Why does that exist in that kind of capacity?


Because it's, it's necessary. We're not too far removed from apes. Yeah, thank you. Thank you, we're not too far away from from from fucking. Yeah, how many years when we were cavemen? How many years when we didn't have plumbing, actual plumbing? How many years did we not have a plane airplanes? How many years ago Do we not have internet? Hmm, yeah, but transfer of knowledge was able to be with an instant, a snap of a finger. Well, you had to ride a horse a hundred miles in order to read one book. How many? Totally yeah, not not many.


We had Holocaust, one when one individual decided to take over the world and you know, and destroy a whole race. That was less than my man. That's a hundred years ago. You know what that is. That's not. If you have a great grandma, she experienced that shit. If you have a grandma that's old enough 90s or hundreds she was there. Yeah, what are we talking about? Yeah, we are fucking very close to apes. Like Mike just said, primitive, yeah, so, as the process of development is working slowly, right, maybe we don't have a Holocaust, but we might have a little Hamas or a little Israel. You know what I mean. We'll have those type of fucking conflicts where you know it's not as bad, but nonetheless it's bad but it's progress. I think if you look at it statistically, it's probably is Going up and progressing into the for the better.


Right, yeah, no, no, no, I definitely look at it like so, but there's progress. Very individual.


Okay normal yeah, so I'm not sure, if so many people got it actually wrong, is actually got it wrong, you know.


So when, when you talk about first, for example, like the pursuit of truth or the discovery of truth, right, do you think that with the first group of people I guess that were on this earth, like the, the they have to discover also like, for example, the truth, for, of course, okay. So I don't think this was like just like just a given, like okay.


Cool, now you enlighten and then you're gonna just have enlightened beings so going forward. So nobody was ever Created or born into enlightenment.


It's something that it's earned. It's something that's probably is.


You know, depends like how you look at it, but my, my thing is like if you were? If you were?


you know, listen to anesthesia stuff, right? If you read that book you would say that we are born perfect. We actually are enlightened. But the problem is our ignorant parents don't, don't know, and they they erupt that process with their own ignorance, right, if that's? That's one way of thinking. So we are born with enlightenment, we're born perfect. Yeah, a lot of philosophers thought of like a clean slate, yeah, but then that kills the whole theory, of course.


Yeah, but then that kills the whole theory of probably reincarnation right. If you saying we're clean slate, we're born clean slate, then no reincarnation right.


Yeah, I'm not sure if we're born in like. Yeah, I don't think that we're born enlightened, like enlightened you know if you were to observe a child.


That's not like a Think about it. We even last podcast, right? We use child like curiosity. What's that mean? Is that not enlightened? Well, is that? I think? I think there's something there. Well, I'm not sure if it's enlightened.


There's something there, but there's not, yeah, there's not enlightenment there I think, I think.


I don't think curiosity necessarily is enlightenment, because I think no, and not just curiosity. No.


But the thing is, as you get older, you develop typically I think right, generally speaking you develop more ignorant things.


Yeah, but I don't think that you, as a child, have that opportunity yet, because you don't not. If you discover philosophy early, yeah, but but I'm saying like how, yeah, how old are we talking about? And I don't think that you have. You can have the same level of intelligence as you can.


Socrates also said recollection of the soul.


Yeah, what do you want?


to believe takes time, though. Um, if you're going and if you, if you need to go to a point a to point b and there's roadblocks in your way, detours, is it going to take you longer or slower?


Well, if there's detours, it's going to probably take you longer right.


so if there's people who are ignorant trying to Put that ignorance upon you, would you think that those are like? I guess the way I think about it, those are detours.


Yeah, they are they are detours, but I, uh, I don't think that you can view a child as like that. You're born by default, with, with, with enlightenment.


I mean maybe Maybe, maybe maybe not, I don't. I mean I definitely don't know the answer for factual.


I mean I know time would prefer a fact, but I think that you can refer to some child like tendencies of being on levels of enlightenment, but I don't think that you can. I don't think that you can say that children are just that you were just born.


It would it would be hard. You would, I think, what the experiment is like. You just leave a child in the woods if I can be born and then just figure out on their own. Then you can prove that theory, but without another Person or person's influence on that. I'm not sure if you can answer that question right. I think it's a little bit open-ended, at least for me. I don't think I can answer that, you know.


How about the example of the fact, like, if you they didn't have examples, I think, kids that were left in the wilderness that became almost like wolves or whatever? It is right, yeah, but then again, right, uh. If a wolf is by design To be a wolf, mm-hmm, he's a wolf. He's enlightened by design. That sounds right. He's enlightened in that sense right.


Because he's being exactly who he's meant to be by design.


And totality.


Yeah, but as a human meant to be a wolf.


I'm not saying that I don't believe so.


Yeah, so I think that like a human has a lot of capabilities, I don't think it's possible for like Maybe child for example, or like a toddler, to reach that.


I think there's different kind of influences. Right, like you could say, hey, are you hungry? You give them the basic necessities shelter, food. Right, there's certain things that the child needs, but then you start imposing your own belief systems on them.


Well, no, like, even if you didn't. There there's a development phase of like the brain needs to develop, like knowledge needs to be acquired, like, uh, you, like, you have to learn right, which I think Requires time when you're using logic, are you learning something or you deducing something? When you're using logic, are you learning something or you deducing something Like do you have to know?


Um, in order to use logic, can you still get to the to the right answer Without what, without knowing, like, having like a certain, I guess, things that you're talking, I think you're talking about Like what I'm saying is through logic, through reasoning, we can understand things that we maybe don't not verse, then, Like what. Or figuring out certain virtuous things about life. What's the right thing to do, for example, in a situation situation, okay, that you've never faced before, okay, can we use logic to Then, to understand the equation and do the right thing?


Okay, sure, but how does that pertain to like a child?


Um, well, you were saying that the child does not have the answers within, right, like doesn't have all the answers, but I'm saying that maybe Not all the answers are supposed to be within. I think you can use logic to understand the way the world works, the way things work and the way things supposed to be.


Yeah, but I don't think that they have that level of understanding or have the capability to have that level of logic that's required.


Yeah, I don't know that, because I also never, never had an interaction with a child that has not been like. I mean, I don't have enough interaction with a child at period, but I don't know a child that hasn't been under influence of adults were also promoting their own Kind of agenda.


Yeah, but then with your theory, you wouldn't need to in order to deduce what you're trying to deduce. How so well, because you said that you can use logic Like, without experiencing the actual scenario to know to use logic, then you can use it right. But I'm saying so, then, based on that theory, you don't need to speak to A child that has not been influenced to deduce what you're trying to deduce, right?


If the child has never been in juice of logic, you can definitely explain to them logically.


No, no, no, that's not I'm saying. I'm saying that you could. You were saying that you never Came across a child that has not been influenced by, for example, wrong, right. But, based on what you're saying, you don't need need to in order to deduce what you're trying to find out, right?


No, I'm not following, you understand elder A little bit right, because he's saying that with logic you don't need to be versed or under store like, or right to to to, to figure something, something out. You can kind of use logic to deduce it. And then when I asked him the Question, he was saying that, well, he doesn't know because he doesn't, he hasn't encountered a child that has not been influenced, for example, by the outside world, right.


So I'm saying but the way I agree that logic is a tool and that language is the path to using logic or the conduit to using logic language. Um, so have you? If? If that's the, if that's the case, if you answer yes to me, then I would say that there is no Kid that he've met that have not been introduced to logic, because we're constantly using language as a way of communication and I think through communication we are instilling logic, because, I mean, everything is, is in logic.


Yeah, well, sure, yeah, but I would. I would try Trying to say is that to deduce what he's trying to deduce, he does not need to speak to an enlightened kid with that theory right, because he can use logic to deduce?


any kid can tap into logic if you, without communication With other adults, like if you put a person, if you put this kid into the wilderness, right, the logic will Be logic. Still, even he, even if the kid did not ought, to not want word.


Well, yeah, that that. That's not what I'm arguing.


I'm saying that he was bringing up the example that you can use logic to figure something out without actually Like experiencing it right or being versed in it okay right, and he, and then I asked him a question I forgot which one and he was saying that, um, he wouldn't know, right, because he has not Conversed with a kid, that has not been influenced by the actual world. And my point was that, based on that theory, then for him to figure out what he needs to figure out, he wouldn't need to converse.


No, with a yeah, right, yeah, that's what I'm saying. Okay, yes, but that's obvious.


Yes, that, uh, that's what I'm saying, but he's saying no you know, I'm saying no. Yeah, because, because your answer was no, you wouldn't be able to find out because you haven't spoken to a kid that has not been influenced by the outside world, so you wouldn't be able to know. I wouldn't be able to find out what?


yes, yeah, I remember the question, but I do believe that anybody can tap into logic, even a kid who's been under the influence of good or bad.


Tap into it, but I think that, like the concepts and things of what we're talking about, I think, requires the development of a person, requires a development of character, requires a development of the the brain, requires the ability to, to Um oh yeah, I mean for sure particular, like a knowledge without the mind wandering Right.


It requires the training of a particular focus. Now, that's not to say that a kid cannot show glimpses Of what enlightenment could look like from a conscious, adult individual With a more developed brain, a more developed understanding. But I don't think that that makes them enlightened. And it is what I'm saying, because I don't think a child has that developed level of intelligence and character. Yeah, I think I?


I definitely can't prove it. They're enlightened or not? No, but you were saying that my theory is are born with enlightenment. Yeah, I think it's my theory, but I can't prove it because I mean, I'm not sure how to prove it, but that's my hunch.


Well, can you disprove it by saying that they don't have the capacity to be enlightened at that age?


I can't prove it or disprove it. Because it's just, it's just a hunch. This is something that I was thinking about and things that I read, for example, in the book when I stage a book. I was saying and the Socrates thing about the recollection of the soul and plus the logic thing leads me to believe that all of the information we need that actually is within, because we can use logic to deduce those things.


So, then, our efforts only almost like to to to become adults, and to age is to almost to Strip away all the things that are well well no, they are within, but they're not within at the same time.


Right, because, like any literature, text, just understandings, readings, books, these are all created by us. Right, these are all human made right um, I think that you would probably be very Primitive if you didn't have access to all the accumulation of what Everybody, over a long period of time, has like a deduced right.


No, I'm not. You know if I'm following you and no, I don't think so. Have you ever tried to solve a problem that you never faced before, that you never heard of before?


Uh, have I ever tried to solve a problem that I haven't heard of before?


Yeah, like I come to you with a problem, okay, but you've never had any experience reading about it or any examples of somebody else going through it, and me and you were having a conversation. We're trying to deduce and understand how to properly resolve it.


It, it just all, all, all. All I'm trying to say is that, like, if you take a human and you just, I don't know, just leave, leave them right. I think they're going to act in like, as they age and develop, they're going to act in very primitive ways.


Because what does that mean? What does that mean? Primitive ways.


Well, like a caveman probably.


Okay, sure Like, but nonetheless are they problem-solving.


Um, like that hurts to a certain degree, but they might. Are they meeting their needs? Well, yeah, but they're not, like they're not going to be able to live as long, probably. How do you know?


What? How do you know that? Well, because they're not going to have?


are they not going to be creative? Well, yeah, but you can only be creative towards a certain point, as one individual versus like, for example, like the body, like a tribe.


What like a tribe?


Well, no, no, like, if you think about it, for example, the advanced, the advancements of Edison, right, sure, that's many, many different people like me, me and you, yeah, collectively over many, many years. Yeah, like, that's like the sum of all of that, right, if you only have one person to start and you're that just that one person you're going to, you're going to die too. For example, potentially like sick, basic sicknesses, that now, as a as like a collection of many, many people finding many, many cures, no, right yeah, but that's a recent phenomenon, so you can't really use that well, no, that.


That's that, like in all different types of things, right, like everything that has happened in mankind, yeah, is all a collection of a lot of sums from a lot of different people and contributions no, not necessarily, because we're constantly changing the, the body of knowledge that we have based on the science that we're we having well, yes, we're constantly developing as revising well, yes, but we're.


We're so many, many different people are revising sure, and us as individuals have the ability to tap into sure, the progress of all of those different things but do you think that the wolves are doing the same thing?


and they're. They're perfectly fine in their lifespan.


Um of the squirrels well, yes, they're, they're, they're doing that to to, to, yeah, in their own efforts, yeah, yeah, yeah, there's also some animals getting extinct, right, yeah, why is that happening?


well, probably, probably our interference. Yeah, because we hunt them and all this other stuff.


So I'm saying that if, if we just think about human, humans only right, yeah, like us as an individual.


I'm just not sure that the progress that you're talking about is necessarily collectively better than individual base.


I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about that when you're born, for example, let's just say into, let's say America, mm-hmm. Right, there's definitely a, in general, a lot of things to do, a lot of things to experience, right, but there's a lot of things to, for example, learn right, because we're tapping into many, many years of collective learning. But basically, is what you have to to do right.


So, for example, only if you were part of that collect the collective thought no, so you can be born into the world and there's literature that exists, for example, that was created by collective, but don't many people sure, hundred percent.


Yeah, but that does not necessarily mean that that knowledge would be applied, that we live next to a ghetto. Yeah, they have the same internet that we do. Yes, they have the same libraries and books in their libraries that we do. Yes, right, but the crime rates are very high. The poverty is very high, 100%. No, this is not necessarily mean that a translate source that just because you went into society yeah, you were born into society that the effects of that society, or their achievements of society, will actually reach your neighborhood 100%.


I'm what are?


you saying no. I'm saying that when it comes to learn, learning okay, you as an individual because of other people's, over many, many years, mistakes okay learnings and findings. Sure you have the ability to learn at a much, much faster rate. No, you don't. I'm saying you have the ability, you might that you will. You might know you're making that assumption well, well, no, I'm saying that like no.


That's why it negates the question that you asked before, like why are we are where we are? No, that exactly shows that you might be conscious of this.


This because you are thinking being how can an individual that's born into what I just say nature right without any?


I'm saying that the person that's born into nature totally yeah, does not have the same chances. The, the, the person that might be born into the ghetto. They might actually have better chances. No, but I'm just saying that like kids in Chicago, the diet that the average death rate is like.


Their age is like in the early 20s, like no, I'm just saying opportunity wise, when you're born into the world with, accomplished what?


what for what? Yeah, for what? To be a philosopher, to be a like to do what.


I'm saying that like it's a living property no, okay, if you tap into the right things in society of what was, what has been already established a very, very right if you tap into those things if you have a lot more, a lot more ability to learn at a much faster and higher rate and and get a lot more out of life than somebody who is born into the forest, for example you can't make that assessment you don't know what, you don't know how can you not make that assessment?


because you don't know what you don't know because at the end, yeah, I got my nature is the truth, for I mean my belief it operates out of truth. So you're, if you go and you live in nature and you observe nature, there's a lot more truth there, possibly.


Then somewhere else, he said if we tap into the out progress, right? If he said, if we were in accordance to truth, right and natural processes, then I'll. I agree with him. So our humans, nature. But the truth of the matter is we've created atomic bomb. Mm-hmm, this is one of our greatest achievements, yeah which proves that we're not like nature right, well, that that's contradictory to what you're saying. That, no, no, we have the ability to click a button.


No, like a whole thing off well, that that's what I'm saying, mike. Mike is saying like to me, a human cannot fit into nature in that kind of way. They're not gonna. They're not without a body of knowledge, they're not going to be fit enough to basically survive, they're not going to be able to learn to be a basketball player your whole life.


Are you gonna be an excellent footballer? Now? You're a product of what you're in the environment you were raised in. Well, sure, yeah, so if you weren't raising the forest, if you're not raising nature, you're probably gonna not know how to start a fire. But if you're in there, but you're talking about raise.


You're talking about influence of others in that environment. Yeah, you're are you?


what are you talking about? When are you not?


if no, that's what I'm saying is that, like a child, a child or someone like that requires like, they need help, they need to be given knowledge. They if you're talking about being born and light, and like to me, when you're enlightened right, you live. You're able to live and support yourself in a very sustainable and particular way, and my point is that you, as a child, don't have those abilities to do that because you are not as developed, you're not developed enough what is it look like to you to be able to sustain yourself in the very particular way, in the very sustainable way to you?


what does it look like to me? Yeah to you yeah, I mean, I think that I mean like that's a very hard question. What so you might want to yeah yeah, no, I mean it's, it's, it's almost like, I guess. I probably truly don't know what that looks like, because I don't live it.


I appreciate that you know. Yeah, if I did I'd probably be doing it. Okay, you know, okay, but I'm saying is that, like a child requires attention of others who have gotten already a wealth of some wealth of knowledge to, for example, help the child survive right for like we acknowledge as long as their child. If a newborn is taken from the body left in the forest, mm-hmm, do we agree that they're probably going to die?


well, we're not sure about that. A newborn, what? 100%? We're not sure about that.


If the animal will pick it up. But also I know, but can we? Probably, yeah, probably, going to yes 90%, 99% of the times.


Yes, do you agree with that?


I do agree with that okay, but who is saying something profound as well?


but aren't animal world the same? Don't all animal species as well? Like, when the kid is born, they do milk, they give milk, they shelter them, they do all certain things with them, like the basic stuff, so they able to do things on their own well, not all of them.


No, who was right? What? What animals is that? That they're born and then they just all scatter out? Is that turtles or what? What, yeah?


sure, but they probably have a mechanism in place where they are you don't talk about that one video.


That's very small percentage most.


I agree with Mike that most, most species. Right, there's a point in time where they have to nurture you.


Yeah, get you to a point but the only way that you can are the only way that you can be nurtured in that kind of way.


If somebody at the moment who knows more than you know I don't think so I should also there's certain things that I think that when, a when a baby is born, okay, right, it is naturally gravitating and climbing towards the mother's titties. Okay, in order to suck on them. The mother is not going and shoving the titty into their mouths. The the baby already automatically knows that this is what needs to be done.


Okay, innately okay okay, okay, there's certain things.


There's certain things that are innate, just like Archie. When he picks up his leg, nobody taught him. You didn't teach him how to pick up his leg when he pees, and nobody taught her to squat when she pees. Two different things, females and male. Yeah, innate in them, already embodied by nature.


Same thing with humans, okay okay, but I'm still saying that it's still you you still need. You need an adult who is more intelligent than the hole. You don't. So why does a child need an adult?


I think it's survival, but I don't think survival is necessarily an intelligent based thing. It's an innate thing. But for yeah, but for example, like I don't think that the mother is like all right, cool, this is what I need to do right now. I mean, the mother isn't incapacitated in that moment, when we're talking about a human right, no, but we're talking.


Let's talk about cute. It doesn't matter what we talk about right now but I'm talking about a human. A mother needs to understand, for example, a mother needs to know what it takes to to keep a child alive, for example. Right, no, I don't.


I don't think that the mother, most at least, at least the mothers that we're in society today, I don't think they have no idea what it means to keep a fucking, a baby alive. I have, I completely disagree with that, but yet they still do like where they don't, they're being educated, right, certain things that they, yes, they're being educated.


By what? By the society, exactly that that's insane. No, that is the problem. We're saying that this is the problem because, innately, they stray away from the actual nature, knowledge which tells them that, like in that moment, like this is what they need and this is what they're gonna get, which is their titty or whatever it is that they need in that moment. Okay, you know what I'm saying? Where mothers today? They don't get that right. What they say is that my titties look good. Don't suck on my titties, because they're gonna sag afterwards. Therefore, I go to the supermarket and not buy fucking formula. It's a completely different concept well, yeah, no, that that.


That that's not what I'm arguing.


I'm just arguing that the baby I'm explaining to you that the society's knowledge is not necessarily the true knowledge.


It's nobody's saying that, I'm not saying yes, I'm saying that still. I'm saying that still to a certain degree. The adult needs to have particular knowledge for the baby to even have a chance to live and then to have an opportunity to grow and learn from there and I think you underestimate.


I think you underestimate the body of knowledge individuals that carry that do have babies today. I think they're lucky to have those kids survive on their own yeah, but none, none, none less.


I think that they still have more of understanding of what is yeah.


I don't know. I mean, and what are we talking about? I mean, like, look at the fucking dumbasses that we have fucking surviving the fucking dumbasses. That's where I find my purpose. No.


I'm still trying to wrap my mind around what he was saying, what you were saying to you about like Tommy, we'll get you the milk, so ending up this way, like how do we end up? Can you, can you specify what you mean? What you mean by like end up in one way, by by like denying ourselves goal we end up in all these like fucked up different ways.


Yeah okay rather than I mean like right away, getting it right you're oh, that's the thing, you see, that you know that's a very serious bias, without understanding actually how the world works or how world came about in the first place they're sending it more, but I'm saying that that's what I was saying before, is that? Well, I'm glad that you change your take now, but I'm saying that it's a very.


It's a very blunt take on something that not necessarily came about the way it did like in the beginning when we started about balance. I think it's a very good starting point as to how to crack something like balance right. He said look, I'm going through a lot of things, I went through a lot of theories, I tested them all out and I was wrong. Right and my ego, my pride, is beat up, and now that you know I want to do something, I still want to change something about myself. I can't really start because I have PTSD from all those, all the other times that I failed, and I'm holding myself accountable for those things. So now I'm going to try to find a different method.


Right, and a different method, I think, is where the balance is for him specifically oh, yes, right, I found interest and you said for everyone is different, for everyone is different, right, but for him, in this case, the balance is where he is a little bit careful about the arrogant statements they used to say to himself, right? So his balance probably is a little bit well, a mixture of self-love with a little bit of passionate action, resulting in things that are a byproduct of something that he always wanted. Is that not clear?


it's clear to say that part again the passionate action from from what?


things that are a byproduct of like what you always want yeah, so passionate action, right, that is rooted from you identifying what things that you actually like to do and self-love resulting then, and things that you always wanted to took for yourself, though not really are relevant on the forefront anymore, that come very naturally to you, but the focus has to be on the, on the true things that are identified in self-love. Yeah, but what are those things?


oh, you tell me whoa, yeah, to me like we're coming back. We're kind of like again this is like a repeat of the last two episodes. Yeah, it keeps like I keep saying the same thing if you like, if you, if you like to live a virtuous life, it has to be a full circle. You can't just you got to either do it all the way or not, because it's because then I think it's very hard, but it's hard to say.


That might be using a very general statement of the virtuous life. It's a very nice statement to say, but to the listeners and to us even, yeah, it's very hard to say like what do you mean?


I mean that you cannot just pick and choose where and when. I think the goal is to be aware of as much as possible.


Yeah, develop that awareness and everything yeah, in his case, right, he said that, hey look, humility is a big thing for me, mm-hmm. What does that mean? Right, number one and number two, what are some actions that are tied to that thing? That was gonna bring out certain humility, right? What are some of those actions? Identify those actions for yourself, right, right.


Engage in those actions for yourself humility itself can really be a balance for somebody trying to come thank you.


My thing yeah, yeah, yeah. So what is it what? What is it? Yeah, like, the feeling I have now is that like I probably need help being reminded like who I am and what I like okay, that's good okay but, I don't know you like what you like that's?


a different question sure, yeah, well, my thing is okay. Like he wants to lose weight, right, for example. Right, we'll use that example.


Yeah, this is a byproduct already, though we already identified, that is that mm-hmm, he doesn't want to lose weight, he doesn't want to know.


No, you don't want to lose weight no, sorry, oh, okay, I mean.


Okay, use me as an example. I want to lose weight, I'm not just trying to call you.


So what is the question? That you guys are worse.


We're talking about that well, totally said he's burning up or something yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean, it seems like I'm not good at identifying what I what, what like, who I am, what I'm about and what I actually want and like, and it sounds like I need help figuring. Thank you, that out wow, so I can passionately, so I can passionately, so I can passionately take a shot at giving yourself the chance to have a balance well, what did you say before? Passionately, take what action?


yeah, passionately.


Take action towards that, what you actually need to be doing yeah, that that's what I need to be doing, but I feel like, in order to do that, I need to have a better understanding of who I am and what I like. What does that look like? Yeah, but.


But what is it? Does it matter who you are and what you're about is like important, or is it the matter the truth.


Yeah, I mean. I think it's hard to take passionate action in that kind of way without understanding that, like but why?


why the emphasis on the passionate? Why is that important?


I think for you to get it right in the way that I'm understanding. To get it right is that you need to have an endless supply of energy to do that, and I think that I think you do it's probably just now, maybe not always within yourself. It's probably hard to do that without that kind of understanding, you know yeah, is it hard to get passionate about?


you need to know, yeah, yeah, it's all.


It's almost like you, you need. You need. The only chance you have is to have an endless supply of energy. In the only way you can get that endless supply of energy chance to do what I mean, like what we're talking about, to passionately take action.


I mean, you ultimately want to be completely immersed in it, but it's fucking hard. That's a hard thing to do.


I'm saying is that you need to understand who you are, what you like and what you want. But yeah, yeah, I guess you need to establish your yeah. That's like pretty much to me. It sounds like, I think, I think that's what you're asking for.


Is maybe starting you starting from, like, maybe I don't know maybe the wrong side? Like, if you have a million things on your plate, how are you gonna find the time, the energy to now focus on something new? My, you know, for me, like in the journey that I'm going through, that I was going through, I thought it was more important to remove things that maybe were not so important in my life, right, that were causing me stress, right, causing problems. Right, like I want to drive a fancy car, for example. Right, I want to live in a big-ass house, for example, I wanted to go to the best restaurant every night, for example. Right, mm-hmm, those things, they were filling up my time because I needed to make money, I needed to find time, I need to be able to afford that lifestyle. But when you remove things from your lifestyle, right that?


allows you do something to fix a bad situation it allows you to say like hey, actually my plate. I only have three things on my plate and I'm gonna do my best to get those things good, to do a good job at those, versus I got 20 things on my plate, I'm gonna do a bullshit job on all of them, okay but you don't say that, I don't say that you're gonna do a bullshit job. No, no, no.


You assume they're gonna do the best job. Yeah, I'm trying to explain this.


It's like that of a scenario. So I think it's better to remove things that are causing you suffering or that are taking your time and energy, because, like for example, you had a busy day. Right, you're stressed out.


Yeah, but that's that's what I'm saying is a part of knowing what you like and what you don't like, but I don't think that's.


That's you knowing what you like, what you don't like. I think that's a you like a maybe, a maybe a the right way to do things. That's outside of your thing, outside of my thing. It's about the truth thing, I think, tabbing into the truth and the right way to approach the problem yeah, but I like, I like I don't understand what what you're saying like.


In that sense, I feel like you're. You're saying something that is like a concept but not like an actual like thing mm-hmm.


Okay, let's say totally. You have 20 different things that you do on a daily basis. You watch sports, you eat, you cook, you play basketball, you play video games, you come to work, you hang out with your friends, you drive, you drink coffee, you smoke cigarettes, whatever it is you do. Right, there's 20 different things and some of those things are actually you genuinely like them. Some things they're a by-product, not a by-product. Some things you actually you do because they're like fuck, what's the word? Habits? Well, habits. And there's also something that you do that is like yo, rituals, sure, rituals, yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing is like oh.


I'm in pain, I need to do this, I need to drink, I need to smoke, I need to eat, I need to play video games, right those things. Those are ways for us to escape the reality. So I'm saying the less things that we have, the better. We can focus on the smaller amount, because it's easier to give attention to two, three, four, five different things throughout a day than doing 20 things but giving 1% of your energy well, yeah, but I feel like that's pretty much exactly what I was saying.


No, maybe, yeah, no, but you were going right away for passion. I wasn't on, I wasn't going right away for passion.


What were you going for?


no, I was saying that I wasn't the other that impression you were under that impression yeah, well no well, no, I use that word, but I said before you do like I was saying you were saying what, what, what was required to do, what I'm, what, what I'm trying to say, and I was saying that when I heard that to me it sounded like, okay, in order for me to do that, this is what I would need to do. It sounds like I would need. I need help being reminded like what I'm about, who I am, what I actually like and don't like, so then I can take those passionate yes.


Actions yes, that that's what I said.


This is not an easy task, I mean you like like you're talking about like getting to a point where you could live a good life, like what level of easiness are you talking about?


okay, fine, you know fine so what? We're on the same page here yeah, I felt like that.


That's what I was saying is that I want to take, I have, I would like to get to a point where I can take those passionate actions, but you but I can't take those if I don't have understanding or direction as to like who I am and what I actually want and don't want. And I think part of that is see, what you are and what you want.


I think it doesn't say that what's the right way to do it. That's like saying like hey, I like to become x, y and z, yeah, but there's still needs, yeah, but they're still in the in like when tapping into the truth.


They're still individuality built in into that, based on like you could find, like like it's. It's like saying, for example, like services, service right, like you could, you could tap into the truth in all different kinds of things, but there's still things that you like, that I don't like it does not mean that that we can't like what we like in our individual.


But the thing is, you, the regardless, you know, I don't think that you, you don't like the same stuff.


I think everybody likes the same well, sure, from like a core level, but he's not talking about the core level. Okay yeah, I'm talking about the truth. Oh yeah, but like what do you mean by that?


I'm talking about that. You need you, you know, for people who want to do this. They need to tap into the truth. What does that mean? That means that if you want to do something passionately, yeah, that does not sound balanced to me. That sounds like impatient to me to do it passionately, yeah. If you jump right away to passion, no, that's not what passion it is. Jumping right away to know the way you the way you presented, the way I heard it, you were jumping into passion, like you needed to find a passion and unlimited energy yeah, but that's what I.


But what did I say before that?


what did you say before that?


well, I don't know, I don't know yeah, yeah, it sounds like you weren't listening to remind us.


Remind us, remind us, yeah yeah if you can, but humbly as well without the arrogance, dennis he's asking for he's trying to bring Dennis back.


You know I'm not sure what I heard about this, I didn't, you know, I was trying to explain to you what I was saying and I felt like I explained it again and you were saying you're trying to go straight into passion. When I clearly said before I was not trying to go straight into passion, I said that the when others said what, what are you thinking? What, what's sparking you? I said that. I said I said it sounds like I need to get help and understanding who I am, what, what like I want, what I like and what I don't like, so that I can do things passionately.


So what is who you are and what you like, what you don't like? How is that correlated with the truth? I mean, that's all correlated with the truth. Can you tell me how Well? Not your truth, but the truth.


Well, yeah, I mean, I wasn't talking about my truth, that was like you like to eat a lot.


Right, I don't know, do I? I think you do. Yeah, shit See, I think you like to eat a lot. You like to talk about food a lot.


Well see based on my observation. Well, yes, that's your subjective.


And based on your behavior for the years that I've known you. Yeah, but that's your subjective truth.


Maybe you could say like look, you actually don't, because look at all this pain. Oh yeah, 100%.


Yeah, that's the point that I'm trying to make. Yeah, that might be your truth and the truth that you're living out.


That's not what I'm saying.


Yeah, but the truth of the matter is that actually might be a coping mechanism. That's what I'm trying to get to. What is, though, the eating, the way you eat, the overeating, the constantly talking about the?


food. Well, that's why you had the problem with the mission and resting.


That's why we're going to have to revive this somehow next week. Like who am?


I yeah, I feel like I was saying those exact same things, but you're saying I'm not.


The thing is, you said it, I just didn't understand it that way. You said who I am and what I'm about, what I like, what I don't like. Yeah, I guess those are statements like they.


Those are not statements. Those are all questions that need help and discovery.


But I think I'm not understanding the way you were saying them. I think I'm trying to make sure that we're on the same page here. They're like hey, you may think you like eating, but you actually don't like eating.


No, but you didn't go into asking me questions about those things. You went right away into saying that, like you're not trying to be aligned with the truth.


Yeah, yeah.


Yeah, that's what I was saying. Is that, like? If you didn't understand then what I was saying, then you would need to ask me as like, well, what do you mean by that, by this or that? And I was explaining that, like it sounds like the things that I before wanted, or what most people, for example, want, are actual byproducts of what they actually want. Right, correct?




Right. So I was saying in order to be a byproduct? Well, I mean sorry, eldar was saying in order for those things to be byproducts, right, you need to do what you actually like, for example in a passionate way, for that to happen, right, okay.


And what does that mean to this image of like in a passionate way?


Well, well, well, hold on. What I was saying is that, for me to get to a point of where I can do things in that kind of passionate way of what you were saying, my understanding is that you cannot be operating from a limited pool of energy which, if you are, you're probably not in a line with the truth. Right, if you're aligned with the truth, then you will be operating in a form of endless energy. Because of that and I was saying that for me to get to a place where I can do that, I need a lot of questioning and I need a lot of figuring out what I'm about, what I want, what I don't like, in order to do that, because I don't want to operate from a place of limited energy, which is usually something that is not aligned with the truth and usually a limiting resource that will eventually lead to those same failures that most people and I had before. Okay, that's exactly what I was saying.


Yeah, no, I think we agree 100%. I just the way you said it, I didn't understand it. That's why I was challenging you.


Yeah, but I felt like when you challenged me, I felt like I explained that. No, Did I not?


say that you didn't explain it in detail. You did just now. Yeah, Definitely not like you did just now. No, Now you definitely. I understood it a lot better now. Yeah, I understood it very well now.


You're talking about the same thing Before baby. I wasn't really paying attention, but this time I actually was.


And it was much better.


It was much better. Yeah, but I didn't say off the bat that I wanted to pay attention, but there was a reason why.


I didn't pay attention. Probably If I lose interest, then it's probably you doing it right. What I'm saying is the problem is.


He's a large culprit because of that, because of Tom.


Listen, Tom, can you shut the fuck up? No question, Tom. You motherfuckered. You put yourself into a blender, Tom. He put himself into a blender when you walked away.


You turned his brain into a brown beef.


You and me.


I don't want any tacos.


Okay, listen.


The problem clearly is I was saying right away that when you were talking about acting in that kind of way passionately, to me it's like whoa. There's no way I could do that now, because right now, or more like how I was before, was focusing on those byproduct things but you're talking about.


Let me give you an example.


In order for you to have that type of thing that you're talking about, you need to be so in tune to what you actually like. That you don't have a limiting well of it Correct. And the only way for you to not have a limiting well of it is for it to actually be what you actually want and you understand that Correct. And when you understand what your purpose is and what you want, that's the only way that you can apply that kind of 100%.


Yeah, that's what I would say. And ultimately, ultimately, every motherfucker in this room and every motherfucker in that other room that is listening wants to be worshipped.


OK, worshipped Some more people want to be worshipped.


Is that what you're saying For the craft that there are fucking after? If you're a motherfucker who's good at basketball, you want to be worshipped in basketball. If you're a motherfucker that's good on sales, you want to be worshipped at sales. If you're a motherfucker who's good at acting, you want to be worshipped for acting. You understand, that's what it is. And, ultimately, if you find that which you really, really, really, really, really, really like and you actually apply yourself and really, really, really, really do a good job at it, you will be motherfucking worshipped for that fucking craft.


Yeah, but see that's a problem. People think OK if I do this then that, and then I'll get that result. Yeah, because what you're saying is, if you find first of all what you like, and then you'll want to be worshipped, and then you'll basically reach that place.


And we keep talking about how you don't want to get there. No, no, no, no, no, but you ought to be worshipped. You know what I'm saying?


It's inevitable for people to be I don't disagree with what you're saying. I think that once you get to that point, life changes.


maybe the problem comes with a lot of people from when they're being worshipped, right? There's a lot of times that just because you're fucking motherfucking sickest basketball player in the world, you have fucking political views. Now You're going to tell me how to live in my marriage. Yeah, no, motherfucker, you dribble the basketball, you dunk the basketball. You could tell me how to fucking dribble the basketball and dunk the basketball. You can't tell me how to fucking be with my wife. You just can't. You know what I'm saying. You're an expert at this particular thing, but a lot of people, unfortunately, bleed out into all the things, and that is where the ego and pride starts to fucking kick in. What do you mean by bleed out into all the things? A lot of people. Just because you're a basketball player does not necessarily mean that you've been appointed to give advice on how to fix a fucking car. Yes, understood. Yeah.


No, motherfucker.


You know how to play basketball, so give me advice on basketball.


Yeah, no, but do you think that is the P the like? We don't. Do you think, though, it's the people trying to appoint the person, and they're just wrongly? Yes, they're wrongly.


It's a symbiotic. It's a symbiotic relationship. Yeah, yeah, it goes back and forth.


Yeah, people are under the impression that because he's successful in one thing rich and famous that he can give advice in different ways. We're going to go back to Tom Brady.


Yeah, hey, tom, how do you have so many Super Bowl? What are they? Rings, what?


are they called?


Yeah, Super.


Bowl's black. You know what I mean. How do you win so many championships? Yeah, this is how you do it. You know what I mean? He's the guy to tell you. He's the guy to create a team around him to make sure it's a championship type of team. Hey, tom Brady, how do you keep your family intact at the same time? Oh shit, you got a divorce. Who the fuck are you bro? Don't fucking talk to me about that, bro.


Don't tell me how you fucking.


Don't tell me how you conduct yourself in the fucking family. I don't want to fucking hear it. You understand, you're a football player. You take this ball and you throw this thing from one end to another and you're very good at it. Let's acknowledge that. You got six championships, seven, seven, seven championships. You're the goat. You made the most amount of money. You're Michael Jordan of football, but you're not a family man. You're not a family man.


See, the problem is that you go builds in the football or in whatever you're doing, and then you become arrogant and everything else 100%. It's very interesting because in a way, you reached this level of I don't know.


I don't want to use alignment, but this crazy level of alignment in that football.


Yes, but you haven't reached it anywhere else. There you go.


This is where we're going to tie this back into balance. If you're humble enough, you'll notice the fact that, hey, I can tell you about football, but the truth of the matter is, please don't tell me about your relationship.


But is it possible to be in lane in one area and call it in lane and not be a full wrap around services Wrap around.


See, I think that individuals that actually know, know, know, they'll never admit that they know, know, know, even though they do know. You know what I'm saying?


Yeah, and those little motherfuckers you actually want to follow, because they fucking know, yeah, but I also feel that the people that act in that kind of way. To me it's like the only way he bleeds in that kind of way, like in town Brady this case, I think probably Little bronze games, because it's from politics, as if you don't know how you got there.


I think that a lot of us we don't go in the direction we want to go because we feel like we got to make a lot of sacrifices to have what we want or we are under assumptions.


Discover what we like when we go to reach that top peak in that fucking craft or the field that we're in. Is that now, all of a sudden, we're competent and all the other ones that we think that apply here. You know what I mean. And we try to make sense.


No, but the only way that happens is if we don't know how we had success in this one thing to begin with. Sure, it could be If we were able to remember that then we wouldn't make those kinds of mistakes or act in that kind of way?


Probably not, really. Can you explain, because I don't understand how to do stuff.


Well, for example like you don't think.


Tom Brady, or whatever, do you know how to get there? Probably not.


No, based on how they act? Probably not, because if you understood what it took, if you can actually recollect what you actually had to do which is probably characteristics of what being humble, asking questions, having a desire to learn, not making conclusions.


Having Tom shut the fuck up Enjoying the moment. Is it like a luck?


thing you think Well.


I don't know if it's a luck thing, but it probably ends up where you're from a deficit and now you're not able to recollect what actually happened. But if you break down how somebody became a master at something, they needed all of those virtuous things, and if they remembered what it took for them.


They just used discipline and it got there which is anti-self-law? Yeah, it might be. Or if they?


actually remembered what actually happened, then they would know that you need to apply. Okay, you got to the master of this. Now this other field, for example, like being a good husband requires the same stuff All the way back down?


Yes, but if you did it from here, yes, but if you didn't figure it out, you still have the attachment to the same thing because you never figured it out. Therefore, he's stuck. You understand?


I understand yeah.


He's stuck.




And he's gonna keep facing.


He's stuck on the impression that he's in line in football. But he's. He's an idiot.


He's an idiot, he's a total idiot. Yeah, he's the biggest idiot ever. Yeah, he's the epitome of an idiot.


Yeah, it looks visually. To outside it's like, oh, he's in line because he's reached the goldenness of. That's right, but he actually is a complete idiot. Yeah, he lost everything Because he got there through the worst self-treatment.


He lost everything. He doesn't have anything. He's an old fucking nobody. Do you understand this or no? I understand, yeah, he has nothing.




Money. He bit had money.


Now, can he change?


that? No, he probably has to it's gonna be very hard, it's gonna be very hard.


It's so huge at that level.


At this point. Yeah, the life sentence is very long. This is a long one Sick for him.


So now you're saying yeah, but I don't. Based on what you're saying, let's say somebody who doesn't.


Tom, hold on, I'm gonna get back to you.


So you're saying all those people who reached the superstar them but didn't know how they got there, it's actually, they have the worst karma of all. 100%, tom, don't become famous. Well, that's obvious 100%. I didn't know how they got.


See I disagree with. I didn't know how they got there at all. It's a coldest blind attempt completely.


He's right about this.


I agree with it. I think everyone who is a superstar, probably in sports, knows that they go into the top of the gym and put in the work.


Why didn't they take that same approach towards learning that?


Hold on, for we don't even understand the approach first of all. So why can't we? What do you mean approach? Why can't we first have a look? What do you mean? We don't understand the approach. We see it. Yeah, we don't.


We don't understand the approach, we don't understand the approach, I think why didn't Tom Brady apply those?


same principles. Again, I don't know too much about him.


Tom Brady did particular things to get on the level of football that he got to correct. Can we re-upon that?


To get to the level of football. Okay, so he's a household name.


Everyone knows him, he's a household name.


He's an author too, right, he's got a book. He's the Michael Jordan of football.


He's the best football player of all time Best football player of all time.


Okay, he had to have taken particular steps to do that.


I mean like you're trying to explain right. Tom, let him bless you that to get to this point right, as an athlete, you have to follow certain, you have to have certain principles. How do we know that there? Are any principles being followed. First of all, what is it? How do we know? The rules are there, what are you?


saying I'm trying to say is that in some of this stuff, you're going to have to trust that this is the reality of things. Because you don't know, for example, about sports, you don't know about football, stuff like that, right, you're going to have to believe that Tom Brady is regarded as the best football player of all time. Agreed, right, that needs to be understood, right? You also need to understand is that he did not achieve this through being born with extravagant physical ability, right, in order to achieve this? Meaning that, I guess, if you want to compare someone who's extremely, maybe, athletic, like, there's other people who are extremely athletic but not as smart or as intelligent when it comes to the sport as he is.


He was also passed on by every single team in the league, many, many, many rounds. He's one of the last picks when he was chosen and he's now made fun of forever of his picture when he entered the league because he what? Oh, wow, you've never seen it. No, no, I haven't seen it. It's like an actual meme. Okay, like he looks like a loser. Yeah, I mean, I have to show it to you.


Like, we can't move it along. He's stunning to me.


Oh my God, are you serious?


He looks like he has two left feet.


This is before he got into NFL.


Yeah, when they take the pictures of you like you see how jacked you are, see how many sets of bench press you can do, see how high that you can jump. Are you kidding me? This was him and he's made fun of for this. He's wearing like these weird boxers. You know he looks like an idiot, he looks like a complete idiot, and this is what teams are saying. Imagine you're an NFL GM. This is what you have. This is bad. So the point Okay.


He looks like you, so the point.


He looks like you, so that means you can only go up from here, okay.


Right, like you're not going to look at this guy and be like all right, this is the best player of all time.


This is wild.


I've never seen this. Yeah, this picture is extremely famous. This is real. This is real, yes, right. So you can't say that like, okay, he was just seven foot two, could jump like six feet in the air whatever right and fit crazy physical ability. So the point is that for him to get to a point where he got as good as he finished his career was right he had to do particular things. He probably had to be humble, he probably had to invest a lot of time into listening and learning. He had to apply a lot of principles to be successful, right. So the main point that I was trying to say is that if he actually understood what he actually did, he would then take those principles that he applied of becoming the greatest football player. He would take that same approach and becoming the greatest husband also.


Okay. So and assume, and he applied what he under what he did not understand. That doesn't really make sense.


It does make perfect sense, because the outcome was that he whatever you're saying about his marriage fell apart. Yes, his family saying about that is probably correct.


Yes, yes, yeah, yeah, concerning the balance that he does not have. You're probably right about that it's about that. It is because you're just because he's got a life right. He's got, and then he's got work. He chose to put all his energy and this is coming, I think, for CEOs. Ceos put in so many hours of work that it just consumes them. I tried, it just consumes them.


I think at some point you realize, okay, this is just eating me up. I guarantee, is this just eating me up? Right, he's gravitated towards this, but, but, but, but, but but here, here, here's a guy who is launched a superstardom and who is seen by and respected by, and loved by millions of people. Right, and I know with the MJ situation, when he was like saying, okay, like you people don't know what it's like to be famous, from that, from what I saw in that, he wanted to turn away from that public light, but for some people, it might energize you those principles.


Maybe, like MJ, wasn't perfect in his relationship as, as I remember, he had a child out of wedlock, right, so um, but to say that he's ruined, I don't know and maybe can't change, like, maybe that's fast forwarding a little bit. But yeah, I don't know if that's that necessarily means that you have like the principles or whatever. I think you know how you get there pretty much. You know how you get where you are, but maybe you're not aware, of like, of where you went wrong next week's podcast.


We just everybody signed and time to talk for five hours straight.


Oh, my God, I'm probably fine with that. Yeah, I'll come into it.


Oh, sorry for asking you on the fending question. It's not a fending, all right? Uh, final thoughts about balance. Sounds like Tom Brady didn't get it. What are we talking about? Okay, I would agree with that, you know, but how, I don't know because you would say that, look, uh, you can, you can pin that accusation on Tom Brady, because you would say that, uh, having a, a relationship, having a wife, having a, how many kids? Four, three and four four kids three, four kids right.


You would say that it's a pretty significant part of your life. This is not a you know, once in a while like to play video games on one hour a week. You know what I mean. No, this is a relationship. This is kids and everything else Um based on how we judging you and based on what happened actually.


Well, he did not succeed. Well, yeah, that and and and also I think that he was trying to do it in a uh while doing something that I think is challenging to that because, like, an NFL season is long, the training caps are long, half your games are on the road.


You don't see a family.


You're in all different states. You're. You know if you're, they live in New England and in in, uh, in Massachusetts. You play in California, you play in there. Sometimes you play three games in a in a row on the road. That means you're never coming back. You're always flying out to the next place practicing there. Right, it's one game a week and you practice for the whole week beforehand yeah, right. So it's like a lot of those things. Then you might have another partner that has their own career right, she's a very successful, for example, model. I'll just say that, right, she might be traveling also worldwide. You might have these kids just with fucking consumers and housekeepers Right, yeah, so it's also to have those things to be successful with all of those different things from two extremely it sounds like career driven people, but based, I guess, on the public outlook of how it appeared, you maybe had one person that was more surrendering on that end, on the career end right, and the other person that was not willing it yeah, even after giving lots of slack and leeway.


That's possible. So when we passed this prime right like a long prime, they were like, okay, fine, this is not a bad thing, like he's just doing what he's supposed to do. But he's what you said he's breaking records and an age right.


Well, yeah, I mean he won a Super Bowl like 43, 44. Exactly, yeah.


That's like whoa, she went way overboard.


So what are we saying I imagine, there are there's a lot, probably a lot more that weighs on him than just being on the road and stuff, especially because he's he's very famous. I'd say a lot, a lot, you know.


And you know how it feels.


I don't know if we're just if we're just a bunch of blokes sitting around here talking about how do you get through like the difficulties of everyday life? You know, imagine just being like so in demand by people.


You know, imagine being worshiped yeah.


Yeah, so um.


Thank you, Tom Thank you, yeah, I mean um, balance. I think balance, what do you have? Balance is ultimately right If you want to be good at. Balance probably is tied very closely to a sense of awareness of the moment, awareness of yourself. Um, you're not saying anything, but okay, yeah, I wasn't trying to actually perfect. So I think, um, but it's a hard line, you know, because we're human and I think you know like, uh, we operate a lot of times out of you know, um, I like playing basketball, right, for example, and sometimes I can be imbalanced in it, where I played too many days in a row. Yeah, but I think that's, um, it's also part of the learning, part of the evolution. I think that's a big factor here is that we are learning, we are evolving, and that process it should be respected. So I think respecting that is important, you know, knowing that you kind of learning on the job, with life.


And I like how you put that.


Okay, I take that back. I actually have to restrain my whole thing. I don't want to be a part of that. All right, cool, I will yeah.


I'm not cosying this shit.


The shit is dead. Sorry, fuck Tom.


I thought it was going to something. Tom might be the most expensive like a counselor of all time Cause if he agrees with what you have to say, you just do the opposite.


You understand that. You understand the magic of mush. Yes, yeah, totally. What do you got? Um balance. You started this shit. It's a very good thing, yeah, yeah. Is there something that you have not concluded from today? Why do you still puzzle with something? Do you think balance?


is a byproduct. Did you guys say that or no? Did I miss that?


I personally suggested to Toly that from all the trials and tribulations that he went through, he's learned certain things and he's developed certain attitudes and became a personality that will demand balance. This is what I said here. Maybe the audience won't understand this, but me and you probably understand this because we understand him that through all the trials and tribulations that he went through putting himself in a scrambler, you know blender, constant blender, right the byproduct of all this is going to be a balanced approach to what he's trying to accomplish, and when he strikes that he can be golden. The jury's still out on what it is, but I think that's where the balance is. And those subtleties, yeah, so Toly.


Yeah, no, it sounds like a new level of Twitter. One day you'll feel the same time.


At least I know that it won't be when I'm 11 years old. I mean because okay, so I'll just say what final final thoughts.


You already said it, you already gave your final thoughts You're done, you're done.


It's my thing. Yeah, it's all a certain, and then there's a period after that.


Yeah, it's a fucking conundrum. This is a very interesting time. I mean every time I go into these things if, like I guess, maybe when I understand the depth of all these topics to me, it's like it's overwhelmed me because it's so fucking deep. It has. Yeah, it's so fucking deep.


That's the point I'm trying to make. That it's like you can't just say this one virtue or one value or one thing you can because it touches everything the other one, so it's like one, but it's everything, it is everything.


Yeah, it's like you can just keep spinning and spinning and spinning it. But in this case, when it comes to balance, especially if you've been trying a lot of things and things haven't been working for you you know what I'm going to say. I'm going to say that if things haven't been working for you, that's a very good thing.


Yeah, I was going to say it sounds like it's pretty easy to want balance. Yeah, you know why? Because you don't have to really try hard to be in balance yeah.


As I look at Penny asking for the same fucking thing over and over and over again like she's a happy dog bro. You know, in that sense, you know and I think that there's something into that you know, like maybe a certain level of fixation. But Penny's not trying to gain weight, lose weight. She has the weight that she has and I think it's a result of that what she does.


The things that make her happy. You know what I'm saying. You have to put that, I guess.


Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like she just wants to play. She just wants to play, like that's her thing.


I think she knows it. I think we all just want to play no 100%.


We just don't know what it is for a lot of people, right, because we don't fall down enough and all this other fucking crap that's bothering us and shit like that. But for Penny, right, like, look at her, she wants her thing and she just wants it now and it is what it is, you know, yeah, and she's a happy pup-ups she is, you know, look at her, look at her. She's even talking to us like hey, can you throw this thing, can you throw this ball? And I think if we come to tap into something like this, where we fixated into the passion that we really like, everything that we want, that we thought we want, that are really important, things that we thought were important, fall to the backside of it and we become naturally in line with the nature of things and we're just doing what we're supposed to and I think that's fucking balanced. I think that's what maybe Buddha talked about. You know what I mean, what he said not too tight, not too loose, just right.


And when you find that shit just goes. You become a pupper, you become a fucking pupper. You know what I'm saying? Look, she's out of my mercy. She's out of my mercy. She has a bowhead. She's humble, right, because me and her have to have a symbiotic relationship in order for this to work. Right, if I don't throw it, she don't get it, and I have to lower my arrogance and stuff like that in order to serve her. And that's that relationship, and that's what I'm telling you totally. Even though you're choosing Arch to be lazy, if you choose Penny, it's next level. Oh shit, shit. The pen ones, the pen ones. Arch is easy. Look at her, she's pleasant. This is fucking happiness. You know what I'm saying? This is like, yeah, you like wake up, man, wake up. Look, I don't know.


It's not stopped. I think that's how you discover yourself.


I agree, you know what I'm saying. Look, she knows herself. If that's not enlightenment, if that's not like, you know, like, who did this? Who did this? You know, look, look, forever happy. You know what I'm saying Forever happy. You know, we can learn a lot from you, pan. I think if you go find that passion and stuff like that, I think things start to fall into place and you really find peace, contentment and all that sort of stuff.


You got to find who you were meant to be, tom, not who you made yourself up.


Oh shit.


And with that shit. This is fucking dumb. Thank you very much.


Thank you, guys. This is great, thank you.

Exploring the Concept of Balance
Exploring Acceptance and Attachment to Goals
Finding Balance, Letting Go of Attachments
Examining Ego and Finding Balance
Exploring Balance and Desire for Truth
Find Happiness in the Present Moment
Achieving Balance and Self-Fulfillment
Exploring Enlightenment and Self-Awareness
Rationality, Humility, and Societal Evolution
Enlightenment and Knowledge Acquisition Concept
Debating the Possibility of Childhood Enlightenment
Collective Knowledge and Individual Potential
Nature vs Society
Understanding Balance and Self-Love
Understanding and Reconnecting With Personal Identity
Personal Truth and Passion in Life
Path to Success and Personal Impact
The Concept of Balance and Learning
Discovering True Happiness Through Passion