Dennis Rox

117. Understanding the Hidden Depths of Our Wardrobe Choices

April 19, 2024 Eldar, Mike, Toliy, Phillip Episode 117
117. Understanding the Hidden Depths of Our Wardrobe Choices
Dennis Rox
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Dennis Rox
117. Understanding the Hidden Depths of Our Wardrobe Choices
Apr 19, 2024 Episode 117
Eldar, Mike, Toliy, Phillip

Have a question? Ask us and we will discuss it during the next episode.

Ever wrestled with the mirror over what beauty means to you? We sure have, and that's why we're peeling back the layers of vanity's mirror in a no-holds-barred conversation about beauty, self-worth, and the societal pressures that can make or break our self-image. Our guest speakers throw in their two cents, sharing stories from the frontline of the modeling industry, and together we debate if the pursuit of youth is truly about self-improvement or just a fancy mask for our insecurities.

Join us as we pull the threads of fashion choices, going beyond the practicality of clothing and diving into the psychological motives. Is that hat you're wearing a statement, a comfort, or a shield? We laugh over some hair-raising myths while sharing a few personal tales about our own fashion faux pas. It's all about discovering the fine line between self-expression and the social barriers we unintentionally construct around us.

By the end, you're invited to reflect on the deeper meaning behind our daily choices, from the hats on our heads to the shoes on our feet. We tackle tough questions about arrogance, ignorance, and the small daily actions that reveal our character. So, whether you're tuning in for a light-hearted chuckle or a moment of profound self-reflection, we've got you covered—or should we say "hatted"?

we on X

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Have a question? Ask us and we will discuss it during the next episode.

Ever wrestled with the mirror over what beauty means to you? We sure have, and that's why we're peeling back the layers of vanity's mirror in a no-holds-barred conversation about beauty, self-worth, and the societal pressures that can make or break our self-image. Our guest speakers throw in their two cents, sharing stories from the frontline of the modeling industry, and together we debate if the pursuit of youth is truly about self-improvement or just a fancy mask for our insecurities.

Join us as we pull the threads of fashion choices, going beyond the practicality of clothing and diving into the psychological motives. Is that hat you're wearing a statement, a comfort, or a shield? We laugh over some hair-raising myths while sharing a few personal tales about our own fashion faux pas. It's all about discovering the fine line between self-expression and the social barriers we unintentionally construct around us.

By the end, you're invited to reflect on the deeper meaning behind our daily choices, from the hats on our heads to the shoes on our feet. We tackle tough questions about arrogance, ignorance, and the small daily actions that reveal our character. So, whether you're tuning in for a light-hearted chuckle or a moment of profound self-reflection, we've got you covered—or should we say "hatted"?

we on X


On this week's episode. Once you have an understanding of all that and you're able to feel those different things, I think that like your world gets turned upside down on like what beauty is and what's beautiful and what's very ugly or stuff like that, by wearing the hat you're basically saying, hey, I don't have that kind of ability and I'm convinced that when I'm putting on this like cotton piece of cloth on my head, that this is what now happens, it empowers you to be something different.


Socrates wasn't the most beautiful man, however many people wanted to have superficial sex with him. Well, poor, he was poor.


He had no money. I think it would have changed everything if he had a hat.


Today's topic is beauty. What is beautiful? How is is beautiful? How is it? What is it? Why is it? And obviously you know we can tie that to relationships getting girls, because, since there's only guys here today, right, oops, whoa, whoa.


What about pen? Oh, he's a girly.


Well yeah, penn, I think, is irresistible.


And she definitely has a look.


so you know what I'm saying, but yeah, so let's talk about that. Phil, you can start us off. What do you think about? What is beauty then?


Well, I think we did have a podcast about beauty. I think we did. Yeah, I think we did. What I remember is that we were talking about saying beautiful when it's attached to strictly a look, and I think we got to the point of an aura or something that is conveyed by how the person carries themselves, and attaching or labeling that as beauty, versus just seeing somebody without talking to them, um, and saying like, oh, they're a beautiful person. That's what I remember us well, talking about beauty like that means you have a very good memory.


Yeah, do you remember talking about this or no?


I do remember talking about this, for sure. But what was more, what was more interesting to me about what you said is said hey, like naturally, if you are lacking in looks, let's just say you're going to start naturally developing a better attitude or personality.


If the prerequisite to that is that if you are attached to your looks and then you start to lose them. So I think, like where the example would be like, let's say, a model, right, who's going on the runway, she's making a living off of this Like she's being perceived a certain way, her status is attached to her look and all of a sudden she starts to get wrinkles let's say, she does lose her hair, like, or something, or she gains weight and people start to look at her a certain way and like, yo, what happened to her? Because all of her worth okay, at least okay, I'm banking on you know, the way that she valued herself was based off of how other people perceived her looks. Sure, okay.


And then her looks start to dissipate. She has the wrinkles, she loses her hair, she gets fat, she's out of modeling and then like where does her actual worth come from, as those looks start to dissipate? If she did also value looks as her own worth and self.


You said it comes in naturally. Can you explain that process then? How do you see that as that then, from being a model and valuing these things like vanity and looks and beauty or whatever, to now she's going to be transforming naturally or organically into a person with more personality? Because I would think that not a lot of people do this. Because we see this time and time right, you get older, no problem. That place, right there, can get rid of your wrinkles. Right, right, you're losing your hair. That hair does transplants, right, oh, your dick doesn't work, those pills will do it. It. You know what I mean, and stuff like this. So think about the person, right, how do you naturally transition to developing a better personality and valuing something completely different outside of what you're saying is completely vanity?


there's a crossroad, right? So there's a crossroad where that person is going to contemplate a surgery of some sort or some type of drug in order to minimize the damages. And I think at that point, like I was talking to Toli and you guys, before you start to analyze what it is, what type of drug, what type of side effects it has, are you willing to then deal with those or not? And I think there's the drug component, but there's also an integrity component that comes along with it also. And then I think that's when I start to ask myself, or I start to at least question, like, okay, what am I valuing? Like, am I just my hair or just my skin?


Let's talk about the hypothetical person that you talked about, which is the model, the model right. The model, like you said, valued vanity the whole time, yes, her beauty, let's just say Her career, her money, her life, her whole thing.


Her external beauty was attached to who she was, her status, her life, how people perceived her and how men perceived her.


How do you go from that to now valuing something else, and that is something completely different, which is internal, yeah, internal, especially naturally yeah, yes, because I don't, I don't see me, neither natural is like you're saying it just like a call, like a okay, it just happened. Yeah, without any actual like concentrated effort.


Yeah I see it more of like if the attachment is so strong, you're gonna die on your shield looking for ways to get back to where you came from yeah, I. And then the most unnatural ways of getting surgeries and everything else and pills and all this other crap yeah, but that's the crossroads that I'm talking about.


There is a crossroad okay, but explain to me, when do you actually face that crossroad and when do you actually, how do you transition and how do you go to actually, like, like you said, naturally, organically, going towards having it? But I don't see it.


Well, you're starting to lose those things. Right, like it's objective, right, if you have a wrinkle on your face, which is not having a wrinkle, that's objective. Right, like if you are 150 pounds or 120 pounds, now you're 200. We're talking objective differences in your physical appearance, right Like, which is no subjective objective would be like, like if, if having a wrinkle or not having a wrinkle, it's like you're aging sure, the aging process is a natural, organic process.


That happens to you, but we have choices to reverse that.


No, no, yeah, but I'm saying Well not reverse it. You're asking me at what point there's objective things that are happening to you, that are aging you.


Natural things.


Getting a wrinkle or gaining weight or losing hair. These are objective things that are happening. When you get older, you don't usually get more hair. Say, if you're 40 going to 60, aging doesn't mean I'm getting more strength.


Sometimes you do In the case of men. We start getting more hair on our eyebrows and our ears.


You never heard of this.


You're talking about other places In ears and stuff like that, our chest and stuff like that. I'm talking about on the top of your head, ear and that kind of stuff, other places like in ears and stuff like that and like our chest and stuff like that.


Sure, yeah, I'm talking about on the top of your head okay, fine yeah.


So, yeah, ear and that kind of stuff, okay, but but we can both, can we agree that objectively? Uh, getting a line on your face is usually a sign of of aging, sure, like a like a sure wrinkle, sure, yeah. So I'm saying like when, if, if we do agree on that, where you do get older and you do have a wrinkle right, sure, there's going to be a time where you're going to say, okay, my attachment is so big where I'm not going to accept this at all, I'm not accepting aging at all. Most people will say I'm going to get a filler, I'm going to get, I'm going to say this is a.


This is a. This is a problem that the world knows how to deal with. It's like a dent on a car. What's the cream? Tell me the name of the cream. Sure, tell me the name of the surgeon. Show me the place. Most people. How much does it cost? Right? If I'm so attached to keeping my face a certain type of way we see it, I mean, come on, guys, there's 80-year-olds that have no wrinkles, right, that have no wrinkles Right. Their faces are like what do they call them Fucking?


stretched out, yeah.


Right, they can't even smile, they just have weird smiles. But but it is the thing, yeah, so I just don't see how, like, where is the natural process of then becoming and clicking the thinking part?


Okay, so I just don't see that.


Maybe in you, maybe, but in those people that are really attached. Right, they're just going to whip out their wallet and say, hey, how much.


Well, I was attached to it also, like it's definitely not fun, like. So maybe when I'm saying natural, I'm saying there's a there's maybe. Maybe saying a choice is more appropriate, okay, versus saying natural. So the choice is usually it happens, You're realizing if you're a guy and you realize you're losing your hair, or a girl. I don't think there's a positive. I don't think people have a positive reaction to this. I don't imagine Well why not?


Because, like losing your hair versus having hair, I think most people would say. If you surveyed most most people, I would think that you would say that if you have hair versus not, you're going to be um a better looking person physically. Most people would say this no or no fine, so well, that's.


I think that's why I did the topic on on beauty actually plays a big factor here, okay, okay, I hope we can get to it and kind of intertwine the whole thing and connect it.




But the issue I'm having is that, like, if everyone ages, everyone right, why is this a surprise to some? Right, like I'm getting gray hair on my chest?


I'm getting gray hair on my face, but everybody doesn't have to deal with all of what you're saying, See, like the fact that everybody Well the thing is, majority are right, like majority of people cannot afford the surgeries.


A majority of people cannot afford these things, right? So we're looking around like, okay, like he was 20. He looked this way and now he's 35 or 40. And now he has gray hair, like myself. Right, I didn't have gray hair and now I do. But then I look around the world like, well, maybe mike has a little bit of gray hair, maybe you have a little bit of gray hair, maybe totally has a little bit of gray hair. It's like, yeah, we're kind of going through the same process of aging. I think this is part of the gig that we are in.


But I would describe something like gray hair versus balding like very extreme, because your whole appearance is changing exponentially. Gray hair to me is like I would look at it as an individual hair. You know what I mean. A body of hair is to me like your face and a change it's very big. My attachment to hair, probably in my 20s, was very big.


See the thing is, it depends on your attachment and the level of attachment. There you go, I think, very big.


See the thing is like, it depends on your attachment, the level of attachment yeah, mine was very big like I was going down the shore and like slicking my hair back and like like, uh, tanning, and like that was like a part of my look, but I also realized like I was an idiot. You know what I mean. So, like, as I got older, the attachment became like a lot smaller and like, my attachment to hair is, like now like minuscule, like to the like, nothing, like yeah, I don't think about it on a day-to-day basis. You know what I mean.


Like I think that the the topic started with beauty, but I think we're going to age, uh, end it with the importance of aging gracefully. Well, no, I think that, um, inevitably. I think that aging is probably the process of finally humbling ourselves, naturally. Right, that it's forced upon us by God. Let's just say or the process of aging, right, yeah. Let's just say this is not our choice, right, but it's God's choice that people age. Let's just say if God did create us, or whatever, right. And then we're faced with these types of dilemmas where we're like okay, we'll look in the mirror one day. No, no gray hair, or no balding, or whatever it is. Yeah, you know, everything works. And one day we wake up and like, oh shit, gray hair, balding dick, don't get up, don't stand up. You know, like shit, like this. So it's like what's in? Go.


So you originally said there was a natural transition. I wish it was there's definitely. I don't think it's natural, I think it happens naturally.


But you know, aging I think yeah, I think the question of like, what am I going to do and how I'm going to do it is, you know, especially with today's society, where you can take pills, you can take creams, you can take surgeries and stuff like that, and almost like pretend, like the the process is, uh, you're exempt from the process and exempting yourself from a very natural process. I'm not sure if it's very, um, good yeah, I think healthy.


If you see a guy who has like a unit or has like hair done, yeah, there's like to me I can see like an insecurity in their eyes, that like they shouldn't have got this done because it's more important, like what they like patched on like the band-aid. To me it's like like if we're talking about like confidence, you're basically saying like I'm not willing to accept whatever's happening in the aging and I think your ceiling on confidence is like a cut, like you're not able to reach the full maximum capacity.


Yeah, because you're not fully embracing what's actually happening and you're trying to like go against nature, the nature, yeah, but it's also, I think like that's more of a like your interpretation of that now, like that's how you're viewing it. What, Like Philip is saying that the guy that's got like a hair like his hair, like job done or hair transplant right, like he automatically sees that this person has like a huge hole in their confidence or maybe their self-esteem, which is why he got that Right.


Why else would you get it? There's no health risk.


Well, no, like the way that you're talking about that guy, for example, like in that example, you're basically saying that this guy is very insecure and that, like he's doing this because of this and that he's doing this because of this. Where, for example, that guy might, for example, say hey, what about you if you're wearing nice clothing or nice sneakers, or presenting yourself in a particular way or taking care of yourself in a particular way? Can that be looked upon? The same way, but a different interpretation of it? Yeah, it's all surface level.


Okay, it's all surface. There's no substance to what he's talking about. If I told you that, oh, you're losing your hair and you're actually closer to dying because it's actually something to do with your heart or your lungs, your liver, major organs, then I'd be like, oh shit, maybe I should try to go get surgery because, like, I'm more likely to die.


What if you told the opposite? You said, hey, you're losing your hair. That means that's guaranteeing you 10 extra years of life.


And like a harder boner. Yeah, I'm like, fucking shave it right now, I'll be bald, forever, right, we walk around naked? Yeah, I'll be bald forever.


Right, I'll be walking around naked. Yeah, or the opposite. If you get hair, you might be less stressed about your appearance and live longer oh, yeah, yeah, how many people would do that? Yeah, that's an interesting case no, but I think that that probably is part of it. No, what?


like, but then again, then you have to ask what type of lifestyle will you be living? Yeah, well, that.


Then you have to ask what type of lifestyle will you be living? Yeah, well, that's what I'm saying. I think there's a lot of variables in all of these things and I think we all look at different people and be like oh, look at this person, they're materialistic, right. They just care about that right, when we might have something similar that we just care about in a different way we don't care about this. I agree, we make a judgment on it.


So what's a non-materialistic play on somebody who's getting a hair transplant? Why would somebody get a hair transplant from anything more than a look or a status? What would be an example of that, with the understanding that there is no underlying health concern?


I got a weird one, okay, what's his name? You ever seen those videos? It got a weird one, okay, uh, what's his name? You ever seen those videos? It's a funny one. You ever seen those videos where the dads have huge beards, uh, and then they shave their beard and the kids get scared? You know, those are very good. Imagine a kid is suffering from this condition where every time they see their dad bald, they get really scared so they need to grow out their hair yeah, the example that comes to mind for me would be the like um, let's say, an actor yeah, but then you could just wear a wig yeah, that's where I was going


with it where, if you're an actor, you'd be on set and if you had a role where, like you needed hair, you can just get hair temporarily where, like that's not a problem, that's not a problem that's the only example to me that I'm thinking of, like, okay, there's a job riding on it and you have to create a certain image because there's a character behind it, but on a day to day, like if you're that kind of person that's like, well, are you creating like a fake life? Are you living a fake life, like in order to live where there's actual meaning and integrity behind it that has nothing to do with something's surface? I don't see this, yeah, yeah.


So the natural progression, almost like with a lot of stuff that we do when it comes to vanity, at least, it's almost like it's just to look, maybe, or perceived as beautiful, right To the external world.


It's a status no Sunglasses.


When there's no sun. Hats Earrings.


Wigs. Oh yeah, by the way, the hat is banned for UFC 300.


Please don't bring it. I don't want him to be upset.


Why is there so many rules for me?


Because he's what's a you under his wing right now.


You know, I Like the hat to me is like a car, it's like a comfort thing. Why he always brings a hat.


He wears a hat and sunglasses. What's the comfort thing on the?


weekend. Like I like a hat, like when I'm walking, and so what is? That it's like um, I feel like I'm more like. What if it was like, more like in, like my, like my shell, like you know this or no? I'm like I like uh, I can like. He's correct about this. No, I can like block. Like like I like block people like. I like like I have my glasses on, I have my hat down, like I feel like when I'm walking around.


It's like a comfort thing for me but totally always talks about this.


He always said that the people that wear hats especially, they go low, it's like a privacy thing and they want to block the world out and they want to be to themselves. It's like a celebrity thing.


I feel like when I'm walking around I like to wear the hat. I feel more in my own little world.


Okay, fine, now, totally now. This question is to you With this hat thing, is that really a celebrity thing? Or do everybody who does this actually feels what he just said? Oh, I don't think about it like a celebrity thing, hold on one second.


Yeah, I mean, I don't know.


Is there something built in like a coolness or like privacy thing? Yeah, exclusivity thing.


Yeah Well, that's all. I also think that when you wear sunglasses, you can hide behind them too, built in like a coolness or like privacy thing, exclusivity thing.


I also think that when you wear sunglasses, you can hide behind them too. Well, yeah, I agree with this.


There's a reason you're trying to hide 100% and the hat as well.


It's definitely a hiding thing, I would say.


You want to look at people, but I'm saying that like, okay, yeah, but everybody's tuning in into this on their own.


Now, if we're in Bermuda and we're like yo and we're going on the boat. Everyone's going to be like yo. You got to wear a hat.


It's going to be hot.


Because, the sun is extremely strong, and if you don't, you're not going to feel as good For example, why don't I wear a hat during work?


Well, that's the thing. Why would you wear a hat inside his house?


It's just a weird thing to wear.


Who are you hiding from?


You're with us here and you're going to be with us again.


Yeah, but I'm not bringing the hat in my car and then putting it on when I'm walking into Tully's house On Saturdays and Sundays, if I'm going for a walk or I'm out or I'm going to Starbucks Starbucks I have to go to CVS I put on a hat and it's like. It's like I'm in my own little world. Who?


are you hiding from?


No, I just, I just feel comfortable.


No, no, no, but I know I get it. You're in your own little world, yeah, but why?


are you feel comfortable with a hat? Just walk around society with clothes. I think the more that you put on, the more like closed off and the more you are in your own little world. Sure, but why I just? I feel more comfortable in that.




I think people thinking of. I'm thinking out loud, I haven't thought about it, but it's fine. So I'm thinking like if you have more on right, like with a hat on top of all your clothes glasses, yeah, yeah, Like there's there's like less that people can see and like there's less of you out there, All right, Totally. He's going to you out there.


All right, totally, this is going to have to expand.


Yeah, I think there's less of you to see and I think there's more of a comfort in like what are you hiding?


Which insecurities or which thoughts.


It's like when you're out, if I'm doing little errands and I'm just in my own little world, I maybe don't want to interact, or I don't want to be social. Why?


Putting on a hat. To me, putting on a hat is like putting a Do Not Disturb. Sign in a hotel door.


That's very good, Mike. Yeah, but I think that's accurate.


Mike has sex with girls with a door open while in a hotel and while wearing a hat.


Oh, yeah, so like yeah, I would say he wants everyone when and while wearing a hat. Oh, yeah.


So like yeah, I would say when that cleaning lady walks through, she wants to make sure that the bowling balls are seen.


Yeah, I would say like there's elements of like when I'm with somebody and like I'm being more free, and then there's me like when I go home and then like what I'm willing to share, like I'd rather prefer to be private and if I have to go out, you can almost create like a little privacy.


Do not disturb bubble, do you while you're going out do you fundamentally think that this is actually good for you or bad for you?


And does it actually actually work? Like like okay, I have my hat on yeah, now, that's it. Now there's no judgment. Like okay, I have my hat on yeah, yeah, yeah, now, that's it, now there's no judgment and like yeah, again, I'm talking about this out loud.


No, it's fine it seems like you didn't put so much thought into it. It totally definitely did.


Yeah, but there's a reason why, like you put on clothes a certain way, right, or you put on why do you like, maybe, baggy clothes and I like fitted clothes, like, why? There's definitely a reason why we're wearing clothes versus not.


No, no, no. I think that wearing clothes for style and wearing hats for privacy it's two different things.


That's not no, no, no, but let's start at the seed of what it is. Everybody in the world is wearing clothes, unless you live in the jungle, right? 100%, okay. So, what I'm saying is everybody is doing this thing. Yeah, but not everybody's wearing a hat, okay. Okay so we're adding one element to the clothes, but it's very specific.


Yeah, so You're saying it's specific in nature, like sure, we all wearing Mike's wearing a shirt. I'm wearing a shirt, pants, pants, shoes, shoes. Yeah, that's like. This is the level of like, let's just say, world uniform, right, standard. And then there's extraness that comes in with hats, sunglasses, like you're not a celebrity, right?


yeah like celebrity. I can see how a celebrity can almost justify this a lot better, right? Hey, I actually, when I come outside, I have a thousand reporters, I have a thousand kids that are running up to me, like I just need to go to the store and back, like I can't do this right.


I don't think about why are you doing? I don't think about it like that well, I know, that's why I in it. I would make more of the comparison of that blanket on the couch. I can sit on the couch and I can just kind of lay back and I can watch a show and be comfortable.


Then it's like yeah but the comfort is it could be rooted in something that's like I'll help you with the words, but it could be rooted in something that's genuine and something that's not genuine. You could say, oh no, no, I'm not doing it for vanity, but it could be rooted in vanity, so it does depend 100%. Let's say you put the blanking on because you got a stomach and you don't want people to see it.




Vanity, vanity yeah.


You didn't put it on because you're hot, I mean you're cold.


Yeah, I put it on because it's comfortable. I like the snuggle of it yeah.


Yeah, I would say like, sure, you can go down that route right there. There definitely could be different routes that you go. I'm saying like if I'm going home I'm putting on a hat and like there's something like comforting about it.


But what is that? That's what you said. Hey, like I want to be private to myself, I like like from the people and all this other stuff. What is that?


Yeah, I think this is more. What is this condition?


I don't know, can you hug me?


I think it's more of a. I think it's more of a scenario where you think that something is happening without it actually happening.


You're saying, I agree with you. It's probably on a subconscious level already, but in the beginning stages of it, right when you decided to get a hat or whatever, whatever you probably had reasons as to why you're doing it. And that's why I think he can speak about it somewhat, understanding what he's doing it for, but not intelligent enough to see whether or not it's actually a sign of something greater well, yeah sure, but Well, yeah sure.


But I'm saying that things like this are scenarios where you think putting on a hat does something. Actually, physically, it's doing something, right? You're saying it makes me more comfortable, right? But I don't think that the hat itself is actually doing anything.


Well, I actually think that if we were to really think about it, I think that hat is actually taken away from being comfortable well yeah because you're not comfortable outside. No, no, no they're not actually comfortable. Anything on us right when we're most comfortable is when we're naked for sure. You know what I'm saying. The chains, the fucking rings, the watches, the hats, scarves and all this other fucking crap. These, the hats scarves, these are all restrictions, the fucking shirts that's.


What I'm saying is that I think we have different types of clothing that is used for utility or like. Again, I don't really wear hats, but maybe if I'm going on a long bike ride and it's super hot outside maybe I'm going to put one on or I'm going to like a Yankees game, for example.


You're sitting outside, yeah, and just like the chair all day in the beaming hot sun. Utility, yeah, yeah, yeah, from like a utility standpoint. Or like you know, we put on jackets and if or sweaters, and when we're hot we take them off, right, like I'm going to keep this jacket on, be swimming like a pig, but I'm comfortable. Like we don't tell ourselves that. Or like I don't know, let's just say there's shoes and there's like trail shoes, right. Or there's regular walking shoes, different things like that, yeah, and they bring different types of utility. Now I think that, like, if you like how something looks, there is a vanity play into it, but if it could, I guess, supply you with the tool and and look good, then maybe that's better than just the the tool itself, I guess.


Right, like you kind of went if you can kill two birds with one stone, the problem is no, the thing is as as long as you're not lying to yourself.


Yes, that's a big kicker.




Yeah, so in this kind of scenario, yeah, when he comes to my house and he's wearing a hat, I'm like yo, I know that this is a thing. What's it called, alina?


does that too with the hat. I don't know if you noticed with the hat very low.


You know, like that.


It's almost like something to hide. Yeah, phillip, we have a question, right? Uh, you, do you genuinely know why the suggestion is being made of to not wear your hat? Uh, by totally, um, or you're completely like, uh, like baffled, like, like, like what you said earlier, like yo. Why are these restrictions being put on me? You have no clue why he's saying what he's saying.


Well, no, I think he thinks something is 100%. What does that mean? He thinks that there's a celebrity element or something weird, that I'm thinking about it and to me the first part is I don thinking about it, and to me it's like the first part is like I don't wear it during work, right? So there's like a clear disparity.


If I was wearing it during work you do all those weird things during work, though Sure. How would piss them off even more?


Yeah, we're talking about a hat. So we're talking about a hat specifically. So like when I go home I'm not wearing a hat. You know what I mean. Like I'm wearing a hat. It usually starts when I go for a walk right, but you do sometimes wear sunglasses.


Wait, wait wait Time out.


Yeah, I got a crazy what's his name Challenge. Okay, yeah.


But I'm usually wearing a hat. Let's say, if I'm going for a walk, right? Yeah, I'll usually wear it when I'm starting off in the morning and I'll wear it on a Saturday. I'll usually have sunglasses on. There usually is like, if it does help the sun, like there is a functional element we're not talking about utility or function right now.


That's usually where it starts, fine, then I'm usually doing other things during that course of the day and it usually stays on. Then I'm thinking of the other end of it, where, like, if I just wearing it again, I'm thinking out loud, I, I do put it on, and there is something like um, that does kind of block you off from other people, where, like, you're not as seen. Okay, if there's something like kind of there there is a do not disturb privacy element to wearing a hat, okay, yeah, so why do you want to have the hat on at my house?


Well, I would say, and if it makes you more comfortable, then why don't you wear a hat at work or at home?


That's where I was going to go.


And you can't sleep with it? Yeah, but I'm not, you're bad bro, I get better sleep. I'm not wearing.


If it makes you more comfortable, right you can't use the word comfortable here, bro. Yeah, I think you're going to get into a trap by all of us?


Yeah, but you see, you guys are making it like I'm going to Tully's and I'm putting the hat on right before I come in the house. I usually have the hat on because it's usually a Saturday, right.


Okay, but the question is why don't you take it off? Are you more comfortable, comfort wise?


Yeah, like there's something like.


Come on, man, wait, wait, wait.


If I'm hanging out and I already have it on and I'm in the house it is kind of comfortable to have it on.


Why don't you leave your winter jacket on when you come into Tully's house too, because you're already kind of comfortable outside from the cold. Why don't you?


just be comfortable inside. Well, I do keep that on sometimes.


And you guys.


No, no, no, but like, let's say the, the, um, the fleece that I have like to me, that's comfort also Like, oh, that's a sweater, no, but you got, that'll be a jacket.


And then he doesn't like this either. Right.


Yo take this off.


Yeah, to me yeah.


That does feel comfortable also, and I'm like there's nothing to like, um, there's nothing that I'm thinking more than like when it's on. Like, yeah, I feel comfortable.


You see, the thing is like I actually think that the opposite, like where totally, is making suggestions for you to be comfortable, remove the hat, remove the jacket, so you can relax and be comfortable and feel like where, like you are at home, yes, right, yeah, because at home. Right, like if you told us, hey, elder guys, I really like the hat. Like are you kidding me? I would always make you wear a hat at work, like because you also wear it at home. Probably.


Then right, but if you don't wear it at home, then we have a different conversation. But yes, that's the thing.


I don't wear it at home and I don't wear it in the office, so, like, the seed of where the hat starts is usually when I go for a walk. That's usually the start and and it usually just stays on through that.


That's what I'm saying. Okay, so think about this, right? Yeah, here's what I'm going to lead you to, and I think this will help you a little bit. Okay, if Philip is in his true form, enjoying himself at home without a hat, but then Philip comes outside to walk and does not feel the same way, he's uncomfortable Okay, he needs to protect himself and put on a hat for privacy, because he doesn't want demons looking at him.


You know what I mean.


Right, wouldn't you say then, philip, that coming into Tully's house right would be a sign of disrespect, of not taking off your hat? Because then? Right, because totally obviously he's trying to host us, right, trying to make the place comfortable for us, right, and all the good shenanigans make sure everybody's happy, right? You not taking off the hat is a sign of almost disrespect.


I would almost prefer that everybody brings their pajamas.


Yeah, so I'll take it one step further If I'm going to take off my hat.


I'm also going to take my pants off. Listen, if that's what you want, if that totally is okay with that, then yeah, If you want me completely comfortable, I'll be completely naked.


You know what I mean. Like like to me, like there's like a disparity of like when, yeah, being in a robe, or like having no pants on, like, yeah, I feel very comfortable just like walking around the house and like just being free, fine. So like to me, like we're labeling the hat on something and again, I'm talking out loud, I'm not even sure, like, where it's coming from, but I know the seed of it is me putting it on when a walk is starting, going outside, yeah, for, for protection, like you said, privacy and protection. Yeah, if I was inside wearing, yeah, the hat, then I think this conversation, then I think there'd be like more of like a pinpoint, but I like what we're saying. Okay, I can have an idea of maybe, but like it's still not resonating.


100 because, no, I think there's a very specific identity I don't know what it is that's built in into a hat.


Yes, yeah, it's a very specific identity. That happens when you need to. You know, have an agenda to do whatever it is that you're doing on your spare time, when walking you know what I'm saying totally just disagrees with it and says, hey, remove the hat, because you don't have to put on that identity when you're here inside the house in front of the same people that you don't wear a hat with. Like you know, can you say this now, now? Now, if there was like 20 or 30 people totally invited, there was a party. I can see how that can translate and continue to be like a privacy thing. Sure, maybe, whatever you eyes or whatever, but like, we're not judging you, we don't care. You know what I'm saying.


So why wear a hat? I find it almost that if you link it this way right, if you, when you're comfortable in your space, you don't wear a hat, but when you're not comfortable, you wear a hat Then you're almost saying that, hey, I'm not comfortable in your house, and if that's the connection, I actually wouldn't prefer that either. Like, hey, get comfortable, bro, what's wrong with you? Take off your book bag. Sometimes there's characters that come in right and they do behave this way where they have a book bag on or their jacket on. I behave this way where, like, they have a book bag on or their jacket on, like I'm like bro, hang your jacket on, sit down, have some tea, relax.


It is like a almost automatic thing to me that happens, that I maybe prejudge them or whatever right but I'm not in their shoes though either right, but it's also a thing that like, if you're hosting and I know you're talking about when you're hosting people, for example- yeah and you see that some people like it's out of place is not comfortable, it almost makes you not comfortable. You on edge.


That's what I'm saying.


My proposal is that I don't wear pants until he wears a hat.


You don't have to wear pants if he's okay with it. You can be in your underwear if you really want to, as long as you're comfortable. I'm not sure if you will be really comfortable.


This is the first time that he's saying that it's making him uncomfortable.


Well, no, I think he don't give a fuck. Oh, you know he's making suggestions, I think more than anything. Right, toli, yeah, it's a suggestion, yeah, and I think that the suggestion is not coming from a good place, that, hey, like, you don't have to be that way, you don't have to put on this act that you put on when you walk outside, I ultimately would like for you, as my suggestion, to never fucking wear a hat, because you are yourself and you fucking, you fucking. The hat is a fucking, a bad, symbolic, fucking thing. You know what I mean. Like the protection should be inside, like an internal protection, right, the internal beauty that I'm talking about, like that's going to be able to be irresistible. Like, why wear a hat?


Yeah, I definitely feel, like in the hat case, like if you have to wear a fucking hat to go outside, I'm going to say this you shouldn't be fucking going outside, you should stay home. I'm sorry For whoever fucking wears a hat out there. They should stay home.


It's like having one foot in. You played devil's advocate totally.


It's having one foot in and one foot out.


Correct you haven't decided who you want to be in life. Correct, it's very bad, correct.


That's what I just interpreted to in my head. Yeah, you parody me again. Give me a devil's advocate, stay fucking home. Give me a devil's advocate, stay fucking home, unless you're a celebrity.


I would say that the hat. I'm only giving a pass for a celebrity, I would say that in this case, the hat is the equivalent of a hair transplant. Argue that point.


Wow, that's a fucking, that's a tangent, it blocks personality.


Right, wow, but why do you have to If I'm only wearing it when I'm going out?


you're going out for a walk you told me that you like walking. I do like walking. So which part of walking do you don't like the part of when people look at you and, like yo, this guy has thinning hair then to me, that's what I'm saying.


if I brought a hat to work when we walk, then I think this would have a more valid argument where, like every time we go out, philip needs to wear a hat, like that's definitely not the case.


Yeah, but there's a different, there's a complete. This is coming here to the office. You see four people a day, five people a day.


You're going to new york city walking you're not walking around the fucking office here a thousand, but thousands of people. Nice looking girlies, oh my goodness girlies. Where the girly girly?


is like okay, I really like this kid. Yeah, he's gonna sell this intrigue intriguing hat. You know that he's rocking. Yeah, to me, like I don't.


I don't look at that hat as like a like if I go to like a restaurant or something like I don't feel the need to wear a hat, if I'm wearing it and I start off like that to me I feel like I'm creating a little comfort bubble. I'm just going with that the whole time.


But why do you need to create a comfort bubble to go outside for a? While when you're doing an activity that you like.


When I go play basketball, bro, I'm naked bro. You know what I'm naked, bro. You know what I'm saying like in a sense. You know, like I don't give a fuck what anybody thinks, what shoes I'm wearing, what socks I'm wearing, what I'm matching like some people come in there matching like shorts to shirts, to shoes. I don't give a fuck, bro, because I'm about to do my craft, do my thing, that I like, and I don't care what anybody thinks about me you know what walking is my time?


like, like, unless I'm doing it with all you guys and there's a conversation yeah, if I'm walking for me. Yeah, like walking is like I'm in my own bubble exactly, but like I'm creating a bubble around me where there's nobody else and like nobody can penetrate my little bubble.


Like, yeah, but why do you need it? I like that, yeah, but why do you need a hat to prevent people from penetrating your bubble, like?


Again, I'm thinking out loud, I don't know, but I'm going to like the feeling of like putting on a hat, like it's almost like, it's like the last piece of like an armor, where, like, if you do want to create a bubble, fine, it's nice.


Phil, we get this, wait, but so like we get this.


So what is wrong? So what is wrong with, like, interacting with people on a day-to-day, week-to-week basis and then like, if I do want to go on a walk and I want to shut everything off but still be on the walk, like, to me that's nice, see.


I don't think that a car buying a new car will makes you happier. Okay, I don't think there's anything intrinsically inside the car of a new car that makes you happy. Okay, I think for the moment, you experience a very specific delusion, which is very short-lived. I think your hat does not have any intrinsic thing that is making you feel a little bit more safer, a little bit more comfortable. You know what I'm saying. That comes from within. The problem we're having with this hat is a lot bigger. The hat symbolizes a huge insecurity, huge insecurity.


Yeah, I mean, it's also a thing where it's like you can go for like you're like in that argument that you just gave, like what's wrong with me wanting to just shut everything off and do that? You're basically saying that a hat, this like piece of cotton right, enables you to do this, versus like you just wanting to do this. You're basically saying it overrides it.


Yeah, like you're basically saying that like I'm an idiot and I can't think, so I need a hat to do what I need to do. Versus you just saying, okay, like you could go for that walk and say, like yo, I don't really want to interact with people, I'm just going to go do my thing, and then you just have that ability to do that. But you're saying, by wearing the hat, you're basically saying, hey, I don't have that kind of ability. And I'm convinced that when I'm putting on this like cotton piece of cloth on my head, right with maybe like a logo, on it or something right, that this is what now happens it empowers


you, yes, to be something different yes, which is a very dangerous place that's what I'm saying that's why but why is it dangerous?


though, oh, philip yeah because you're, it takes away your own empowerment.


Yeah it takes away your own empowerment and it also, like it creates a scenario where you're not like like like you're not relying using like that muscle or whatever you want to call it Like, like whatever that part is of you that requires you to use your mind is just becoming dormant because of the hat.


I'm going to tell you right now. I'm going to tell you right now you're balding because you wear a hat.


No, I think you guys would have a more valid which actually is a side effect of wearing a hat.


No, no it actually is Elder.


Shut the fuck up.


My dad's been telling me this for years, like yo, you ruined your hair, like you know, because you used to always wear a hat. I'm like when did I ever wear a hat? You never used to wear a hat. I never used to wear a hat but, he has this idea that I used to always wear a hat no, you wear like sparingly no, this is actually a.


Thing that's a. Thing yes, this is the guy that doesn't read anything about anything, that he thinks that a conspiracy. Conspiracy about a hat. It's 100% genetic. He has no idea what I'm saying.


I said it figuratively speaking. You know what I'm saying. What side is it from?


Genetically. From who? Because I'm about to tell you it is From your mom's dad.


Yeah, it's genetic. What is that? Male pattern of baldness is genetic.


No, I know, but I'm saying that wearing hats, I heard is not conducive towards wearing hats I heard is not conducive towards. It doesn't help you with your hair. I think it only Makes it worth the condition Not that if you were genetically having good hair by not wearing a hat, you're going to go bald.


Listen, I don't know if you want to draw this correlation, but I'm going to tell you one thing right now, hat does nothing. If you take right now the same hat, okay, you take this hat, you go outside and you go on your lawn, you put this hat down. Okay, you put this hat down on the grass.


Okay, okay, you wait two weeks. Okay, you open this thing. In two weeks, you will see that the grass underneath that hat has died. I'm not drawing any correlation here. You know what I'm saying. You killed your hair with the hat, but again, if you guys were saying that, and then you have to use the hat to rely on it to protect you afterwards, you have less ventilation, you don't get like sweat, you don't get the rain.


You don't get less ventilation, you don't get like sweat. I know this. You don't get the rain, you don't get the sun, you don't get anything.


Moisture gets in there, it's like a sauna.


Wait, do you think that it's a mold? He grew mold on it.


Do you think that humans are chia pets?


No, I think humans are plants. No, no, that's a different conversation. No, no.


That means think that planting seeds on people's heads and watering them is relevant. Exactly.


What do you think we're doing right now? Okay, but, your argument is only valid if you no. I don't think you can unsee what he just did to your half-fucking experience. No, no, no, I'm telling you right now, I'm telling you right now, this is called planting seeds.


There's a massive hole in all your arguments. If I wore a hat at work and I had one in my car, and every time I went for a walk I was like yo guys, I got to go to my car to get my hat Then to me, what you guys are saying is that there is something attached to the hat that is deeper than this.


No, no, no. You know. The reason why you don't wear a hat when you go outside walking with us is because we are your hat.


Oh my God, You're trying to ruin his hat experience over there. Do you understand this or?


no, you're bad, you agree with me, you're bad. Yeah, I mean, I'm bad, I'm fine, I'm bad, but am I right, you're also trying? To corner the hat market here. But am I right? Is the question.


You're trying to ruin the hat market.


I'll kill all the hats. I'm going to go for the wigs now. Let the wigs fucking flourish. I'm okay with you wearing a wig. Yeah, I think like hats.


I would prefer if you wore a wig to my house.


You know what, if there's a $500 wig that you really want, I will buy it. I'll throw $500 on it. $1,000 wig.


Wait, but you guys are again. You guys are asking me where it's coming from and I'm giving you a hypothetical based off of what I'm thinking. Where the seat of my hat's starting is me going out and walking right and I'm telling you why it's staying on. Now I gave you a hypothetical on why I'm keeping it on.


No, no, no, no, no. You didn't give us a hypothetical yeah, you gave us a very specific reason as to why you keep it on while you walk.


I'm thinking out loud now. Oh Right, you didn't think about it yet. I told you I'm thinking about this as I'm talking about it.


That's what I'm saying. I don't think that we're. My assumption here is that I think that we have a better understanding as to why you're wearing the hat than you are. So I think that what you're doing with the hat is like those memes when you have a fat person hiding behind a small tree Right, no one's talking about it?


No, but I've just pictured it. I pictured a very thin tree and a fucking big person.


I think you sent me a video this was a dog video of a dog that did something bad and he went to go hide, but he was like he was like not hidden. Yeah, he was not hidden, but he's a big dog. Yeah, he was like there was like yeah, like I I I forgot what it was, but I think it was that yeah, right, by, like, by, by saying that, like this hat creates like a privacy, like, yeah, like, like bubble, right, like like if you actually think of what's wearing a motorcycle helmet.


I got a couple that might work a lot better.


Brett is going to use this live Mike.




So then you're saying if I'm going for a walk wearing a hat, then I should just be fully reliant on my own internal factors to deal with whatever you think that is an underlying issue. So that's like saying, instead of wearing sunglasses, I should just keep my hands up like this and be like yo, sunglasses are stupid, I can just wear them, take my hand and put them over my eyes.


What I'm trying to say is this.


There's a convenience factor to wearing a hat.


We're not talking about utility right now. We're not talking about you being in Bermuda. You don't want to get a sunburn on your forehead.


What I'm telling you of the times that I start with a hat. It starts with walking in the morning and wearing it on a walk and it usually stays on. I'm telling you why it usually stays on after that it makes you feel a very specific way.


There is a comfort level to it.


Because if I had that, I would wear it to work, I'd wear it to my parents' house, I'd wear it all the time. That just shows us.


That's given us evidence. To show you, I wear it like all the time. That just shows us. That just shows us. That's given us evidence.


That's even more against the case To show you that you're wrong in wearing a hat If at home you don't wear it, your parents' house you don't wear it. Here you don't wear it. It sounds like there's a very specific correlation here, that Philip feels a very specific way to not hide in these specific areas, but as soon as he comes out into the world he does. So what I'm trying to get you to a point where the world is actually your home. That Philip, and the way it fits with the world, feels comfortable and at home.


I mean, bro, that's what elderism is. Quote unquote.


You know what I'm saying. You're saying, like, the comfort level, um, that is attached to like.


If there is, I want you to take your home experience yeah or feel, feels a certain type of way, and bring it outside into the walk. Yeah, completely that's. I would like for you to be empowered that way and I think that's what totally wants you as well, especially when he makes an example of you coming to his house. He's like hey, phillip, like you don't have to feel threatened, bro, like we're not judging you here, bro, you know what I'm saying. Like that kind of thing, like you can, you can, we can relax, take off your shoes. You know what?


I'm saying Like for the most part, like I would say like I am pretty comfortable and like like I'm going to add to the comfort. I'm like, okay, yeah, I want to drink, I want to have dessert, I want to have a blanket. Like to me, a hat would be like if I have it on.


I feel comfortable?


I don't look at it as like uh, I'm hiding, yeah, but you would say it's equivalent to the blanket comfort or it's a different comfort. Oh it's. It's far off.


It's a complete indicator of the light switch that we talk about. When you come in here, you feel a certain type of way with us. You can talk, you can be yourself, you're accepted, you feel comfortable, you're smart, you're funny, you're witty, and then when you go out into the world, you're some fucking weirdo. Yeah, the hat is the switch off, yes or no?


100% so having the privacy in front of.


That's why the wearing of the hat inside my house to me is like a highlighted weird thing, a disrespect. Yeah, because I'm like yo what's going on here? And that's why it's so like blatant. But you know, but.


Phil on here and that's why it's so blatant. But, phil, I'm going to vote. I'm going to officially vote here for the hat off at Tully's house. However, I'm going to extend the courtesy that if you can't jump over this thing, I'm okay with you wearing a hat, yeah.


Yeah, like well, I'm going to go for a walk.


I'm actually okay with you wearing two hats yeah.


And I wouldn't mind, and if it's even better, we could all wear a hat.


If that makes you feel comfortable, yes, we can do that.


What about sunglasses?


But on Sunday I'm going to go for a walk. I'm 100% wearing sunglasses and a hat, Like I'm 100% doing that.


See, the thing is the way these things type of work, these things. You know the thing that you talked about us planting seeds in your head and actually growing. This actually works this way.


Wait, but you don't think there's a functional element to a hat and sunglasses?


There is In the summertime.


Yeah, but no wintertime too. If there's sun out in the morning, right, and you're walking, it's a lot more of an enjoyable experience walking with a hat and sunglasses on.


I actually do think so. That's why you have those episodes about the depressive episodes and stuff like that. That's why I think that you actually need more sun than you think. Yeah, I think that you need to become one of those old Italian men on the beach. Yeah, to be very brown.


To realize that this is what actually makes you happy.


Yes, no, fundamentally.


I believe this I thought you were going to say about the guy who was on top of the skin pyramid. Guys remember.


I believe that we're plants. We just don't realize it yet, you know what I'm saying, and I think that sun is actually very good for us.


Yeah, like when I start off, like I'm not wearing SPF on my face or anything, I'm walking a lot morning and after work, right, so like I think I do get a good amount of sun morning and after work, right? So I think I do get a good amount of sun. But if I know that the walking that I'm going to do in the city is going to be probably like a three to four hours and I'm going to be outside to me wearing a hat, it just makes sense, because if I'm going for a walk with you guys, it's maybe 20 minutes.


To me, wearing a hat when it's hot out is disgusting. It gets so hot, sweaty moppy up there. I disgusting. It gets so hot, sweaty mappy up there. I have hair. So now, if you're balder, maybe it's not the case you might be growing mold. Yeah, but I don't think so. I think still the head, it still has the heat, and the hat with the heat it just traps it. That's why we wear winter hats because it traps the heat, to make us warm, to keep us warm and in the summertime our hair usually protects us from the sun.


That's also the material. If you're going to wear a wool cap, it's going to insulate your head and it's going to make your hot and you'll have a very nice mesh one. Yeah, if you're going to have a.


You're pretty sure anything you put over a layer is going to adjust the temperature regardless.


Yeah, but cotton, like the cotton's very breathable, like it's gonna go, like you're, you're not gonna is it more breathable than being completely naked? No, but you're not gonna trap you're not gonna trap heat, but if you're wearing it for the purposes of like, you want to block the sun if you're gonna be out and also just I want to also mention, you are wearing a black hat yeah, I have a black and a white hat oh, but you generally, I haven't seen you in a white one.


Yeah, I have a black and a white hat.


It has to be black right For the protection against the paparazzis.


Yeah, I mean, I don't think either the black or white makes a huge difference on the sun.


Oh, okay, yeah, I mean, I didn't go to astronomy class either, but I heard that black attracts heat and white reflects it. Black and white hat yeah, I mean, I didn't go to astronomy class either, but I heard that black attracts heat and white reflects it. Black and white hat yeah, I mean Black in general, the color black yeah, I don't know Attracts heat.


I don't know what degree difference. I don't think it would make a huge, huge difference temperature-wise.


Okay, you have a car with white. What color seats now With white seats? What color With white seats? What color? White now, yeah. And what color seats do you have totally in your car? Maybe one day we can you know, and of course I'll sponsor this we could buy a heat gun and check the temperature of the seat that's white versus the temperature of the seat that's black.


Yeah, I think it comes down to the material. I think it'd be like leather versus cloth.


You guys have the same material in your cars, or no, do you think?


Yeah what do you have? Well, same as you. And you said yours gets very hot. Well, yeah, but but my, I, I. I think what mike is saying is that in the example we have the same material, just different color no, I'm asking your material gets hot in the summer. Oh yeah, compared to white compared to white.


Yeah, this is a thing, all right. Oh, yeah, you know that white.


Yeah, he wasn't yeah, yeah, a white reflects um heat and uh sun, and black actually attracts it and makes it even warmer.


Yeah, I would say I interchange the hats. I don't feel like a difference of a white or a black hat.


Okay, well, you didn't pay attention to it.


You might have fried the nerve endings. But you also don't wear it for the you might have fried the nerve endings no, but he shouldn't feel the difference because he doesn't wear it for the utility. Oh yeah, he doesn't.


No, but I'm telling you, I'm only wearing it for the utility to start.


Well, that's what you think. Yeah, that's what you think, but why am I not wearing it elsewhere? You guys are saying that it's comfortable. No, no, no.


You got to understand. Automated for you. It's like brushing your teeth in the morning. You forgot what time did you brush your teeth. You can't tell me the minute you brush your teeth, because it was automatic. You got in, you brush your teeth, you forgot about it, you left, yeah, but I'm going off like you took a piss.


The only scenarios that start with me wearing a hat is me going on a walk. To me, the seed of me starting it, there's a functional element to me wearing it. So if I was saying, oh, I'm thinking of other times, if I'm going to a restaurant, or I'm even going somewhere where there's people that I don't know, I'm not wearing a hat. You know what I'm saying? I'm usually starting off wearing a hat, saying I'm anticipating, saying I'm going to the city, I'm going to be outside for an extended period of time, and sometimes I'll even not wear a hat in the beginning and I'll bring it and put it on after.


The reason why we're having this conversation in the first place is if you've told us that, like guys, I wear the hat just for the sun, then we wouldn't have this conversation. You started off with saying, hey, the reason why I wear a hat is a privacy thing. I'm protected. It serves a very specific purpose.


Again, I said I was thinking out loud as a result of what happens after it happened.


I'd say 80 to 90% of If that's the out you gave yourself, that's fine.


Yeah, but 80 to 90% of me wearing it is from the beginning of walking.


And sometimes I'll put it in my bag. What does?


that mean Beginning of walking. Like what is that Beginning of like walking? Meaning like, say, on a Saturday, right or Sunday, I'm going to going for a walk, say if it's like early and like I'll get some sun, and then I'll put it on like, maybe like an hour or two hours into my walk, knowing that like I'm going to be outside for another two, three hours, like I don't want like four hours of sun so how come you don't turn it in your brain and turn it or take it off when you get inside the house?


because like if turn it, if you turn it on, yeah, so, like, what I'm saying is that, like, once it's on, like, yeah, it is, it is, I think it's comfortable, like. That's why I was saying like yeah, as I'm thinking out loud, like if I already have it on and starting from a seat of function, if I have it on, it's like uh, why do I want to take off my jacket and like my and like, do all, like it's, it's on and like I feel comfortable, unless I'm in a shower and like, completely, completely, take all my clothes off and then lay in my bed? That, to me, would be the next step. If I have it on, to me it's already comfortable.


Listen. If it serves you well, keep going. You know what I'm saying Our observation that it's an indication of something much bigger. If it's not for you, then do it. Continue doing it. The truth of the matter is, like I said, and I think Tully will agree, tully made a suggestion. Right, it's not mandatory for you not to wear a hat. You know he's not going to bully you out of it and all this other stuff. It's just a suggestion, yeah, but I really examine it. I think the suggestions come from a good place. You know what I mean, where he wants you to be comfortable. You know what I mean Like like you're at home, comfortable kind of thing. He would like for you to have that type of experience, and I think that's a good one. You know what I'm saying. Like like. You know it's like you.


You, at the end of the day, but what's the difference between the slipper and the hat from like a strictly say like without being warm, just the comfort level. Well, it signifies that the host, or whoever it is, they want you to have the best experience possible in the moment that you're in, but why is putting something on your foot, why can that be comfortable, but putting something on your head not be comfortable?


Because he's identifying it. He has a hunch that your hat is not comfortable. It's actually serving a different purpose and you yourself actually confirmed it.


In saying what.


But if you're taking it back, then we're completely okay with that as well. In saying that, in saying that you're putting it on for the purpose of hiding from the world, yeah, I think that I mean to me.


I mean I see it clear as day as, like the hat, and Like the hat can be used for a number of things. It can be used for a number of things. It can be used for utility yeah, like I hate hats bro.


Yeah, I hate hats, but when I go to bermuda, I love them. Yeah, you know why? Because I felt a burn before. Yeah, on my forehead. Yeah, and and shirts, long sleeve shirts. You think I like fucking swimming in long sleeve shirts?


I don't, me neither yeah, but I love them. Seen you wear a hat unless we're going on like a hike in like Mexico or something where it was crazy hot, or on the beach in Bermuda. I also don't see you wear a shirt while being like in the water in like a pool somewhere, but you wear a shirt in the water in the ocean in Bermuda. I also don't, and I only started wearing a shirt in the water in Bermuda because you started mentioning it and I experienced not feeling the sun, but then feeling it afterwards when you're already fucked. That's right.


That's right, and it's not like I'm wearing it for some kind of vanity purpose, like it's not a branded shirt. Yeah.


So, yeah, my point is saying that, like the hat has a number, I think, of like utility thing, like of things that it can do, it can do, it can do, it can do it, it it can try to signify this privacy thing or like convince you of that. It can be used for like protection against the sun. Uh, it can be used for, um, let's just say, like other forms of utility. But I think, in this case, if it was a comfort play, if it was actually more comfortable to wear the hat, I think you would wear it at all times versus not yeah, and that's why I feel like that the hat is almost.


You know, if you're an interaction, you know situation like coming to your house, it's almost a sign of disrespect almost, because you almost feel like you're not comfortable in your space. You know, know what. I'm saying, but I'm not holding him to it, because he's not really thinking it that far.


Yeah, yeah, it means the same thing again. Like I wear a winter hat Usually when I like, remember, and it's like it's very cold the moment I walk in. I'm not like Tommy sitting on the podcast wearing a winter hat, yeah, inside Right me sitting on the podcast wearing a winter hat, inside right, so like where it was comfortable. It is comfortable when I'm outside, but then when I go inside and there's that not level of cold anymore, now that same hat that was once deemed comfortable is now uncomfortable.


It's uncomfortable bro.


I want to take it off because now I'm uncomfortable, 100% it's automatic.


Yeah, but if we go out again for like a W with the dogs, right then I'm going to want to put that hat back on, because I do want to be warm and I do want to be comfortable and like yeah for me, like, for example, like, like I mean people say this in all different kinds of capacities Like, for example, like, oh example, you'll be more successful at work if you dress up, versus you'll be less successful if you don't. I dress to me all seasons in a very comfortable way, would you guys?


agree. You stop wearing those fucking tight-ass slacks that you used to wear. Yeah.


I wear pretty much like sweatpants, shirts long sleeves, like like, uh, thermals, right like you know, just like I, I I dress overall very comfortable, right like that. But but I I like it, like, I like being comfortable. I don't want to wear any like, yeah, tight pants or like shirts or like, yeah, any of that kind of stuff. Being comfortable, I don't want to wear any tight pants or shirts or any of that kind of stuff. For what?


If you don't have to, for what? Yeah, now if I told you that every time you go on that phone call and wearing jeans will give us 25% increase in sales, better, fucking do it Right. Sure, you know what I'm saying, but that's not the case. Like no gives a fuck what you're wearing when you're on the phone call. You know what I mean?


yeah like if that was the play, if that was actually happening, like, like if that was actually true, like, even if that was actually true, right, where? Like if I did this, like that, then I'm basically just saying out loud that, like, I need this item to make me become a different person. Yeah, right, which I think, like this is what you're saying, that the hat is doing.


Right now the hat owns Philip.


Yeah, that's a representation of that, even if it starts with the seed of functionality.


See, I'm not sure, Philip, I'm not sure. If it does, I think you'll learn to yourself, you.


You would have to be able to trace back to origins when you started doing that you got to understand. We don't give a fuck.


We really don't have a horse in a race here.


Yeah, but I'm giving you a scenario, right? I'm not wearing it at all during the week. I'm not coming to work with it.


I'm not going home and putting it on at home, I'm not going to dinner or something like this. So this is where it would start. So let's say, I'm going on a walk on Sunday, right After you see. So I would usually start in the morning with no hat, I would keep it in my bag and then, as the day would go on, I'd probably put it on like an hour or two hours into my walk. Then, as I'm like um, going about my day, I would keep it on and it would just kind of stay on as a result of it and like then I would just like, then I'm, I'm, then I'm analyzing for the first time and I'm thinking like, okay, you guys are asking me. I'm saying like, okay, why am I keeping it on? And I'm saying like, oh, it is kind of nice where, like, there might be like an element of like, there is comfort or there is an element of privacy where it does block you off.


What are you blocking off? What privacy? Who is going to get you to be on private and what is it you're hiding, or what is it that you want to keep private, or who is? I have so many questions, then. Well, if we're talking about privacy, then we have to have a lot of questions.


Right yeah, and then what kind of privacy does it have to actually actually bring you?


Somebody can't come up to you and say, hey, what time is it?


yeah, yeah, like it's again. It's that meme of like a fat person hiding behind like a small tree, yeah, where, like you're clearly still seen like that, like there's actually no privacy happening so like then zero.


so then like um, yeah, I guess the way that I think about it is just like it's, it's like an extension of clothes. Then, like you'd have to be extreme, like to me, like then you have to think about, like, why do you have to close on it?


What just happened?


Philip, is that we introduced a virus into your routine.


And the system is trying to fight it off.


And the virus is so deep right and the way it penetrates that if it penetrated the reason and logic within you, you will look at the hat very differently every single time you put on but I don't have like I don't have a big reason or logic yes, no, no, you've been doing it for a very long time automatically.


Yeah the, the hat is an extension of, of your thinking, yes, of your mindset, like it's which is already embodied in who he is.


Yes, so that's why we just introduced a little virus that next time you're going to have a little bit of awareness. Like wait, it's not hot, it's not sunny, I'm not cold. Why do I put this on To hide? Okay, if I'm hiding, what am I hiding, and why, and from who? And why am I convinced?


that? What am I hiding and why, from who and why am I convinced that this actually makes me hide? For example, Correct Right.


Who is here to come get me? Yeah, who. What do they want from me and why? Yeah, but then Unless you are hiding.


Yeah, but then wouldn't I wear it all the time? Well no, Well, that's the point. But then what I'm saying? If that was the case all the time, wouldn't I keep a hat in my car? And then if I knew I had to go home and run an errand that?


is why we're saying that there's some kind of level of insecurity that is promoted only when you're by yourself, because we have a very good ability to be the hats that you need when you're here.


No, no, no, but that's my example, it's what I'm saying. Is that like if I did have that level of insecurity, then if I knew, like, okay, I was going to go to peer, I was going to grab food, no-transcript no-transcript.


Is that? What does the hat have to do with anything? Because what I'm saying is I'm. What have you associated with walking that the hat serves?


you. I'm telling you there's a like I'm. The reason that I'm starting the hat is because I'm going on an extended walk and I'm keeping it with me like that's the seed of it so how often do you put the hat on right away when you go and like?


like I have to challenge you then. Then the other spectrum of this, philip, is that. The other, the other side of it, is like keep bringing the hat when we come into walk because it makes you feel comfortable. Why are you not comfortable? Why are you not doing this? Why are you not?


doing things that make you comfortable more often. Well, no, because it's starting with functionality and it's just. I'm going into my idea on the spot of saying, ok, I think it is comfortable because but the seed of it is, if I know I'm going to be out for three, four or five hours on the weekend and be in the city and going for a walk, I'm going to start with no hat. I'm going to put it on after an hour or two because I'm like, okay, I'm going to be outside for an extended period of time. It does have a functional element of having sunglasses and having a hat.


So do you now bring the hat when it's not sunny outside in the city? You still bring the hat.


in the city, you still bring the hat, I'd say I probably have it and then I would probably say I'd probably maybe just keep maybe glasses or sunglasses on, depending on if it's like foggy, then I'll have my sunglasses and glasses and I'll just put my glasses on.


So you typically don't put the hat on if it's not sunny.


Yeah, I would say like if it's sunny, it's like 100 hundred percent, I'd probably put it on after an hour. If it's not, then I probably wouldn't put it on. So to me I'm saying it's starting as a result.


So would you say this is just weird tics that you do yeah, like that's what I'm saying, like no, no chance he wears the hat even if it's foggy and rainy yeah, I, I would say I would say more glasses, a hundred percent, and I would say hat is like a dependent on sun where I'm starting to put it on I wish it was the case, phil yeah, so I want to ask you to have some more do you consider yourself a person?


uh like what is it? A vanity, a vanity person? How do you say that properly?


uh, yeah, like yeah superficial who buys into vanity?


who's? Also do you feel like you are?


um, not in my current life Now, no, I'd say maybe when I was 20. You're?


doing a lot better, more.


So I'd say where I'm at now A little to none. What a setup, Mike. Yeah, I'd say.


That's a nice jacket you're wearing.


Yeah, so the way that I think about it.


He's very well curated. Yeah, he's groomed well.


Yeah, I don't think I. I don't think I would consider myself like a vanity driven person.




We're doing a really good job Putting the veil over his eyes so we're saying it might then start from this, because there's different impressions that people are under.


I think we have to go back to what we said, what the topic is supposed to be. I think the topic is about beauty and what does it make us beautiful? And the interesting part if you read some of the Socrates texts, right, Socrates wasn't the most beautiful man. He's known to be short, fat and ugly Bald and ugly. However, however, he's attracted many people. Many people wanted to have quote unquote superficial sex with him.


Well, men and women actually Correct. How'd you know this? You know this, I mean.


I listened to the.


Okay, fine.


Thank you, thank you, so you know this. Yes, okay, good, so at least somebody else can co-sign me here that I'm not fucking saying blasph.


And you didn't tell me what to say earlier either, I might have Okay, fine.


You have to keep to the parody, bro. Okay, fine, fine, to keep you humble, but that's an interesting thing.


Short fat ugly bald poor. He was poor.


He had no money. I think it would have changed everything if he had a hat. He would have never had to do this philosophy bullshit, yeah.


You know. Yet he was. You know he was attracting people and people were attracted to him. You know what I'm saying. And the people that obviously he wasn't entertaining their fucking bullshit, you know they would get pissed Like what the fuck? Here I am, I have status, I have money, I look good, I want to have sex with Socrates and he's denying me. What the fuck? This is making us to think about what the fuck is beauty and what is actually beautiful and what is actually beautiful and what is actually attractive. And you know what, philip?


what's that?


that might be the hat yeah, I mean like, if you guys are pointing it out, sure, like I can only go off of what I'm using it for and like make it a hypothetical of what I think in that moment, of why I keep it on, listen, try to remove the attachment that you have towards the hat and trying to see objectively of what we're saying. Right, and if you can do that, it's very difficult to do I think that probably the most difficult to do is when your ego, your attachment, your pride is being directly attacked. Right, because, like here, philip, let's just say, been wearing his fucking hat for 10 years. You know he's identified that this hat serves him In so many different ways Utility, vanity, protection, privacy and all this other stuff. And here we come in right, these three motherfuckers, and say like yo, that hat is actually weird, bro. You know what I mean. What are you doing?


Also, none of us really wear hats like that, so it could be like maybe we don't get it.


Oh yeah, maybe we don't get it. Yeah, it could be perceived as that. It could be perceived as that as well.


Yeah, but I also think that, like to me, this scenario is like like what you're asking to do, I think, is very hard and this is more, is like a seed that like needs to be, I have a problem, generally speaking, that identity changes.


I don't want Mike coming out of here and driving a girlie in his Tesla and saying, look at the car I have, while he's talking about the things that he's talking about here. Yeah, I have a problem with that. Yeah, that's a change of identity. Mike doesn't come to me and says Eldar yo, you see my fucking car, bro, you see how fast it drives. You don't flex that on me. Why would you flex that on someone else? I have a problem with that. It's a change of identity. It's a change of character. So anytime I see inconsistency of character, which you probably agree with, it's a little bit of like what's going on here. Yeah, why is this happening? And obviously, if I wish mike the best, right, I'm like mike, don't lead with the fucking tesla and how fast it goes and you know all these beautiful things about it. Lead with what your heart is.


You know the, the the loyalty, the friendship, yeah, but I see, like, like I, I, I think a lot of the things that you're talking about you have to understand and be able to Ugly or not ugly, for example, just physically, or just what physically is attracted to you. I think it's almost like a caveman level of skill Like it's almost like a caveman, like a level of like a skill Right. But then I think that, like the interior things that you're talking about and like finding those things attractive, or like understanding, like the beauty and different things, like that, like, I think it's definitely more of like an advanced like level Right, like level Right, and, um, I think that as you self-develop, you're able to see different people as more or less beautiful, based on, like, how they act, how they carry themselves, um, how they speak to their friends, how they speak to their family, um, how do they go about particular situations? Yeah, um, how do they go about particular situations? What do they do right, um, like, how do they conduct themselves right?


like all that, plus how do they treat them own?


themselves right, how do they go about doing all that? And I think that once you have an understanding of all that and you're able to feel those different things, I think that like your world gets turned upside down on like what beauty is and what's beautiful and what's very ugly, or stuff like that. I think, sure, I think it's like it's natural for like first um attractions to start from like looks, for example, and different stuff like that. But again, I think that's a very caveman level of what it is.


But I think that the connection of people's souls or stuff like that is the ability to understand those different things and those will make people either very, very, very attractive or very, very, very ugly very fast.


And I think that, like when we look, hence why we have the relationships that last only a couple of months. Yeah, go ahead. Finish your thought.


Yeah, no, no, no, yeah, that's it Right, that's a clear indication of what's going on here. Right.


Hottest fucking girl ass, whatever. All that shit Fucked her a couple of times Like yo. I don't want to have anything to do with her. Call the cabs. The cabs is here, get rid of her. Yeah, why you don't want to have anything to do with her? Why I thought she was hot.


Can't run from something that's inside.


Yeah, get rid of her. I had enough of her. I touched that, we did all that. Enough of her. Like I touched that, I, you know, we did all that. Get rid of her. Why? Who are you getting rid of? The attitude, the mindset, right, who she is, what she believes, her ass, her tits has just gone so far. But also it's you getting rid of yourself too in a way, well no, you can't deal with it. You can't deal with it, you cannot deal with this, and you think that.


That's the person. Yeah. It's just a mirror, yeah, of who you are inside, correct?


You've invited this into your life, yeah.


And you're like oh shit. But you never say to yourself like, oh, actually I'm the dirty person here. I'm the slut you say yo, you get out of here Because you can't face yourself. You can't face yourself, yeah.


And I had that in my relationship, bro. Every time I would fucking have sex, I'm like yo, I want to get out of here. It's almost off. You know, I remember I used to tell you this all the time. It was good in the moment and then I was like what the fuck is this guilt, what?


the fuck is this thing?


Like something inside is wrong. I want to leave. It's supposed to be my girlfriend, Somebody. I'll quote unquote love.


See how smart like our fucking shit is. Our shit is. It gives us crazy signals, Bro it's in tune, bro.


This shit is, and that is why we have to have a topic on recollection Of what again.


Socrates fucking talked about, yeah, of recollecting the knowledge, because the soul has an all, and I think that's when we have that. When we fuck somebody who we're not supposed to be fucking and we feel guilty afterwards, it's our soul telling us yo, you fucked the wrong fucking thing. What's wrong with you? You sold out. Now you feel like shit. Now you have to get rid of her. You have nothing to do with her. You have to wear a hat.


I feel good when I play with myself, though. Is that a good sign?


Yes, excellent. It is Because you're the only one who know how to properly treat yourself In that moment. Nobody can tell Nobody. You can't make her do what you do to yourself, yes or no? No, I mean, I'd have to like.


You do some dirty stuff, right.


The hat is on the fucking counter or no? He probably wears the hat while he's.


Yo the hat. Oh boy, he can't want to be comfortable.


If you walked in my apartment and I was eating ice cream out of my hat?


Has the hat ever gotten the fucking load?


As a blessing If I was eating ice cream out of the hat and I splooshed you know what I'm going to tell you right now.


I have a theory. The only reason why I'm having this theory is because we're having this great whiskey that we're not going to fucking name what we're having right now. Have you ever, do you think?


there's a chance that we get smitten by this or no.


What Do we get? A brand deal. We're going to get a brand deal right now. When we say this, this is the thought I got If you want to grow your hair really well, you have to jerk yourself really well, you have to come inside your hat, you have to wear it and go on a walk. That's disgusting. You're not listening to me. What is that? It's natural. It's your own natural stuff, the best stuff on earth.


Right and it's for reproduction.


It's seeds that you're putting back on your head that are going to grow.


Phil, would you be willing to go ahead with this, Would you?


be the first case study. Yeah, we officially are enrolling motherfuckers into this long study, which is going to be 10 years long. We need about at least a thousand participants. We'll start with one, philip. My thing is like it's pretty ster. 10 years long. Yeah, we need about at least a thousand participants.


We'll start with one, philip. Yeah, no, my thing is like it's pretty sterile.


I heard yeah but I already made the decision I'm choosing boner over hair.


I chose that already.


No, but you can get both, I just told you what's wrong with you, man You're going to. I just said you need to feel good. Yeah, collect the cum inside your hat, then wear the hat when you go for walks and let it marinate and it'll grow your hair back. Yeah, but I accepted that, yo. What if?


this is the fucking answer. It's like a stem cell, yeah yes, except it's like a stem jizz, yeah yo we gotta.


We have to get stemjizzcom bro. We have to get this. We have to get stemjizzcom bro. We have to get this. We have to promote this, bro. Are you kidding me? Imagine this drunken thing that came from this whiskey. Came up with a cure for men's boldness. That'd be sick. You have to wear your own jizz on your head. Holy shit, phil, would you do it if it worked?


Yeah, phil, there's no side effects, obviously. Yeah, my acceptance of not having hair to me. I got rid of that.


You're not answering Tony's question. Right, You're doing the Donald Trump.


You're doing the weird thing. If somebody told you you could be a millionaire more, even though you already came to terms you're not going to be, you say nah, I already decided I want to be, so, nah, I'm good. Who would ever?


turn that down. It's a chain of thought, man. Yeah, like would I wear a cum on my head to get a. Your own, cum your own.


Listen, nobody's gonna have to know, maybe except us, if, like if one day this motherfucker comes in with a full head of hair, you know.


Like yo time out, bro, what have you done, bro? You did not fly the turkey, bro. Yeah, like for hair, with like no side effect. Yeah, for natural, but your own cum, yeah, that is like like seeping into your, in your I can't even say it into your skull, right, it's marinating there for the day that you wear the hat for you walking around doing your own thing. Right, and it's for science. I would try it. Sure, what do you mean science? I'm not talking about science. I would try. It sure, what do you mean science? I'm not talking about science. I'm talking about you getting hair do, I want it.


I mean, yeah, sure, alright cool this is a good sport.


Yeah, I got sure, but like um yeah, you wouldn't have to worry about the hat flying off your head when you're on the bike oh my god, it's gonna be blasted, yeah, and you'll be comfortable because it'll be all warm and sticky. The bike oh God, it's going to be plastered, yeah, and you'll be comfortable because it'll be all warm and sticky. Com-fortable, yeah, com-fortable.


You're going to be comfortable.


Yeah, if I can be like comfortable all the time and like that's a direct correlation of the hat, imagine this the answer.


Yeah, I mean, if that's the answer like 1% of Guns, your Head would exist as the answer. Yo you know what I'm going to say? 90, bro.


Yeah, like. So you're basically saying that if I had hair, that I wouldn't wear a hat? Is that the correlation?


Yo, this whiskey is too good, this whiskey is good.


No, you're saying that creating the hair in this situation, then I wouldn't wear a hat.


No, you have to wear the hat. No, no, no, I'm saying you have to jizz in your hat and then put it on.


I get what's going to create it, but we're saying, like, the end goal is to not wear a hat at all eventually. Right, is that the end goal?


No, the end goal is to grow your hair. Mike, how much do you want to?


send this episode to Gary. I mean, he's actually balding what if?


what if God had a really good sense of humor and that the only way you can grow your hair back is that your son has to come on your head and Mike has to give him the and Gary has to to wear mike's cum.


Disgusting wait. Does he have to jerk off on his head? I hope not.


I hope god wasn't cruel. I just hope that, like mike, would just have to give him the hat and the cum inside of it.


Oh, yeah, I think that's like that's doable, that's doable right yeah, would you do it, mike? Or something.


Well it's not about, if he will do it.


It's about if his dad will do it.


Well, no, mike has to come inside the hat.


Yeah, well, what is coming inside of a hat? That's like nothing.


His dad has to put it on his head, no, but still, it's pretty embarrassing to give this to your dad, even if it did work, did it didn't?


work and you had to tell people how you did it. No Well, think about it. Imagine it would be like a success story.


Would this fucking be the thing? Well, think about it. You have to come in the hat, but your dad has to wear it.


It's all about your dad accepting your cum, but you are your dad's cum.


So I mean like not even that far off. It's true, If my son was coming in a hat like, it would be up to me to like put it on. Like my son coming in the hat, he should not feel like any kind of way.


This sound bite right here Out of control. If my son down the line wanted me to come in a hat for him to wear.


Yo, I'm out of here guys.


Where you going, gary's, you guys have an arrangement, oh my god.


Alright, mike, don't lie y'all yeah, I mean coming in a hat. It's like I'll do that right now. Yeah. I mean, if you're saying it's directly attached to like some sort of vanity and the comfort's attached to like something that I'm not utilizing within myself, yeah, it's obviously worth exploring yeah, I never thought about it like that before. The thing is we don't give a fuck.


That's the thing. We actually don't give a fuck. You know what I mean the motivation behind Tully's suggestion of not wearing a hat in his house. Like I said, I cannot extract ill will, I just cannot, even though I know it's coming across maybe strong, maybe a little bit arrogant, maybe a little bit, like you know, passive, aggressive or whatever. Uh, I just can't. I can't.


I can see how somebody who has attached him to a hat, wearing inside, wearing a hat inside, can't perceive him as ill will in that moment. Sure, you know what I'm saying. But like what does totally care? Like, literally, you know what I'm saying. Like, like what does totally care? Like, literally, you know what I'm saying.


Like, and I think that this is a topic that we need to explore totally, because I think that a lot of the times, um, we can learn a lot of good lessons through these types of interactions. Because if totally really doesn't have a horse in a race with this fucking hat that you like to wear, yeah, right, what, what is he actually seeing? Right, is it worth exploring to see what he actually is saying? Sure, you know what I'm saying, yeah, and I think this happens a lot, right, like if your parents are suffering from something and you don't really have a horse in a race, right aside from them being your parents, you want them to be.


Well, right, you see something, you want to say something, right, is it worth to really pay attention, and when is it worth to pay attention to something, to a suggestion such as totally's, in order to benefit yourself? You know what I mean, because I don't think there's ill will like. You know what I mean. I didn't make the suggestion, he made the suggestions, but I'm close signing the suggestion because, after hearing what you said, after hearing what he said, I actually think that exploring this hat thing is actually, is maybe a portal to your self-confidence, self-esteem.


Yeah, like if. I had to rank the importance of this hat thing right from like 1 to 10, I would probably put it in between like 9 and 9.5 Wow.


When you hear this, you have to be curious To me.


I'm fucking curious. This hat situation to me is life changing. Holy fuck, you see this.


Life changing. You see this. I find that very interesting. Yeah, but I also know where he's coming from. He's tackling the thing from the results, which is the hat. It's a result, but he says that the hat signifies so much, and I agree with him. Cool, it's up to you. Well, yeah, I won't wear it on Saturday and I'll see him. Good, it's up to you.


Well, yeah, I won't wear it on Saturday and I'll see how I feel.


Well no, it's not about that, you know, I don't think it's just like, I'm just going to do it. Whatever, I think that if you brought awareness to yourself about this hat, I think it'd be the opposite. I think it'd be better. I'll wear it.


Yeah, exactly I think if you wear it and if you're comfortable sitting there in your boxers when my dad is there, then I'm perfectly fine with it.


Yeah, which I'm having a hard time to believe that he would, because he's actually a pussy. I'm only yes or no, 100% he's a pussy, yeah.


Wait that I won't wear it. Yeah, you're not think that I won't wear it or I'll wear it that you won't be in your boxers when his dad is there.


My boxers. Well, yeah, you said you wanted to be actually comfortable, right?


I thought Mike was coming in a hat for his dad. Yeah, that too he's going to be on full display. I'm just going to have a hat on. Yeah, so exactly what do you think Mike's dad would do if that actually scenario played out, actually scenario played?


out. I think he'd be open to it.


Is he a no-nonsense guy or no?


He's like a no-deodorant, you know.


Yeah, yeah yeah. Imagine that's the fucking key. Whoever put fucking their own cum on their head. I have to look it up right now.


What if I came to the house and I said hey, mr Rosenbaum, I only met a couple of times, yeah, but Mike jizzed in this hat and Russian scientists have proved that this actually will grow the follicles on your head.


The cum has crazy texture, bro. Has it been studied for this kind of stuff?


If it, I mean Sorry, Elder.


Oh my God, people who's done this?


I'll just say I typed in does men's cum help with hair growth? And there's a whole paragraph on it. As soon as you do it.


Can you read this? Read it. Read it out loud. No, no, no, I'm applying it to your head. What is it?


Here's the first sentence Spermidine may stimulate human hair growth, According to one study published. There's also belief that a protein-containing semen can condition hair strands.


Oh fucking done.


A conditioning treatment using bull sperm and a protein-rich cataract plant was developed in London hair salon already.


Do you understand this?


Elder, you came up with a. They had to experiment with bulls and science and you just came this up by drinking whiskey.


And imagine the fucking whiskey I'm drinking to come up with this nonsense. Bro, the protein that's contained in semen can condition strained, hands Strained.


So you're not far off at all and the sun. If you especially wear a black hat, it retains the heat, so it's going to it's going to fucking, really fucking. Heat this bad boy up like a frosting. It's like the glaze you put on this. Are you fucking?


kidding me, yo. What is the benefits of male sperm? It is believed that ingestion of semen may aid better sleep. What the fuck? What the fuck? Alright, yo, we started with beauty, but we actually talked about, I guess, the small little things, little variables that we do in life that actually signify a lot of things, like in this example. We talked about Phil's hat, exactly, and those are little crumbs that serve a very deep, deep, deep, deep, deep purpose in our lives. I'm hungry. Yeah, exactly. So what are the final thoughts on this guys?


yeah, I'm open to exploring it. Why? Why, again, this is something that I never like. Looked at as like, as like a crutch. It was just like okay, like, here's my hat, I'm going to grab it when I go on a walk during the week. You don't wear the hat, like I never. Was like, okay, why am I not wearing it during the week? And why am I wearing it, like, uh, when I'm on my own, uh, when I go on a walk?




Why do I not wear it at certain times? When do I wear it? Yeah, I never like, took the time to say like okay, what does the hat signify?


But but can we all agree here? Can we all agree here that the probability of things that we don't think about, why we're doing them, have the highest likelihood to be the most dangerous or detrimental things to us?


You know what?


I would have to agree with that man by default right.


Yeah, by default. If your answer is like I didn't really think about it.


It's red flags right away, right.


Yeah, that arrogance of confidence in the things that you do automatically is a solidified almost like it's already second nature to you. So somewhere down the line you bought in, you bought in hard, and the hat is just a representation of what you bought in into.


Yeah, I don't disagree with that. I think if it's something that you didn't explore, there can definitely be arrogance attached to that For not being willing to explore, or ignorance.


It doesn't have to be arrogance, it could just be ignorance. Yeah, you're not going around preaching your hat experience or your hat wearing stuff to us in an arrogant fashion.


You're not. I'm not thinking about it on a day-to-day.


I'm totally just pointing it out.


I don't think about it hey there's awareness here.


Why are you doing this? Yeah?


I don't think about it.


Yeah, you know. Yeah, so if it's a good indicator, then it's good. I mean it again almost should solidify to you that you're in a place where people around you, right, could potentially maybe care for you in the ways that you actually don't care about yourself. Yeah, I think that's cool. You know what I mean? I don't think he wishes you unwell, ill will from telling you hey, bro, when you come in the house, don't wear the hat. There's a reason for that. He has a really very elaborate reasons as to why he's saying what he's saying and if you're curious enough, he'll tell you. Yeah, I don't think he would say something to be a dick just to be a dick?


No, I don't think he has that I don't think you would do that and I don't think he would do that either. Yeah, I guess my thinking is just like. I'm giving you what the scenario for me would be and it's just like I guess without me thinking about it. It's kind of hard to think about. It's the first time I'm hearing it.


That's very important, philip, because the first things that come out is the things that are automatic. Yes, that makes sense. You know what I'm saying?


Yeah, that's also why, when this happens to any of us me and your buddy we're always resisting in the very beginning.


Resisting arrest yeah.


The words that we're using and the way that we're acting is we're basically our words that we're using and the way that we're acting is we're basically our. Our first impressions is to say that this is, um, like you're acting in a way that you are talking about something that you thought very well about. Yes, right, but in reality you haven't. And it's like a close, like a lit lit on something that, like seems so simple, but it it really has a lot of yeah. Yeah, like a lit lit on something that, like seems so simple, but it it it really has a lot of yeah.




I. I think that this is one of those um there's a good scenarios, yeah. Right. But again, to me, these examples are never like in the moment, like, oh yeah, you guys are right, like I realize it, this is a thing that, like, you think about for a long time and it could you know. I mean, it could, um, like take, you know, months, or it could take years or decades, but I think it's like a forever thought right, because it's like um, um, you really gotta think about it.


It's fundamentally asking the question as to why do you do what you do?


yes yeah, why yeah right and again a lot of these automatic things that we do. We don't have an answer. Yeah, and to me and if we don't have a good answer, then we ought to explore, because it might not be serving us the right way yeah, I would say, if you don't have an answer as to why you do what you do, those are like the most crucial things to uh examine.


Yes, we talked about this last episode, where we said that the things that are hardest to think about or to to bring out are probably the indicators of the the biggest work that we need to be doing. You know what I mean? Like those are the most important things that we need to be focusing on.


Yeah, so makes sense yeah philip yeah, yeah, for something that, like, I didn't give much thought, I'm definitely not opposed to thinking about it. And I do agree like, if, if it is something that I didn't give much thought, I'm definitely not opposed to thinking about it. And I do agree that if it is something that I didn't give much thought to and then I can understand there's an ignorance or an arrogance attached to it because I didn't explore it much, and I guess if I'm just accepting it for what it is, without exploration, then it's just going to. There's something potentially under there that I can unravel. Here's a question for you.


When you go to your classes, do you wear the hat?


Yes, when I go to my classes.




Yes, no. Yes, I would say yeah because I'm going through the city on a walk.


Yeah, I would say yeah because I'm going through the city on a walk. Yeah, I would say.


I probably do, Totally. Yes, what you're doing is an example of what Socrates had to die for. Did you know this Socrates died? Well, he was convicted of corrupting the youth right Through asking these types of questions. My question is to Toli are you ready to die for the things that you're doing?


I think I've proven that yes.


You know how, what, how, how have you proven this? Because you like this is. This is an example of corrupting the youth, right? This is an example of you asking questions in such a way where phil, potentially, can stop doing what he's doing, change what he's doing, changes life right and that can upset a lot of people around him His parents, his friends, co-workers, girlfriends, boyfriends, whoever. You know what I'm saying.


You're corrupting the youth with these types of questions. Do you think that Philip's parents know that he wears hats?


They do, but they don't know why.


Yeah, my parents definitely see me wear hats Like hey why does he wear a hat?


What would they say? Yeah, my parents definitely see me wear hats.


I don't know, bro, that's a tough one, that's a tough question.


Would they say oh yeah, like you know, it's sunny outside.


Yeah, it's probably a very stupid, naive answer. Yeah.


Yeah, I don't think my dad.


It's not like his mom's not gonna come say like no, he's actually hiding from the world yeah, I don't think my dad would probably have more of a philosophical answer.


My mom wouldn't have thought about it too much.


I would love that. I would love to ask them that.


I don't think. I think at least one of them would not say because of utility yeah so are you ready to die on this for this utility?


Yeah, so are you ready to die on this for this, for your behavior?


I think so.


Why are you laughing? He's bad? No, he's good, but the society might be premature for it, and I think that society was premature for Socrates.


Like Michael Jackson, bad Like good.


Plus, the jury's still out on that, whether or not he was actually good. All right, let's do final thoughts, you know, because this was a tough one, man, this was a tough one.


But a good one yeah you know, because this was, this was a tough one, man, this was a tough one, but a good one, but a good one. Yeah, that was good. A toughie, but a goodie, a goodie, toughie, yeah. So we started with beauty, but we ventured off on the fact that, like a lot of times maybe we're we talk about all this stuff that's you know, and wearing hats and all this other stuff that we're covering up and stuff like that. It's it's definitely linked to beauty. Uh, I still think that we still have to continue to have this conversation about that, but, um, in this case, it was definitely about something else. So, yeah, what do you think?


Yeah, I don't know exactly what it is. I think it is obviously I think it's been brought to my attention in this in this kind of way where, like um, you know, I totally will say like, okay, you got to burn the jacket, you got to, like, you know, had I think he's mentioned before, but today was the first day Like we really like kind of questioned and asked like okay, why? So, um, yeah, like that's like I guess holding me back from like doing something, like growing or like identifying myself. Yeah, sure, yeah, like I'm definitely worth exploring it. I'll definitely be more aware of it. Yeah, I mean, we definitely had some laughs on it.


There's definitely, it's funny in a sense. But then there's also like, okay, there's something, there is something happening, because there are parts of the week where I am going to a hat and even if it is starting from a seat of functionality, if I'm keeping it on, well, I am going to totally, as an extension of that walk, why don't I take it off? I think there is something in that that's worth exploring. Yeah, so, yeah, um, I don't see it as as nothing. I'm glad that was brought to my attention. I don't see it as nothing, I'm glad that it was brought to my attention.


Okay, so like yeah, I don't know what it is obviously.


But I think the only way to actually figure it out is to bring awareness to it and then let it kind of play out over time. Listen, I think there's a couple of things that you said that was very good. Actually, you know the fact that you're still open to this kind of criticism and exploring the stuff. That's very good. These are my final thoughts about this topic. Along with that, as small as these things sound or come across to us, they can carry a really serious implication about our lives, right? I'm not sure if that's the case for this fucking hat. You know what I mean. It's up to you to explore. It's up to you to prove totally right or wrong. You know what I mean.


At the end of the day, do I personally think that there is something behind it? I do. I actually do, because of the fact that, because of some of the testimony that you've said about the hat, I actually do think that this can be a potential level of awareness that you can raise so you can liberate yourself further and bridge the gap between you being your comfortable self here at home, right, and then into the world. I mean, I wish that for you. You know what I mean.


If that's what's happening, if the truth of the matter is, if it's happening where you feel uncomfortable expressing yourself freely in the world, that you have to wear a hat and hide behind that. I hope you don't have to do that one day. But I understand that there's a lot of knowledge that needs to be gone, confidence that needs to be gone before you can remove the hat. The hat is just a symbolic, fucking little thing that indicates a lot more. That's deeper than what Toley talked about, and I think that for me, he made a very good case, that he's spot on behind what it is that you might be suffering from, and obviously we wish you, like I said, to be able to tackle that if that's the case. If not, then we're wrong and it is what it is. Who cares, but we don't have a horse in a race, right? In this case, we will accept you for the hat wearing or not hat wearing.


You know we'll have our jokes do you think if a horse came in a hat and then we put it on Mike's dad's head, you think it would grow faster?


the bigger the animal, the bigger the hair follicles, yeah, for sure. So you know, yeah, this is definitely good. You know raising of awareness type of thing you know about, about being something bigger than we thought on your walks that you love to do, you know. You know, if it serves you as a protection thing, I hope that one day you learn that you don't have to protect yourself from anything because you are a good person, you have something to offer and you don't have to protect yourself from anything because you're a good person. You have something to offer and you don't have to hide. Right, you can offer something to the world. Right, can I wear my sunglasses though my walk? I think that totally will approve the utility. You know what I mean.


I think the sunglasses are in the same boat here.


Oh well, then I take that back. I'm sorry I spoke too same boat here. Oh well, then I take that back. I'm sorry, I spoke too fast for him, you know? Yeah, listen, if it's a way for you to hide, then it's a disapproval. If it's a way for you to use it against Sun, then it's approval. It's pretty basic, right. It's pretty simple here. So those are my thoughts, you know. I hope they help you in your endeavors.


Totally yeah. I think that you said it well.


Well, the whiskey said it.


Yeah, yeah, I mean as far as final thoughts.


We started with beauty, we ended up with a very specific hat that it signifies a very big thing. Yeah, I, I mean my, yeah, I, I would, I would, I would say this. My final thoughts on this are is that in my experience in life, for the 30 plus years that I've been alive, right, I always learn over and over again that everything starts from a lot of these things that we call very little or insignificant, right, and they grow into a lot of other places as well. So not only can this little thing be like just this one little thing, but a lot of these habits, right um, can grow and shape who. You are right, and I can think of a couple of examples of that.


One. Actually, last night, when we're at the gym and matrix is like it's like it's just basketball, though it's not that serious. Yeah, right, um to you in that moment when you hear that I, I know for a fact that for you, it's like no, this is very serious. I said I know for a fact that for you, it's like no, no, no this is very serious.


I said it right away yes, right. And to me it's the same way. And I have another example of that again when me, my dad and my grandma we frequently play a game of cards, right, and there's examples when my grandma tries to, without me asking, tries to cheat to help me to win, and even though I'm in a position and the last time this happened was like a month ago and I was going to win, I was about to win and I throw my cards down and I give up because she tried to cheat, even though I didn't need it, I was going to win 100% she blatantly was trying to cheat to try to help me to win and everyone saw that.


And when I did that, everybody was like their jaws dropped it was a huge interruption and to them I'm like oh, this is just a deck, this is just a game of cards, or like you know, or something right.


But but all these little things, these habits, they're all rooted in particular, things that display who you actually believe in, and I'm very much convinced that the bad things are also extremely things that display who you actually believe and who you actually are.


I'm very much convinced that the bad things are also extremely easy to spread. They're a lot harder to, they're a lot easier to spread than the beginning of the new good things. But I think that once you get the new things established, those also become very easy to spread eventually. But in some, sometimes in the states that we're at now, these bad things are just like. They are like a cancer, where they do just spread and they just they occupy real estate in all the different facets of our life.


So, yeah, just my why are they so dressed up so nicely, though? You know what I mean like they're, they're they come across and the way we create them. They're so nice, these external things like, they're, so perfectly like, placed like yo. This makes sense.


This is so good, yeah, because I do think that, like, um, I don't think that this was all meant to be that simple, you know, and I do think that it was. It was meant for those who are willing and, and, I guess, brave enough to use their mind, yeah, and and to put themselves in those kind of uh vulnerable, like uh, scenarios yeah um, and if they do, and if they do do that and they are willing to do that, then they will like taste like the good fruits of life, and they will be able to feel and experience things that people who are not are not ever going to.


Are you giving Phillip some flowers right now or no?




Well, yeah, phillip is giving you flowers, man, yeah, yeah. Yeah, philip is giving you flowers, man.


Yeah, yeah, if you, if this whole conversation started with Philip saying a sentence that is that was actually completely wrong and it's actually the opposite yeah he said I think word for word he's like we as people. We are not chia pets. And and actually Philip is our chia pet.


We try to plant seeds on him, we try to water him.


Got to feed him the right ingredients so that he can grow.


He's getting a little babish, so then, we can just say chia, chia, chia, chia, chia. Here we go. All right guys, Thank you, this is great.

Exploring the Concept of Beauty
Discussion on Vanity and Self-Image
The Purpose of Wearing a Hat
The Comfort and Utility of Clothing
The Symbolism of Wearing Hats
Hair Ruined by Hat Debate
Wearing a Comfortable Hat
The Meaning of Wearing Hats
Exploring Privacy and Vanity
Exploring Beauty and Identity
Exploring Connections and Self-Reflection
Hair Growth Theory Discussion With Friends
Contemplating the Impact of Hats
Exploring Arrogance and Ignorance
Spread of Ideals