Dennis Rox

125. Finding Genuine Motivation for Lasting Change

July 05, 2024 Eldar, Mike, Toliy, Harris Episode 125

Have a question? Ask us and we will discuss it during the next episode.

Can revenge fuel sustainable motivation for weight loss? Join us as we navigate the psychological twists and turns of motivation, beginning with Harris's journey to prove his doubters wrong. We dive into the nuances of being a good student, embracing humility, and avoiding the pitfalls of negative motivations like revenge. It's a candid exploration of the importance of asking the right questions and staying open to guidance, rather than succumbing to preconceived notions.

Ever considered the thrill of skydiving as a metaphor for overcoming life's challenges? We share our exhilarating experiences of jumping out of planes and draw parallels to achieving personal goals, like mastering new skills or committing to a healthier lifestyle. The conversation transitions into the emotional hurdles tied to past traumas and the need to find intrinsic motivation for long-term success. We reflect on personal stories of resilience, from overcoming homelessness to achieving stability, underscoring the transformative power of stepping outside one's comfort zone.

As we wrap up, we discuss the intricate journey of personal growth, career motivation, and the significance of genuine connections. Together, we explore the value of mentorship, the difference between short-term desperation and sustained effort, and the importance of staying true to oneself amidst societal pressures. Our light-hearted banter is sprinkled with humor and practical advice, making for an engaging episode that's both thought-provoking and inspiring. Whether you're on a path to weight loss, career success, or personal growth, this episode offers insights that are sure to resonate.

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On this week's episode. It's more of the people that don't believe I can lose the weight.


There you go, the doubters, the doubters, yeah.


I want to prove it that I can and I will.


If you're doing something out of proving somebody wrong, it's not a sustainable plan. Two wrongs don't make a right, bro.


Oh shit, I might have to contradict that, okay.


Talk to us, harris. Let's say you're gonna be skinny, right. What's gonna happen to those traumas and those things you choose to that you believe about yourself? That's a really good question. What you think, this is, oh shit. All right, mike, what'd you say? Yo, yo, I said what's up? I thought Joey Bass is bringing that fancy model. I got my nice shoes on.


I know, bro, I can't believe you wore those, bro I had to get dressed up.


you know, I seen her Insta. I was like yo shit, I gotta, you know, clean up.


Yo Joe Fresh cut If you're listening, man. Where's that supermod? Good yeah All right guys. Well, today we have a special guest. His name is Harris. What's going on? Yeah, thank you for joining us, harris. This is an interesting topic that you guys are talking about off air, but let's introduce it to on air so everybody can chime in and maybe learn something. Learn a thing or two, you want me to introduce it?


Go ahead. Sure, learning thing or two. You want me to introduce it? Go ahead. Well, when you asked me to introduce it, the first thing that came to mind is what does it take to be a good student? Okay, because Harris over here sitting across from me said hey, you know, I want to lose weight, you know, and I want you to, you know, help me. I was like okay, yeah, I can help you.


But a lot of the times. Well, let's start from the beginning, then. If we're going to talk about a good student and we talked about this subject a lot, because I think part of being a good student can set you up if you know how to be a good student for success, Because it takes humility and being humble to be a good student so let's first ask Harris as to why he's under the impression that you should be the teacher. Why is he asking you to teach him, Harris?


You went from 300 pounds to you lost a decent amount of weight.


Let's just say 100. You lost 100 pounds, so Harris clearly sees that that's a progress. He's like oh shit, this makes sense. This looks like you know something because you did it. Why don't you help me out? Right, I guess that's the qualifier that Harris is using to qualify you as the person who's competent to be able to teach him. The same way, go ahead.


Yeah, so when? Yeah, so so when he said that you know he said this a couple days ago and I've been, you know, like kind of messing with him, you know, and see where he's at, see if he's really about this. Yeah, you know, and many times he's proven to me that he's actually not about this, because a lot of times when he speaks he's, you know, he speaks as if he's a teacher. You know he's like oh yeah, I'm so I just gotta go running.


Yeah, yeah, he's already applying certain principles, applying things that he thinks he knows?


yeah, without asking me like hey, so what do I do? Do I run? Do I walk do I hike, do I like? What do I do? He's he's already planning to go to the gym four days a week.


I'm like, wait, why you don't have to go to the gym at all maybe yeah, you know, like you know, you again, you're under the wrong impression of how things should be done. The sequence of events, what actual events? Yeah, you know. So that's why, that's why I was having discussion with them, like you coming across with this um, that you know, and that's why you're not succeeding. Also, also, you're setting certain restrictions on yourself, like time. You know, I want to lose weight fast. Okay, you want to lose weight, but very fast, very fast. How fast? Yeah, probably by tomorrow, if it was possible. Yeah, he also is doing a revenge tour. Yeah, he's doing a revenge tour. Yeah, he's doing it.


Okay, explain that.


I think A lot of people go on these revenge tours A lot of people go on these revenge tours as a motivator.


I was actually talking to somebody yesterday and he's like, yeah, you know, when I had my first girlfriend, my first love, after she dumped me. He's like I went on a revenge store and I was hitting, hitting up mad girls and, just like you know, having sex with them, everyone you know, because I was on a mission to revenge all the girls because this one girl hurt me.


Really, yeah, that's crazy.


I was like, wow, that's crazy. So what a sinner. Yeah, girlies that gave them the no, the naysayers, the naysayers, all the girlies said yo, I'm not going to, you know. I'm not going to hook up with you.




There was a lot Nothing like that.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. For whatever reason, it's more of the people that you know don't believe I can lose the weight.


There you go, the doubters, the doubters, yeah.


I want to prove it that I can and I will and I want to shock everyone. I want to put them in their place. Why? Why does that have to be the motivator? I don't know. It just motivates me to prove them wrong is it a good motivator?


let's talk about this. Is it a good motivator to use almost a revenge? I'm going to prove you wrong, right. So it's no longer like, hey, I want to be healthy and skinny, right? No, I want to prove somebody wrong. So your motivating factor is not even losing weight and being healthy. Your motivator is to proving people wrong.


And I think that we spoke about your journey even right, where before you lost weight plenty of times Right and you always bounce back into gaining more weight and you realize that a lot of times you were doing it wrong, you were doing it for someone else versus doing it for yourself. Yeah, so maybe you can, maybe you can share some of that knowledge with uh, with harris I can.


Yeah, if he's uh willing to be a good student, I can well, well, no.


The thing is, I'm not sure if the prerequisite of him needing to be a good student is the requirement for you to teach him your ways. I think that you might have to go through the process of him losing the weight for revenge and then gaining all of it back and more afterwards, and then losing it for the right reasons.


Yeah, that's possible too. You know what? I'm saying that could be a fun ride. Hell yeah. So you're going to lose all the weight and then balloon up to 300 and then go back down potentially. Yeah to God damn right. So would you prefer to lose it once and for all, or you want to see Saul a little? Once and for all man Once and for all.


Okay. Yeah, all or you want to see so a little once and for all.


Man, once and for all, okay, yeah, well. Well then, the question is right. The question is if you're doing something out of revenge, right, or out of proving somebody wrong, is that a sustainable?


plan it's. I don't think, I don't actually. I think it's impossible, it's impossible. Well, yeah, two wrongs don't make a right, bro, oh shit.


I might have to contradict that. Okay, talk to us, harris. I've had several friends that did just that and proved everyone wrong. Okay, and got to where they are today, mm-hmm.


Yeah, but the thing is and where are they?


Yeah, one buddy is in the Marine Corps. Mm-hmm, he was, I'd say, heavy when he went in.




And everyone said you know, oh, you can't complete it at all.


Yeah, mm-hmm.


And he basically said F you, I'm going to show you. Okay, and he has, and he's been very successful.




He's gone to recon Marine recon, which is one of the hardest trainings out there. Uh-huh, marine Recon, which is one of the hardest trainings out there. He's proved everyone wrong, so I believe it can be a motivator.


It can be, but the thing is, you're looking for a sustainable outcome.


I think that's sustainable. For how long right?


Are we talking about lifestyle change forever or are we talking about for a specific time frame, A lot of people? You know this.


Well, I think it's good to start going.


A lot of people want to get a summer bod.


Yeah, I'm going to like what I see, uh-huh, and I'm going to keep going.


Yeah, but for how long? For as?


long as it takes man yeah, but you yeah.


Let's say you've achieved the body that you want. Right, Keeping it off is the hard part.




I hear what you're saying. How are you going to keep it off?


For years.


Okay, sure you got it done in six months or a year, the one thing I would say is like I don't just want to eat healthy forever. You know what I'm saying? I just don't want to eat salads forever, and Mike was just talking about that.


I was telling him that I ate four slices of pizza yesterday, but I'm not stressing about it, I ate burgers.


He was just telling me that you just got to keep fit, you got to keep exercising, you got to keep moving.


It's not that simple, but yeah, I know I'm going gonna have to cut down what I do eat, my portion sizes and all that yeah, yeah, see, I think that, um, this is, this is a philosophical question, I think, mike it is of course because, at the end of the day, I think that if you have a person who's solely motivated by, let's just say, proving people wrong, I'm not sure if you can introduce things like find your passion and do it as much as you can so that you can lose weight as a side effect.


There is another reason I'm doing this, though Did you just?


come up with it.


No, my family, my father's side Okay, we all die young from some type of illness.




Mostly, we have a lot of cancers that run in our family. Okay, I'm trying to get fit, stay healthy. Okay, so I can live past my 50s, which is rare.


Why do you want to live past your 50s?


Men in my family. Why do you want to live past your 50s? Men in my family. Why do you want to live past your 50s? Because I want to live a long life. Why, If I have kids, I want to see them grow up. No men in my family. What is that going to do for you? I live a long life, man. Be happy bro.


Oh okay, happy, yeah, you used the word happy there. Oh okay, happy, you used the word happy there. It sounds like you want to live long and also be happy. You see what he's saying you see he introduced a different variable here completely. He used the word happy.


My family has called this thing the curse in our family, because no man, at least for the past three generations, has lived past 50. Wow, they've all died in their 40s and they're all heavy hitters. Everyone, shoesters, are known as heavy people. Okay, there hasn't been a skinny one in their adult life.


So yet again, you want to prove it wrong, prove this theory wrong and break the curse.


I want to break the curse of the weight. Okay, I want to break the curse of the amount of time we do live, mm-hmm.


But you also introduce a very important aspect here. Yeah, you just don't want to live long, you also want to be happy while you're living long.


Yes, I live by a saying Okay, okay, you know. Live like there's no tomorrow, live a quarter mile at a time, live like there's no tomorrow, uh-huh, because tomorrow is not promised.




You can walk outside and get hit by a bus. It's just what it is. So, yeah, I live my sure. I live my life at risk. Absolutely, I do crazy shit.


Yeah, like eating nine Big Macs.


I don't eat the nine Big Macs. You got the wrong guy. You got the wrong guy there. Buddy you out of your goddamn mind. Y'all got damn mind boy, but I do live my life a certain way, reckless or I wouldn't say reckless right, there's things I want to do. Sure people absolutely say it's absolutely, I'm out of my goddamn mind. Okay, I do want to ride a bull. A who A bull?


Oh, ride a bull. I thought a bull. You say you write a book. It's the same thing, it's basically right.


I guess you could say it's for the adrenaline rush. It's the thrill of it. I want to become certified at jumping out of a fucking plane with a parachute. Okay, you know what I'm saying?


My parents have told me I'm out of my have you ever jumped out of the plane yet?


Not yet Okay. My parents have said I'm out of my goddamn mind. You know, but the way I look, at it.


Why do you want?


to become certified so. I can do it myself. Man, Where'd you get?


these ideas from? How are they born? I've heard some. Just because people tell you that you can't do it.


No, it's not about this. I've heard from several people that once you're out there, it's the most beautiful thing in the goddamn world Out, where, once you're out of the plane and you're going down. It's the most beautiful thing in the goddamn world.


Why don't you just get up and buy a drone?


It's not the same dude. Well, how do you know this? You're flying right. You're flying the drone yeah.


And you're looking at it through a fucking computer screen. How do you know?


you're not going to jump out of the plane and pass out.


Who the?


Just plenty of people pass out dude, there's only one way down.


What if you shit your pants? Yeah, people shit their pants.


People pass out, people throw up. Yeah, of course All this shit happens. Yeah, you know what I mean. So to make a conclusion like he's, making like this is the best thing in the world. We're coming, dude. You know what boy?


I already did, then we're going to see that I already skydove.


You're going too. I already never did it. Well, you're going.


All right, where are we going this weekend? What's the rest of this? You know a place that does it around here, of course. Where's it at?


That's it. We'll make it happen. Let's do it. Let's do it.


I, you know, my mom, my dad, they've all said I'm absolutely nuts for doing this. But if you don't take a little bit of risk, are you really enjoying your life? Have you lived it to the fullest?




That is another thing I think about.


I've lived for the past 10 years, but live like there's no tomorrow. So what is the difference between jumping out of a plane and getting out of your comfort zone and developing a new skill? And you still feel the same brush. What do you mean? You've never jumped out of a plane before. No, you don't know how it feels. Right, it is out of your comfort zone, right, but you also don't know how it feels right, it is out of your comfort zone, right, but you also don't know how, for example, how to do sales. Let's just say you don't know how to talk to people.


Let's just say right, what is the difference between the two, I don't know how to talk to people on the phone. Sure, okay, that's a good question, sales, I'd say it is a lot harder, right, because we're gonna find out. If I like jumping out of a fucking plane, I'm gonna be hooked onto someone. I know for a fact that once you're up in there, there's no other way down. You're going the fuck out, that's correct you're going out, that's it.


You ain't got a choice, that's right. You're going, yeah, you know, but sales, extremely Correct. You're going out the door, that's it. You ain't got a choice, that's right. You're going, yeah, you know, but sales is extremely hard, I'd say, and it's something you got to get used to Mm-hmm, which I'm seeing now, mm-hmm. I'm going to say I walked into this thinking you know I was going to be running out of the gate like a goddamn racehorse. That ain't the case. Nope, that ain't the case.


You miscalculated.


Yeah, yeah, but you also, I'd say to everybody that's listening.


But the conclusions that you're making about jumping out of the plane, that you're saying that I want to be certified, that means you already have in your head that you know what it takes to be certified. Right? I don't know, do 100 jumps? Let's just say, or whatever it takes? Right? You're assuming that you're going to like the first jump. I mean, is that not ignorant of you?


The first half of it. Sure, I might be a little scared, but my buddy, my buddy's even said your buddy, or your body, my buddy's, my buddy's even said that 75% of the people that do it the first 10 seconds are freaking the fuck out. But then they relax, they look around and they just love everything about it. You see the world from up high like never before. Okay, it's not like looking out your window on a plane.


You've never been on a mountaintop over here in Greenwood or airplane.


It's not like that, though. You're literally coming down to the Earth's surface from the air.




And I've seen the look on everybody's faces. I've seen the videos. It's absolutely fucking beautiful.


All right, I mean, we're trying it tomorrow, right? You said, let's do it Okay.


No pulling out? Man, no, pulling out.


Actually I like no bitching out here, man, Don't pull it out, man.


Don't punk out boy. Yeah, I'm talking to you too. You can't just cancel the plans now. You know you're on the podcast. Man, I have goals in life. Oh, first one I think the most important one is dropping the weight, getting it to a healthy thing. Why?


Why is this the most important one? Because this is going to allow you to do all the other shit.


It's not just the other shit. I believe if I dropped the weight and I have a healthy lifestyle, I will be able to live a longer life, like, I said, most of the people on my father's side have died and you want to live longer, because you feel happy about life and you want to extend it.


Yeah, okay.


Most of the people on my father's side almost all of them I've never seen a Schuster that was not overweight have died. There hasn't been a skinny Schuster. In the end, that's what I'm saying.


Okay, you want to be the first one.


I want to be the first one and I want to break the cycle in my family. You know, but this is like my bucket list man. All right, I want to lose weight. I want to lose weight, I want to get fit, um, and I want to experience life to the fullest man.


What are you unable to experience because you're a heavy hitter now?


Can you see a dick? I can't see my dick.


I can see my dick. There is stuff I can't see my dick.


I can see my dick just fine. There is stuff I can't do. If you ask me to run a mile in 12 minutes, I goddamn can't do it. Yeah, but who? Cares about that you remember. In middle school, they used to time you yeah, I could never fucking do it. Yeah, but who cares about that Me? Why, though? Because the average person can run the mile in 12 minutes. That's not true Every.


Average person can run the mile in 12 minutes. That's not true. Average person cannot run the mile in 12 minutes, or whatever the average time is.


Sure, they can. No, you don't think so.


No, 50% of this office can't do it. Maybe even 75% Really.




How much can you bench press? I don't know, I don't bench press Seriously. Yeah. How much can you bench press? I don't know, I don't bench press Seriously. Yeah, I want to get fit to the point where I'm able to do a lot of the shit. I want to be able to run a half a marathon.


Why, though? Why would you want to do that Other than to like to? It's not just to prove people wrong.


No, I guess it's to make. I guess you could say deep down make myself proud.


But who's saying that those things will actually make you proud? How do you know that those things will make you proud and not something else?


I don't know. I struggled with weight my almost my for 10, 12 years.




And I guess it's not just about proving to other people, it's about proving it to myself.


Proving it to yourself that I can do it that you can do it. Why would you want to prove it to yourself? What's the reasons?


Like I said, I've been heavy my teenage life, my adult life. When I was a kid I was the skinniest kid there was.


When I was a kid, I was the skinniest kid there was.


And then when I got into middle school, I blew up, yeah, and I just I don't know, there's a part of me that is upset about the weight. You know what I'm saying Embarrassed, I guess you could say. There's times I don't even like taking off my shirt?


Yeah, so does it sound like you have some kind of trauma from it, right, yeah, have you.


Yeah, I'm surprised I'm even talking about this on a podcast man.


Of course you shouldn't be surprised. We're good at what we do, harris, yeah, so Harris just admitted that, or just confirmed that he actually has a trauma from being overweight in his life. Oh really, yeah, okay, what's?


the trauma.


Well, just being overweight, there was. When I was in middle school. There was a lot of bullying that Really yeah, okay, what's the trauma?


Well, just being overweight, what is?


There was when I was in middle school. There was a lot of bullying that ensued from it.


Okay, oh, okay.


It got. I guess you could say it still affects me today.


That bullying from before. Yeah, okay, how do you feel? How does it make you?


feel there's a point I was telling Mike. Sometimes I don't even like taking off my shirt because it embarrasses me.




Which is one of the reasons I didn't take it off at first when we were doing the deck.


Yeah, okay, but you did afterwards.


Yeah, it lasted with me. Okay, to the point where, when I'm at the beach, I look around before I even take my shirt off.






Well, because I guess for you, you believe that the way you look defines you in full Correct. Yeah, but is that the truth about the world?


I don't know man, I still question it today, right?


Well, yeah, I think it's a very good question that Mike poses.


I still question it today.


Yeah. Because you took off your shirt when we were doing the deck yesterday, right, why?


You were hot. I think it stood a point I was hot, you was hot, and you also felt like you're not going to be judged. Yeah, because we've known each other for how long.




And nothing like that's happened. But I don't know, it's when I'm out there in public it but. I don't know it's when I'm out there in public, it's hard for me to do.




It's embarrassing, extremely embarrassing so if you lose the weight. Right, yeah, you don't think you'll be embarrassed anymore. No, I mean, you know, I don't think anybody would have something to judge about anymore.


But what about you judging yourself, like, let's say, you're going to be skinny right? What's going to happen to those?


traumas and those things that you believe about yourself. That's a really good question.


What do you think this is? Yeah, Ah shit.


He said oh shit. I think You're yeah. Ah shit. He said oh shit.


I think You're making him think, Mike. I think if I lose the weight and I get in fit, I just want, I guess, to feel proud of my accomplishments, right Proud of myself Right now, with the way I look you're not proud.


No, if you lose the weight, where's the guarantee that you're going to be proud?


I don't know it will, but I believe it's worth a try do you think the proudness is in the results or in the way that you achieve those results? Probably achieve those results. That's a good answer. Results or in the way that you achieve those results Probably achieve those results. That's a good answer. So what's the how you achieve those results that you could be proud if you do lose the weight, or when you lose the weight, how does that work? What could you be proud of? The hard work, I guess Would you be proud if you went in and you scammed the person out of a Like, for example in sales, that you lied to all the customers.


Hell. No, you're out of your goddamn mind.


You're out of your goddamn mind, would you be proud of that, but you wouldn't make a lot of money, or would you be? I?


did what you were talking about, I'd feel like shit for the rest of my life.


So then, in logic, how, if you were to lose the weight in a way that you wouldn't be proud of, how would you be happy with the results?


I see where you're coming from. Yeah, yeah. So then how would you do it then If?


you want to be proud of yourself, right? If you're going to engage in something, yeah, so then how would you do it? Then, if you want to be proud of yourself, right, if you're going to engage in something. Let's say, we'll take the losing of the weight. How would you engage in losing weight that you could be proud of it?


I guess take your advice oh well, listen, harris, I think that's a big. I think, with Mike at least, you are in luck to have a person who has experience with losing weight. Okay, and Mike happened to be in the camp that you used to be, or you are right now. Actually, he used to be in this camp where he lost weight for different reasons. Right, right, right. I think this last losing of the weight was actually the reason. Finally, that was centered around for himself. Yeah, rather than to prove somebody wrong, to prove somebody right or whatever it is, you know what I mean Like to show off you actually made me open up for the first time about the traumas I have.


Yeah and yeah exactly Exactly, and I think that the more you dig into those things, it can really help you find your way or your path of doing it for yourself, versus doing it for the people that you know, maybe doubting you and stuff like that, because Mike has been there, he's done that, he has that experience, you know, and he has been there, he's done that, he has that experience, you know, and he has that knowledge. However, it'll all come back down to what kind of student do you want to be? And I think this is going to come back to again that dilemma of how much attachment does an individual have towards those attachments.


See, I used to dig this very deep about all my fucking drama. I wouldn't even talk to my family about it anymore. It's just that simple. Yeah, I used to bury it deep and just go on living with my life. Yeah, I would try not to care what anybody thought, but it didn't work. It didn't work.


Yeah, why you still tied to. You want to still prove everybody wrong I think that's what started it.


Yeah, it's just. It's not a couple of naysayers family-wise. Yeah, it's, I guess everyone that scarred me.


Mike, what do you have for him?


well, yeah, like what we're saying, if you're gonna do it for the wrong reasons, it's not gonna work. It's impossible. And it might work for a year or two, but it won't work for the long run. It won might work for a year or two, but it won't work for the long run. It won't work, for It'll always be an effort of going to the gym, eating a certain way. It's like you know, like what is something that you do, naturally, that you don't have to think about, but you do it and you like it, and you can't say wanking yourself.


I can't believe it was a baby name.


That's a really good question, though Shit, I gotta really think about it.


You see this guy's coming up with all the good questions for you, man.


Yeah, I know, I really gotta think about that. I don't know what the hell it is. Man, good, you good.




Vaping, that Good, good Huh. Vaping, that's another problem though.


Ah Well, imagine something that like losing the weight and eating healthy and exercising. Imagine that every time you have to do it, it feels like a chore, it feels like unpleasant, like, oh man, I can't eat this. Oh man, I got to go to the gym. Oh man, I got to run. Oh man, oh man, I can't eat this. Oh man, I got to go to the gym. Oh man, I got to run. Oh man, oh man, I don't want to do it Right. Put that kind of attitude. You're going to fail. How long are you going to be able to keep that, to keep telling yourself no, no, no, I got to push, I got to push Vers, why I'm doing it and it's a pleasure to do it versus, you know which one sounds like more sustainable for a long term, kind of thing I hear where you're coming from oh man, you missed a lot totally yeah, some really good shit


you might have to re-listen to this whole thing.


First time I ever went deep down into the well yeah, harris is on a big revenge tour to prove everybody wrong about. Everything went deep down into the well. Yeah, harris is on a big revenge tour to prove everybody wrong about everything. You know, including losing of the weight and getting in shape, or outliving all the previous relatives that only lived in below 40s, I mean below 50s. Nobody lived past 50. He wants to outlive them. He wants to prove everybody wrong that he can get in shape he can be successful.


The bullying and the scarring.


Yeah, he went into bullying and all the stuff that happened in school about his weight and stuff like that. And now Mike's kind of trying to open up this whole can of worms about what's the proper way of doing something like this, right, losing weight and becoming better, a better person, right? And Harris never thought about these types of questions, you know, because he was so driven about trying to change and prove the whole world wrong. Yeah, trying to prove the whole world wrong. I think a lot of people can relate to this shit, yeah.


You know, yeah know, losing the weight is just the same thing as losing any identity of yourself it's really not just the weight either.


This country does have a major problem who cares about the fucking country?


with the bullying okay, sure, but bullying is like a necessary evil. No, yeah, okay, sure, but bullying is like a necessary evil.


Yeah, if you don't have properly educated kids, you're gonna have people that bully right absolutely, but taking it to a point where children let's say, are committing suicide. That's a major problem no, it's not yeah, do you, goddamn mind, are committing suicide. That's a major problem. No, it's not, yeti you got a damn mind.


There's a reason why I say that that's not a big problem. I think if you listen to any of our podcasts which you didn't, if you had the ability to understand any of our podcasts which you don't, fuck you man.


Fuck you, I'll fuck you.


You know what I'm saying you quickly understand that that the world is exactly where it should be just people care too much what other people think. Basically, I don't know what you're saying by that, do you care to elaborate?


I guess I'm speaking from experience.


Right. What experience have you? Committed suicide? As a child?


No, oh, but I've cared all my life. I'd say.


About the kids that committed suicide as a child? No what other people thought Okay. And you didn't commit suicide yet.


And you're not a child anymore. Okay, so this doesn't really affect you, but when I was younger, I was hospitalized for suicidal thoughts Okay. So I guess what I'm saying is sure we probably a lot of people probably take things too personally. Sure, and don't think before they do, there you go.


Why do you think that is?


I guess America has a major problem. Let's just say that.


No, it doesn't. I think you want to put America under an umbrella that I'm not sure if it really fits. I think that people and the effects that happen to these people, or whatever it happens, is exactly how it's supposed to be, based on what's going on and transpiring, and I don't necessarily think it's a big problem. I just think this is what it happens. It's exactly how it's supposed to be, based on what's going on and transpiring, and I don't necessarily think it's a big problem. I just think this is what it is and I think that if you start finding out as to why things are the way they are, you quickly find out that that ought to be this way. It's not a problem. It's an effect from a cause.


If you don't have uneducated kids, kids that don't have the ability to have good friendships, be honest with one another, be good to one another and be kind, they're going to have bullying, right, and it's going to drive some kids to jump off the bridge. Sure, that's a natural phenomenon. It's not unnatural at all. You know what I mean. Sure, bullying causes suicide. Sure, but why bullying in the first place, right it?


has in some ways made me stronger well, there you go, you see. Now you're saying the benefits of bullying it has made me stronger in some ways, okay, but it has also scarred me okay that's the one thing and you're still here, you're still standing has also scarred me.


Okay, that's the one thing.


And you're still here, you're still standing.


You're still kicking. You want to still live past 50, right? You still want to lose weight. You still want to be a productive member. You still want to prove people wrong. You still want to be a productive member of society. So what are we talking about here?


The reason I wanted to lose the weight so fast. I wanted to go right to my next. No, I'm not ready to settle down just yet. Alright, boy, I want to go to my next high school reunion. Basically tell everyone F you look what the hell I did. You can shove it up, your goddamn ass you got your goddamn mind.


You know what I'm saying.


That sounds like you're angry. Go for it. Question Would you prefer to pull up to your high school reunion If you had a choice of only one or the other? Either you are who you are right now yeah. But you pull up in a Ferrari, god like. You are who you are right now yeah, right.


But you pull up in a Ferrari, Goddamn bro.


Wait, wait, wait. Or you don't have the Ferrari, but you're skinny.


I'd probably choose the skinny.


I think you're lying boy.


I'm not lying, bro, because you know I'll just get a goddamn Tesla, bro, it's as fast as a Ferrari, right? I agree? Zero to 60 in 2.9 seconds. Oh my God, Elon has done some crazy shit to those cars, man.




And I used to dislike Elon so much you knew him personally. No, I just thought he was a bullshitter just by listening to him really, who told you that? What do you mean?


who put you on no.


I just look at him and I thought he was just fronting.


All the time I hear him showing off his watches Yapping I would love to see those video clips that he watched and where he thought he was bullshitting based on the things that he heard. Yeah, I would like to see that.


Something tells me that I'll never see it Like when I saw him shooting up the Tesla truck with a bunch of fucking robots. He was a show-off in my eyes.




Bro, you didn't see those videos. You know, that those videos are fake? No, they're not, fucking fake.


Yeah, you're talking about a deep fake, the robots that he's talking about.


They fucking went viral, dude.


Yeah, but that's not real videos. Man, when he actually shot the truck was with Joe Rogan with an arrow.


With an arrow? Yeah, then how does that prove it's bulletproof With that fucking arrow?


Yeah, also shot it with a gun, but it wasn't with the robots. The robots was completely fake.


So he didn't shoot that thing, you understand what most of.


America is watching. You should show T totally what you're talking about. You send them a link over that they can check it out later.


And I think Joe Rogan was the one that suggested he's like what to call him, because Joe Rogan is the one that had the arrow thing right.


So he didn't test it and Elon Musk's like yeah, why no?


They did test it, but it wasn't robots. There was a Tommy gun, I think that they used on it, and it performed really well.


It looks so fucking real. This world is getting scary bro. There you go, bro.


Especially for people like you. Imagine most of America is like you. What is that supposed to mean?


Think about it what they think. It's real, Of course.


You guys lost your goddamn mind.


This is the goddamn AI they're talking about. That is correct. This is the goddamn AI. That is correct. Do you realize how sophisticated this shit is getting?


For the individuals who don't have the eye for it, yeah, but for the people who are actually paying attention, it's fucking stupid.


I've listened to songs that were fronted as, like Eminem.




And it sounded exactly like him. It didn't sound like a goddamn robot. Yeah, it's getting scary.


For you. Yeah, you gotta. When you go home now, throw away your smartphone, get a flip phone and that's it. Forget about it. Get a goddamn mind boy. That's the first part of the weight loss journey. Yeah, they're controlling your mind, man.


They're controlling your mind, man. They're trying to make it into marshmallows, they're trying to fuck you up. Man, nah, man, when it comes to you, we're fighting against the world. You're the world, you're representing the world. You came in here and you're spewing a bunch of nonsense. Well see, do you understand this, or no?


What do you mean Right now? No, just period.


No, I'm not Okay.


The one thing I can say is you guys are, I guess, breaking me down.




And building me back up. You feel this? Yes, really. Yes, wow, that is very interesting. Okay, I'm going to tell them what's going on right now. Okay, go ahead. I don't know, so I've known eldar we've never met.


How long do you think it's been? If you look back, I was 24 when I started youth partnership, so I'm 39. I was what?


15 years, 10, 10 when I started coming around.


Yeah, so I was yeah, cause I was 16.


So you were 16. Yeah, correct, 15 years. It was John first.


It was John first and then you came and then yeah so I'd say around 12, 13, so I've known Eldar well over 100 years let's just say 10 years no, because I was there when you started.


Letter friend 15 years, 15, so I'd say closer to 18, I guess okay, let's just go with that let's just go with 20 round up.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


I think you were 10 and a half no yeah, because I started coming around when John was there were you 4 months into going to 11, or what day was that you got him thinking?


about it? Were you four months into going to 11? Or what day was that you got him thinking about?


it who gives a fuck, Harris, but anyway. So I've been through a lot of shit in my life before I got to where I am today.


Where are you today? First of all, it seems like you're still going through a lot of shit.


I'm no longer homeless because I was homeless at that point. Fuck you go, fuck yourself, go where the sun don't shine. I was homeless for, let's say, almost a year in the New York City shelter system when COVID hit. I lost my job and I came back closer to be the fan, be closer to family, uh, and I was in the shelter system, uh, and I'd say this is probably the first time I've been, I guess you could say, a stable environment. Hmm, and three years, four years, okay.


Uh, and I'm learning uh environment in three years, four years, okay, uh, and I'm learning for the past, I'd say my adult life. I've had labor jobs and it's the first time since I left school that I've actually had to use my brain. Everything was just brute force and it's taken, you know, time for me to learn to do this shit again. Because after school I'm sure several people can relate you don't need to do half the shit you did in school if you have a labor job. I'm sure several people can relate you don't need to do half the shit you did in school If you have a labor job, your job is not to use your fucking brain, your job is to use Muscle.


Yeah, muscle.


Physical ability.


Yeah, it's taken me time Because I've been out of school for nine years. Every job I've had was not about brains, it was about using muscle.


Can you tell me how did you find your way home?


How did I find my way?


home? How did you find your way home, elaborate In which way? Why did you contact me?


So I moved back to Jersey and I told you I was moving back to Jersey. You did, and you told me to contact you and that you might have a job for me. But that was a while ago. Yeah, and you still remember that. Yeah, I still remember that.


I have one of the best memories out there. I remember shit when I was four years old and my mom would be like holy shit, yeah, if you didn't remind me I wouldn't even remember that shit, you know, yeah, and some of the shit I don't. I wish I don't remember. Yeah, um, but I contacted you because, first of all, I wanted to get my life started. I'm 26 years old. I haven't gone to college. I want a job that I can have, a career, I can buy myself a car. Finally I can start my damn life. I've had family members tell me you've been through more shit than the normal adult and that they're sorry. I don't want to hear sorry, I just want to.




I want to start my damn life.


Okay, well, drink that.




Is this the alcohol speaking Harris, or are you just making this shit up as you go?


I told Elba when I first came here that I wanted a career. I wanted to start my life Because, if you really think about it, I've never really had my own place. I've struggled most of my adult life and I just want a career. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, I want to be able to settle down.


Totally? Is he ready, or what For what, to fight for it?


What are we talking about? Fight? Are we talking about boxing here? We'll see.


We'll see. Yeah, we'll see. It's a good answer.


I feel like it's including my own self. Does he have that thing, that thing, what? Thing?


That thing that you had, that.


I had what did you have that thing?


that you want that I had.


Yeah, what did you have for what? That thing that you like that want that drive? There was a drive. It's early days.


It's early days, yeah, because I didn't know about that thing either like when he totally came to me and said, yo, I want to do this, this and that, like I didn't take him really seriously at the moment, right, until he persevered and he did it long enough and he showed some character, but in the beginning I didn't take him seriously obviously, you know. But he had some thing. Now I'm like oh, he had the thing. So I'm asking whether or not he has that thing from Tully to see whether or not he has that thing. Is this the thing?


I mean, I don't know.


Time will tell.


It's hard because you hear a lot of people, I guess, that want particular things or that, but for me it's very hard to assess. Not that it's very hard to assess them, because I feel like once you see some evidence and it's ongoing a case has to be built. Everyone makes a claim.


Actions have to follow.


Yeah. Then it's like okay, if we want to make a a metaphor, to like a like a court case, right, like you know, let's say someone's suing someone or there's like some kind of criminal investigation or something, right, like there's like one party's claiming that another party did something or something is going on, right, yeah. And then like anyone can make any claim, yeah, you can say, doesn't mean, it's gonna stick or not?


yeah for it to stick. They're supporting evidence and then supporting details that's brought up, yeah, and then, like there's particular things that happen that make it pretty much undeniable, right, or like they always say that right, like if the government is going after somebody, they'll watch them do a bunch of things right. Right Like like if the government's going after somebody, they'll watch them do a bunch of things Right. They'll watch them do a bunch of things Right, and then they'll. They'll only go after the person when they have like a home run scenario. Right.


Otherwise they won't go they may have, like, some points on him, some things or her or whoever, right yeah, but they're not going to go after that person until it's like a slam dunk home run.


Yeah, if it doesn't make sense, why?


So same same thing here to me is like like a claim could be made, but like the actions are going to speak and like the the like, one thing will prevail one way or another. Yeah, but yeah, the good thing is that you definitely find out.


Yeah, so actions speak louder than words, harris, I do have motivation. Out in the words, harris, I do have motivation. I've been at the lowest point, I believe you can go in life which is homeless. I guess that's my motivation right there. I never want to end up in that position again.




Is that big enough or no?


I don't know.


We'll see.


Because it can definitely drive you for a particular period of time.




But then once you get some levels of stability those things become to fade out a little bit and they might not be as strong of a driving force anymore. But I think early on 100% they can be. They're a good driving force. They're very good driving forces right, because it's like a desperation right, like a desperate person, they'll do whatever.


I'll suck your dick.


Give me that crack oh you're out of your goddamn mind.


I'll suck your dick yeah.


Give me your goddamn fucking mind man Right.


So then, but after a certain while, if you take that person, you know you give them this. They get that, they get this, you know.


Yeah, no, you're right, you're no longer that desperate person anymore.


But at that point you do.


I believe at that point I will learn. I would have learned. You know, what I need to learn by then and be successful man. That's what it's all about. That's what I'm trying to be right now is learn to be successful in this type of business. All right, mike. What do we have? I believe I have the best mentors right now. You know what I'm saying, really. Yeah, that is very interesting. You got to understand. I've seen where you started your business, yeah, and I've seen where you all have brought it.


Do you only see the glamour, or do you see?


the substance? No, I've seen. I see what you do. I've heard Anatoly talk to your customers on the phone. I've heard about the amount of stuff you're doing.


Does he feel the same thing you felt when you observed me?


I don't know. You're the one that said Anatoly's a better salesman than you. She is, I believe this.


This is not even a question for me.


I've watched him. I've watched him. This is not even a question for me. I've watched him. I've heard him talk to the customers and I'm like holy shit, it's like watching the Wolf of Wall Street right now when he's when he's away, I might have an opportunity to talk to a customer.


You'll see my approach to it.


It's completely different well, when I watch Anatoly, I'm looking at him like I'm like holy shit, he's good, he's like the wolf of Wall Street.


That's a disrespect.


Because deep down, those motherfuckers are scammers. But he's really fucking good, he's good. He's good. Yeah, I mean, I've watched car salesman going to dealerships with my dad.


Yeah, and not buy anything.


And they don't buy shit. The people go in there they're like, oh no, that's too expensive, yeah, and they're like, well, we can do this for you. No, bro, they don't buy shit. Yeah, but you guys, your product sells itself. Wow, it really does. Where do you get this from? When you think about it? Yeah, you have a proven track record. It really shows itself. That's it. It helps. I mean, I agree with you, man, that's why I'm still here. I know bro, 14 years.


Yes, Can you believe that For a person like you, you need a track record? You know what I'm saying. For a person like me, yeah, to jump on the bandwagon, you know?


Yeah, man, I'm still in absolute shock. Dude Good, how far you've gotten it. Dude, yeah, good. I remember when we were working at your basement. Dude, that's right, look at you Look at me.


I remember when we were working at your basement. Dude, that's right, dude. Yeah, look at you. Look at me, man. You see the fucking watch I'm wearing. I don't even know what that is. Good, I'm wearing it for you, goddammit. So all right. Well, what can we do, man? Is this fucking? Can we bridge the gap?


What do?


you mean by bridge the gap, the only way to bridge the gap is to keep challenging.


So yeah, as long as he keeps putting himself up on the chopping block, then we can keep doing what we do. What do you?


mean by the chopping block. You ain't gonna cut anything off, is you? Yeah, we're gonna give you a second circumcision, boy yeah. Fuck you, motherfucker.


Oh, fuck you.


Oh, fuck you, oh, fuck you, bro, oh fuck you, You're the goddamn man.


Yeah, it's the goddamn man boy. So what are we saying, bro? Can we make him lose weight without revenge? Can we make him lose weight without revenge Can?


we make him successful or help him become successful without revenge. Yeah, I feel like there's a very interesting process to me that plays out in this right. Yeah, and you reminded me of it when you said can we bridge the gap? Yeah, and I think it's a very interesting phenomenon. I feel, like anyone, that hops on board or joins us. I mean, the listeners won't be able to see, but let's just say that if you can picture a physical gap between people, If you say bridge the gap, and you're definitely you understand what I'm saying.


Yeah, you're talking about it in very particular terms. But then if we were to bring that out and make it into a physical gap, like if the mental gap represents the physical gap, right, at least from my observation, lots of times when people join on board, right, or like I guess they become more friendly with those or hang out with us more, I feel like in the very beginning stages it maybe feels, maybe for like both parties or at least one, where there's like a shortening of this gap, right. But then once that happens, there are then future moments that create even further distance While getting closer at the same time. Then certain things get opened up, where then it creates to me a larger gap, and that, to me, is the challenge that I can't see people hop over.


It's hard to conceptualize it in my mind.


Do you know what I'm saying, or no? No, I don't.


I have no, you know what I'm saying, or no? No, I had a hard time.


I have no fucking clue what he's saying Good, you're talking about when you meet you guys, right, when everyone meets you guys, you guys are a bunch of damn fools, but I've known you guys for how fucking long.


Yeah, but you haven't really known us though. Yeah, you don't really know us.


You don't really know. It's like you don't know what's actually going on.


Last time you saw us was 10 years ago.


You know, yeah, sure, I've been away for a while Wrestling gators. First of all, there's no gators in Nebraska.


There's gators in this office, though. Yeah, where are they at, mike?


Right there on the floor is a little gator Penny Penny Fucking Penny. So, mike, right there on the floor, penny penny fucking penny. So, mm-hmm, I get where you're coming totally yeah, what you're saying.


Yeah, do you know what I'm saying? You're saying that it looks like it's very close, but it's actually really far.


I feel like it feels like it gets closer because, like there's what I'm trying to say, I'm trying to get you guys to see what I'm saying. Early on there's a huge gap right, and then you get to know us and some maybe basics are met. I feel like right like within a relatively fast period of time, right but they're artificial yeah, like there's just stuff like that, but for other people it feels like a crazy lot right and then, once it feels, like it feels like a lot a lot, okay, right, and then once the meat and potatoes happen, then the gap to me widens and a lot of and I mean pretty much everyone that we've met does is not able to persevere that so what's your?


I understand what he said, so let's just say this what's your advice to stop that from happening? Whoa?


now, that's a good question. That is a good question my advice to stop that from happening.


I mean like you started out right what works for you him asking that question already gives me like fucking, crazy, fucking thing what works for you and what do you advise?


yeah, I feel like normally I would resort to something that would like give somebody like something like tangible and physical to like do or think about. Yeah, but I don't think that's possible.


Yeah, but would you throw humility in the span here as an easy answer?


Yeah, but that's what I'm saying is that the usual logical part of this would definitely do that, but I also understand that there's no word to use, that there's no way to use that word to somebody and then them actually understand what that actually means I agree with that.


A hundred different things. I wouldn't understand what the hell you're talking about.


I agree, right so, even though it does make sense what what you're saying, yeah, I don't think it's possible to communicate that to somebody. Them understand it and then apply it and do it.


Yes right, yeah, because even though I understand what it means.


Yes, yes, even even though you understand what it is right yeah, it's a very like advanced way of acting. I I think right, yeah, um the only thing, but.


But the question is now has, let's just say, since harris is here, does his soul have that innate in him?


I mean, I don't know.


Yes, everybody's line well, oh you see yeah, sure that, but no, no, no, no no no, but whether or not it actually is is a predominant force within the individual. I don't think Harris carries himself prideful or arrogantly Sure. He says some arrogant, stupid shit, but I think he yields when he needs to.


Yeah, yeah, so what else? But yeah, he needs to, yeah, so what else?


He's not speaking arrogance from a different place we can come from.


What are you talking about?


He's speaking out of it because of lack of knowledge, versus the oomph of somebody else that we know.


You know, billy Bob Byron yeah.




I think, like I don't think, that Harris has been corrupted as much as some other person has been corrupted in the ways of being arrogantly prideful.


But you know, another thing I'm going to say is I guess you could say I've never been given an opportunity like this. I guess you could say so I've never experienced anything like this. I've never been given an opportunity, I guess you could say, to succeed okay wow. I mean, I know that's kind of effed up Fucking Nate yo. Who's this? Goddamn Nate bro Yo. You know what's funny Is Nate watching right now.


He might be listening.


The funny thing is that, like I not exactly, but I definitely had a similar thing early on as well. Yeah, yeah, well, yeah, yeah.




Yeah, that for sure. But to answer your question, harris, I was saying there's no actual advice of what to physically do, other than one thing that I could think of, because there's no way of making sense of what to do, you understanding it and then you being able to apply it. Right now I don't think it's possible. The only thing I could think of is that there needs to be a really really strong effort to trust A trust, what do you?


mean Trust the process, trust the people around you. What are you talking about here?


Well, he already appointed us as mentors. He said yeah but that's again.


It's like for now, right. The thing that I always experience in my life is that when like you thing.


for example, I don't think that he has that top bro. I don't think he has the top of something greater. What do you mean Like? Who can I compare this to?


Don't say names this is crazy.


Yeah, okay, I won't say names, but there's some people that have the thing where it's like no, there's something better or greater and we can have a measuring stick against that. I don't think he has that bar.


What does that mean? What do you mean by that?


What I mean by that is that somebody can have a really prideful. Without saying the names, I can't fucking make an example.


Okay, hold up, hold up. Can you say a letter, let's start. Let's start there. Let's put it that way If you can do that, you're not naming it Like what Somebody has a better understanding of doing things.


Is that what you're saying? An impression?


An impression of something greater. You know what I'm saying the impression of thinking that they know better than this Hockey.


Oh no, that to me, me like there's no way to say that, for example, that harris doesn't have that. I think everybody has that, and then I think there's no, it doesn't know.


But the thing is, everybody has it, but not everybody actually solidified in it. There's some people that are actually solidified in it because yeah sure okay, sure, yeah, I think there's, oh and then there's other individuals that we can completely destroy. That what?


you're saying is that that person is solidified in that character and Harris is not. He displays the behavior of those qualities, but they're not solidified.


Harris' stuff is all imitation so what are you talking about?


you're just a walking meme hey, go fuck yourself yeah exactly, hey, go fuck yourself.


Yeah, it's like yeah, exactly, I'm so lost and that's a good thing, harris it's a compliment it's a crazy comment, but it's a compliment bro, what are you talking about?


your mind? Is not that gone to the point where you can't?


That I think I'm better than him. Yes, like you're a jerk-off, you're not a jerk-off, which is good.


I get where you're going with this and I know who you're talking about. I'm just going to put it like that.


Okay, you know what I'm saying. I can make very. That felt a certain type of way and they stuck by it, they fucking hung on to it. I don't think he hangs on to that or he has that yet.


Which is a very good thing, that I agree with, but he's going to have his things.


Yeah, I think it's all bullshit things bro, to me. In those scenarios, can he, I guess, withstand the storm of those things along the way, can he? I guess withstand is probably the best way I could say the storm of those things along the way.


I withstand a lot of fucking storms in my life that's what he's saying.


That's his testimony. He said that he's seen a lot. We'll see.


I've been in the worst shelter system in the fucking United States. I've seen shit you've never States. I've seen shit you've never seen before. I've seen a lot of fucking death.


You see the person get killed, yeah, and their body sit there for five hours. Yeah, the fucking shelter, dude. They left it there. People were using the bathroom around that body. In the bathroom, that body, oh god, in the bathroom, dude, and we literally looked at it like part of the gig. No, dude, it's more like these guards have no fucking humility. Yeah, they don't even cover the dude's body up. Yeah, I'm scarred just from that shit.




So if I can live through that, yeah, I see what you're saying.


What? How can I say it without making it sound bad what it's like? There's an innocence there, yeah, but it's also coupled with something else. Yes, with something a little bit. Yeah, but it's BS stuff the way I bit, yeah.


But it's BS stuff. It's better than the way.


I look at it, but it's BS stuff yeah.


Like it's not a strong yeah it's not conviction.


Yeah, it's not conviction there's no conviction behind it yeah, which is a very good thing.


It's a good slate. Yeah, the way I look at it, I believe I can do anything I put my mind to.


Even the things you don't know about.


And he has some kind of a hunch, naturally, organically, that we somehow can bring him to the place. Well, I think it's because this is a crazy phenomenon.


But I think this part of it is what you were saying earlier is why the gap initially feels so close. Part of it is we are good at what we do Because we ask the right questions. You see the questions that we're asking him. He was answering those questions from a completely different place, not the place they usually tap into, and then he's like opened up.


Part of the reason is that tequila is good. Right, listen, we're going to advertise as tequila, not at the place they usually tap into and then he's like opened up.


I think part of the reason is that tequila is good, right, listen, we're going to ask him if he has a tequila. We're not going to say the brand that it's going to be, what's his name? What is it called Supporting us or what is it called Sponsoring?


Sponsoring us.


Yeah, we're not going to say listen, we're drinking tequila and it's really good, and that's why Harris, at least, has these types of thoughts.


No, it's not the thoughts. I guess You're a drunk boy, I'm not drunk, I'm tipsy, I'm not to that point. But I guess usually when I'm completely fine and that's, you know, not tipsy, I'm more afraid to open up about how I'm actually feeling.


Yeah, but look at this, I know, is it the tequila or is it the environment? I guess it's a little bit of both. Oh, okay, good, this podcast is fucking good.


I guess we never really talked about deep shit before. Oh so you think? Let me ask you a question. When I was younger, we never talked about deep shit because you weren't paying attention.


I thought you had good memory I did, but we never talked about this deep shit. That's because you were fucking bouncing off the walls yeah, you were raging back, then what?


do you think we were talking about you?


gotta really think about it, though but you found your way back to the fucking hive.


Yeah, that's true. What people don't know about this guy Buddy over here, did you even tell him what you used to do in your other life there? No, no, why not?


Because I was waiting for you to come over here and tell us.


This guy over here out, there was a counselor. He ran a group called the Youth Partnership. All right, where I guess the retards we don't use that word no more.


We don't use that word no more. We don't use that word no more. We don't use that word no more. We don't use that word no more, we don't use that word, no more.


And he's talking about you too, man, where I guess you explained how you started, recruited everyone in the beginning it was from the rec center, you over there, and then it just kind of blew up. Man, I think you probably had the most successful youth partnership. I had the stuff, man, in the, I guess would you say state Would you say the world, I would say the country.


Would you say the world? I can't say the world. Though. Why can't you say the country, but you can't say the world? I don't think you serve the whole country.


I think you probably made the most successful youth partnership.


No, it's not about the money man the most successful youth partner. No, it's not about the money man the most successful youth partnership out there dude, because you made it enjoyable, like you said they can't keep people now, after you left.


For years they weren't able to properly recruit and keep people around, but when you did it, you made it fucking fun. Thank you, harris. I appreciate those compliments, man, it was great.


It was great memories, dude.


And now look at this right, we're all coming back together.


We're having a YP reunion. We're trying to do it. Yeah, tomorrow we're going skydiving yeah. We're doing it right. Yeah, Where's the connection? Don't worry about it.


We'll Google it.


Mike will make it happen you don't even know where it's at it. You don't even know where it's at it, doesn't?


matter bro, it doesn't matter where it's at, we all go skydiving. Fuck, no, what's the problem?


What's the problem? What's the problem?


He's a certified instructor.


Yeah, he's a certified instructor. Right here you want to go elder tomorrow.


I don't give a fuck, you know me.


I'm down for the cause. Elder's done it before. Mike. Sure, I'm trying to cross something here off my bucket list.


And you understand I'm the only person in this room that actually did it. Nobody else did it here, so I don't give a fuck.


Live life like there's no tomorrow. Cause you don't know If tomorrow's promised you gotta live a little bit of a thrill, yeah Unless. You haven't really enjoyed life, you go. Scott, I'm definitely not going live. A little bit of a thrill, yeah Unless you haven't really enjoyed life.


You go, scott, I'm definitely not going If.


I were to die tomorrow, that's the last thing I'd want to do. I'd say like 1%, 1%, yeah, there's maybe one. That's a pretty high percentage.


Is there a chance that me, you and Mike can be strapped to the same instructor and we go all together? I think you'd kill that dude.


I don't think you'd be able to pull the fucks of shit. I don't think you'd be able to. I think we'd all fucking die.


I'll sit on your head and Mike will sit on my head and we'll just all go. God damn Mike.


Oh man, come on man Totally.


Absolutely not Seriously.


Yeah, he said it's a life-changing experience.


Yeah, he's never done it, but he thinks it's the best thing ever From everybody I've talked to man You've surveyed a lot of people all two of them.


Huh, how many people did you survey?


You know you want to hear something crazy. The people I've talked to I'm not going to mention their names, please don't, because they're sensitive people no. Their jobs.


Wouldn't want them known.


No, they're classified, okay, they died, g14 classified or.


No, I can't say their names or the Unitary. Yeah, I'm just going to leave it at that. Okay, names, or the unitary, I'm just going to leave it at that. Only close people know it. But they never skydived before joining the military. They never jumped out of a plane before joining the military and the first training they went through, of course, they weren't attached to anyone. Let's put it that way. The first training they did was, of course, they weren't attached to anyone. Let's put it that way.


The first training they did was practice static lining. They went to regular army jump school and a static line. I don't know if you know what that is. It's basically I guess you can call it a rope slash string that attaches to another rope inside and it's basically attached to a parachute. So when you jump out it automatically opens the parachute. That's the first step for them and they did that. Once they're trained in that, they then train for freeform. So it's not like you know, it's not like they get attached to someone before they do it. Okay, they were just thrown into it. Yeah, yeah, but they came certified. My buddy said he remembers the first time he jumped free fall.




He had two instructors at the same time and he was out of fucking control, swerving in the air, fucking spinning, going crazy, and the instructors had to literally grab onto him, pull the chute open, hold it for him, yeah, yeah. No, not hold it for him, they had to slow him down.


Another instructor had to pull the parachute for him yeah, and he said, sure, it was the scariest fucking moment in his life because he was spinning out of fucking control. Yeah, but he said, when it really came down to it, it was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen in his life. He's out of his goddamn mind. I think he's right. Sure, he was scared for two fucking seconds, but then, when he really opened his eyes and looked down, he said he's never seen the world like that.


He said it's not even compared to when he does that. And now he became the happiest man in the world.


He's out of the military now.




He still skydives to this day, for fun, for fun. He's not getting paid for it anymore. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he does it for fun, for fun. I'm not getting paid for it anymore. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he does it for fun. Mm-hmm, he does it at least once a month.




And I want to experience this. That's it. We're taking you.


Let's do it. That's it. We're going to take you.


No backing out man. No, we're doing this, even if we back out, you're going. Well, I got to get there, man.


Don't worry about it, we'll get you there.


Oh yeah, you're going to hire one of your drivers to take me bro.


Yeah, you going to do something about it bro.


I probably won't even know, so let's get to it. What's the next subject? Man?


Wow, you already finished with this one. Well, we started with weight loss? Yeah, and then we went to the job, the job, but it's all in the same, ain't it? Yes, it is how so.


I believe it's where you want to end up in life is what I think we're talking about.


Wait, I thought we're not talking about it. What do you mean I?


thought we were talking about how we get there. It is how we get there, but it's also where we want what direction we want our my I guess my life to go in.


Yeah, and what was important in the process? About what do you mean? Well, remember, we were talking, yeah, and we said something about the process.


Remember the process of what's motivating you to do the things that you do and you to do the things that you do, and for example losing your weight. Yeah, and losing weight the way you at least want to do it, right, it might not be sustainable, right? The different motivators that actually motivate you to lose weight.


It can't be from revenge. It's got to be, I guess, from the heart. It's something I really, really want.


Maybe it's something you got to think about then. Remember we said you want to be proud of how you got there. You don't want to scam a bunch of people into becoming rich, you'd rather be rich. But do be proud of how you got there, right?


don't worry, I'm not going to become the Wolf of Wall Street here oh, the weight loss thing.


But I think that's everything too. Yeah, succeeding here, succeeding anywhere in life, you want to be proud of how you got there, but the question is, what can you be proud of? We?


got to do a Rocky Balboa.


We got to fight Vodka Dragon.


Nah, man, what do we got to do? You know you're going to drive the car from behind him and run man.


You're going to attach a rope to your waist and I'm going to drive the car.


He never fucking did that.


He was chasing chickens, though, in the field right.


What the hell? You had a goddamn mind.


Yeah, I think he made them. He was chasing chickens, Was he? He had to like catch a chicken, or something like that.


I remember it was the car driving behind him, but you got to play the Rocky music.


No, that you guys are talking about two different movies. Then where about two different movies? Yeah, then, where the hell?


you come from.


I'm talking about rocky three. He, he did the chicken chasing when he lost to uh to mr.


No, I'm talking about the original, am I no?


this is the third one. Uh, when he lost mr t, because mr t was just, you know, too good at everything and he was just like kind of like like doing commercials and rich, and he lost, and for him to win he had to get faster. And for him to get faster, that's when he was running on the beach with Apollo and he was chasing the chicken.


You know to get agile.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which one am I talking about?


The one where he fights the Russian guy, it's four, and that's when he's outside, like in the winter in Russia.


The car is chasing him.


Yeah, the car is chasing him and he's running in the snow. Yeah, man, you got to chase me with the car and you got to play the music, man.


You have that in you, huh.




You sure it's going to work? Hell yeah.


You got that dog in you boy.


I got the dog in me, but we just said that running is no good, I have Penny's soul inside me.


Sick. Yeah. All right, mike, you have a project I do, wow, his name is Harris. Yeah, you want to be buff? Yeah, what's the end goal? Like buff, like six pack.


It's not about being buff, okay. It's about losing the weight, losing the man titties, okay.


What about losing the mentality?


That as well. What's the mentality I'm trying to shape myself into the point where I can be a success physically, professionally, as well as mentally.


Wow, how does that look?


What do you mean?


What does success look like? This is a white shoe. Why is it white? Because the color is white. And why is it a shoe? Because this is a white shoe. Okay, why is it white? Because the color is white, and why is it a shoe? Because everybody agrees it's a shoe. What does everybody agree? And when you use that word success, what does that mean?


I just want to be successful. Yeah, well what?


does that mean Having a million dollars and driving a Tesla?


No, it's not about having a million dollars. It's about Wife with big old titties. It's not about a wife with big old titties either, but that's not a bad thing.


No, that'd be nice if you get more aborted once in a while.


Alright, let's talk about my nieces and nephews here, right?


Oh shit.


I don't have kids right now. What does success have to do with your nieces and nephews? I want them to be able to look at me and say, uncle Harris, you know I'm proud of the man my Uncle Harris is why? Who gives a?


fuck. Why do you want them to look at that and say that, Like don't they have their own lives?


I want to be what?


Nobody in Like whoever was a fuck-up that like well, don't they have their own lives? I want to be what nobody nobody in like whoever was a fuck up in your life didn't have a role model that they looked up to.


that's a great question I've had great parents my, my dad. There you go. My stepdad, yeah, who raised me and my mom okay but I guess I want to get to a point where I am successful, I don't have to worry about going on the street. But I also want my, when I do have kids, to be able to say you know, my dad is a good, my dad's a good man, he works hard.


Why, why?


That is important.


Why? Why is it important?


Why is it important to you outside of the world? But why is it important to you?


Someone that works hard.


Yeah, I know society says that you got to work hard, you got to be a good.


You know all this, all that but why is it important to you? Successful? You do have to be a hard worker, it's just. It is what it is. You can't half-ass things in order to be successful okay I've seen people that tried to half-ass and they failed.


They failed, har.


If you could press a button right now and lose 60 pounds. Would you do it? No?


Why not? Because then I didn't earn it.


Then why do you have to earn it?


Because I do dude why that's like cheating the system.


Yeah, but you get what you want.


You lose your 60 pounds yeah, but then I'll just gain it back. I have to earn it in my mind. I have to physically do it in order to understand hey man, it took me this much to actually do this. I believe if I physically do it, I won't get it back. Okay, because I know how hard I fucking work, work for that, and I wouldn't want to do it again, just like I wouldn't want to end up in the shelter again. I know how hard it was. Yeah, and I'm working towards it.




Away from it. Yeah. Once I'm working towards it, yeah, away from it. Yeah, once I lose the weight, I'm going to keep it off.


That's just the way it is.


Good enough, now we're going to see when I'm going to chase his ass with a car tomorrow.


Yeah, instead of lunch, we're going to do runs. Huh, no For what. You're supposed to enjoy the process, yeah, instead of lunch.


We're going to do runs. Huh, no For what. You're supposed to enjoy the process.


Yeah, you like lunch.


Yeah, you got to like going out with the boys sitting down. Yeah, learn how to have a couple of farts eating a couple of fish sticks. Where the fuck are you getting?


the farts from boy.


You got to enjoy lunch. No, you don't got to run during lunch, you got to take your time.


What Anything else? Thank you, harris, for sharing all the stuff. Yeah, man, do we have any final thoughts on whatever we spoke about?


Yeah, when you were asking totally for advice and you're like humility or trust, uh-huh. One thing that stuck out to me is the maybe it's not. Maybe it's just as difficult I don't know it's for harris to keep being himself and putting himself like being him. Let's just call it being your stupid self, yeah, and not being scared to present that to the world. Yeah, the way you are, with your flaws and your ignorances, that's probably one of the best things to keep Be resiliently stupid in a way.


It sounds bad, but it's actually very good.


I want to state that when you put it right me and my buddy John I've talked to you about this earlier.


He might not be your buddy going forward. Just want to put that out there.


He wanted to fire you the first day. Be your buddy going forward. Just want to put that out there. He wanted to fire you the first day.


He steps you on that note.


He's not going to do that.


We have a collections department, if you want, we have the human resources that we'll send over.


We can garnish his wages. He's not being paid, mike, he's not being paid. Are we paying him right now?


No, but at his other job we can garnish him.


Yeah, we can call his job.


Is that right?


Well, yeah, if he's not paying his child support, yeah, fuck you.


Oh, fuck you man. We've talked about this earlier. I've talked to you about it. Me and my buddy, john, have talked.




And we haven't really changed that much. Yeah, I've kept my, as we said, my stupid funny self. Yeah, john has too. Me and Elgar talked about this. We were having a beer at the police over there, yeah, and I said how my friends got a taste for money and different things, and they've changed just completely and me and my buddy John have stayed our stupid selves. It's just the way it is and I don't really think I'm going to change. Who do you?


think is happier. What do you mean them rich boys or you two stupid guys? What do you mean them rich boys or you two stupid guys?


I think my friends that are rich now are putting on a show.


They're what they're putting on a show they're putting on a show.


Wow, they're not actually. They're not very happy.


I think the saying is true, right, money can't buy you happiness. Yeah, it can buy you a lot of stuff. Sure, you can't do a lot of stuff without money. But do you really need millions of dollars to be happy?


The Nate Madnerisms.


Oh, here we go with the Nate again you see why did you not see?


this, because I didn't see any of this. Can you believe this?


Yeah, I told you.


Yeah, he's able to like.


Is this a reincarnation of me?


He's able to put like a question mark. Yeah, like he's able to say a word with his face without saying anything. Yeah, Like he's like.


He's really good at it, yes.


I don't even know who the hell is. Nate guys. I just want to put that out there.


That's perfectly fine. Nate got banned for other reasons. You don't have those reasons.


But I really don't think I'm going to change. I'm just going to put that out there.


I think you should. I don't think it's a bad thing, yeah, and I don't think you should.




Yeah, if you're happy and this makes you happy, yeah, and you could stay true to yourself and accomplish those things that you want to accomplish with the same attitude. Yeah, why not change Exactly.


There's no need to change. I've seen the people that get rich really forget who they were. Yeah, to the point where they move away, they forget who their friends were. You know even sometimes who their family was. Yeah, they get this life, they live this persona. That all they really care about, they get this life, they live this persona, that all they really care about is money, and that's not really a fun life when you come down to it no you're right.


So I guess in my mind, I'm never really going to change, I'm going to stay to myself. I'm never really going to change. I'm going to stay to myself, I'm going to stay the way I am.


Take it or leave it, Mike. Mike, what are your final thoughts? Do we have final thoughts or should we continue? No, I don't think. I think there's a lot of fucking content here.


I do think there's a lot of content.


And this was very good.


Yeah, it was very good as always. Yeah, it was very good as always.


Yeah, yeah. Well, this one might be a little better. I'm just saying.


That's so you think, man. That's so you think, if we had my buddy?


John in here.


Your buddy John's a big fucking pussy.


Instead of him being a little bitch.


John, if you're listening.


You're a bitch.


Exactly, you're a bitch, john. I don't know. You made some fucking bitch ass excuses.


No, but in all seriousness, it is just his birthday. Yeah, fine Happy birthday.


Yes, happy birthday. Happy birthday. We're going to crash our birthday party, right? Yeah? Is that a strip club in Patterson? You're?


fucked up.


What man we're going over there.


Oh, fuck you man, go, fuck yourself, you got a goddamn mind.


So what did we learn today? Mike, give me some final thoughts. What did we learn? Yeah, because I think I learned a lot.


Well, I think, I don't think we learned a lot. I think we remembered what we already knew, which is the recollection of the soul, which is the crazy phenomenon it's so crazy and the ability for people to tap into it it's crazy.


Just like that, just give them a little tequila, and they're good to go.


That too, especially that tequila, not that tequila, not that tequila.


But you can't say that we can't say. We can't say, that's the crazy part, because no one knows what the hell you're talking about well, wait till we reach out to the tequila company and tell them the good one that you said.


That was recommended.


Yes, yeah one of my friends recommended it is this clean shit, the cleanest shit out there. This is. This is what you want to drink, yeah it's been in the family for like generations, like several generations.


The pure shit.


The pure shit. No hangovers, none of that. Yeah, it's really good and, like you know how we like Don Julio Mm-hmm, that's banned. Banned okay, so there's new stuff.


This is better than Don Julio. I'm looking forward to trying it.


And cheaper, so I don't like the feeling of the next day.


Yeah, every time I drink, I feel like, for sure, I don't have that shit no more. Yeah, but you're 26. We're a young boy, bro. I'm an old man. No, when I was a kid.


I have the headaches, the whole shit oh that shit.


yeah, you were what 12?


You were drinking.


Oh my God, no you said young.


I went to the club this weekend. You're fine, wham bam. Thank you, man. I had five shots.


That's lightweight, bro. You know what we used to do, bro. 13, 15 shots, bro Vodka. Before we go out.


You had a goddamn mind boy. That's what we used to do, yeah, but I tried to keep up with them. Irish. They're all Irish girls, irish gals.


All right, Harris. What do you have Any final thoughts on today?


I think this was good. I think it was the first time I ever got Drunk. No, I'm not drunk. I think it's the first time I actually dug deep in a very, very long time.


Wow. So you would say that this was, in a sort of way, therapeutic. Absolutely.


I think any podcast can be a therapy. Calm down with that. What are your?


thoughts on why you got here. Why were you able to dig deep today? What contributed to that?


Probably using my brain.


Is that Nate or no?


It's got a name Eldar's counselor.


Like the pushy laugh, no, like he's laughing extra.


Yes, yes, I'm fucking out, but I think it was a counselor man, you being a fucking counselor Digging deep bro.


This is Nate 100% yeah.


I gotta meet this Nate guy bro.


Before he became like the corporate slug.


Yes, I gotta meet. I gotta meet this snake guy, bro, because I don't know.


Okay, sure, all right, we'll arrange it.


So I understand what's how you're talking about, he's not himself anymore. He's not. He fucked up in the head.


Yeah, he lost his damn mind.


But uh, he, his goddamn mind. I think it's partly your counselor, yeah, nature. Well, your counselor, let's say your old ways. Okay, fine, your old counselor, because you know you've always been able to bring shit out. But the tequila helps, yes, and just sitting around talking for a couple hours, good, good.


You taking a tequila shot before you start making calls on Monday, or what?


Uh-oh, you had your goddamn mind, alright Five o'clock somewhere.


Thank you so much for being honest. Yeah, you definitely shared a lot and you were definitely honest about some of the stuff.


Hopefully this can help other people out there.


Yeah, probably not. Yeah, probably not, but nonetheless you did good, I think, Especially for your first podcast. I think you did good.


Too bad, john Crespo and your brother's shit would have been a.


It would have been a zoo. Yeah, we first have been a zoo. Yeah, bro, it would have been good to say that guy.


Yeah, we first have to warm you up to it and then we'll see how John will do. He's gonna be a crazy asshole yeah so we'll see, but, um, yeah, thank you, that definitely was good. Absolutely, yeah, totally. Any final thoughts on everything that we talked about? I think we definitely covered these topics many times in our podcast about revenge tours, going out there and proving people wrong for those reasons, losing weight or whatever accomplishments that you want to accomplish. What do you think about that? What are your final thoughts on that?


Yeah, I mean I obviously I missed some of the conversations that you guys had. Yeah, but yeah, like for me, I guess, when I hear these kinds of things, like, it's hard for me to like a, to make like a conclusion hmm, like I'm definitely in the will.


We'll see okay yeah, the Chinese proverb that says we'll see, yeah, yeah sure, yeah, definitely let me remind you of the Chinese proverb. Okay, harris, a couple episodes ago we talked about the Chinese proverb. It was about helping guys. There was an old man.


Yes, and his son got a horse. Was that how it started? Yeah, his son got a horse and the whole village was like wow, congratulations, your son got a horse. He wanted some kind of like prize or something, I guess I don't remember exactly, and the villagers all came to him said wow, like, so good. So it's great to hear you know.


Like, congratulations, he's like, we'll see if it's good or bad, you know because the whole village is celebrating, saying it's a good, it's a good thing. You know, wow, look he got, look he got a horse. Yeah, I understand.


Well, you have to see before you. Let's see. Let's see if it's going to be a good horse.




And then a month later the kid's riding the horse. He falls off the horse and he breaks his leg. Bad luck, man. And all the villagers come over. They're like, oh man, I'm come over, like, oh man, I'm sorry to hear that, I'm very sorry, like you know, sorry to hear that your son broke his leg. It's terrible news. Everybody's sad for him. Right, he goes yeah, okay, we'll see. We'll see. You know. Again, not jump to conclusion to see, like yeah, to make a statement whether whatever happened breaking the leg is bad or not. You you know. And then a month later they start to draft for the war.


I guess he was drafted and all the kids have to go to war, but Buddy over here is not going because he has a broken leg.


And all the villagers come to him.


And all the villagers come to him and are like oh well, congratulations, your son doesn't have to go to war. He's like we congratulations, you know, your son doesn't have to go to war. He's like we'll see. You know, you never know. Sometimes things that look good turn out bad, and then they turn out good again.


That's why, when I'm pressuring Tully a little bit here is to say like, hey, give me some evaluation on Harris here. What do you see? He says we'll see We'll. On Harris here, what do you see? He says we'll see. Yeah, we'll see. We don't know whether or not this is good or bad. We're going to see. So this is the context behind we'll see.


Yeah, I understand it.


It can be good, it can be bad, but time will tell. Yeah, gotcha, mike.


No, I'm done, I'm done, I'm done.


I said you said Okay. Well, guys, thank you so much, harris. If you have anything else to say, please hold it till next week. I'm good. Yes, thank you so much. This was great. Thanks for watching.