Dennis Rox
The 'Dennis Rox' podcast is a deep dive into the intricacies of personal development, self-growth, and the obstacles one may face on the way. Hosted by Eldar with regular guests Mike, Toliy, Harris, Katherine, and Tommy the conversations explore themes such as anxiety, self-sabotage, the pursuit of happiness beyond materialism, and the complexities of love and relationships. Other topics include the impact of societal values on personal fulfillment, humility, and the often misconceived notions of success and wealth.
Through personal stories, philosophical debates, and thoughtful discussions, they explore various aspects of challenging one self and achieving personal growth. The conversation often shifts from individual experiences to broader societal critiques and is characterized by a focus on depth and seeking genuine understanding over superficial conclusions.
Dennis Rox
132. Healthy Ways to Manage Anger and Thrive
Ever wondered if you could transform your anger into something positive? Today, Harris takes us on a fascinating journey through his personal experiences of dealing with anger and bullying. He reveals how his older brother taught him the power of humor to turn adversaries into friends, and how this approach helped him build resilience and confidence. By sharing his story of being bullied for his weight and learning to stand up for himself, Harris invites us to rethink how we handle our own anger and challenges.
We'll also explore the darker side of unchecked anger and its potentially tragic consequences. Through compelling anecdotes, we emphasize the importance of developing a thick skin and effective anger management strategies to prevent conflicts from spiraling out of control. From seeking advice from trusted friends to finding healthy ways to cope, this episode sheds light on navigating difficult social situations and fostering a more compassionate community. Tune in to discover how humor and resilience can be powerful tools in overcoming life's challenges.
on this week's episode that's why I think the anger thing is rooted with fear and ego, because ego is there to protect you from seeing things for where they are. See, that's crazy. If actually this is true, that's wild. In any moment, anybody can completely change. I can, tomorrow, decide you know what? Fuck this. This shit is not for me. So it's not predetermined, it's not everything is happening in real time. Oh, we're living our lives only in the current, the present if you're angry internally, it's the karma that you've earned well, it's a mathematical equation.
Mike:Yeah, that's. Yeah, you want to call it karma. You want to call it yeah?
Eldar:like justice, or yeah, it's justice, yeah, it's justice. All right guys. Another good one, I think Anger. Let's talk about anger. What the fuck is. Why do we get angry? What causes anger? How does it start, why does it continue and how do you treat it? I'd like to why. The fuck are you?
Harris:interrupting motherfucker. I'm just saying I want to start this one off. Okay, fine. Fine.
Eldar:You got a phone to pick with anger?
Harris:Fine, yes, as you know, when I was younger, I had a huge amount of anger problems, really.
Eldar:You remember when I was a kid, I do, but that was like you know. No, but I used to go off bro, Really, oh yeah yeah, I do remember when you looked like a Smeagol. Fuck you, man. We got to show a picture man, the problem is okay.
Harris:Why'd you change your voice like that? Fuck you, bro. Okay, the problem is, I think people need to have a backbone, they need to grow a backbone, and the only way to do that is to get your balls busted okay, that's what that's.
Eldar:You're given a strategy you're given right.
Harris:Uh, I think bullying made me stronger. It made me grow a backbone. So bullying is good. I wouldn't for some people. Yeah, I mean, you gotta adjust to it. Right, being bullied, right, let it roll off. Throw something back at the fucking person, okay, like a fuck you, like a fuck you. Or yeah, laugh at it, laugh with the person don't think it fucking personally.
Eldar:Yeah, you know, if the people are laughing at you, laugh back bro yeah, but harris, it's fucking easy to say, man, it's like something clicked for you, like that. You understood that this is a good way to do this right can you walk us through that fucking process so?
Harris:I ended up realizing that when someone fucking cracks puns at me, makes fun of me, make fun of that fucking person.
Eldar:Right the fuck back okay how did you figure this out? Because before you used to blow up, right, you used to go crazy and now you started to Crack jokes back at them.
Harris:I was fucking Taking it too personally. I was stressing over some bullshit. Why I learned that the only way Not to get fucking stressed out or get yourself in a position Is to crack back at them. Cause guess what? I cracked back at my bully. I ended up becoming best friends with that fucking dude. You guys started blowing each other.
Harris:No, fuck you bro fuck you, man okay but no, uh, I became best friends with that fucking bully. We started hanging out, okay, because, guess what, I stood up to him. I cracked jokes back like how you like that motherfucker. He started laughing. He's like yo, you're cool man, okay. And we started chilling man um, that's a good example.
Eldar:It's not very in depth, but we can definitely get deeper, you know, uh, when did you realize, and how did you realize that you need to start cracking back? Who taught you this? Who told you this, or how did you discover it that?
Harris:you're getting bullied for, like you know, four years four years.
Eldar:So you're, you're a slow learner. You would say yeah.
Harris:But you know, everyone's got to figure out their own strategy. Man, okay, Like my strategy. Right I was. I was overweight and he was cracking jokes at that.
Toliy:And my response you was overweight.
Harris:Yeah, he was, he was skinny, he was skinny yeah. Skinny like like a twig, fuck you. He was skinny like a fucking twig so I said you know something like get the fuck out of here. You pencil, looking motherfucker, and he started laughing. He's like yo, I thought you were a little bitch, but you're fucking cool man. And we'd see each other in the hallways and we'd keep cracking fucking jokes how did you grow the balls and when?
Eldar:When did it switch for you?
Harris:I was tired of stressing out, fucking getting suspended, you know, throwing myself under a fucking bus, stopped taking things too personally and you know I took fucking advice from my big brother who's your big brother? John schuster. All right, he told me to not take things too personally and throw something back at the okay, you know, man so he, he, he became best friends with his bullies, people he also fucked with, people he fucked with.
Harris:Uh became his best friend. It worked both ways, okay. And you know, did I do some busting balls with new people, bro?
Harris:absolutely, there you go now you're casting it on when they get upset, it's like yo, I told him my insight. I said yo, you can't take shit too personally. If I fucking throw shit at you, yeah, bust your fucking balls, bust my balls back. I said, like this dude here, he used to be my biggest fucking arch nemesis I said, but I busted his balls back. And I said every time we ended up seeing each other in the fucking hallway, you know, he said something fucking crazy. He knew I was Jewish. Yo, you Jew bastard.
Harris:You know and I was like hey, pencil dick.
Harris:Yeah, fucking screaming in the hallway. Yo, you guys need to relax with this racist shit. Yeah yeah okay and we became best friends, like in the hallway. You just hear us screaming fucking lewd, fucking comments to each other. You just gotta let it roll back roll it off your back.
Eldar:I agree, and I agree the advice might be accurate. However, to get to that advice might be accurate. However, um, to get to that advice, and how do you get to it with in time? Where, right, some people you know, you know you listen to our podcast. Sure, that's one way to do it, right? Uh, it's not. But do you think that people will take our word for it? Like you? You, finally, four years of getting bullied, getting pissed, getting suspended and all this other stuff you decided to do what? Hey, john, help me out here.
Harris:You probably opened up to your brother I'm like yo, this dude's fucking bullying me. And that's when john gave me his input. He said there you go, yo just let it roll off your back. Bust something back at him you know, don't get furious, don't go, try to fucking fight him and shit yeah because the only thing you're gonna do, okay, you're gonna just do.
Harris:Okay, you're going to just get yourself in trouble. Yeah, because, yeah, you know they must. They might be busting your balls, even if they throw the first punch, it's always going to be you who gets caught throwing that fucking punch. How is this connected to anger? How? Is it connected to?
Harris:anger, yeah, because a lot of people fucking go off right. Think about I hate to bring it up, right, I hate to bring it up, okay, but I'm going to bring it up, okay. Think about school shooters, okay, okay, we got a big fucking problem with the school shooters, and most of the school shooters are people that were picked on. They never learned how to control that anger, how to have thick skin. Yes, they let the anger get the best of them. Mm-hmm.
Eldar:And they did something extremely horrible you cannot come back from. Okay, right, yeah, anger got to him.
Harris:Anger got to these people Right and they did terrible fucking things. Like I probably couldn't even look them in the fucking eye. Like, how do you get to that fucking point? Yeah, maybe through anger. How do you do something like that? Yeah, that you just decide I'm going to kill everybody in my fucking school. I mean, they got to be some sick bastards.
Eldar:Oh yeah, they are actually sick, right, ill Mentally ill.
Harris:Mentally ill? I don't know Mike Abuse mentally ill.
Eldar:Mentally ill, I don't know.
Mike:Mike what do you think about this conundrum?
Eldar:About what.
Mike:Anger. Oh.
Eldar:Harris's testimony. I think he's right, okay.
Mike:I think he's right too.
Eldar:But you know, like I said, the process of him going through it for four years and then finally opening up to his brother, his big brother, who gave him the proper advice, to say, hey, why don't you try this out? And he did try it out, right, there's a lot that goes into this process. However, I'd like to find out when was it born in the first place? Why was he taking what was given from the world and turning it into?
Harris:internal anger. John was probably one of my biggest bullies, my brother, but I think if you when it came down.
Mike:Excuse me, the adults are speaking. Fuck you man. The adults are speaking right now.
Harris:When it came down to it. The one thing I can say about John is John can fuck with me, but if he ever caught anybody fucking with me in front of him, that's when he turned into brother mode. He didn't fucking stand for it. It's funny how that works. Huh, it's funny how it works because I used to think, is it right? I used to think you know, he's a fucking ass. Until he turned into Big Brother. He embarrassed the shit out of me. I was smoking with someone. He went to school with Smoking weed. When John found out I was smoking with this guy, he ran into him in the gas station. I was in the car and he went in on him. He said yo, if I ever find out you're fucking smoking with my brother again, I'm going to fucking bust your shit in. He goes, I'm not fucking playing with you. He embarrassed the fuck out of me. It's not a big deal, yeah, why? Why did he embarrass you?
Eldar:Because bro I was hanging with this kid every fucking day.
Harris:Okay, he embarrassed the shit out of me, and it was only. You know. When I got older, my dad explained to me he goes, you realize why he did that? Right, he's fucking trying to protect you. You know, what I'm saying. Yeah, I didn't realize that until I was an adult.
Mike:I always held a grudge, mike. Okay, thanks for your ramble.
Eldar:If anybody's listening, please don't internalize anything he just said yeah, please.
Mike:Yeah, fuck you. So I agree with Harris's. I guess the solution how to deal with anger yeah, fuck you. So I agree with with Harris is the I guess the solution how to deal with anger, maybe if that's what you were trying to elaborate on, but before, like, getting to the solution right, it's not as simple, it's like.
Mike:It's kind of like I can give you advice like yo, go, go, like, go lose weight, yeah, just go to the gym, eat these kind of like the sales. I can give you advice like yo go lose weight, yeah, just go to the gym, eat these kind of foods and then that's it. You're going to lose the weight, right, uh-huh. But unless you understand the reasoning and behind it, what the truth of the matter is, and believe in it, right, like why you shouldn't get angry. You have a reason right Now you do, now you do yeah, right, like, why you shouldn't get angry. You have a reason Right Now you do Now, you do yeah. But how did you buy into that reason In the first place, in the first?
Eldar:place Right, and for a very long time he wasn't Right.
Harris:Yeah, let's compare it.
Mike:He was angry little fat kid I remember.
Harris:Let's compare it to the sales, right? Okay, go through the shit process. I'm now finally starting to understand. But I had to understand and learn in my own way. You know, I had to watch videos. A lot of the videos said the same stuff, but it had to be embedded into my. How do you? Yeah, no, you said it Embedded. Embedded into my head, right, it had to be glued in there. People have to go through, I guess, their own struggles, like you continued to say all right, in order to find what works for them. Unfortunately, I hear I've seen videos and stories about how people went through bullying their entire life and they didn't want to go, go, and it was years. They went through it for years and they never learned. Yeah, they didn't want to go to their uh, high school reunions because they didn't want to run into this person, grow a pair of balls and get in there that's easy to say, harris you're fucking I think you have to break it down.
Mike:Yeah, like if, for example, right, if you're a friend of this guy, let's just use an example. Right, the guy is bullying you. He said yo, you're fat, okay, and you get angry, okay, that's a. Let's say, that's the equation, right, if he's calling you fat and you are fat, this is the truth, yes or no? Okay, so if you are not accepting the truth of who you are, that means you don't actually accept yourself, right?
Eldar:Okay, how about this? I'll play devil's advocate. I agree with what you're saying and I like where you're going. I think we can really open this up. How about this? Why are you stating the obvious Okay, I'm fat. Why are you calling it obvious Okay, I'm fat. Why are you calling it out Uh-huh? Oh, your sneakers are gray.
Mike:Mm-hmm. Okay, maybe you're hiding something. I'm not getting angry about that, you know what I'm saying, because I'm not insecure about my sneakers. I know I am insecure about my weight. There you go. That's an attachment thing again.
Harris:Correct. Let's put it this way A lot of times a bully, right? I've noticed a lot of times a bully does this because they're trying to hide what they're going through, because there are problems at home.
Mike:Well, yeah, I think, if we keep going down this path, we'll might see that.
Eldar:Yeah, we're trying to catch anger when it's born. Why is it born? You were going in the right direction yeah, you know what I mean I agree, we're like hey, if you're fat and somebody called you fat, embarrassment right. What's the problem? Why are you getting upset?
Mike:well, I think that's because you actually haven't accepted that. Like who, like hey, uh, like okay, I'm fat, that's who I am. You haven't actually accepted that. What does it mean to accept that, to admit to?
Speaker 5:yourself that you are this person, or to admit that it's okay to be who you are.
Mike:Oh shit, yeah. That's the problem. We get angry, yeah, because we haven't accepted those things about ourselves. Or sometimes we get angry about shit that's not even true about us, that people say. Oh yeah, a hundred percent all the time. Again, it's like a self-esteem issue, attachment issue, image issue, right Wanting to be presented a certain way oh you're fat, oh you're poor, or like you got old sneakers, like whatever, and you're like no, I don't, I'm not poor, I have crazy sneakers.
Mike:No, I'm not yeah, you start defending, you start defending those things, but it's because somebody told you that these things are important so what you're saying?
Harris:let me just clarify what you're saying is people have to accept the fact that they are what, whatever they're being bullied about, whatever they're taking personally. Well, I don't know if they have to accept it.
Mike:They have to realize that maybe a part of it maybe acceptance, but I think those things don't really matter, that's the whole thing yeah but how do you accept that?
Eldar:I'd like to find out how a bully targets an individual in the first place, why they target an individual in the first place. I think, right, that's number one. Right, like why did you get singled out? And and now the bully is saying the obvious, like oh, you're fat.
Harris:Like why I can point that out. I can point that out, Sure why.
Eldar:Were you walking around the school with your shirt off, with your chum out?
Harris:They basically decide you know who's the weakest and who to target, right, so they pretend it's like you're looking down the barrel of a gun, right, they. They pretend it's like you're looking down the barrel of a gun and they see a target that's easiest to pick off. That's who they decide, someone that they don't think is going to come back at them To accomplish what I believe deep down. A bully is suffering from something themselves, sure, but what are they trying to accomplish? They're trying to make sure I guess the limelight right stays off them. That's what I believe deep down, because I got to know the guy that bullied me for years, the ones I became best friends with. I still talk to him to this day. No, you don't. When was the last time you spoke to him? My buddy Kurt Shout out to Kurt Yo. When was the last time you spoke to him? My buddy Kurt Shout out to Kurt Yo. Never heard of him.
Mike:Never heard of him.
Eldar:We've known you for 30 years.
Mike:He might be imaginary. We've known you for 30 years We've never met him.
Eldar:Pop him up.
Mike:When was the last time you spoke to him, my friend.
Harris:He doesn't think of his call if he hits him up right now no chance, no, when's ago.
Eldar:Exactly, it's been a year.
Harris:No, it hasn't, bro. Call him right now. Ask him. No, I'm not gonna call him what you still talk to him. I'm the only one he's friends with from school.
Eldar:Okay, Call him right now and say hey, Curry, remember you used to bully me. I want to hear it. This is him. Let me see it. This is him. Is he a crossdresser?
Harris:No, bro, what's wrong with you?
Eldar:Let's call him right now.
Harris:No, let's not call him. Why not? Because he's probably working.
Eldar:How do you know this? He's not living in Jersey anymore.
Harris:He works night shifts. He's not working. He's not living in Jersey anymore.
Eldar:Why don't we just call him? Say hey, remember Kurt used to bully me.
Harris:I'm talking about you right now. No, bro, I'm not going to put him on the spotlight.
Eldar:Why not? He used to call you fat. So why not Just say, hey, I'm on a podcast right here, we're talking about reminiscing.
Harris:Yo give it to me bro.
Eldar:It's going to be good content. No, it ain't.
Harris:I might call my mom again, bro you sure I call him, don't call him. No, I'm not going to put him on the spotlight. He's going through a lot right now. Good, we'll help him out, but you know really. What's he going through, by the way. What's he going through? He's going through a lot.
Eldar:With the wars?
Harris:No, he takes breakups very hard. Okay, and he's gone through several.
Mike:So he has a problem with anger?
Harris:then Alright, based on your, theory, let's put it this way when, like, we became best friends I think After I started calling him names back we threw some fists and then we, you know, he gave me a cigarette, we smoked a fucking cigarette, and that was it, bro.
Mike:That was the gayest story I've ever heard. Best friends dude.
Harris:Fuck you. But yo, we were best friends after that dude yeah, that's a loose wordage Best friends after that boy. If someone fucking, if I started fighting with someone, he had my back 100%.
Eldar:Oh, wow.
Harris:If you started a fight, but you never did so, oh yeah. I did, dude, I used to tear that fucking school up boy.
Mike:All right, okay, okay, back to like a reality.
Eldar:Come on so we're trying to chase down or catch the anger by its tail and find out. How is it born in the first place? Why is it born in the first place? Right, because.
Eldar:Mike's saying look if it's the truth of the matter. You're fat. The person's calling you fat, he's stating the obvious. Why are you getting angry? Why can't you just turn around and say, okay, bro, and what Like and what. So, what? What are you going to do? So what Right? You look at the bully and say so what, okay, what's up? Okay and what.
Mike:So what.
Eldar:I'm fat, so what I'm?
Harris:fat. So what? What are you going to do about it? Big forehead looking motherfucker Right.
Eldar:What's next? The bully has to come up with something else, right? Or you can start feeling a certain type of way about it, like you said, and the only way you can start feeling a certain type of way about it is because you don't necessarily believe that you're actually fat, right? Is that what's happening?
Mike:No, you don't. You haven't. First of all, you haven't accepted that you're fat, like you haven't, like, said, okay, I am fat, like and you don't. It's not that you don't believe it, but like I guess it's hard to explain but like you don't, you haven't accepted it about yourself, like you haven't come to terms see, that's the reality of it we're going back you haven't like accepted the reality.
Mike:Okay, even though it's obvious you're fat yeah you know you're fat, but you actually like there's some kind of thing missing there yeah, it does, and that does.
Eldar:That thing helps with anger, that thing when you finally acknowledge they're like okay, cool, I am fat like yeah, once you acknowledge it, like it's there, power Learn.
Eldar:That's very interesting. So wait a second. So wait a second so we might be able to catch anger here. Anger is born when you bullshit yourself about the reality of your own truth, of what's actually going on with you. Yeah, when you bullshit yourself right, or you don't acknowledge certain realities about yourself and you're telling yourself internal lies. Is that it? It could be, it's a cognitive dissonance right. Yeah.
Harris:You got to learn how to accept it. You got to learn how to laugh at it.
Eldar:Okay, hold on one second. Hold on one second. Here it is my question. My next question is does actual anger exist?
Mike:outside without other people. Yes, no.
Harris:Think about this for a second. Anger exists. Let's put it this way right, anger. Anger is a form of expression, right? Anger is like. Imagine it as anger is like a protective shield. They're protecting themselves. Okay, I don't see how, but okay, it's a protective shield.
Eldar:They're protecting themselves. Okay, I don't see how, but okay, it's a protective shield. Yeah, I don't see how.
Harris:When someone attempts to break through that shield, they get angry. What is being protected?
Mike:The ego, the ego.
Harris:Yeah, don't give it away, mike, come on the ego.
Mike:Fine, harris Harris, you didn't hear me, yeah.
Eldar:But imagine fine.
Harris:Harris you didn't hear me, yeah but what are you protecting when you try, when someone tries to penetrate, that shield they, but it's protecting but anger is not the root here.
Mike:There's something else. Okay, and I'm not sure. Like my thought in the morning, I told you I was walking, yeah, yeah, tell me about that. It's something to do with ego and fear, and I think fear ego combined creates anger, fear and ego, combined anger somehow Fear, fear of reality. Your ego protects you, right, but it doesn't really protect you. Yeah, because? Your ego is like no, I'm not fat. I haven't accepted that about myself. How?
Harris:Yeah, I want to bring someone up here. Let's use, all right, you're going to know who here has heard of Gabriel Iglesias, aka Fluffy.
Eldar:No, I don't know the fat comedian.
Mike:Thank you.
Harris:No, I never heard of him.
Eldar:Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that guy no His whole, entire jokes are about his fucking weight.
Harris:Talking about his first car was a Volkswagen bug. Can you imagine a big man like me getting in a Volkswagen bug? He learned to accept the fact that he is fat and he, for some reason, he's become proud of it and he's made his whole, entire career.
Eldar:He's killing it because of it.
Harris:Being fat, you got to learn how to accept it and fucking make laugh at yourself, make jokes about yourself embrace it embrace it. Okay, look at fluffy. He's made millions off of making fat jokes about himself okay.
Mike:That's why I think the anger thing is rooted with fear and ego, because ego is there to protect you from seeing things for where they are.
Eldar:See that's crazy what you just said. If actually this is true, that's wild. Let's imagine, right. And why would a strategy of such low? It's so low. Why would it be adopted in the first place? Mike, this is terrible, bro. Why did we start using this? Yeah, like why it's such a fucking Ew, like it's so low.
Mike:It's low for you, or?
Eldar:it's low for everybody. No, it's low in general, it's not just for me. It's low the way you described it. The equation is fucking. It's a fucking primitive way of fucking.
Mike:Well, I think it makes sense. Let's think it is fucking. It's a fucking primitive way of fucking.
Eldar:Well, I think it makes sense.
Eldar:Let's think it is low, but it is low because and I think that it is low because Harris everything is saying look, I used to be bullied, I used to express myself with anger and then I realized that I can have fun with the shit. And then he leveled up, and then he actually developed a friend and that fucking anger shit is low shit for him to go back down. There's like ill, that's nasty, like well, I'm not doing that, I got no time for that, I learned a new way.
Harris:This shit, let's put it this way. This shit. Back in the day, no one got to that point. Let's put it. Let's put it this way. You hear all the stories about all right, let's talk about it. Right, the elephant man. I don't know what that is. He made a shock.
Mike:His job was to go to carnivals and he was known as a sideshow freak this is what it was back in the day no, it is, I read the whole thing, you read the shop right inquirer.
Eldar:That's the magazine I'm telling you about but he made.
Harris:Back in the day people used to use their disfigurement, stuff like that. Okay, they used to go to carnivals and people used to pay to look at them. Okay, they never got fucking angry. They sat there, made their fucking money, did funny shit and that was the end of the day, okay. So where did this fucking anger? When did it develop? Did it develop in the 20th century? I know, damn well, it didn't develop. Develop in the 19th century.
Mike:Right, because this happened yeah, I think I get it. Okay, go ahead. You know what I'm saying, I know what you're saying, what you're asking that question, but it's all because of everything, how everything, kind of we got there because we always did the wrong thing let's put it this way like hold on, I know you got out. To let me finish, our parents were never honest with us about the reality. Okay, they shielded us from the truth and then we developed this kind of thing. You might be right.
Harris:That's exactly what I was going to say, the parenting. I said back in the day, like when my dad was growing up there was no nice parent. Okay, there was was you know, I'm gonna dig into you. My dad used to tell me stories about his. His dad didn't fucking play, but then throughout the years uh, you know, being hard on your kids was looked down upon and it became very nice, nice, this parent. But why? And they did not set you. I don't want to, I don't want to say no, I think they did not set you.
Mike:I don't want to say it.
Harris:No, I think they did not set you up for the real world Okay.
Mike:No, I think what you're saying you're right, but there's that line where you have to be strict with your kid but then there's going over the board where now the kid, he loses his head, like my dad. His father was crazy strict, he was like Military shit Like a military shit.
Mike:I'm not being I'm not saying he didn't, he wasn't able to install. It's important to install, to be strict, right, not necessarily disciplined, but to be a man of your word. To be honest, those things are good, but when you only teach with like a sword, you don't teach the person on the other side of also being compassionate, kind and considerate.
Harris:Let's put it this way, my dad. He wasn't strict to the point like you're talking about military strict. My dad, if you did something wrong you're going to get a spanking and I absolutely accept that you like the spankings?
Mike:Be honest, no, I got spanked one from him.
Harris:Yeah, not to not to do anything wrong in front of him, but my mom was so against the spanking that ended up breaking them up. Yeah, and they divorced.
Harris:But I was honest with my mother. I said if you would have spanked, I would have been a hundred times different with you, because I knew not to do that shit again or I was going to get my ass beat. You know what I'm saying. You know the whole world is. You know you have to talk to them. You have to be friendly. You got to tell them no, you can't do that. That's not going to do shit.
Mike:You have to be able to balance both.
Eldar:Yeah, To be strict when you need it, you know, like Harrison not to get into the whole spanking situation right, but I think it is to a degree a lazy man's yeah it's a lazy man's right, but my mom right.
Harris:She tried to explain how I did. Shit was wrong, no, I think.
Eldar:But I'm gonna no, I'm gonna listen, I'm gonna take your mom's side here in regards to spanking at least. Right, if she preached that, look, we had to sit this kid down and actually explain thoroughly to him what's actually going on, and she probably failed at that, right, and that's why your dad took the shortcuts, like I'm gonna just use pain as a fucking teacher. Pain because you're a fucking loose cannon and at that time you need to be fucking in pain in order to understand something, right. But ultimately, I'm not sure physical pain is a good teacher. It is a good teacher, sure, for many people, but ultimately I would love to impose mental pain right, like sort of what we're doing here, right In sales, in the letter, friend, and everything else, where we're trying to explain certain things to you in such a way where it's like, look, we see certain pitfalls, we see certain things where you can burn your hand in that fire and you're like you know what?
Eldar:I'm okay with that. And we're like, okay, we gave you the warnings, go burn your hand, you. This is the way, this is the right way to do it. Right, where I think that ultimately, life will teach you right, if it's not your dad spanking you right. Life will spank you.
Harris:You're going to learn one way or the other, and I've had to go through a lot of hard struggles in my life.
Eldar:And I think that the good parents are the parents that actually understand this and they leverage life right and the laws of. Let's just call it, quote unquote god for the lack of better word or the lack of gravity, lack of, I mean the, not not the lack of, but more so of the, the laws of gravity, the laws of everything else, right, yeah, of how things work as a teacher, that meaning like, hey, you want to jump in there in that water, which is crazy, you might drown, you might hurt yourself, you want to touch the fire, you might hurt yourself, and all those things. Right. A lot of parents don't want to leverage those things to help raise a kid I watched.
Harris:Speaking of that, I recently watched a YouTube video. I was like, oh shit, it was about a TV show from early 2000s and it was the kid was playing with an outlet. He was taking something in it. The mother goes to stop him and the dad says no, let he yeah, and the kid goes ahead and does it and he goes yeah, you're not going to do that again.
Eldar:Ever, ever, yeah, there you go and you know you can tell him a warning, say, son, don't do this because it hurts. And this is what pain looks like, right, Pinch his finger or whatever.
Harris:Remember this, and the kid was literally looking at him the whole time and he went like that he goes yeah, you're never going to do that again, are you? That's it. He's not going to die.
Eldar:He's not going to die, but he's going to get a good shot, and I think that good parents allow kids to learn. I'm not saying that look, don't hold your kid's hand when you cross in the fucking street and get hit by a car. Because that's the last lesson you fucking learn. You know what I mean. But if you want to stick your hand in the fire, no problem. Stick your hand in the fire. You'll learn really fast that fire burns and it doesn't feel good on your hand.
Harris:You're not going to die, but it'll hurt for a week or two. When I, when you, get a blister, when I did that fire thing and I got in trouble with the law, I was not scared of my mom. I was more scared of how my dad would react. But I was surprised how calm my dad was sure he had to pay to repair shit, but he sat me down and explained that you have to make your own fucking mistakes, just like he did, and you have to fucking learn from them, cause if you keep doing this, you're going to end up in the big house. And I had to learn the hard way.
Harris:After I was, I was literally brought to the station, sat in a fucking holding cell for about five hours until Louie walked, walked in, he put me in a fucking room with him. He sat down and he said what the fuck are you doing? Yeah, and he said you really want to end up like the rest of the fucking low lives. You're gonna end up being in and out of prison your whole life. And I got a fucking stern talking to and I never fucking did anything like that again. There you go. You know Louis didn't hold back. He fucking let it rip. He said I knew you for how long you're a good kid, but you do stupid, fucking shit. Yeah, you need to think before you fucking act, and I never fucking did it again. There you go. So what are we saying? That parents are too soft?
Eldar:No, no, no, no, no. What we're saying is that parents having a hard time figuring out on how to do it properly, right and ultimately to teach what, like you said, right. You said, mike, hey. The problem starts is when parents almost shield you from learning certain lessons, the hard way, maybe, sometimes, and because of that. How did you connect the two?
Mike:No, I was saying that it happens because parents don't let you face reality.
Eldar:Okay, what happens? Anger starts to build.
Mike:Resentment. No, I think the ego develops. The ego develops. To protect you from the false, false reality? How can you explain that if your parents, like you, say you want to be a basketball player, right, uh-huh, and you go and you play basketball, but you're a terrible basketball player, your parents say, oh, you're great, I'm really proud of you.
Eldar:You're doing excellent.
Mike:Okay, you know yeah. And then somebody who actually plays basketball it is good comes to you and says yo you're a bum. Yeah, you know, your parents lied to you but, your ego built that you're good. Now somebody's selling you shit. Okay, but you get angry because you're being challenged. That's one way.
Harris:I think there's probably multiple ways this works that's a good, that's a very good analogy you're basically saying basically, whatever parent says, you can be whatever you want to be that's bullshit.
Eldar:Yeah, it's complete bullshit. It's like yo, I'm going to be a billionaire.
Harris:How are you going to do that?
Eldar:there you go. What are the steps Right? And nobody really knows. But they put that into you and they built up a level of pride and ego that then when you go into the world and completely being challenged and you start facing reality you can't face reality, you have to fight you start developing anger. So what is that thing? How does that transform from ego and pride to then anger?
Mike:well, I think it's with. Fear plus ego equals anger. That was my theory. So you're like the fear develops, you know, combined with the ego. The ego is preventing you from seeing the reality, right, yeah, but it's protecting the false. But calling it the truth. Right, yes, right, yes, but where the fear comes in is because you're not fully stable on that, yeah, so you also believe it in a way because you just faced somebody who just dusted you.
Eldar:Yeah right, somebody smoked you just now one on one. Just faced somebody who just dusted you yeah right you. Somebody smoked you just now one-on-one and said you're a bum, the fear is a clash, yeah, of fear, which is reality.
Mike:Okay, which is the truth about the matter is that you are a bum, yes, fighting your ego which just tells you otherwise which tells you otherwise okay, and that equals to anger. That that it's cognitive dissonance gives equaling anger yeah, that gives birth to anger.
Eldar:Yeah, but why? Oh, because of the attachments. Oh, yeah, the attachment. Yeah, yes, because you have attachments of certain things. Yeah, did you understand that? I did, yeah, can you explain it Not?
Mike:in a gay way.
Harris:Yeah. In a caveman terms, you basically said right, you have attachments, you put your mind to something. Yeah, man was terms. You basically said, right, you have attachments, you put your mind to something yeah.
Mike:You have attachments to it. Yeah, give us an example of an attachment. Don't use basketball. You can use baseball. Let's put it this way right you believe.
Harris:You make it in your head, right Like. I can fucking do this. Yes, I'm great. Yes, like.
Eldar:I can go and I can do this.
Harris:I'm going to make the big, I'm going to get the biggest fucking contract in the NFL, cause I'm the best fucking tackle there is, until someone sits you down and says you know it's not going to happen. Yeah, like you know, great effort but it's not for everyone.
Harris:Let's let's put it with something. My experience Okay, go ahead. Perfect. My mom told me, you know, she was one of those ones you can do whatever you put your mind to. In my life, ever since I was a kid, I dreamed of being in the military. John came out straight out. It's like you know, you can't do it, bro. You got all these problems, but I'm like no, I can fucking do it.
Eldar:I can do it, I'm going to do it.
Harris:I'm going to go fucking Marine recruiter. He's like, okay, any mental health. I was like, yeah, yeah, I got bipolar, I got this. And they're like, yeah, no. Then I went to the Army recruiter. The Army recruiter asked I found a guy. The Army recruiter asked got any mental health problems? I said yes, he goes. No, got it.
Toliy:And I was like what.
Harris:And my friend stopped me right there who? I'm not going to mention his name because technically he's still in the military. That's disgusting, and if it?
Eldar:clings he lied on the thing yeah, yeah, yeah, he's in fucking deep shit. Okay, fine, don't say it.
Harris:His name is Joe, no, john Doe.
Eldar:John Doe, we're just going to do that, john Do.
Harris:His name's Joe, but he basically told me he got in before they made everything more strict People were going crazy committing crimes, shooting themselves in the head, because of their mental health.
Harris:They found out afterwards, after they went in the slammer, that they had mental health and they needed to figure some way to cut back on that, find a way to sniff them out. So I was like yo yo. The recruiter told me to do this. He goes, don't fucking do it. You're setting yourself up to spend two years in fucking federal prison. He goes because they ended up coming up with a way, yeah, to fucking connect it. Yeah, like, if you go to maps that's what it's called, yeah, it's where they do the physicals and all that shit they type your, your name, into the prescription database.
Eldar:Yeah, and they find out what you've been eating, yeah what you've been taking for the past 10 years. Yes, he's like, don't do it.
Harris:He goes, nothing will happen to the fucking recruiter. Yeah, because he's going to claim you fucking lied, he never told you anything. Fucking believe, yeah, a guy that lied in the application or recruiter that's been in for 10 years. So I was told all my life that I could do whatever the hell I wanted yeah, by your mom, yeah you know, and yeah okay, a little bit more that's a good example yeah, it is, it's a I had to accept the fact that this was never going to happen.
Mike:Yeah, but, and you know, what the problem is, but it's good that that happened that way I like that to give you, like another thing the fear in ego. It's your own insecurity combined with arrogance. So think about a situation where you're insecure but arrogant on the same subject.
Eldar:That's crazy that's a crazy fucking cocktail. Yeah, you're right, that's what makes the fucking explosion and that will blow the anger, that is blow it. Yeah, yeah, you're right, that is the fucking equation.
Mike:Because yeah, that's how I think is the equation, If you're insecure because you know deep inside your shit stinks.
Eldar:But you have arrogance.
Mike:Well, it's like you're insecure that you're being called fat, but you haven't accepted it. Yeah, which is you being arrogant about it? Yes, yes, like if I call you fat, which is the truth, but you're insecure about it, but you haven't accepted it, you're arrogant. It's like that combination, there's no humility there it does equal anger. Yeah, it does equal anger. That's the way I am.
Eldar:No, I think it's really good. Those two equations, I think, really work well here.
Harris:Like you said, some people have to learn the fucking hard way. You said this multiple times with a different fucking thing. Some people have to learn the hard way. They might have to go through years, like I did, of going through this before they find a way themselves to handle the fucking situation instead of letting anger get the best of them. Like you said, people have to endure pain.
Eldar:You know what? Then anger almost becomes karma. Bro, If you're angry internally, it's the karma that you've earned.
Mike:Well, it's a mathematical equation. Yeah, it's. Yeah, you want to call it karma, you want to call it justice? Yeah, it's justice. Yeah, it's justice.
Eldar:Sorry, more than anything it's yeah, you want to call it calmer, you want to call it like justice, or yeah, it's justice. Yeah, it's justice. Equal equation yeah, more than anything is justice.
Eldar:No, it's, it's. Yeah, it's the right equation. It's just a formula. It's a formula, that one plus one equals two and that's.
Harris:It's going to come to a boiling point where you fucked your entire life up or you take a long nap. Either you're going to end up in prison for letting, or you're going to end up dead because you fucking went up against the wrong fucking guy and he put you down. That's it. That's it Very interesting. It's not worth your time, people. No, no, it is, though. It is, but okay, okay, okay, so okay so now let's track it.
Eldar:But listen, harris, we're trying to figure really figure this out why some people are in that predicament even further now, like why were you subjected to certain things your dad implied onto you? Why was he subjected to certain things? Why was I subjected to certain things in order for me to then go through the process of learning what the fuck is anger, why anger rules me and why should I remove it from my life?
Mike:So why do people live in this thing? No, why were you?
Eldar:in that predicament in the first place?
Mike:Which predicament Of being angry you mean.
Eldar:Yeah of developing this way of learning, Of this type of pain that you needed in your life.
Mike:Because, because, because I think it's probably the cause of all of our probably suffering.
Eldar:You have to go back in your previous life to understand this.
Mike:Oh no, I mean, I wasn't thinking like that, but I was thinking more like why were you subjected to, for example, attachments right to certain non-truths, things that are not true about reality, like the shortcut answer is what you said is like it's coming from a previous life, especially if you're a kid. Yeah, right yeah, your parents did this like why, in a way, your parents did this to you. Yes, but like, why is this happening?
Eldar:yeah, but not intentionally. Right. It's almost like if this almost gives us an answer that reincarnation is real because of the fact that, like, can a fucking innocent soul be subjected to this type of treatment? Yeah, the formula wouldn't work.
Mike:The formula wouldn't work. I don't think't work. I don't think that. That's why you have some ghetto.
Eldar:right In ghettos you have kids that are able to excel from ghettos, right, but the majority of them, majority of them, kind of belong there. Quote unquote, right, but minority of them are not subjected to the same outcomes. Therefore they were immune.
Mike:Immune Minority of them are not subjected to the same outcomes. Therefore they were immune and almost were, but this is also that debate nature versus nurture right, that's right, that's right. Are you born into a nature?
Mike:And you cannot change it. Or can you be nurtured? No, those minority kids, they are nurtured. Yeah, those majority kids, they're nurtured. Yes, yes, so meaning that, that the kids, they're natured?
Eldar:Yes, meaning that the nature is stronger than the nurture For certain individuals. They were almost implanted to be examples for those other individuals to get out.
Harris:Let's put it this way, because I have friends that grew up in that neighborhood.
Eldar:You have zero friends except imaginary friends.
Harris:I got my buddy Edwin. Never heard of him, never saw him. I got my buddy Edwin.
Eldar:I got of him.
Harris:Never saw him. I talked to him before. Dude, I got my buddy Edwin, I got several guys that grew up. Edwin lives in Patterson, okay, and it's just like you used to say. It's like my dad used to say If a parent tells you, I never said that.
Eldar:Don't go, parents your dad.
Harris:You said something. If a parent tells you to not do something, what are you going to do as a fucking kid? You're going to fucking do it.
Harris:You're going to fucking do it If you're an idiot, yeah, but you know what. You got to fucking do it. You got to learn. Yeah, my buddy used to tell me he goes the reason the kids end up in gangs and shit like that. Their parents would tell them don't do that. You do this. You're out of my fucking house. Guess what I'm going to fucking do it? Right, you got to let them make their fucking mistakes. You got to let kids make their mistakes, and sometimes let's take a video I watched from cops right, guy was pulled over, right, it took him years to learn that that fucking life is not the way to fucking go down.
Harris:He did over 30 fucking years in prison to eventually learn this. Shit ain't for me. Yeah, you know what I've been. I've been going about life the whole fucking wrong way, yeah, and it took him time to fucking learn. The question I have for you? Oh, shit, you got a question for all of you, okay, oh, wow, and the listeners? Right, let's put it this way my mom chose the way to parent because she didn't want to parent like her parents. Okay, we're going to parent because we don't want to parent the same way.
Eldar:The way our parents parent.
Harris:We think we can solve it. The question I have. Okay. Will the right parenting ever be solved? Whoa, how is the right way to parent? That's a very good question. Can we come up with that answer?
Eldar:I think that I don't want to exhaust it here, even though we can get into it really well. I think it's a very good topic for next week you want to do that for next week because that is the question can it ever be?
Harris:solved, that's a very good question it's a very good question.
Eldar:Let's get back to anger. I'm telling you we're going to talk about it next week but I think that we caught anger by it's tail.
Mike:Mike helped us out really well with the questions that he asked so you asked does anger exist without somebody else to balance it off? Yes, yes.
Eldar:I think it's a social dynamic. No, does anger exist without somebody else to balance it off of? Oh, yes, yes, I think it's a social. It's a social dynamic Social, no, it's not a social dynamic, it is. It is. It has a requirement of a social dynamic in order to be expressed. Right, because if you're on the island, right. If you're on the island, right, yeah, island, right. If you're on the island, right, yeah.
Mike:Well, I guess you can get frustrated and angry at yourself, but for how long? Well, yeah, if you go and you stop, you tell you can get angry, but that's not like real anger, that's not real anger. Yeah, but I guess the formula for anger let's say, if we're gonna go with insecurity plus arrogance, right, can you be alone insecure? I? Don't think so and can you be alone? Arrogant impossible.
Eldar:We talked about this before. Impossible, if you're on an island there's no chance you could be at least for a long period of time, maybe if you became on an island and you brought some of the stuff back from your society that you've already learned. But sooner or later those things are going to drop completely and you're going to be stripped naked and no way you can be arrogant on an island by yourself.
Harris:You can't be like Tommy. You can't close yourself.
Eldar:Oh, unless you have imaginary friends. Yeah yeah, exactly.
Mike:Mm-hmm, can you move that a little bit this way.
Eldar:Yeah, I think anger right almost serves a very specific purpose. In a, I was a serious loser, yeah.
Mike:Societal structure okay, why it? Has, why do you?
Eldar:say that well it's like specifically like that way in societal structure yeah, because I think that most of the time, the challenge comes from where outside let's see you go. It doesn't come internally. That is why I think social dynamics are so important, because we bounce off of one another and we keep each other in check. He does something wild like yo, what the fuck are you doing? You do something wild like what the fuck are you doing? And keeps going and going and going. Without that, you're living in your own world and you're creating your own structures that not necessarily are correct. Therefore, anger is usually outwardly expressed in society, because of society, because all of us we're going to say yo, we're going to gang up on you. Say yo, what the fuck are you doing? You're like what do you mean?
Eldar:You know, you start fucking throwing up your fucking hands ready to fight oh yeah, go fucking put them up, boy you know what I'm saying, but I think it's a very good indication of what you said, that it's an indication if anger is coming out, it's a very good indication that you haven't figured something out right. And examples for Harris are coming up right now. Right, a lot of times Harris will go. He likes to peddle shock value. You know what I mean. We know this right. He might not know this right. What do you mean shock value? You'll understand in a second. Right when. What do you mean Chuck value? You'll understand in a second. When he tells us a story and he's like yo guys, check this out, this is the truth about the world. And Tully's like wait, wait a second, that's fake news, bro, let's double check this shit.
Mike:The rattlesnake example right, he wanted to peddle that right.
Eldar:Tully Googled it. We Googled it and we realized that this is fake news that he's saying. And what happens? Harris starts getting a little bit angry. What's going on? Right? He thought he was right this whole time. He wanted to protect that person who was right. The truth of the matter he was completely wrong and we're now making fun of him. Who's fighting back Anger? Because for a very long time he believed what somebody else told him or put him on that rattlesnakes have a bite from a rattle.
Harris:I still have to learn how to check my fucking shit.
Mike:Oh there you go. So then are you saying that, like I'm trying to link it but I'm having a hard time, but not being able to accept that you're wrong, is that huge?
Eldar:It's a big problem. I have Huge no, no, no, it's not just you, harris. Yeah, I think it's a big problem that everybody has, because we have so many attachments right and our ego and pride is so highly elevated from those attachments.
Mike:Point out again, man, my dad, bro, yeah, what he knows, what he thinks I guess it's not only that it's like not being okay with your wrong right that you're being wrong, but also thinking that what you're wrong about is actually matters.
Eldar:yes, my big thing is that's a very good point. What he said, that not only that you're wrong, but what you're wrong about is attachment so strong that you actually feel that it matters the thing you're getting angry about is so irrelevant.
Harris:It's so irrelevant what.
Eldar:I have to learn who gives a fuck right, but you can't say that what I have to learn to do is accept that I'm wrong and learn what is right. What is?
Harris:the right answer. For some reason I can't let go of that.
Eldar:Yes, that's what he's saying is because you've developed an attachment so strong that such irrelevant thing matters the most. Yeah, you know why. Because of what? Because you're peddling shock value. So if you didn't get what you wanted, because you wanted to do the shock value and get everybody's reaction, and people like yo the fuck are you talking about? I realize You're a vampire and you want those reactions, like Julius.
Harris:Let me put it something out there. My ex One of the reasons we ended up fading. What's his name? Fucker, fuck you.
Harris:I'm in a pussy Fucker One of the things I guess we ended up coming to a close.
Mike:Bullseye. You guys had a bullseye, fuck you.
Harris:But I used to call her up when I knew things were wrong and I knew it was right and I'd show her the proof, and she's like I don't want to hear it. I know what I'm talking about and my dad used to say the whim, the woman is always right. Oh, you have to always let. Even if she's not right, she has to be right, see your dad puts you on some stupid shit because as soon as as soon as I said no to katherine, his eyes widened.
Eldar:He said yo, you said no to your wife.
Harris:Oh, I was always told happy wife, happy life. And it's like you know, you always have to. Even if she's wrong, you have to let her have it. You can never be right, that's crazy.
Harris:You see, you bought it into the fucking nonsense I was like yo I'm going about this, all wrong, yeah, I can't call her out on her shit you realize this is the wrong approach but the question is how you like, when I used to call my out on my ex on her shit, it just turned into a big blowout, Like we would fucking fight, argue and we'd just go at it Like it turns into an argument. How do you call someone out on it without it turning into an argument?
Eldar:Well, very specific person, right? The person that you're in a relationship with. This is what you're asking. Yes, that's a very good question and I would definitely.
Harris:Because that's what ended up ending it, Because you again.
Mike:It was great makeup sex.
Harris:I'm not going to lie. So it was worth it. You're saying yeah, I just didn't. We were, if you're very curious, every fucking week.
Eldar:If you're very curious about this, guess what. You're in good hands and we'll be able to tackle this question for you yeah do you believe that we can tackle this or no? Yeah, yeah, I mean, you saw what I said to Catherine when she goes.
Harris:Yeah, bro, what the fuck can you help? Me, get the dogs to the car, nope, and she, just she didn't even fucking say anything.
Mike:She just said okay, well you weren't here.
Eldar:I was in the middle of something and I'm busy.
Harris:He's got a video of the whole thing, bro. Yeah, I have the whole video of this.
Eldar:Yeah, because we were in the middle of it and she asked and I'm like yo, I'm busy because I'm actually busy, and he's like yo, wait, you said no to your wife Like are you crazy?
Harris:Because he thinks that, like there's a dominance, it's always what I've been told was the woman's always right, as it always says. My dad used to say happy wife, happy life.
Eldar:Yeah, and my mom used to hate that. My mom used to hate that.
Harris:What the fuck is that supposed to be? Happy wife, happy life, what the hell is that supposed to mean?
Eldar:Yeah, and I think that you know what, and I think that I like that part of your mom. I think there's a reason why she had this little like reaction to it, because I think internally she felt like that's a cop out, and rightfully so. Any woman that's going to bow down to that is in trouble.
Harris:My mom's like.
Eldar:That's not real love.
Harris:That's basically treating us differently.
Eldar:That's right.
Harris:Women are different, yeah, and I differently. That's right. Women are different, yeah, and I'm like I'm sorry she goes.
Eldar:Don't listen to your dad about no, I agree. I agree with your mom here again, I agree with her. She's right, you know. Ultimately we have to be able to level it out and see and understand that there's okay. There's times it's gonna, we're gonna, say no to one another and that's perfectly fine. This is not to take it personal, it's just. The truth of the matter is this is not the right time. Get off of me. You know what I'm saying. That's it. You know, both for men and women. This is not just for men, it's for women as well. We have to learn how to say no to each other and not take it personally.
Harris:Like I'm going to go back to the point where people are stuck in their ways. They think they're right, they know everything, right? Yeah, let's go back to my dad. My mom has accepted this job. I'm doing the sales. Oh, she did already. Yeah, she accepted it how. She's like you know what, let you try.
Harris:The worst that can happen is it doesn't work out well, yeah, that's easy, though like no, my mom, my mom that's not accepting my mom says to the point yeah, if some people would be successful, some won't, yeah, but the only way to find this out, yeah, to actually do the job. Did you explain to her? I did, I did. I said, mom, I'm actually learning, I'm watching the videos.
Eldar:And this is what you got.
Harris:I'm coming back with answers to the thing. Yeah, like I'm doing great, everyone's getting a little impressed, yeah, with how I'm coming back, but my dad, your dad's like totally, he's not getting too excited about it. No, my dad is holding it down that sales is the hardest thing you're ever gonna do. It's you can't have a soul. You're just gonna be a dirty dirtbag. I tried to explain to him what we're doing, but he has it said in his mind that he knows what the fuck he's talking about and that's the way it is. Doesn't matter. Every product is basically the same fucking thing.
Mike:You have to be a dirty salesman, would you say he's angry about it.
Harris:Oh, I think you know partly right. He tried his luck in sales. Oh shit and he discovered it wasn't for him.
Eldar:Yeah, because he wasn't good at it.
Harris:You know they gave him a company card. Oh shit, uh, telling him to go out to lunches and pretend he's taking people out because they have amount of money they had to spend. Yeah, yeah, but when it came down to actually making the money, he could have done it extremely difficult. He goes how do these people fucking do when I can't fucking do this shit? Yeah, yeah. So I think part of the reason is wow he doesn't want me to. He's a jealous fucker.
Eldar:He doesn't want me to get it and then be like how the fuck is it?
Harris:You know what the crazy part is? His brother, my uncle, was the best fucking salesman there was. Wow, he would have he was able to flip cars?
Eldar:Do they have a good relationship? He's dead, oh my God.
Harris:When he was 30. But he was the best salesman, yeah, like he would have fucking 20 cars lined up on the fucking block, yeah, and he would flip those. Yeah, and he was the best fucking salesman. He had a lot of cash and his dad used to go terry, what the hell? You need to get a job. You need to make money. You know like legal money. You need to. You need to be able to do this shit or you're never gonna retire. He pulled a lot of fucking cash. Oh, he's like dad. You see this?
Harris:shut your mouth yeah, he's like I got money he goes you need money and he's done. Yeah, my grandfather got so fucking pissed at that. He's like what the hell? Yeah, where is this like? He felt like yeah, this kid thinks he's better than me.
Toliy:Well, guess what he kind of is yeah, he has this money.
Harris:Yeah, right, very interesting.
Eldar:But my dad is basically I hope he doesn't want listen to this he's gonna start a whole big fucking argument, but my, my dad, I think, doesn't want me to be able to do, yeah, what he wasn't able to do yeah, but the point is I think he gave that's again going back to the fucking parents thing that is being passed on, right, where a certain level of reality and understanding is trying to be passed on and when we finally realize, like wait a second, this is all fucking wrong we can let go of our anger he can let go of this shit.
Eldar:He can move on past them, like your dad actually, you don't know what I think I have to. You know what I mean. Like, yeah, like, yeah, yeah, harris, you almost have to be ready. Like if you pull it up in the tesla, a car that is like 10, 10x better than his cars, two cars at home. Like, yeah, be ready.
Harris:Like he's gonna grill you even more man he, we talked about it, we sat down about tesla, yeah and he's like you know, yeah, I know you think this is a brilliant idea. This and and this you know. Driving around in that fucking car, yeah, like you're driving around in this luxury, beautiful car. That's what's always that.
Harris:Deep down. He's fucking Jealous. He's jealous of shit. But I'm like dad, you got to listen, okay, yeah, like that's crazy, I don't have to, right, and all this shit, yeah, fucking pocket it. Yeah, and down the road, right, I might have enough money saved up to be my own fucking Tesla.
Eldar:That's right. And now you can do it only in within six months if you want exactly.
Harris:It's gonna probably take longer than that, sure. But the point is I said all the money I'm fucking spending on this shit, yeah, I'm spending $300 a fucking month. Yeah, I could throw that shit in the bucking bank, yeah, and save it up. I don't have to be in fucking debt because I'm spending all this money.
Eldar:You realize that if this keeps going and you keep growing, you're gonna keep blowing your dad's head off like well, he didn't want to hear it, he goes.
Harris:I'm not gonna tell you nothing. That's basically what you're fucking telling me yeah, without telling me yeah, sick, and you know how does that?
Harris:feel it feels good, but the the thing he I know the only way he's gonna fucking learn is I have to get to the point where I'm bringing in that fucking bread, and that's the only way she'll see that he's gonna shut the hell up and I'm gonna be like dad. See, I told you I can do this, I just needed a chance to fucking get it done. Yeah, I said you see this. Yeah, hey, dad, I have enough money, I'm moving out. That's the only way he's gonna learn. Totally said it's the only way his parents, yeah, finally got on board. They're not fully on board. He said yeah.
Harris:They said you know, when I started this job me and totally, I was at his house, we were, we're in there and he was explaining he goes. You know, my parents were the same way, they still are. Yeah, they thought it was a really bad idea to get in, to go work for a friend. Yeah, they said it was a really bad idea. Yeah, but he goes. I ended up having to show them yeah, I had to make this money. I got my house, I got this. Yeah, and they accepted it. That's right, he goes, they're probably never.
Eldar:The proof is in the pudding, yeah.
Harris:He goes, they're probably never going to be fully on board. Yeah, he goes. Well, that's okay. But the whole point is to evolve above your parents. That's right, and he goes, you just have to show it. He goes, we all went through it. Yeah, every one of us, mike's still going.
Eldar:Trust me, mike, probably in the 50s episodes he fucking opened up the whole can of worms about his fucking family. Dude, like I said, if you listen to it you're like holy fucking shit. And your dad's not going to listen to this shit. You know what I mean, Unless you've linked them and said, dad, I talked shit about you. You know what I mean. They're not so interested in our lives to say let me go and digest what everything's being said said, but mike's fucking been through it with his family.
Harris:He's still going through it still trying to figure out.
Mike:I'm in the trenches still, yeah, I think to level up.
Harris:I think always anyone that's successful in sales or successful in a business. Yeah, their parents were like do you really think that's a good idea?
Harris:you should really focus on this 100. Right, my dad pushes for me to go after a government job, a state fucking job, something that I have a pension. I don't want to. You know he goes. You know I look back. You know my parents told me to chase a state job, a government job, and he goes. But then my parents, right, they said years later they're like I'm glad you did it. You know you're making the good money like this. Well, why can't you give me the fucking opportunity? Yeah, this is that you had. Chase what you want. Yeah, why can't you do that for me? Yeah, he goes because and I asked him that and he goes because.
Harris:I look back now and I look at my friends that that had these state and government jobs. They're retired at 40 and they're wait 40s. They in their late 40s, their 50s, getting 80K a year. I said, but maybe I don't want that. If I retire, what the fuck am I going to do? Right, and my dad used to say I was like like you used to say, like grandpa used to say. My grandfather used to tell my dad when you retire, you got one foot in the grave. What was?
Speaker 5:that you got one foot in the grave. They is it.
Toliy:You got one foot in the grave.
Harris:They knew a guy that retired. He was 60. He retired, died two weeks later Sick, and he was jacked up.
Eldar:You know who also says that Warren and YPD yeah.
Mike:Most motherfuckers die within the first, they don't make it after.
Eldar:Yeah, they don't live too long. The question is what do you? You know? Who are you when you wake up? Who are you when you wake up? You got something to do for your life.
Speaker 5:you got yourself something going on in your life, harris, let me tell you this I took my parents to bermuda.
Eldar:Yeah, I've stayed in the nicest hotel in bermuda, oh yeah so I'm a mr first class over here okay, okay. We went into the pool and we were hanging out I told you the story, I think and my dad looks around and goes yeah, we don't belong here. Like we're not for this. You know what I mean. Like we, just got lucky, kind of thing. Damn, bro, lucky. Do you understand this? Because he doesn't understand and I'm not sure if they're supposed to understand what we're doing, how we're doing it and why we're doing it.
Harris:Does he realize? No, he doesn't. He doesn't realize where you are now? No, he doesn't. He says we don't belong there. Did you say, dad, I belong here.
Eldar:I looked around and I told Catherine this and I said yo, I own this shit, I own this fucking hotel.
Harris:That's how I feel.
Eldar:You should have looked at him and said dad, we don't belong here. He goes, I belong here. I'm already past the point of trying to prove somebody wrong. I don't need that. I got no time for that. My whole thing is to have as much fun as possible.
Harris:You know what I always say my dad goes. These millionaires that buy all this expensive shit go on trips like this. He goes, eventually their money's gonna run out.
Eldar:I said well, dad, the whole point of this is to fucking make money and make it run out and I said that point of this.
Harris:I said you can't take that shit with you, that's right. I said you need to blow through that money. He goes, but you want to leave your family something. I'm like, well, you can leave your family something, but you don't want to be one of those people that you know your money is what they're going to live off. You want them to go out like you know. Let's, let's take shack for a minute.
Harris:Shack is a brilliant fucking guy. I'm not gonna lie. Yeah, he told his fucking kids. Yeah, told him when you're 18, you're the fuck out of my house. Yeah, he goes. You are gonna go to college. You're gonna. You're the fuck out of my house. Yeah, he goes. You are going to go to college. You're going to get two fucking degrees. Yeah, you don't get those two degrees. You ain't getting shit of mine. Yeah, you're going to go out and get your own career. You are not going to live off my fucking money and if you don't do this, you're not getting any of my money. Yeah, these celebrities, they don't do that. They buy their kids these houses. These millionaires buy their kids the houses. They're living off daddy's money.
Eldar:They're going out partying All right Link all this to anger.
Harris:Yeah, you don't. You're not set up for success in this world.
Eldar:Well, some of our parents don't set us up, and that's why we start developing a certain level of anger towards ourselves and towards others.
Harris:You get an ego, you can do whatever the hell you want.
Mike:But that predicament that we came into of the insecurity and the arrogance, yeah, that predicament happens because of a lack of knowledge. Well, yeah, that's for sure. Knowledge, yeah, but I don't know how to explain it. But I'll give you an example of it Question everything.
Harris:Well, how are you set up? How can you be set up for success? How do you sit someone down and basically explain how this entire fucking world works.
Eldar:Yeah, it's a very good question. Again, you're talking about parenting. It's going to be a good episode. This is going to be a good episode. It's going to be a good episode so everybody better fucking.
Harris:Tune in, tune in. Yes, this is going to be interesting because there's a lot of questions surrounding this.
Eldar:A hundred percent. It's a lot of questions and if you can answer them, properly and if Back to the fucking parenting.
Harris:Yeah, jesus Christ.
Eldar:And you're the one who just want to fucking implant the seed out of nowhere somewhere and just let it grow.
Harris:Because I've noticed. I've noticed throughout my life. Like I said, I basically helped raise, I was a living nanny for fucking three years, sure, but that doesn't mean that you did a good job. Yeah, no, but.
Eldar:You better be careful here. But I didn't half ass it yeah, you didn't, but at the end of the day.
Harris:But then again they still didn't understand what the fuck I was saying there you go because they were so young
Eldar:but now they're starting to able, do you understand?
Mike:how important this job is. How many hours a day did you spend with those kids, god?
Harris:well over fucking 15 dude dude. I woke up at 6am. God, well over fucking 15, dude Sure Every day, dude. I woke up at 6 am.
Eldar:Change your diaper, change your own diaper, fuck you bro.
Harris:My sister-in-law will wake me up at 6 am and she's like yeah, john's going to work, I need help with the kids. I was always that fucking shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I need help with the kids. Okay, no problem, I get up, john comes home at 6 pm, but I'm in that living room helping take care of the kids until like 10 pm and then I finally get to go off, stay up for a couple hours, watch some tv, have my own fucking alone time yeah, and then go to bed and then the next day.
Harris:I started.
Eldar:where would you jerk? Where would you jerk it?
Harris:In my room, okay, cool, but I'd have two hours to myself, go to sleep, start it all over the next day and that was my life, seven days a week.
Eldar:Sick, so this is easy for him man.
Mike:Yeah, but I'm not positive that he whatever he instilled in the kids or tried to.
Harris:It's not they were too young to understand it.
Mike:That's what you think.
Eldar:Let's put it this way, maybe it did a little bit. It may be one day, right when they grow up and stuff like that, and he'll have a chance to have a real conversation with them. He can now take more of his knowledge and pass that on a little bit, like the girls they're able to talk.
Harris:Now they're able to talk, now they're able to understand what I'm saying and sometimes I do a little tough love my mom will call me and say, yeah, you know, the kids are acting up.
Eldar:They keep asking about you, or when you use that weird voice right, no, I go, you know.
Harris:I said who's acting up? And she'll say you know Tatiana, or something like that, and I'll have a stern fucking conversation with her. I'll have a stern fucking conversation with her. I'll be like Tater, you need to start fucking behaving, okay. And I said if you're not, if you don't start behaving, I'm not going to come and visit. That's it, oh wow.
Eldar:You like using threats right. We're going to definitely talk about parenting style next week. I can't wait. Yeah, threats.
Harris:And Tater. I said, tater, do you want Uncle Harris to come visit? Because I said I don't want to see you like this, you like guilt, right?
Eldar:No, and she goes yeah.
Harris:I want you to come visit. I said okay, then you got to be good for grandma. Grandma is not able to handle what's how you're at.
Eldar:Would you say that this is the best and effective way of parenting, or no?
Harris:She calms down for quite a while after I say that you didn't answer the question.
Eldar:Probably not Listen. Thank you for being honest.
Harris:Probably not, but you have to learn as you go.
Eldar:Listen, I'm glad that you are. You have to learn as you go.
Harris:Are you going to go to a mommy and me class and change the diapers and all this shit? I'm going to have to, like I learned from Brittany, I'm ready for all the diaper, the baby shit. Yeah, for when I'm a parent, yeah but so what?
Mike:That's like easy shit bro, that's the easy stuff.
Eldar:Yeah, I wipe Penny and Archie every day, man.
Harris:That's not the same. Me too. Yeah, you got me Damn my boy.
Eldar:All those kids were snotty and fucking, had dingleberries in their ass.
Mike:Don't fucking lie wash their ass with hot water.
Eldar:Use cold water.
Harris:That's disgusting. No, I didn't. What's wrong with you? You looked warm on it, not too hot, not too cold, that's right.
Mike:Yeah, yeah, no, no, harris, that's the topic for next week. Yeah.
Harris:Let's do it, baby.
Eldar:This is going to be a good fucking topic, boy Harris.
Harris:Mike's onto something here. Why are we so low?
Speaker 5:anger is gonna be like yeah, it's almost like do you ever think we can go back to the 70s, where it's peace and love and that's all bullshit?
Eldar:that never happened well, let me ask you a question, can we can't be under the influence and say peace and love? Can?
Harris:we ever get to the point where everyone, or most of the world, is not filled up with anger. Can we ever be? But why do you?
Eldar:say that you're also saying that, like if that's the actual the truth of the matter, I actually think that anger is not sustainable at all. It's not sustainable, harris. You know. I don't think anger is sustainable, like like that, like he's just saying like, oh, the most of the world and all this other stuff. No, it's moments. Not like, oh, the most of the world and all this stuff. No, it's moments. Not everybody's always angry, but ultimately, all the people that are angry are also looking to be happy.
Mike:Nothing is sustainable.
Eldar:Especially anger. Yeah, anger is not Because it burns so much. It's a V12. It's not a hybrid or electric vehicle. No, it is a.
Mike:V12. That's not a hybrid or electric vehicle.
Eldar:That's a gas guzzler.
Mike:It is a gas guzzler. No, I don't think it's sustainable.
Eldar:It breaks you down much faster.
Mike:My belief is that we're actually not built for that.
Eldar:We're built for love. No we're built for love and fun.
Mike:Love and fun. Yeah, 100%. Yo close the shade. A hundred percent.
Harris:Yo close the shade.
Eldar:Yo, Bobby, Yo, I need a car, good man, yeah, you walk around like a fucking camel crooked biscuit. Yeah, because you're an idiot. Because you're an idiot, you're a young idiot, so this is what you do. Yeah, all right, you like to learn through pain? I'm back, bitches.
Harris:Yeah, it's definitely not sustainable the fuel of it? Well, eventually everyone has the downfall. They got to burn out, like you said. Some people it's going to be too late or they never get the chance to do that.
Eldar:Knowing what we know about anger, how should we react when we see it or hear it, or encounter it?
Mike:Nada In ourselves or in other people.
Eldar:Well, in other people Nada First Nada.
Harris:Nada, nada, nada. We just talked about it. Man, everyone's got to learn their fucking own ways. There's nothing you can really do.
Eldar:Even if they have to burn their hands off.
Mike:Well, I think if you see anger in yourself right, and you believe, and we're like say, if we agree that anger is a result of our own ignorance and arrogance, yeah, then we have to understand that that person is also operating out of that. Can you blame somebody for being sick? I swear to. God, should you get angry at that person for being sick?
Harris:So does anger management work.
Eldar:Well, it depends what kind of anger management and who's the therapist and what they're actually talking about.
Harris:I'm sorry, I forgot you were a caseworker.
Eldar:Don't forget, I'm really good at what I do, so you better watch yourself. Yes, sir, it's a good question, mike.
Harris:I mean, I'm confused. Right, you were a caseworker, you believe in certain things.
Eldar:What do you mean? Believe in certain things? What the fuck does that even mean?
Harris:Let's put it this way We've talked about people have to learn, yeah, so is there any way to speed up that process by therapy?
Eldar:It's a good question. If you're open to therapy, that means you almost are predisposed to learning faster. But why is the question? Why are some people like therapy is okay, I'll go to therapy? They're very open to it and some people are like hell, no, that's terrible, right?
Harris:So that's me. Therapy never worked for me. Yeah, so the downfall, you got to understand that.
Eldar:Therapy never worked for you at that time.
Harris:Well, let me ask you a question Is this sort of like therapy? Well, what do you define as therapy? How about that? I mean, I open up in. Let's just define therapy together. I open up in this zone, sure, but when I'm in a closed door it doesn't work.
Eldar:Because you haven't tried it yet. I tried it for 10 years. No, I really don't think you've tried it. If I was to set you up in such a way where it's like hey, harris, when you go to therapy, you do X, y and Z and if you actually execute it, trust me, you'll be like oh wow, that works.
Harris:You understand the difference? Yeah, I mean you were a caseworker, so maybe yeah.
Eldar:Well, this can be sort of like therapy. This is therapy, for sure.
Harris:This is group therapy, right here, boy.
Eldar:Sure, but why would you label it anything Exactly? Does it feel good?
Harris:It does it feels good to get shit off your chest.
Eldar:What's therapy's purpose?
Harris:Find an outlet. Find an outlet. You have to explain what that means let's put it this way, right? I think one of the big things about anger is finding how to relieve it.
Eldar:Well, no, I actually think that you have to understand it. What's the point of relieving it?
Mike:Yeah, Like whenever I went to therapy.
Harris:Every fucking therapist was like you had to find coping mechanisms. You had to find a way to relieve yourself. Every fucking therapist was like you had to find coping mechanisms.
Toliy:You had to find a way to relieve yourself.
Harris:Every fucking therapist I went to was always about coping mechanisms.
Mike:That's bullshit. The coping mechanism is like keep putting your hand in the fire and then I'll put it on ice for you.
Harris:I've been to like 10 different fucking therapists. Are you listening, boy I am. I've been to 10 different therapists, fucking therapists. Are you listening, boy I am. But I've been to 10 different therapists.
Toliy:And the first fucking thing no more alcohol for him. Yo no, I hear you, bro, I'm not drunk.
Harris:The first fucking thing they say is well, you have to find coping mechanisms that work. You have to sit down for a minute and count to 10.
Eldar:Let me explain to you something, and I'm not sure if this is going to register, but I'll try it anyway. Ready, the therapist is as good as you allow him to be they don't know what the fuck they're talking about that's it.
Mike:Mike did that register for you, of course, 100%, I agree with that so let me ask you a question now that I know some things.
Harris:If I were to go to therapy, can I challenge? Oh, you're going to have a completely different experience. Can I challenge the therapist?
Eldar:You're going to have a really cool time.
Harris:Yeah, but the question is can you challenge the therapist? Why not Listen to me?
Eldar:Again, the therapist is just as good as you allow them to be.
Harris:Listen to that.
Eldar:I hear you no, no, no, no, no. I hear you no. So then, answer the question that you're asking me. Can you challenge them Absolutely? Can it be like? Will it be productive?
Harris:Absolutely. Can it be like you say to Toli Uh-huh, okay, the student has to be able to, is supposed to go past the teacher? Can it be like that, where you?
Eldar:teach the therapist.
Harris:That is the whole point.
Eldar:The point of a therapist especially a good one, I'm going to tell you right now is to fire themselves. It's to fire themselves To do a good enough job for you and to really make you blossom so you can say you know what therapist I'm done. I've surpassed this. I don't need this anymore. I'd like to go further Pass this.
Harris:That's it when you were a caseworker. I think what a lot of I'm going to go back to this what a lot of therapists make mistakes of is they go off of a book that they learned in school? Yeah, they don't find actual.
Eldar:Well, because they actually don't understand what's actually going on. I probably led a lot more with understanding, acceptance, love compassion, my humor you learn throughout the years. Yeah and sure I learned the book, but I didn't necessarily agree with the book. And I'm not sure if you're supposed to agree with the book. I think you're supposed to pave your own way, because that's what life is about.
Harris:That's the whole thing, right? Yeah, each person that write those books found things that worked for them. Yeah, you have to write your own book. That's right, your own manuscript about things you learned throughout the years.
Eldar:Well, you can't, for example, the red tape around therapy is like is like, for example, you can't give a hug, right, you're not supposed to hug kids, you're not supposed to touch them, and stuff like that. But sometimes that's what's exactly is needed just need to give them a hug and be like yo, like I relate, I understand, and this isn't a form of expression.
Speaker 5:We're not gonna hug it's not gay, it's not a fucking. You know what I'm?
Eldar:saying it's not sexual on any form or anything like that it's just showing them love, but red tape will not allow something like that. So if you're following that, you can't be truly expressive. You can't be an artist. Let's just say, in this fucking realm of therapy, Like when I went to YP.
Harris:I considered that somewhat therapy Because guess what? You were real with us. You talked about problems we were fucking having. My mom would literally go to you and say this is what's going on at home. Can you have a conversation with him? Yeah, and you didn't beat around the fucking bush. You didn't say, oh, let's try this. You were like, listen, you're doing this shit. Yeah, you need to fucking straighten the fuck up. Yeah, you were not beating around the bush like, let's try this? How about try this? You were straight up. You said this is what you're doing, this is what you need to do to fucking stop it and solve it this is what I believe and that's why I came up the way I came out and I still am right.
Harris:No wonder why YP doesn't work now, bro. Oh shit, you left and it was boom.
Eldar:Well, what do you think, bro? Of course, you know. Until they find the real person who has the ability to have that kind of connection with the kids and push their message, they're going to have a hard time, do you?
Harris:think they'll ever be able to sell them.
Eldar:Well, I hope you think there's going to be another Eldar that comes through the door. I hope so. There'll never be an Eldar, just like there will never be a Harris or ever be a Mike, never Ever. However, there can be good people. Just like you're a good person, mike is a good person, I'm a good person, quote unquote. Everyone, deep down, can be a good person. Yeah, I think everybody has that potential inside, but whether or not it's going to come out I'm not sure. When One day?
Harris:Everyone needs to. I'm going to be you right now. Everyone needs to get to the point where they level up, Level up bitch.
Eldar:Yeah Well, good Paris is blessing us with it all. So anger Back to anger.
Mike:What the fuck? So then, the question is right we understand, or are we understanding how it develops?
Eldar:I think you have a very good theory. I think that clash between ego, pride, arrogance, attachment, right of certain things, right, ego, pride, arrogance, attachment of certain things will give birth to anger as soon as being challenged in the outside world of life, because the fire humbles you. The fire says I exist, I provide pain if you stick your finger in it. There is no fight. You're not going to say you know what? I'm going to put two fingers in now, or three fingers in because one was not enough. You don't do that, right. You don't fight back. It is clear cut, clear cut. Say this is the fucking result of what's going on, because you were arrogant, right, you wanted to say like oh, I'll be fine, you know what I mean and be fine, you know what.
Harris:I mean, and then you got burned.
Eldar:Fire has no emotions, it has no feelings, it doesn't give a fuck about you. It doesn't give a fuck about you. It does what it does. It burns things, including your flesh, right, so it's a very humbling, very quick experience. So if you could become right as that sounding board, as just like the fire for all the people, without having to any kind of reactions, then you become that fire and now you can allow the individual to learn much quicker without needing to bring out what anger. But a lot of times we don't, because what happens is right. Right, our parents, right, they have attachments to certain things. Don't do this, don't do that. You know what I mean and you know they don't give much explanations, right, we're like no, we want to prove you wrong. Like this is not going to happen, this is not happening, right, and they have attachments. Oh no, I told you so, you know. And it becomes a fucking fight. Anger comes out.
Mike:Well, yeah, the thing is, you can't. It's impossible to combat arrogance, ignorance, right? Those two? Without knowledge, yeah, without really explaining. Yeah, because that's what you're fighting against.
Eldar:Yeah, Ultimately, I think what you're fighting is trying to explain the truth about the world in such a manner where it is fire right, Fire burns. It's a very simple equation. Me, you and Harris we both here understand that if we stick our hand in a fire, it will burn and it will hurt. However, there's a lot of gray areas about the world where it's not as obvious as the fire or as obvious as this fucking gravity, where I pick up my shoe right now and I throw it and it goes down. We all agree that this is going to happen A lot of time.
Eldar:The world is ambiguous and there's great areas, those individuals who take the time to understand the world and how things work, especially psychology right, we then can navigate it properly and almost act like look, if you act this way, you will feel this way. If you act this way, you will feel that way, because a human condition is also a human condition, just like the fire. You know what I'm saying? Our parents, unfortunately, didn't do such a good job. That's why we, as parents hopefully we analyze this fucking Holy shit.
Harris:Stop talking into that boy. Yeah, you're giving up the fucking topic for next week, bro, stop You're doing it too.
Eldar:Yeah, you're right, it is an important topic, right, it is an important topic which we need to figure out, yo, and if we don't, we're going to continue to pass on this method of learning about life. Well, yeah, the thing is.
Mike:well, it came to mind to me very pretty, and this is probably you know, we can keep it for next week, but if you like, in this current age right, like, let's say, my current age right my recommendation for myself is to probably walk around with a notepad right, and write down everything that I, that I'm convinced about you know okay, and tell us that those that if I'm wrong about it because a lot of times those are like checking my attachments, for example, oh, I'm defending this Write it down in a way. I'm not saying that I'm going to do that, but it's like.
Eldar:That's a good strategy?
Mike:No, it's cool, but in a way, that's what's, I think, probably required in order to kill the anger, to kill the arrogance, wow yeah, because in order to kill the anger, yeah, to kill the arrogance, wow yeah, because there's so many things that we're convinced about that we don't even check. We don't even check. It's flying on the radar, right.
Eldar:Harris fucking told us about the rattlesnake. Yeah, he didn't even probably know at that moment that he was so attached to it. Yeah, he was like.
Harris:He's like wait, what the fuck it took me a couple, it took me like an hour to fucking accept the fact that I was fucking wrong.
Toliy:Yeah, he was boiling right.
Eldar:We hit his boiling point. Yeah, right, because of the fact that there was an attachment there. Yeah, but like you said, if you like, oh wait, why am I getting tight about this? I think the end no, I'm not even saying that like you have to, in a way, like the thing is, you.
Mike:Am I getting tight about this? I think the end result no, I'm not even saying that Like you have to in a way, like the thing is you might not get tight about certain things, like instantly, it may take you years, well, that's the thing.
Eldar:You might not even know, unless you have people like us, for example right.
Harris:Who are calling you out and saying like yo fake news to get to the point where they can just let go of that shit.
Mike:But that's like kumbaya shit. Yeah, you're not really saying anything. You're not saying anything. Let go of all this stuff you're doing.
Harris:I have to get to the point where I level up and be able to let go.
Mike:But how do you level up?
Harris:I am wrong. I've been leveling up with some stuff, but guess what A lot of times it does take time to actually you drop about 600 FUs a day.
Mike:When it goes down to 300, then I'll say you leveled up.
Harris:No, that's just my code word. Man Respect. That's code word, it's a compliment.
Mike:It's a compliment, I know. Fuck you. Thank you, fuck you too.
Harris:No, but I'm saying you guys actually do mean it and it's not a joke. You know that's your display of everyone anger everyone needs to learn how to just say hey, man, fuck you.
Mike:You know, I agree with you.
Eldar:I do agree with you yeah, I do agree with you.
Harris:I think it is a good strategy, harris you know, because, guess what, when I say this is what I learned, right, yeah, uh, this is one thing I did learn from my dad, right With his buddy, mike the shop, talk, yeah, like when he would bust his balls like fuck you, mike. And he'd laugh a little. Yeah, I learned to do the same thing Like someone. Fucking bust your balls, hey man fuck you.
Mike:I haven't heard a malicious fuck you from you, really.
Harris:Yeah, yeah, malicious, fuck you from you really.
Eldar:It's like fuck you, it's a good one For somebody who has virgin ears, not like ours, where we pay attention to what's actually going on, they might find that offensive. Like PC people, politically correct people and shit like that. You know what I mean. Who's sensitive and who have thin skin, Like what the fuck is this guy.
Harris:That's why I'm saying you need to learn how to accept bus balls and say, hey man, fuck you, man, that is an easy way, harris.
Mike:We would have to discuss something that's important to you, that you have a strong attachment to.
Eldar:If you could be honest, yeah, and then we would have to test you against that, and then we're going to tell you the same advice that you've given other people the one nerve I say I do have that I will get angry about, is, I guess, one of the strong things.
Harris:Right, I always say right, you fuck with my family. Yeah, you're going to have to fucking deal with me, I'm not fucking around.
Eldar:Yeah, that's the one thing I'm strong about. Yeah, but again we would have to define what fucking with your family really means really closely.
Harris:Okay, let's put it this way, right, I'm strong about my nieces. My fucking nephew yeah, you lay hands Like someone they're dating lays hands on my niece, Sure. I will fucking find you and I will put you in the fucking ground.
Eldar:Sure, harris, sure no problem, no problem, but it's such a fucking low level. Everybody has the same understanding of that. You know what I'm saying. If somebody lays their hands on your parents, you're not going to fight back, come on.
Mike:Like when I was younger. Give us something that's more personal to you, that you're sensitive or insecure about Everybody's insecure about that, especially kids.
Harris:One of the major things I used to like your weight maybe if someone talks shit about my mother, I would get furious that's insecurity right there. I was just very protective of my mother, to the point where if someone talked shit about her, I was going at it but you let it go of that right, because you even make mama that right?
Eldar:yeah, because, because you even make mama jokes, right.
Harris:So like, if you make mama jokes, I can make mama jokes just right back at you yeah and I don't, I don't make a big deal, I don't make jokes, though she actually blew me last night. But oh really, how was it man? It was really good she's good.
Eldar:I learned the fact that she doesn't have what's his name teeth anymore and she doesn't use dentures and shit like that. Yo, that shit was fucking. You got a gum job it was a lazy river you got a gum job.
Harris:Yeah, yeah, they say the gum job is the best man. I loved it. Yeah, it's good man Like I learned to accept this. Yeah, but I guess you know the way I looked at it. So she's exempt I tried to protect her. Exempt I tried to protect her.
Mike:Yeah, you would have to use something that you actually are. Yeah.
Harris:I have to really think about this, because I've learned a lot. Are you?
Mike:insecure about the fact that you're 26,. You live with your dad, you don't have a car, you don't have a job. Yeah, I do All right, that could be a sensitive my friends.
Harris:Right, let's talk about this. I look at my friends. They look like they got their shit together.
Eldar:They look like they have their shit together.
Harris:Let me put it right.
Eldar:Look, it's a very important one, because when you sit down most of the people in this chair, right here, this couch, and we start asking questions, the look, quote, unquote does not become the reality.
Harris:Let me talk about it. I'm going to name a couple friends. If they're listening, if they ever listen to this, come sit the fuck down yeah. If you're listening, fuck you. Come, sit the fuck down. Come on this Dylan Welch. What's so funny man?
Eldar:Bro, you have to explain this phenomenon to me, bro. What, how does this?
Mike:work. He's a reincarnation.
Harris:That is crazy. How does this work? He's a reincarnation. That is crazy. Hey, hey, hey. Shut the fuck up about Nate bro.
Eldar:You see, he even fucking knows. I know every time.
Harris:Reincarnation Immediately. When you say reincarnation, it's fucking Nate the fuck man.
Eldar:If Nate's listening to this shit, he should be baffled, bro. Dylan, Dylan, what did?
Harris:he know, dylan. No, someone can't notice I don't think.
Mike:Yeah, they would be able to accept but it's like but is it the truth? Or would you make him? Angry because he would be arrogant and ignorant at the same time. Yeah, yeah, but let's.
Harris:But let's talk about this right my buddy Dylan, welch right I say it's a compliment, my buddy. Dylan. Welch. It's crazy, bro, can I?
Eldar:continue. No, because we fucking you're going to say me and Mike are going through something when you say this shit Like the way you speak. Well, I'm going to continue for the people. Man, fine, you can continue with the people. After me and Mike have our laugh.
Harris:It's crazy, Mike. I killed Nate and I put him in the hot seat In the ground. And I'm now Nate. What the fuck. I'm Nate Diaz. How?
Eldar:It has to be where he followed the same footsteps as he did, and the results are the same.
Harris:What the fuck? Let's hope I don't get the end result dude, because it was falling out there it was.
Eldar:That's why the jury is still out what's going to happen, but nonetheless, the fucking, but maybe because we're thinking that there's a.
Mike:You know, like they say, there's like a hundred paths, but maybe there isn't, maybe there's, you're right. You're right. You only can take footsteps either left or right.
Harris:Yeah, and that's why it's not really that many choices. That's crazy. So you're probably right going back to it, right? Yeah, I I'm embarrassed I guess you could say okay of where I'm at now, because I look at my friends, right, I'm 26, I live at home with my dad. Sure you know I'm not making a lot of money, sure you know? Uh, uh. I look at my buddy dylan. He's a mortgage broker, sure, went to college, drives a beamer, has a brand new jeep wrangler, has a fucking condo he bought out. And I'm looking at all these people I went to fucking school with. And here I am still living at home with my dad barely making anything.
Eldar:You can't even lay on the couch without moving the pillow.
Harris:Yeah, exactly Like I start to really think, like what the fuck? What route did I turn down? That was the wrong road.
Mike:Yeah, this is also an interesting topic that I can comment on.
Eldar:That is a crazy topic because like how he feels and the reality of what's actually going on, the potential of the way reality could turn out.
Mike:Yeah, like he can lap.
Eldar:Dylan by 100x.
Mike:By the time he's 35.
Eldar:No no, no, no, he already lapped Dylan by 100x. Why do you say that, man? You see this, he doesn't know this, he doesn't see this, which is a crazy phenomenon again, just like Nate.
Mike:Just like Nate, yes, just like Nate.
Eldar:When I sat him down, we had those cheers, we made those plans and he fucking did what he did. I was like yo, this motherfucker is so gone, he's so dumb, he doesn't see it all at all?
Mike:I don't see it he's wearing over there.
Harris:It's crazy. He's wearing these fucking name brand suits, fucking shit like that. And I'm like yo, what the fuck he's got all this fucking money. He's got all this money and I'm like I really sit down and I'm like yo, what the fuck did I do? That was so fucked up.
Mike:Yeah, the thing is, I don't think the person who you are can comprehend the reality of the situation. What is it's like? How?
Harris:did I surpass him? If I'm not at the point, you see that.
Eldar:The measurements are different.
Mike:Can I ask him some questions? Yeah, sure, go ahead, harris, what time? What did you do this week at work? I studied and fucking learned. So you watched videos. Yeah, you got paid to learn. Yeah, oh my. God. How many hours did you do of actual work cold calling or like hard work this week? Yeah, zero. Did you get work this week? Yeah, zero.
Eldar:Did you get paid? Did you get paid? Yeah, did you get paid.
Mike:Yeah, okay. How many fancy cappuccinos did you drink per day? Two? How much laughs did you have? How many extended lunches did you have this week? A lot, okay. How many hours did you spend tumbling rocks this week? I don't know, I don't really spend a lot of hours. Fine, how many drinks did you have during work?
Harris:on average At least once a week, one or two, yeah.
Mike:Yeah, at least once a week. You drink during work hours.
Harris:You drink during work hours, so how is this getting to the point that I'm surpassing?
Eldar:it. I think he's leading you somewhere.
Speaker 5:If this is going down, it's basically proving my point that no, no, no.
Eldar:If you pay attention to what he's asking you and what he's doing right here, you'll get there Go ahead.
Mike:How many times have you sat on the couch? How many times?
Eldar:did you get driven back home A lot?
Mike:How many times you sat on the couch just bullshitting conversation during work?
Eldar:hours. How many times you went on your phone and chilled yeah, a lot.
Mike:How many times you go out to smoke you vape and nobody bothered you a lot.
Eldar:How many times did you actually enjoy yourself and did you have a good week? Oh yeah, do you look forward to going to work?
Harris:oh yeah, I never like before, dude, I used to think, I used to think I would get up in the morning and I'd I'd be like oh man, why don't?
Mike:you call your buddy Dylan and say hey, mike just asked me 10-15 questions. I want to hear your answers to them and you know what he's gonna tell you I hate my job.
Toliy:I'm fucking exhausted.
Mike:I make a lot of money but I'm miserable. So the smiles are a bunch of bullshit.
Eldar:And did Dylan go on the on the podcast on Friday where it was where you hanging out drinking beers and beautiful tequila and enjoying yourself and expressing yourself like a therapy session? You don't even know that you're doing a therapy session but you're really doing it and you're really expressing yourself and you're leveling up that way.
Harris:So you're saying all the fake, the smiles are just fake dude. Oh yeah, bro.
Mike:Yeah, those people. They're not actually living life and they're not actually making money. Because, if you want to do numbers, I'll give you an explanation. Your buddy works 60 hours a week to make. Let's just go fake numbers. He works 60 hours a week to make 120120,000. Okay, Alright, so simple enough, Does that?
Toliy:make sense.
Mike:Yeah, you worked zero hours to make how much you learned.
Eldar:We pay you for the last. How many months has he been working here? Two months, I think. Okay, he has not produced anything for the business. Alright man, I booked 20 meetings, bro. Sure, but this is garbage, you know what I'm saying?
Mike:I know. Okay, fine, you're supposed to book like 25,000 a year.
Eldar:Exactly, you know what I'm saying. And you got paid to learn. Yeah, you got paid for it. Yes, find me right now a job that does this.
Mike:And I didn't even give you even the good examples that you can't even understand right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Eldar:Right now I'm not even going to say that he's about to drive a $1,200 car. Okay, the opportunity that he's about to have to drive a $1,200 self-driving car to and from work.
Harris:I should roll up to Dylan's house and fuck the fucking Tesla.
Eldar:Do you understand?
Mike:Yeah, like Mike did not even go through the. That was just that list that I gave you. Yeah, that is just like shit on the material world.
Eldar:How many times did he go to the gym right? Yeah, like I'll be there so much.
Harris:My dad used to say right. He always said this right. Like I said yeah, I love coming to work here, I love doing this. My dad's response, right is 90% of the people in this world hate their job. He goes you're not supposed to like your job, that's right.
Toliy:You're supposed to come in.
Harris:You're supposed to get all the money, you're supposed to make money. He goes. It's to live, live, it's not to enjoy your job. I said why the fuck are you doing that job? If you hate it, that's right he goes. You're not supposed to like it, right he goes. When I was a graphic designer, he goes. It was the worst decision of my life. There was a reason. He loved fucking painting, he loved doing all this shit, he loved creating shit. He goes. But when it became his work, he hated it. I said then it wasn't really your passion, that's right. But he didn't want to hear it, that's right.
Eldar:We're trying to tap into something that you actually would like and be good at, and if you do, you know what you did. You found a gold mine Listen to me very carefully here and that is why Tully's sitting there doing what he loves and he's a fucking killer see watching these videos, I don't know, it gives me a hard dick, a chubby yeah.
Harris:Sure, it gives me a chubby butt, yeah. But um, and I don't know, learning this stuff from watching the videos, I don't know, it kind of excites me, it motivates me, yeah yeah and I listened to that.
Harris:the first three, four months. Do you understand this? Yeah, and you're getting paid for this. I understand that. But I listened to these people and they basically are talking about how they went through what the fuck I went through. Yeah, the first three, four months sucked ass, yeah, but they said you got to embrace the fucking suck. You have to embrace the suck because you learn from that fucking suck. Yeah, you learn, they say, you know, in sales you can't just jump in it. You're gonna be great. You learn from what you fucking did wrong, yeah, and you learn how to improve that. Yeah, and I always thought, you know, going into this, doing this shit, uh, I was fucking taking it to heart, fucking getting frustrated and I always thought, like you know, man, know, I must be the only one fucking going through this. I'm fucking terrible at this. You know, I was doubting myself, but hearing these people on these videos talk about you might have even gotten angry.
Eldar:Yeah, oh, yeah, and now we redefine this whole shit. You cannot wait to fucking jump on this cold calls. I was stressed.
Harris:I was stressed to the point where I thought, I was going to go gray, but hearing these people say the same exact things, the same exact things I'm fucking going through it made me realize that everyone fucking goes through this. If you put in the time, if you learn from what you've done and you can improve. They basically said anyone can do sales if they put their mind to it. That's right.
Eldar:If you understand it yeah, and I think that you go into that process of understanding it and if you can get excited about like you are already and then apply it, you can be a fucking killer.
Harris:The one thing I got to do is learn the tone.
Eldar:That's right One thing, I think that you're not a dumb kid.
Harris:Yeah, I think you can do it, kid man. I'm 26,. Man, I know I'm still a kid in your eyes.
Eldar:We're still. We're gonna be kids for a very long time, Even when we're probably in our 80s.
Mike:That's the goal.
Harris:That's the goal.
Eldar:Eldar's drunk, okay fine so I think we fucking hit it hard how do you think I do too? Anger is a very good indicator that you're doing something wrong, like you said, if you're going around, you'll start feeling out some of the attachments that you have and you're writing those things down because you felt a certain type of way towards that and it can examine that that can be very beneficial to you.
Harris:If you let the anger, if you let the anger consume you, you will make your own hell.
Eldar:Yeah, agreed, agreed, you can make your own hell.
Mike:That list of the things I gave you, like the questions I asked you. Those are about like 1% of actually what the capacity and potential is to stay here and work at this job and the kind of life you can build for yourself. You know, those things are like just icings on the cake. This is just the beginning. Yeah, those things are just yeah, they're not even huge. What I mentioned the fact that you have a sick job.
Eldar:Has anybody asked you to? Clock in. Has anybody asked you to clock out? Has anybody asked you how long did you take it during lunch, how many fucking breaks you took?
Harris:Do you have to go to the bathroom? I was literally talking about writing these letters through this shit through my lunch. Yeah, totally, was like no man through this shit through my lunch. Yeah, totally like no man. Yeah, no man. You need time with the boys, that's right. You need to get out of this fucking office. You need to do this shit. Yeah, he's right, I was talking about working through my lunch. I even thought about when I was doing the calls your dad would never.
Eldar:If he comes in through this door he'd be like what the fuck is going?
Harris:on here, you. I even thought about making my own lunch, yeah, and when I was doing the calls, fucking eating through lunch, yeah. But I talked to one of my dad's friends who's a car manager. Because you can't fucking do that. Yeah, he goes. You need to take your lunch. You need to take a break. Yeah, and get the fuck out of that office. Yeah, because you can't let the job consume you. That's right. And my dad keeps complaining when he looks at my bank account oh, you're spending money on this, you're spending money on the food. And I was like listen. I said I can't just, he goes, you need to bring your own lunch. I said I can't just bring my own lunch. I can't stay in this fucking office. I need to get out a little bit. Yeah, it's also part of bonding.
Eldar:It's part of socializing. It's part of learning. It's it's part of learning. It's a continuation. He doesn't understand that.
Harris:Because he's looking at the bank account.
Eldar:Do you understand that you have to put an eviction notice on his room? But the thing is he looks at my fucking account, figuratively speaking. Do you understand this, or no?
Harris:But he's looking at my account and he goes you're spending $20 here, you're spending $20 here. I said here, you're spending $20 here. I said what you're saying, right, dad, is you're saying I can't spend any money whatsoever? Yeah, I said what's the point of working? If you can't enjoy what you're doing and everything else If you can't enjoy the money you're making. I understand you're trying to get me not to make my own mistakes, but let me make my fucking mistakes.
Eldar:That's exactly what I said Parenting. We're me not to make my own mistakes, but let me make my fucking mistakes. That's exactly what I said Parenting. We're going back to parenting.
Speaker 5:You see that he's asking for it and his dad's like preventative, preventative without actually knowing Good.
Eldar:I'm glad that you're fighting a good fight, harris, and I'm glad that you called your mom last time and told her that fucking trust is fake news. I'm glad.
Harris:Well she? I'm surprised she hasn't brought it up again. Yeah, but she is in the hospital. Fine, we'll give her a break.
Eldar:We'll take it easy on her this week. I think we're onto something again. We fucking always onto something fake news.
Mike:So then do we discuss how to combat this, this thing?
Eldar:Well, no, because it's super necessary. Number one it's super necessary if you in that predicament, right. If you're angry for four years because a bully doing this to you, you need this shit. No, I agree with that Right. Number one, right, If you've gotten to a point where you want to ask your brother or somebody else, like, hey, I need some advice here. I can't figure this shit out.
Eldar:Then you hope that you're humble and you have enough humility to be able to accept certain directions. If you're not, you got to continue to be angry. So it's a fucking crazy thing, bro. Then it almost tells me that this shit is predetermined, bro, either you level up or you don't.
Mike:Well, yeah, I mean, if we're going to use this predetermined thing, the thing that it's going to come back to is going to be logic. This is a logical situation that you're in, yeah, but either you can accept it or understand it or you don't, and he naturally is understanding it right now.
Eldar:Yeah, some individuals that sat in these seats Mike naturally understood it for that moment as well the Nates, the Dennis's, the Phillips right, oh man. But time will always tell whether or not about you're, about this life and you actually fucking get it and you can live this life right. And only time can show you, like yo, how long can you be doing this for? Can you actually implement these things in real life?
Eldar:because, well then, we're doing it and if you ain't doing it, then you don't get it but then what you're saying is there is no predeterminism, is there? It's only, but the equation is being solved in real time.
Harris:I think what it is is whether or not you can accept the change. It's not predetermination, because basically you're saying their path is already written out for them. Yes, this is what we're talking about. It's not written out for them, it's not. The question is whether or not.
Eldar:What determines this, Whether or not you can accept it or not. What determines that? I think your upbringing, your mom's parenting style or God or reincarnation.
Harris:I think whether or not is, I don't want to say this, but whether or not you have the will to do it, what the fuck is that you don't know what the will is.
Mike:How are you going to quantify?
Harris:that it all comes back to the heart right, whether or not deep down, you really want.
Eldar:What is that deep down?
Harris:and whether, whether or not you really, really want the changes that can really make you a better person or, uh, achieve or level up right. The problem is oh shit, man, this is really fucking hard, this is fucking hard and deep huh, it all depends on the person, right? Do you want to be, like you say, a scumbag for the rest of your life? It really depends.
Eldar:Some people Is Harris doing this or are we doing this, mike? You see, that's my question.
Harris:Some people are like my dad. Let's put it this way they're set in their ways. They're never going to change the way they think and they're never going to accept the change people are trying to help them implement. Yeah, the question is, will other people it all depends on the person like me I'm trying right now.
Harris:I'm trying to change my ways. I have changed my ways in some way. Is it hard? It is because you, you do this for so many years. You do it for years and years and years and it's basically you're, you're trying to change your way of life, uh, the way of life you've done for almost your entire fucking life. That is, it's extremely hard, but it's so good it does like I've changed in some ways, but you have to figure it out.
Mike:You have to endure. That's fucking crazy you have. The thing is the conundrum of who stays, who goes, who sticks it out, who actually gets that quality of life. There's some kind of like x factor there that I can't understand.
Harris:You have to understand the way.
Mike:I am the way I was.
Harris:That was my entire fucking life. You're basically changing your whole personality. You're trying to change your whole personality.
Eldar:I agree. I agree with this. This is a very good point. I always have that feeling where that person in the moment is changing the whole dynamic, who they are. I'm always tricked by it.
Harris:Like, let's put it this way, you're always tricked by what?
Eldar:Sorry, one second, harris the fact that what he's talking about you have to change your whole shit, your whole dynamic and personality. In the moment when we have these conversations, I am always seeing that the individual is actually doing that, but that's not the truth of the matter. What's actually going on, or what happens in the end, unless that which is transpiring now in the world, is that I can't say that's just the reality of things, totally says no. Those individuals are living their ordinary lives, suffering and not implementing the knowledge that was God, oh.
Harris:I have something yeah.
Eldar:I have something on my mind, but in the moment, Philip or Dennis or Nate to me was like yo, this is fucking this life changing I have, which is happening to me again with Paris.
Harris:I have something. Isn't that happening with you? Let's compare this. Let's compare this right now. This is like a letter friend version of Buds. You know what Buds is? No, it's CO training. Some people will make it through, yeah, some people will not.
Mike:The majority of people will not make it through. But, harris, what determines that?
Eldar:And I agree some people will not, the majority of people will not make it through. But, harris, what determines that? And I agree, and I'm going to tell you right now, you're offending us by saying the SEALs training, because I'm going to tell you right now, my training, or our training, is a lot more difficult. That's a thousand X of the SEALs training, but the reason I'm comparing it right, that's the only thing you can compare it Ready, ready, fine.
Harris:The mental challenge you go through that program. The mental challenge here, it's all mental, right? Yeah, it's all mental and it's the same way. Whether or not you will let this work is whether or not you have the mental capacity to do it and the heart.
Mike:It comes down to it the will.
Harris:Do you really want?
Mike:really want. See, we're using these ambiguous words, then what he's saying is to me, all right. So you ready for the question, although, or ready for this, this thing? The like? The more and more we talk about this right and we're using these words like justice, karma, yeah, logic, like you know, I want to use uh-huh the more and more this shit sounds to me like it's a mathematical equation.
Eldar:Okay is it because this is the easiest way for us to use, to explain and to connect to one another and understand the same like?
Mike:it's a ruler. I think it's.
Eldar:The math is a ruler your mind understands that and I understand that because we have minds, yeah, and we were built the same way.
Mike:Well, math is something that's non-negotiable. Yeah, we can't say like yo, ignorance means this, yeah, right. But if we say yo, ignorance equals one and one plus one equals two, we cannot dispute that. No, so that's why I'm saying that rule of logic, right, mm-hmm. But not only am I saying that rule of logic is, if you do this action right, which is you take number one and you add number one to it, yeah, you will get two. Yeah, that is logic. So if you rob somebody or if you do a disservice to yourself, then the result of that will equal justice will happen to you. What does justice look like? Yeah, let's quantify. It's like a number thing, right, like, obviously, we can agree to that.
Mike:But the more and more I think about it right, especially now with the logical thing, yeah, the stuff that you're describing about this phil's and nate, that moment, how they did, yeah, the more and more I actually believe that, like, at least what comes to my head is there is no future. Uh-huh, because why did those people stay? Why didn't they stay? Yeah, you know, like what? What made those choices for them? What choices did they make that this mathematical equation played out for them the way it did? Mm-hmm, right, yeah, and the more and more I think about it, I think about that. That equation is constantly being solved in real time. In any moment, anybody can completely change. I could tomorrow decide you know what? Fuck this, this shit is not for me, so it's not predetermined, it's not, it's all. Everything is happening in real time. Oh wow, we're living our lives only in the current, in the present. That's a very interesting theory.
Mike:It sounds ridiculous. No, it's not. No, I'm saying for you tomorrow to wake up and be like you know what I'm done with philosophy, yeah, and like that's it. I'm fucking, I don't know, doing something completely different. Yeah Right, it sounds ridiculous. Yeah Right, but it's potentially that your equation, mm, hmm, right, whichever equation you're living out, whichever logical proposition, Might have that.
Mike:Might have that. Yeah, and with Dennis and Nate, yeah, and Phil and whoever else came through the doors, yeah, their equation that was that is the way it was solved, that's the way it got solved, yeah. So, like, did they move on from this and they living their lives back how they were? To me it sounds like yes, you know why? Because if you're still living in accordance with logic, yeah, how could you turn away from this and not come back here? How could you not use humility, the one thing I, which is, again, logic, that's what totally keeps saying the one thing I can, which is again logic.
Eldar:That's what Toley keeps saying the one thing I can. He didn't say it in such very good fucking way, you put it, but yeah, that's what he said.
Harris:The one thing I can say is Did you understand what he said I did? But the one thing I can say about myself yeah, the jury's still out on you. I'm trying right, I have changed some things, but, like I said, it's about really changing the whole way you want to be. Like I said, I lived my life a certain way for the past 20-something years, so it's really implementing what to do going forward and how to learn to change that behavior.
Mike:You have to. You have to learn. What you're saying is, if you want to stick around and live this kind of good life, yeah, if we all, I mean we agree this is a very good life.
Mike:Yeah, you know, collectively collectively we agree, this is a very good life, the life that you know we're living when we come to work and we're trying to work together when we're having these conversations generally most of the day, what we're trying to live, we're together. We're having these conversations Generally most of the day, what we're doing is a very good life. You know, if you want to continue living this life, you have to keep solving that equation yeah, for yourself. For yourself, not for us.
Eldar:No For yourself. And if it happens that his equation aligns up with our equation, it's inevitable for us to stay together. It's it's inevitable for us to stay together.
Harris:It's a logical thing. Can you turn the air on, bro, cause I'm fucking.
Speaker 5:You know how to turn the damn air on why are you yelling at me?
Eldar:you fucking own this office. Man, I own this office. Where's my rent? Go fucking do the shit.
Mike:I like it, though yeah, that's what I think. I think it can't work any other way. I just it doesn't make sense if we're using again those words like justice, you know, karma, yeah, those things are just again synonyms for logic.
Harris:Yeah, the way I think about yeah, so so it has it has to be yeah, turn that back, man, that's my office, man, so it has to be that again.
Mike:There's something that those people didn't do. Why they didn't do it? I fucking can't understand it, but why didn't they decide to continue solving that equation in a logical manner and somebody else might? What's the kicker there?
Harris:That's baffling my mind. You know what I think we should do. I think you should give me Dennis's number right now. I'll give him a call. He doesn't know my number. And what are you going to say? We're going to put him on the podcast, bro.
Eldar:For what I'm going to go. Hey bro, he's been on the podcast for 100 episodes.
Harris:I'm going to go hey bro, how you doing? Out of curiosity man, I'm going to throw the sales technique at him. Out of curiosity. What happened, bro? What happened between you and Eldar and Mike and Tully? Out of curiosity, Just let me know man. No, we already know, though we answered that question. I know, but I'm going to see if we can get him to say his own word. Let's see what he has to say. Man, my mom opened up like yo man, listen, eldar is bullshit, man.
Eldar:Fucking crazy. That's crazy. See what he says. But you know what? What's more interesting to me, what you said about the fact that it is being this reality, or this equation is actually being created in real time.
Eldar:That's a very interesting theory yeah, that's how I feel about a hundred percent that every time I'm gonna tell you right now, every time when it was dennis, yeah, it was new as fuck and it was like holy shit. When it was nate, it was the same thing. When it was philip, it was like holy shit. It's the same shit for me as well. So it is being almost recreated, completely new as we speak, because we have new presenting data and everything else that's being presented. But why am I so always optimistic about it?
Mike:I think the fascinating part of it that, if we probably think about it is a hunch that everybody's journeys were very similar nate, phil and dennis yeah, a lot of the stuff that we had, like the interactions and the conversations and the like the shit that those like they were saying, like yo, wow, what the fuck, it's all very similar.
Mike:That's why I keep asking, like is it him or is it us? It's neither. I think it's neither. I think it's that philosophy, that thing that exists outside of us, which is then individual's ability to tap into it. Yes, that's what it is. It's our ability to tap into it.
Eldar:And we just happen to have? What more stamina, Because the challenge is crazy. It's a constant challenge right we're constantly challenging, right we're constantly fucking like pushing the boundaries.
Mike:I what maybe, to a certain point, it's stamina, yeah, but after the person has bought in, like right, you had bought into this. Yeah, then you totally bought into it. Yeah, and for a long time I was, let's say, using stamina where I was in and out, but when I finally bought in, it wasn't a matter of stamina anymore. Now I was living out the truth, or that, living out that equation that I maybe decided that I wanted to live by. And again, moment to moment, not every fucking second of every day, am I making the right logical choices? Okay, right.
Eldar:But enough to be able to still come back and be under the gun. Yeah, but and you've been under the gun for a very long time yeah, that's hard to endure.
Mike:But that's why it's not. It's like for a certain degree yeah.
Eldar:Yeah, why does it make sense? Logical sense in your head more than it did for somebody else Because I decided to tap into logic.
Mike:So there was a point right and I think you probably had this and totally had it and I had it Is that you actually bought into the truth and you decide you realize that this is the right way to do it. And now I can say I realize that this is the way I want to live my life and I also know I'm not always going to live my life in this way.
Eldar:Fine, Right, yeah, until you figure it out. Yeah, you'll have it more consistent, and that's what we're all going for.
Mike:But I think getting to that turning point, that is the point of no return, when you're convinced about the truth.
Eldar:And I think that's where you have to get to Again. But it's that word Convinced about the truth. It's nice words, it's nice words.
Harris:What the?
Mike:hell was that bro.
Eldar:Well, he's saying right Like yo, just develop thick skin, you know like it's good advice, bro, it's really good advice.
Eldar:But what the fuck does that entail? Let's think yo, it makes sense, guys, it feels good. And you had to remind him harris, right, right, he's comparing to his boy who was his name dylan, right, he's like yo, like, look at his stuff and then you're like my man, we're 100x that and you're an idiot to think that he's above you. Like you're an idiot. You know what I'm saying. And our job is to continue to remind the individual of the reality, of what's actually happening. Right, and can they accept that reality, the fact that he's actually in good hands and that dylan is fucking not? Because I'm ready to back myself.
Eldar:You're ready to back yourself. Can he actually back that with us? Let me? Here's the question, yo, because he's backing fucking Dylan. Let me who the fuck is, dylan, bro. Let me.
Mike:Yeah, what you're asking is you know what I'm saying. I know what you're asking and you're asking is how do you buy into that? This is the right way to live, how, let me? Where's the switch and stick?
Eldar:through it. Just like he had the Reach, that point of no return. Yeah, just like he had the problem with the bully. When did he fucking switch over?
Harris:and said I'm no longer going to be angry. That's what I'm about to jump in. Yo yo.
Eldar:Hit us.
Harris:Okay, we have a problem man. If I was able to solve that problem.
Eldar:Sure it's inevitable for you to become the person that you should be. If you're destined to be this, which is we're trying to understand, you will be this, especially in our fucking environment Mm-hmm, you are not Piece of shit. Then you might be in a fucking perfect environment to actualize yourself, which is amazing. I'm looking for those types of individuals. I want those people who are diamonds in the rough. He's a fucking rough diamond, bro, you know what I'm saying.
Toliy:I know where he came from bro.
Eldar:He had a hard life, but if he can become a diamond, that's crazy, which is like what I want.
Mike:but if yeah, I agree to me. There has to be a missing piece, yeah, but I wonder if it's by design, like that. That you're not supposed to know the answer? Yes, you're supposed to endure.
Eldar:Yes, that's why he don't know and you have to remind him. That has to be from humility, bro. I have to Harris humility topic. It has to be through humility because we, as we are born, we become arrogant and the answer to our salvation is humility, bro. I have to you understand. You have to remind him an individual outside of him who's not let's just say, god or mom. You understand?
Toliy:Who he is seeing is fucking mom.
Eldar:It has to be Mike, some random fucking person. Have to remind him of what the fuck is going on, and the reason why that is is because he's arrogant and you have to remind him of humility.
Harris:The way I view it right is I just have to keep pushing, man. I have to keep pushing to be a better person, a better human being, and figure out what the fuck, what the hell went wrong and how I can improve who I am listen.
Eldar:I think I'm always going to back myself and back my friends who are standing right next to me with this journey, that you would not be in a better place ever.
Mike:Nobody got the shit that we got, every single person that ever walked through this door. Like the fact that they left is crazy. Knowing what I know, especially knowing what I know now, it's crazy to think about. Like what, how did that equation result in that they left? Yeah, like, how did that? How did their life play?
Eldar:out and I'm going to tell you right now. I'm going to tell you right now. And it's all rooted in arrogance.
Harris:Just like you fucking said I can't.
Eldar:Arrogance and anger.
Harris:I can't say anything on that because I'm going to be honest with you I have no clue how they left.
Eldar:But you'll get the hints, like even the small hint of the rattlesnake, right, it's a small one, right? Yeah, we got you upset, yeah, totally got you upset for that moment, for that 30 minutes or whatever the fuck. You felt a certain type of way.
Mike:Right there, we pushed you to try to think otherwise. Yeah but, why, right.
Harris:Would you let something get to the point?
Eldar:get you, bro, it's crazy to the point where you throw everything away. Why? Because because the truth of the matter is there might be an attachment inside of you that you can't jump over. The rattlesnake you jumped over in 30 minutes.
Harris:Some other attachment you might not be able to jump over yeah, but you can't, let's say you can't let something get so touchy to you.
Eldar:I agree with you, harris.
Harris:It's easy to say no to the point where you throw your career, your future career, your life away. Basically, fuck the career.
Mike:It's not about the career what I'm saying is no, the career is not.
Harris:I get what you're saying but you can't let something someone said throw your life away. Right? If I let that happen, I would not have a relationship with my brother.
Eldar:John, I'm gonna throw a kicker at you.
Harris:Mike, I would not have a relationship with my brother, john, I would not have a relationship with my nieces and nephews here.
Eldar:It is right you had a problem with your brother not inviting you for a birthday. Fuck, yeah, okay, there you go. Right, you felt a certain type of way you showed the emotion, right, and I disagreed with the way you're reacting. But there's a reason why I disagree with it. Right, you have the right to have that emotion. I'm telling you that if this happens ever again, instead of feeling angry, you should feel like good riddance who gives a fuck. So don't ask him. What I'm saying is that right, you might get into a confrontation, a fight or whatever.
Eldar:Whatever my understanding about life and how relationships work right, and I can teach you more about it if you really like. I can teach you to know that actually he's the one who's missing out on that which you're offering and actually believe that you know what I'm saying Internally, and I actually wholeheartedly believe so right now, because what you're doing and what you're exploring and how you're changing in a good way, bro, they're missing out on you. Mike's co-signing me right there, the one thing they're missing out on you, the one thing. Mike's co-signing me right there, the one thing they're missing out on you, harris, I totally understand that.
Harris:But the one thing I feel bad for, yeah, is his daughter and his son. Fuck all that. No, what I'm saying is, yeah, michaela, tatiana, tommy, yeah, they experience having me as Uncle Harris. Yeah, and whenever they hear me on the phone yeah, it's a great feeling they come running to the phone, uncle Harris, uncle Harris, yeah, he's not allowing his kids to have that.
Eldar:I have the same thing with my sister, bro, do you? I mean, there's a situation, yeah for sure. But you know.
Harris:We can talk about it for sure.
Eldar:The one and I'm patiently waiting for return, just like I would advise him, harris, patiently wait for Uncle David to return and his kids to return and to really find out who you really are.
Harris:I'm sorry. I'm sorry, it doesn't matter.
Mike:I talked to David, whoever fucking have the kids To me right, like I think about the last person that was with us, yeah, before they left. Yeah, you have to explain to me, yeah, how you can leave here. Yeah, with not against your own will, but with your own will.
Eldar:Yeah, that's why I totally asked like yo how the fuck did he even put up a fight? He didn't even fight.
Mike:Because that person didn't actually see what was actually happening. That's right, but how does a person not actually see that?
Eldar:That's what was baffling to me, because I was under the impression that the motherfucker was actually getting it and I was wrong. Just like I'm thinking here again, I'm optimistically. Optimistic not as totally, totally, is very pessimistic and careful, which is probably so. Yeah, well, I'm optimistic about what is being said, what is being realized and what is being actualized slowly.
Mike:You know what I'm saying? Yeah see, I would probably.
Eldar:But if tomorrow he quits or we fire him, I don't have no attachments to that.
Mike:Well, I think, I think what I'm gonna, what I'm coming to now, yeah, is I would band out optimism or not optimism. You know, you know why? Why? Because by you taking a stance of optimistic or not optimistic, it's like you trying to, in a way, but why?
Eldar:does shit sound so good? Why does the shit sound so good? Every?
Mike:time it does sound so good and then that's where it should end. Okay, but the problem is we're like oh well, how long is he going to stay around? Is he going to stick around? Those things don't exist and they're irrelevant. Yes, those outcomes, they'll never happen, or they will happen. We never know. It's like we're trying to play God. Okay, predictive, we're trying to predict by playing God.
Mike:But we don't realize that nothing exists outside of this actual minute, okay and half an hour, we'll be in a pizza town and we'll be living in a completely different reality.
Eldar:I agree with you.
Harris:Why is it always pizza town?
Mike:That was just an example.
Eldar:No, you're right, I agree with you, because there are too many variables inside this individual force.
Mike:Inside, even, especially individuals like him, yeah, even us who were more like you other understand each other. Think about this, yeah kind of maybe bought in, yeah, if you want to use those words. Yeah, right, yeah. And even for us there's no guarantee. Tomorrow we don't wake up and we say yo, yeah, philosophy is dead, I just want to fucking go, leave me alone, leave me alone, yeah, yeah, I don't want to fucking question myself, yeah I don't want to fight my yeah, you know my demons, yeah, you know. Thank.
Eldar:Thank you, nice, that was a demon.
Mike:And that's why I think that those formulas, they played out the way they were supposed to, but they were predetermined.
Eldar:They were Mike. We did not see them because we only see the external, what was presented to us, but there was more stuff that was presented. Again, I don't know I'm being too optimistic. What I'm saying is with Harris. He almost wears his heart on his sleeve, but he also has his closet. He does.
Mike:No, but the thing is again, you're only making that conclusion is because you believe that something past this moment exists. If you realize that there's no future right now, after there's no future, you're right, period. You're right. You don't know, bro, right now drop a bomb, everybody's dead, like obviously.
Eldar:It's a ridiculous thing but no, no, no, I get it in that sense, I get it.
Mike:I get it at any second. Yes, anything can change, yes, so that's why, if we're able to tap into this moment, yeah all of us. This is amazing. Yeah, five minutes later, we'll be talking about chicks and dicks. Yeah, whatever yeah and this moment will be gone. You're right, you know, but maybe in two hours you're right we can come back into this moment. Yeah, and that's the only thing that exists, the current, present moment. Everything else is dead. So they're.
Harris:You'll never know what happens until it happens.
Harris:That's why you can't predict.
Mike:I don't think you can say no you can? Yeah, you can. Maybe you can predict some things, like there's a likelihood of something happening.
Eldar:That's why gambling is so hard we don't know shit. No, that's why we try to lean towards finding as much information as possible.
Mike:I think it's knowing right. There's knowing something, but also knowing that it doesn't even matter. Yeah, what you know, like that kind of like fucking, you know like uh yeah, I'm leaning more towards the fact that you actually don't know. Yeah, you know what I mean. You probably don't know, but also it doesn't even matter if you do know or you don't know.
Eldar:Yeah, you know, because that's why you kind of go with, like you said, moment to moment. Right now, the moment is nice.
Mike:Tomorrow he might come and say yo, I'm not feeling so well, whatever. Yeah, yeah, but but but I do think there is a moment where the equation is now is going to change and I think we should watch the matrix. Yeah, you know, because matrix, uh-huh, especially in the later ones, it's fucking mad math, technical shit.
Mike:Yeah, but I think what he talked about you watched it recently, I watched it, like in the last two, three years years, okay, and it's similar to what I'm thinking about now. Okay, maybe because I heard it there or I'm understanding it more. Yeah, but again, the stuff that they were saying in certain conversations, it makes me think like, yeah, they knew what they were talking about. Yeah, you know. Based on what I'm thinking about, it makes sense to me what they were saying yeah, you know. Okay, yeah, we can watch it. And with Harris, yeah. So I was saying that there's a point in that equation, right, where there is no future. Right, like, but you're already on a certain path, you are, you already made the choice. Yeah, right, where you understood something.
Eldar:That's why the Oracle said I already knew you were going to drop the vase.
Harris:Yeah. So the question is you're already on a path. The question is what?
Eldar:path is it?
Harris:Will you stay on that?
Eldar:path. No, no, no. Is that what you were saying? No, you're going to stay on. The path is already defined Whether or not this path is actually parallel to the path that we're going on.
Harris:And, if it is, whether or not they merge together.
Mike:Yes, that's what you're saying that's right and the thing is, the path that we're on it's not like I don't think it's our path, I think it's what we say all the time is you're aligning up with the truth? Yeah, we're trying to. We're tapping into the truth. Yeah, right, and I think like I don't know how to express it but we realize that this is the way we want to live.
Mike:Yeah, not to sound like egotistical, but, yeah, we realize that this is the best way to live and we'd like to do that, yeah, right is to line up with the truth as much as possible. Yeah, but it's not like we just said. Yeah, you know what, going forward, I'm going to live this way. Yeah, there came a point where we actually bought into it and believed it, like, like we said earlier, like yo, people can call you fat, yeah, and you can be in a there's so many different outcomes that you can have no, no, no, no, no.
Mike:A truth, you can be under the wrong impression and not actually accept the fact that you're fat. If somebody says, yo, you're fat and you believe that about yourself, who the fuck cares? Because you know this is the truth, right, and you're going to live in accordance with the truth that you are fat. And this is the same kind of accordance I would say is like, once you start living in accordance with this right, with the reality or the truth, and you realize that this is the way you want to live, then I don't think you can go back. You have no choice in the matter. You have no choice in the matter anymore. But how do you reach that point? That's the fucking question.
Eldar:He's a zoo animal, bro yeah.
Mike:Fucking five minutes later, bro, he's a zoo animal. Bro, yeah, fucking five minutes later, bro, he's a zoo animal ten minutes ago he was fucking yeah, portraying Socrates. Yeah, five minutes later he's fucking a zoo animal what are you talking about, bro?
Eldar:don't worry about it man fuck him man you know, this is a very interesting topic yeah and it all came from anger anger leads to a lot of stuff.
Eldar:Alright, this is a very interesting topic, and it all came from anger. Anger leads to a lot of stuff. Alright, let's do final thoughts on anger and how anger has been influencing us, and maybe bring up some personal examples and whether or not we have a good grip on anger and, if so, if we can give some, any advice to people, that's also be good. Harris, you can start, since you are keep your mouth shut, but you know, everyone has anger.
Harris:Even if you think you have it under control, you still experience some anger. Okay, it's a learning curve. Okay, you need to Mm-hmm. Okay, it's a learning curve. Okay, you need to figure it out on your own. Mm-hmm. There's no easy way of doing it. No one can tell you how to do it. Mm-hmm. You need to really dig deep and you need to experience what you're going through and what works for you. I mean I can't tell you. I mean, yeah, something worked for me. I asked for advice. Maybe do that, but it's your own trip. Basically, you need to really find out what works for you. Okay, it might take years, you might never learn it.
Eldar:You might learn it quickly, but If you don't learn it this life, you can learn it next life. Yeah, it's an adventure.
Harris:It's a hard road. Hmm. But Everyone has the ability to learn how to beat it.
Eldar:Okay, beat it.
Harris:Kick that anger in the ass. Wow, mm-hmm.
Eldar:Wow, like I want to go. Thank you, harris yeah, fuck anger.
Mike:Hmm well, I definitely you know from personal experience, I definitely, you know, can get angry at times, you know, and I obviously don't like that feeling, cause I think generally I try to be not angry and happy and have fun and enjoy you know, but you've been doing a lot better.
Mike:Yeah, to give you my feedback yeah, thank you, um, but obviously you know this, but you know this. I know that, yeah, but I also know that, like I don't always like, uh, share with you every time yeah I get angry because they're small things. Yeah, you know, like I just told you recently about the thing with, like, fixing the money situation. Oh, yeah, that was driven by anger. I guess Okay Well partially by anger, but like yeah, Cause you didn't use that word. Yeah, I didn't use that.
Mike:That word before but now that I'm thinking about it, or maybe being more honest, uh, there was because of the way I guess I was being treated. Yeah, you know, I thought that that was important, you know. Yeah, I wasn't able to see that person like for who they are and what they're capable of, like there's so many factors, right? Yeah, things I'm not, you know, not seeing reality for what it is, and then getting angry, yeah, which was not, which is my fault, you know, and then other things which I was thinking about. I didn't share with you, but I can off air.
Eldar:Oh shit, if you subscribe to our fucking non-existent Patreon, you fuckers.
Mike:But the more and more it made me think about anger and times that I do get angry. I realize that I'm insecure about certain things and then I get angry. But when I think about it I realize those things are meaningless and they don't matter. I would never.
Harris:But in the moment they, this guy gets angry.
Mike:They the angry person, the insecure person gets angry.
Harris:I would never think this guy gets angry.
Eldar:But nonetheless that person is still alive and thriving. The angry person.
Harris:I would never assume Mike is angry man. Really he's always fucking peaceful.
Eldar:The thing is you came before. You came after some of the episodes that actually happened, where it's like, oh shit, even the back in the day when Mike was. You know what I mean those oh shit episodes, even back in the day when Mike was at his.
Harris:what? 300 pounds 300, bang, 300, bang man. Yeah. And man, I never seen Mike angry a day in my fucking life.
Mike:I usually don't get angry, though, but sometimes I do. Yeah, yeah, you just didn't, you weren't here, long enough, you haven't seen it yet. Yeah, but I have episodes. Sometimes you turn into the Hulk Werewolf.
Eldar:Oh shit, that's his thing, you know Dress up as a werewolf Wolverine man.
Harris:Oh God damn.
Mike:Yeah, and I definitely can share them with you because I've been thinking about them. I was homesick and thinking about why did I? Get sick.
Mike:It's a way of life, man being, and you know I like being sick. Obviously it slows you down a lot, yeah, and it makes you evaluate, and to me, I thought about one thing is stress, anger and purpose. Those are the three things that I kept replaying while being sick. Yeah, you know that I think potentially might have caused me to get sick. If you want to talk about it and not just like, oh, a sickness thing, yeah, you know, but I don't think that's what I think it is. I think that's a different topic.
Eldar:That's a second week topic that we can talk about.
Harris:Yeah, oh shit, we got topics back to back, Holy shit.
Eldar:We got purpose. Yeah, if you're not living in accordance to purpose, like you said, yeah, right. And what are the two? Stress and anger? Stress and anger, right, those are all connected from two uh deficiency of your immune system which then leads you to catching something real quick because, yeah, I mean, the world has everything.
Mike:Yeah, the pictures and I that those are the three things that kept playing. Yeah, you know, and obviously with that, with fear and anger and stress and purpose and more little, you know words. Very interesting mike. Very interesting Mike.
Eldar:Very interesting stuff For sure. A lot of good stuff.
Harris:So Anatoly.
Mike:Anatoly what I want to hear his final thoughts.
Harris:man he's right there, ain't he Nice. Channel him. Maybe we should call him we, can we? We had a mic when he wasn't here.
Eldar:We had a mic when he wasn't here.
Harris:Yeah, why don't you call him? Call him man. We don't want to leave him out, you know.
Eldar:Yeah, let's call him and ask him for what are some of his thoughts on anger, because he's probably angry right now at his sister.
Mike:Oh, my God. Yeah, yo, yo what's up buddy, yo, yo.
Harris:What's up, buddy? What's going on. Pal Damn, you put him in your buddy camp. So we're over here on the podcast. Okay, we're talking about anger. Well, first tell him we miss him. Well, we miss you, buddy. We knew you were in sleep and we knew you were bullshitting the whole time, bro.
Toliy:Okay, nice, you guys were talking about anger.
Harris:Yeah, what's your thoughts on anger man? What causes it that type of thing?
Toliy:What causes it? I'd probably say a lack of understanding of what's going on causes anger. Okay. You know, if you lack education and whatever it is you're angry about, if you don't know what it is or how it actually works, I think anger is a very common response. Ask him why.
Toliy:Well, because if you understood what was going on, or like you understood, like the truth about things, then you would never get angry about anything, because you would know exactly why it's happening and you would understand it. But sometimes, when you don't understand things, you know your uh automatic reply could be anger, if that's how you're used to reacting so we've been talking about what makes us angry.
Harris:So, totally, what makes you angry?
Toliy:uh, the only thing that makes me angry is when you ask me if I'm angry.
Harris:Eldar. Is this true? Yeah, probably.
Toliy:Tony, are you angry Me?
Eldar:Only sometimes. Overall, I hope not.
Harris:So you're not angry at me asking are you angry? Oh.
Toliy:No, I'm not angry. When you ask me if I'm angry, oh, fuck you man. Oh, fuck you too, man.
Harris:Tom, thank you and goodbye. Thank you and goodbye. We're closing down. Dennis Rock man.
Toliy:Okay, yo, that lead you gave me before he emailed back finally. Wow. He said fuck you, man you got me fucking hyped up.
Eldar:You got you good man, that's because you're fucking drunk motherfucker.
Harris:Yo, I thought he literally emailed. I was like, oh shit, we closed the deal, nah, man. Did he really email you?
Eldar:back or no? No, he's not going to give it to you, man. Even if he did, he's not giving it to you right now. He's not gonna give it to you, man, even if he did, he's not giving it to you right now.
Mike:close shot, man that was good man yo give him props.
Eldar:That was good man. That was good, holy shit.
Harris:I can't believe I fell for that, bro. Alright, get some rest, man, we got a big day tomorrow. Man, alright, sounds good. Alright, alright, guys, get some rest. Man, we got a big day tomorrow, man?
Eldar:All right, sounds good. All right, bye, Namna. All right, guys. How about yours Thoughts? Yeah, my thoughts, man.
Eldar:The first thing that came to me when it came to anger or final thoughts about this is that a lot of times when I get angry is that when I'm running thin, I'm spent, like you know, tired physically and mentally because I'm doing a lot of stuff like that. If you know, catherine, or whoever requests more stuff or whatever to do more things, that in the moment is not being like. I just can't do it, it's too much. My anger comes out for sure, like you know, frustration, like you know what I mean.
Eldar:And again, it's not the fault of the individuals, because they don't necessarily are understanding what it is that I'm going through. It is me not being able to measure myself out properly to accomplish the things that I need to accomplish because I'm spending myself thin. And when that happens, I almost give myself a pass to be angry, which is a crime against myself and others, and I understand that. You know what I mean and I hope that one day I can find a balance between that. So I can Well. Preventative care is to find a way not to spread myself thin, too thin right and plan things out a little bit better, so I don't have to then use anger as a way to tell people off. So you leave me the fuck alone.
Harris:Calling out the wife again, man, yeah good.
Eldar:That's what I was in my final thoughts on anger. But yeah, ultimately I think you fucking, we did a really good job, especially you, mike on fucking calling out anger in such a way that it's like, if you really dissect this bitch, it's really an equation, and if you really dissect this bitch, it's a really an equation and if you're angry or you feel an anger is, it makes perfect sense, right, and you can definitely track it back as to why it's happening in the first place and you can definitely solve it.
Eldar:So for those individuals who think that you can't, you should definitely be able to solve it. Yeah, you know, but that takes some guts, some thick skin, like uh Harris said, and get under the gun in order to.
Harris:This just proves right. Here we are solving the world's problems.
Eldar:Yes, we are Harris. And think about it. Just a couple of years ago, harris, you wanted to hold a gun, you wanted to be in the front line and you wanted to donate your life to Earth.
Harris:Well, not to Earth, to the worms? Yeah, like decomposition.
Eldar:You said donate your life to earth.
Harris:Well, not to earth. What to the worms?
Mike:To the worms, yeah, like decomposition.
Eldar:You said you know what guys Feed the soil. You know what I'm just going to say you guys carry on. Whichever way you want to carry on, I'm going to raise my hand. I'm just going to die for you guys, and you guys do whatever it is that you do. And now Harris's mind thinks completely opposite and then in one day he's going to come here and say it was the worst idea that I've ever had in my life is to think that I wanted to join the army. I am convinced of this, mike, if the equation plays out in such a way that he continues to think things through if he doesn't he's wasting his talents.
Eldar:he should go into the earth. Yeah, he should die and fucking rot and feed the earth and the worms. Oh, I'd never get.
Harris:I'm not getting buried man, okay, I don't know why you say feed the earth, we can send you to Ukraine right now if you want.
Eldar:That option is still available. I'm talking about when I die. Yeah. I don't want to be buried, you might not have a choice in the matter because you might be blown up in such ways and pieces where you don't get buried. You're just going to rot into the earth.
Harris:Is there an attack that's going to happen here in Hackadayne Jersey? No, it's not. No, I don't want to get buried man.
Eldar:I don't think you have the choice in the matter when it comes to you dying. Sorry to break those news to you.
Harris:Well then, fucking cremate me, man, what the fuck does he fucking think he is.
Eldar:You know what I'm saying. If you die in the fucking field, first of all you need to be found, then you need individuals, right, you have to rely on individuals to carry your fucking body. If you still have a body, if you're not torn into fucking pieces from a bomb, torn into fucking pieces from a bomb back to fucking somewhere to then be cremated because somebody found your fucking will to be cremated.
Harris:Like who the fuck this person thinks he is.
Eldar:You're gonna be eaten by worms.
Harris:You're gonna smoke my ashes man with a big old joint.
Eldar:What, no, I'm gonna laugh at your stupid ass Like oh fucking idiot man. The idiot is exactly what the idiot ought to be. Hey man man I'm not talking about going to front lines. I know, but before you were is what I'm saying all I'm saying, if the equation is correct.
Eldar:Like I said, I think that harris can actualize himself and see that actually that he had was at a point where he almost lost his life for no reason and now he can make a really big difference in his life and others if he continues to persevere.
Harris:My dad would agree with you. He used to say the military was for people that didn't have a family or whatever. I tell him it's bullshit, oh no, I think that's actually correct.
Eldar:He's like it's people that have no purpose, no family. Yeah, I think the people, the individuals, that actually really care or is loved and, yeah, I think the people, the individuals that actually really care or is loved and can love, I think they want to stick around a little bit more than rather go out there and shoot guns.
Harris:You know, I know a couple of people that are in the military. But they're in the military because I guess you could say it's a family legacy and every generation had it had it Attachments. And they're expected to go Like my friend, my friend Ryan. He joined because his father ingrained it into him since he was a little kid and he said listen, this is what's going to happen.
Eldar:You know, listen, I'm going to tell you right now, those individuals who are going they're not having fun. Those individuals who have fun here. Those who have fun here, those who have fun here, not going anywhere.
Harris:You know what's crazy, you know why.
Eldar:Because when you're out there with your friends playing in the yard, right hanging out and stuff like that, and your mom calls you to come home, you're having too much fun to come home. Yeah, you want to keep playing and having fun in that sandbox.
Harris:You know what's crazy? It's crazy my friend Ryan. He posted a video to Facebook like four years ago and he was deployed to Afghanistan. He recorded this video and it's crazy as hell what he was saying. They were under fire at a place like this little fucking shack I don't even know if you call it a shack, it's this fucking cement thing no windows, no nothing. But they were under fire. They call it little fucking shack. I don't even know if you call it a shack. It's this fucking cement thing. No windows, no nothing. But they were under fire. They call a fucking tank in and the fucking tank started loading rounds into the building and he's screaming yeah, get some, fuck, yeah he goes. I got a fucking chubby, I'm fucking sitting here, what the fuck? And he's literally screaming. He's getting hyped up and shit. The question was was he that hyped up when he was getting bugged Fucking? He's shooting a video of a tank unloading like six fucking rounds into a fucking house.
Eldar:Probably. Potentially, it depends how he's psychologically wired. I mean, I'm pretty sure you can't get a chubby when you get shot in the leg or arm or chest, I'm sure you could.
Harris:Man Just flows right to the cock. You know what I'm saying yeah.
Eldar:Then it's like oh shit, this is real. I'm about to lose my leg. Oh, I'm about to lose my arm. Oh shit, I'm about to die. You know what the crazy part is? Tell your mom and dad that you loved them.
Harris:You know what the crazy part is? Yeah, he's been shot like two times, but he keeps going back, he said. I said, what is it? He's served eight years. Now he goes. This is my career. I said what do you mean? It's your career. He's had officers tell him, you know, if you wanted to leave the military, there's no shame in it. You've given enough to your country. Yeah, eight years of your life, two stays in a hospital, mm-hmm, but he keeps going back. But what one of his friends told him? He goes deep down. You're afraid to get out. And he said the reason you're afraid to get out is because when you get out, you don't have that daily routine. You don't know who you are. Yeah, you don't have that daily routine. You don't know your identity. And his friend said the reason you're afraid to get out is because the majority of people that do get out they relive the they've seen and they're never the same person again gigs up that's it.
Eldar:Thank you, harris, for saying absolutely nothing. Thanks for watching.