Dennis Rox
The 'Dennis Rox' podcast is a deep dive into the intricacies of personal development, self-growth, and the obstacles one may face on the way. Hosted by Eldar with regular guests Mike, Toliy, Harris, Katherine, and Tommy the conversations explore themes such as anxiety, self-sabotage, the pursuit of happiness beyond materialism, and the complexities of love and relationships. Other topics include the impact of societal values on personal fulfillment, humility, and the often misconceived notions of success and wealth.
Through personal stories, philosophical debates, and thoughtful discussions, they explore various aspects of challenging one self and achieving personal growth. The conversation often shifts from individual experiences to broader societal critiques and is characterized by a focus on depth and seeking genuine understanding over superficial conclusions.
Dennis Rox
146. Why Fear?
How can individuals understand and overcome their fears to lead more fulfilling lives?
In episode 146 of the Dennis Rox podcast, hosts Eldar, Toliy, and Mike, along with their guest Harris, tackle the profound subject of fear and its impact on personal growth and decision-making. They explore various dimensions of fear, from day-to-day anxieties to deep-seated phobias, and emphasize the importance of understanding and confronting these fears to unlock life's potential. The hosts and guest draw on personal anecdotes and humorous exchanges to illustrate how fear often stems from a desire for control and predictability, urging listeners to seize opportunities rather than letting fear dictate their actions.
The conversation delves into how fear can be a catalyst for impactful decisions, highlighting the necessity of facing unknowns to live a virtuous and fulfilling life. Eldar and Mike discuss overcoming fears related to personal changes and mistakes by gaining control and understanding, while Harris shares compelling stories of cliff diving and embracing life’s uncertainties. The episode closes on a note of empowerment, calling for a collective effort to challenge and overcome societal fears, ultimately encouraging listeners to live in truth and pursue their goals without letting fear hold them back.
Eldar [00:00:00]:
On this week's episode, we understand through logic that the way to a good life is through virtue, is to live in accordance to the truth, not in accordance to the fear or made up little ghosts that we create in our minds or the other people that are trying to oppress us.
Mike [00:00:13]:
Slowing down, being in control of your own self and not overthinking it, knowing the situation, what's happening, why you're doing it, what you're trying to achieve. It helps to dispel the fear.
Eldar [00:00:25]:
I have a party. I wish I was.
Harris [00:00:27]:
Oh, you got a party.
Eldar [00:00:28]:
Yeah, I know. I'm gonna have to sneak the fucking UFC on my phone.
Toliy [00:00:30]:
Bring the tablet with me.
Eldar [00:00:31]:
Yeah, with Cat will ban me.
Harris [00:00:32]:
Oh, boy. I think we got a fear over here.
Eldar [00:00:37]:
I think today is probably one of the most important topics, if not the most important topics. I think the topic is in general, the topic is, you know, fear and why are we, why are we always afraid, right? What are we afraid of? And unpacking the topic of fear, I think is super important because I mean, it touches everything in our life, you know what I mean? And I think it's probably the way it's consumes us or the way it consumes us, right? It holds us back from many things, right? Including falling in love, right? Meeting a girl, right? Starting a business, right? Seizing an opportunity, you know, coming out of your shell or whatever it is, right? Progressing, you know, there's plenty of examples where, you know, a lot of times like, oh, I wish I had this, or I wish I did this, right? I wish I said that. I wish I smiled more, you know, towards a girl, whatever, or said something, right? But there's something inside of us that is holding us back. And a lot of times I think it's rooted in fear, right? So I think the good question about fear is especially the topic that we have on hand, the current events that we're facing, right? Why are we afraid? Right? And should we be afraid? What are we afraid of? You know what's going to happen, right? If you smile at that girl, you say something to her, rejection. Okay, so what, right? What's going to happen if you, if you just speak your mind and be yourself, why do we have to be afraid?
Harris [00:02:15]:
You know, it's human nature.
Eldar [00:02:17]:
Okay, let's unpack that. So, but then you'll have to almost ask, right, Yourself, right? Sure. Maybe you're afraid to go on the stage and get a. Do a comedy skit, right? But there's people that don't have the same fear, right? Maybe they overcame it and they don't have that. Right. So it almost poses a question like, sure, it's part of our human nature. Right. Somebody is always afraid of something, but.
Harris [00:02:37]:
The ultimate goal would be to fail to get back up.
Eldar [00:02:39]:
Harris [00:02:40]:
And do it. Right.
Eldar [00:02:41]:
Correct. Right. To overcome your fears. Right. And how do you overcome those fears? What is it that you need to do? What are some steps that you need to take in order to not be held back in life? Right. To come up, come up to that girl and say, hey, you know, I really think you're pretty. Right. Go on that stage and say, you know, I'm going to do a comedy skit.
Eldar [00:02:59]:
You know what I mean? Or go after justice or jump off.
Harris [00:03:03]:
The cliff not giving a fuck what happens.
Eldar [00:03:05]:
That's right. You jump off the cliff when you cliff diving. Right. Like, we're just bound by all these things. We want to do stuff. Right. And a lot of times life throws these obstacles at us. Right.
Eldar [00:03:15]:
And we can't do it. And then we think to ourselves, like, oh, what would have happened if I did it? You know, all the regret and everything else can kind of build in into all of it. Yes. Harris.
Harris [00:03:26]:
My way, like, when it came to the cliff diving, Right. Was. You know what? First of all, you only live once.
Eldar [00:03:34]:
Harris [00:03:35]:
And if I don't do it, I'll never know what it feels like, which.
Eldar [00:03:38]:
Is also up in the air. Right. We're not sure whether.
Harris [00:03:40]:
Correct. But if I don't do it, I'll never know what it feels like and I'll regret not doing it.
Eldar [00:03:47]:
Harris [00:03:48]:
So sometimes you just gotta take the plunge and try.
Eldar [00:03:51]:
Yeah. And then when you did do it, what happened?
Harris [00:03:53]:
Fucking loved it. I did it like five more fucking times.
Eldar [00:03:56]:
That's right. So what was telling you before you were jumping off the thing? What was some arguments or reasons that you gave yourself in order to actually. Yeah. In your head, like, all right, I gotta do this.
Harris [00:04:07]:
And then you actually up.
Eldar [00:04:09]:
Yeah. You know, what are some positive things that you were telling yourself that, like, it'd be awesome.
Harris [00:04:15]:
She's gonna be on video.
Eldar [00:04:17]:
Harris [00:04:17]:
I'm gonna have a story to tell.
Eldar [00:04:19]:
Harris [00:04:20]:
I didn't just go to Bert Muta and punk out.
Eldar [00:04:23]:
That's right. Yeah.
Harris [00:04:25]:
Eldar [00:04:26]:
And you felt that. You said, great after. Because you accomplished those things. You put the check mark on those things. You're no longer associating yourself with a pussy.
Harris [00:04:33]:
After a while. I just said, fuck it, go.
Eldar [00:04:35]:
That's it.
Harris [00:04:36]:
And I just ran and went, that's it.
Eldar [00:04:39]:
That's it. I think that's a very good metaphor to what we got going on. You know, the situation. You know that. Just because maybe it's unknown, this water is unknown. We don't know what's in this water, whether or not there's rocks, sharks, whoever. Right. But what's stopping us from finding out? Right.
Eldar [00:04:58]:
What's stopping us from asking the questions around everything that's going on and say, you know what? Yeah, okay. This is part of life.
Mike [00:05:04]:
Well, you know, like, I agree. I agree what you're saying, but I guess the way I'm looking at it, thinking about it is like, what's our fear?
Eldar [00:05:13]:
Mike [00:05:14]:
Like, inherent situation. Right. The fear was developed because there's an attachment to some few things that I came to mind was control. Right. Like we're scared of the unknown if you jump in that water or what's there. We don't know. We'd like to control what's there.
Eldar [00:05:31]:
Mike [00:05:31]:
Like to anticipate it. We'd like to know.
Eldar [00:05:33]:
Mike [00:05:33]:
So it's important for us to feel like we have control. Right.
Eldar [00:05:37]:
Because we don't want to do what. We don't want to experience pain, uncertainty. What is rejection?
Mike [00:05:42]:
Experience pain?
Eldar [00:05:43]:
Yeah, pain.
Mike [00:05:44]:
And I think rejection and all that's like essentially the same thing.
Eldar [00:05:46]:
It's the same thing, right?
Mike [00:05:47]:
Eldar [00:05:48]:
I think that's what's holding us away from doing a lot of the things that can potentially feel uplifting. Right. Or liberating. Leveling up and finally standing up for yourself is to say, you know what? I can't do it. Don't make fun of me.
Harris [00:06:00]:
I just got to come to your point and say, fuck it.
Eldar [00:06:02]:
There you go.
Mike [00:06:04]:
You know, but the control, like it is, does provide comfort, you know, which is also.
Harris [00:06:11]:
Well, in this situation, I don't think it's providing anyone comfort.
Mike [00:06:14]:
No, no, no, not in this situation. But I'm saying. I'm just talking about the. The control thing and in a general term, not talking about this specific situation. But yeah, I guess you could say.
Harris [00:06:25]:
Comfort depends on the situation that you're talking about.
Eldar [00:06:30]:
Like what?
Mike [00:06:31]:
What do you mean?
Eldar [00:06:32]:
Yeah, like in his case, there was no comfort. Right. He's like, hey, like, the guys are going to make fun of me. I came to Bermuda all the way and there's going to be no video.
Harris [00:06:39]:
I'm not even. I'm not even talking about just that.
Eldar [00:06:41]:
Right. Okay.
Harris [00:06:42]:
I'm talking about different things people have fear about. Right?
Mike [00:06:46]:
Harris [00:06:47]:
It depends what the fear is, depending if it is because you're comfortable that specific way Right. Let's talk about what you guys are going through and other things.
Eldar [00:06:59]:
Oh, you're going with us.
Harris [00:07:00]:
Yeah. Because Mike is a comfortable position.
Eldar [00:07:04]:
What we are going through.
Harris [00:07:04]:
Yeah. Okay. Mike saying it's a comfortable position.
Eldar [00:07:09]:
Mike [00:07:09]:
No, the position you're in, which is not to do the opposite of, like, challenge your fear.
Harris [00:07:13]:
I understand that.
Mike [00:07:14]:
Because you already know what you're going through. And if you can live without more than what's unknown.
Harris [00:07:19]:
I understand that. But certain fears are not comfortable. They're the total fucking opposite.
Eldar [00:07:26]:
Mike [00:07:26]:
Eldar [00:07:27]:
Sure. Correct. They are.
Mike [00:07:28]:
No, sure. But I agree with you. But also, they're comfortable. But they're also not comfortable either. Like, it's like you picked the lesser of the two evils.
Eldar [00:07:37]:
But they're not comfortable.
Mike [00:07:38]:
But they're not comfortable.
Eldar [00:07:39]:
That's right. And I think that's what he said.
Harris [00:07:41]:
He hasn't. Let's put it this way. Like this specific example that they're going through.
Eldar [00:07:45]:
We're going through.
Harris [00:07:46]:
We're going through.
Eldar [00:07:47]:
Okay. You know why we're going through it, too.
Harris [00:07:48]:
Eldar [00:07:49]:
Remember I was supposed to tell you your answer about your pay.
Harris [00:07:51]:
Eldar [00:07:52]:
Your new pay yesterday.
Harris [00:07:53]:
Eldar [00:07:53]:
You know why? I didn't.
Harris [00:07:54]:
Eldar [00:07:56]:
Think about it. You forgot I didn't come to work.
Harris [00:07:59]:
Yeah, I know. That's why I'm saying why I didn't go to work.
Eldar [00:08:03]:
I was stressed out.
Harris [00:08:03]:
Eldar [00:08:04]:
Harris [00:08:04]:
So that's what.
Eldar [00:08:04]:
I'm affected by it.
Harris [00:08:05]:
That's what I'm getting to.
Eldar [00:08:07]:
Harris [00:08:07]:
Is Eldar's not sleeping.
Eldar [00:08:10]:
That's right.
Harris [00:08:11]:
Totally. Totally. Can't even get his mind right. He fucking stares off into the day. Fucking all today, bro. Like, what the fuck? We're having a conversation with him. He's there thinking about, like, we're trying to talk to him about this. And he's there just looking out into the fucking horizon.
Eldar [00:08:27]:
Harris [00:08:27]:
Well, his mind's not right.
Mike [00:08:30]:
Do me next. Yeah, Yeah.
Harris [00:08:32]:
I don't know how to do you, bro.
Eldar [00:08:34]:
What's. Cool.
Toliy [00:08:34]:
The thing with fear is that I think, at least from my perspective, is that I don't think that fear is built into human nature, you know? Don't think so. I think that has developed. I definitely think it's developed. And it's developed because there's a generational, like, what's called, like, you know, like, they talk about, oh, like, you could be wealthy, but then there's like, generational wealth.
Eldar [00:09:07]:
Toliy [00:09:07]:
When they say generational wealth, it's passed down. That means that, like, if you have generational wealth, that means that it's supposed to be where like your bloodline forever is going to be wealthy.
Eldar [00:09:18]:
Toliy [00:09:18]:
For example.
Eldar [00:09:19]:
Toliy [00:09:19]:
Eldar [00:09:20]:
Right. Yeah.
Toliy [00:09:20]:
I think that also goes the same for generational like knowledge and wisdom and like.
Eldar [00:09:26]:
Or lack of.
Toliy [00:09:27]:
And, and like education. Yeah. Or lack of. Right.
Eldar [00:09:29]:
Toliy [00:09:30]:
So it's a generational pass down of a lack of environment of, of empowerment. That happens. And because of that.
Eldar [00:09:39]:
That's a very good point.
Toliy [00:09:40]:
Fears develop from that. Right. And the. I also think that if everybody was empowered, there's no way that we would be living in the current like world that we would, that we are in. Like, there's no way that things would be built and ran and like handled in the way that it is now. It's handled and it's allowed to be done because there's. The amount of empowered individuals is a very, very, very, very, very small decimal point amount of the non empowered individuals.
Eldar [00:10:17]:
That's right.
Toliy [00:10:18]:
And because of that people are completely fine in living in mediocrity.
Mike [00:10:24]:
Toliy [00:10:25]:
And they're completely fine with being oppressed. And they're completely fine with.
Eldar [00:10:28]:
You get used to fear.
Toliy [00:10:30]:
Yeah. With fear. That. And then you start again saying that fear is human nature and fear is normal and fear is all of these things because you have a generational pass down of the same type. Type. Type. Type of thinking.
Eldar [00:10:44]:
Toliy [00:10:44]:
Right. So just like you could get generational wealth, you could get generational retardation, you know, like in that kind of way it's fine, man.
Harris [00:10:56]:
You know, So I just think people don't have the balls to do, I guess what you could say what we're doing right now, people don't have this. Do not know.
Toliy [00:11:08]:
But it's.
Eldar [00:11:08]:
I don't think it's just the balls. Listen, it's education. I don't, I don't like to fight, you know what I mean? Like, and all this other stuff, you know.
Harris [00:11:15]:
No, but you do have to stand up.
Eldar [00:11:16]:
There you go.
Harris [00:11:17]:
Right now what you guys are talking about, what we're talking about is standing up for 100%.
Eldar [00:11:21]:
I don't want drama. I want, you know, but, but when something happens, right. When something happens, if you pushed enough to the, you know, to the brink or to the corner, you're gonna stand.
Harris [00:11:30]:
Up and you're gonna stand up.
Eldar [00:11:31]:
Sooner or later you're gonna bite back. That's it. This is what's happening. Right. So it's not that like we're just gonna have to. Everyone just grow balls. No, I think that what needs to happen is that you need to be empowered through knowledge and understanding. Right.
Eldar [00:11:43]:
A lot of times fear comes in. We're ignorant and we don't understand what's out there. But we need to educate ourselves so we're not afraid. We need to understand what our rights are. Right. What the laws are. And we have to move in accordance with.
Harris [00:11:55]:
That's the problem, what we have with this country. Okay. People are afraid to use that First Amendment right. Which we're about to use. Yeah, correct. We're about to use that right to free speech. We're about to use that right to free press. We can go to the fucking press.
Eldar [00:12:13]:
That's right.
Harris [00:12:13]:
We can do all this.
Eldar [00:12:14]:
That's right.
Harris [00:12:15]:
This is probably the first time we're actually using these rights, which we spoke.
Eldar [00:12:20]:
About a couple of episodes ago, which.
Harris [00:12:22]:
We'Re actually going to be using these rights.
Eldar [00:12:24]:
That's right.
Harris [00:12:24]:
But what a lot of people don't do in this country is take advantage of those rights. If they're feeling like they don't agree with something, they don't speak up. They're like, oh, there's nothing I can do.
Eldar [00:12:36]:
That's right.
Harris [00:12:37]:
And they sit back and just watch it unfold.
Eldar [00:12:39]:
That's right.
Mike [00:12:39]:
Or get oppressed by it.
Eldar [00:12:41]:
Well, there you go. Right. Because we don't know. Right. We don't know. And because we don't know. And they apparently, quote, unquote, know. It's a natural progression of oppression, especially.
Eldar [00:12:51]:
It's in the wrong hands.
Mike [00:12:52]:
But it's also part of what Totally, Totally was saying. It's like our parents told us, like, hey, be scared of the cops.
Eldar [00:12:57]:
Pretty much, yeah.
Mike [00:12:58]:
Be scared of the cops.
Eldar [00:12:59]:
Mike [00:12:59]:
Talk to them this way.
Eldar [00:13:00]:
Mike [00:13:00]:
And they'll be okay. They're gonna treat you nice. But, like. Okay, so if you did a violation, you drove over the speed limit, Are you still a human? Are you still, like, deserving of respect? They're being treated kindly or regularly, you know, and for some reason.
Eldar [00:13:14]:
Mike [00:13:14]:
That whole idea, I think it's like almost people are scared of cops.
Eldar [00:13:18]:
That's right.
Mike [00:13:18]:
You know, Are scared of the government.
Eldar [00:13:20]:
That's right.
Mike [00:13:20]:
Which is not also.
Eldar [00:13:22]:
That's not right.
Mike [00:13:22]:
Not right.
Eldar [00:13:23]:
That's right.
Harris [00:13:23]:
See, my dad, if he was going through this right now, he'd back down. No, he'll back down, and in a second, he'll fucking do everything that he's being told. He'll hire the architect. He'll. He'll do everything. He'll tear down. He'll fucking rebuild it. Ain't going against no one.
Eldar [00:13:42]:
He's a.
Mike [00:13:43]:
He's a Pussy with everybody.
Harris [00:13:44]:
He's like, oh, I'm going to get a fine.
Eldar [00:13:46]:
Yeah. He only oppresses you behind the scenes when you're naked.
Harris [00:13:49]:
I'm wrong with you, bro.
Toliy [00:13:50]:
You know, you guys only talk naked.
Harris [00:13:52]:
Oh, fuck you.
Toliy [00:13:53]:
That's fucking weird, man.
Harris [00:13:54]:
Fuck you.
Toliy [00:13:55]:
What kind of father son relationship.
Eldar [00:13:57]:
And again, right, Harris? And then. And then you looking at your dad. And a lot of times, right, not so bash your dad, right? You're like, I don't want to be like this, man. Right? Like, look at him, you know, doesn't have his life shit together. You know, the way he's acting, the way he's feeling and all this other stuff, you know, that's not an empowered individual. His relationships and stuff, you know, it's girly.
Harris [00:14:15]:
And he always tells me. He always fucking tells me, okay. The women are always right. Why is it every fucking other month.
Eldar [00:14:23]:
Harris [00:14:24]:
You're butting heads and fucking on the outs for a fucking week to two weeks.
Eldar [00:14:28]:
There you go. And the doghouse. Yeah. You see, some stuff is not adding up, right? So individuals like his dad who are not empowered, who don't have the knowledge, they're supposed to line up this way. They're supposed to be scared. They're not supposed to challenge and stuff like that.
Mike [00:14:42]:
Eldar [00:14:43]:
That's why I think our challenge is to actually. Okay, cool. If we are actually want to live a good life. Right. A good life. By definition of what we think virtues are. Right. I think that path lies on the virtuous acts like seeking justice.
Eldar [00:14:58]:
Right. Seeking truth, you know, being humble. Right. And all those things that require that kind of lifestyle and that kind of feeling behind it. Right. And the situation that we have, we clearly tried to do the right thing many times. Right. But something else is happening behind the scenes.
Harris [00:15:15]:
You're backed into a corner.
Eldar [00:15:16]:
That's right. And now they've backed us into a corner. Or now we'll play the game. We've been invited. And now we have no choice in the matter but to find out what's actually going on. And that's where you draw the empowerment. Like I told you, this pit give me unlimited amount of energy. I am motivated to eat.
Eldar [00:15:35]:
Right. To sleep. Right. Right. To exercise more, to do everything. Right. To make more money. Right.
Eldar [00:15:42]:
To get. To make sure I outlast everything that that's required here.
Harris [00:15:46]:
We're gonna buy up that town.
Eldar [00:15:48]:
This is what I'm saying. I didn't know that this was gonna come from wanting to build a deck.
Mike [00:15:55]:
Eldar [00:15:56]:
And barbecue.
Mike [00:15:57]:
Harris [00:15:58]:
It's a It's the most simplest thing to fucking build.
Eldar [00:16:01]:
You know what I'm saying? But it is coming from that.
Mike [00:16:04]:
Eldar [00:16:05]:
Which is crazy, but it is what it is. I'll take it. You know what I mean? Because now I'm not allowing. I also had certain thoughts, you know, like, you know, I don't want to get involved. Let's do this. Let's bow down. Let's raise our hands. Let's do everything.
Eldar [00:16:20]:
I put a lot of pressure on my dad. Draw this, do that. I asked him a thousand times, are you doing everything that the guy is saying to do? You know? He's like, yeah, of course. Absolutely. You know, I made sure that we did the right thing throughout the whole process.
Mike [00:16:35]:
Eldar [00:16:36]:
And that still wasn't enough. Now I have other thoughts. How are we being targeted? We're going to find out.
Mike [00:16:46]:
Eldar [00:16:49]:
And those individuals who need to feel justice, they should. They ought to.
Harris [00:16:55]:
The war of justice, man. We're going to war.
Eldar [00:16:58]:
That's it. We're going for the truth. We're gonna find out, you know, so after I've went through the process of understanding what's actually happening and what the scope of service is, fear went out the window. Told you I don't care anymore about anything because the cause is so strong. Right. And that I know what I'm standing behind. Behind the truth.
Mike [00:17:24]:
Eldar [00:17:24]:
But I don't care what's gonna happen to me.
Mike [00:17:26]:
So how'd you come to that? You said after, like, you know, like, you went through a process of coming to this standpoint.
Eldar [00:17:32]:
Well, yeah, I went through the process. What, you know, metaphorically, Harris went through on that cliff before he jumped, Right?
Mike [00:17:37]:
Eldar [00:17:38]:
What's gonna happen if I don't take action? You know what I'm saying? If I continue to take this in the ass, bend over. You know what I mean? What's going to happen if I don't stand up for. Totally. You know what I mean, my friend. All those things played out of my mind, and that's not right for me. I couldn't come to conclusions where, like, okay, let's just do what he wants now. You know what I mean? Because I knew that there was violations. I knew that there was injustice.
Eldar [00:18:01]:
I knew that there was some kind of discrimination. I knew there was some kind of targeting. Everything started happening, you know, everything started playing in my mind, and I realized that the call to action is not to lay down. The call to action is to wake up and speak out. And that's it. I'm just. Now I'm lit Up. I told you I'm lit up, you know?
Mike [00:18:20]:
Eldar [00:18:23]:
No, there's no fear fucking charity here. I don't give a fuck.
Harris [00:18:28]:
Fucking Charge.
Eldar [00:18:29]:
Yeah. Now I have to be on offense all across the board.
Harris [00:18:34]:
Eldar [00:18:35]:
You know what I mean?
Toliy [00:18:35]:
Whoop your ass right now, boy.
Eldar [00:18:37]:
And then, and then, like, like he said, right, if you don't jump, you're going to be that guy. You're going to have regret, you're going to have fear. You're going to look over your shoulder and stuff like that. Why me? Well, everything that I stand for, right? Everything that I stand for, right? Everything that this podcast stands for, everything that we're trying to build, everything that we talk about when it comes to being virtuous, right? Living a virtuous good life. This is the fork of where it says, like, are you going to continue to be about what you believe in or are you just going to lay down or let somebody else bully you or bully your friend or bully us?
Mike [00:19:10]:
Harris [00:19:11]:
Are you crazy? I've been seeing more videos and more and more people going up against their councils, man.
Eldar [00:19:17]:
There you go.
Harris [00:19:18]:
And putting them in their place. And sure enough, the council always tries to shut them down.
Eldar [00:19:22]:
Harris [00:19:22]:
Threaten all. You're gonna get arrested.
Eldar [00:19:24]:
When you have, when you have a crowd coming into these small ass buildings, right, with a specific cause and you can't have that, then you have attention.
Mike [00:19:33]:
Yeah, you have attention.
Eldar [00:19:36]:
The public is not happy with what's going on. Why is this going on? What is happening here? Because of somebody else's gripe about something. I'd love to find out.
Harris [00:19:46]:
You want to know what scares these politicians?
Eldar [00:19:48]:
Harris [00:19:49]:
It's when the groups come walking into the fucking thing 100%.
Eldar [00:19:53]:
That is why I said the call to action here is to get everybody involved. Let's tell everybody. Let's tell all our neighbors. Let's tell our family members. You have cousins. You have cousins, you have cousins. I have crazy amount of friends, you know what I mean? Are you kidding?
Harris [00:20:07]:
I'll get my friends.
Eldar [00:20:08]:
I can't talk to all the friends in all the different branches of the government as well. We don't have lawyers, we don't have cops. You know what I mean? We have all friends too.
Mike [00:20:18]:
Eldar [00:20:19]:
And we have very good relationships with them. They're not gonna see our point. They're not gonna see that Tolle is a fucking harmless little fuzzy man peach who just wanted to barbecue.
Mike [00:20:30]:
Eldar [00:20:31]:
Are you kidding me? Like, are you kidding me? You know what I'm saying?
Mike [00:20:36]:
Eldar [00:20:37]:
What are we talking about here?
Harris [00:20:39]:
This is what the guy.
Eldar [00:20:39]:
We're young. We're young. We're determined. And now I'm developing ambition, you know what I mean? And that's a dangerous. That's a dangerous one.
Harris [00:20:48]:
That's what council meetings are for, man, to call out the politics.
Eldar [00:20:54]:
Why. Why should we be afraid of our local government? You know why. Or our neighbors? Why?
Harris [00:21:03]:
If anything, this guy is still afraid, man. Yeah, he's a scaredy cat.
Eldar [00:21:07]:
No, Mike's not afraid.
Mike [00:21:10]:
Okay, fine. Yo, man, sorry. I am scared of you. Exile me.
Eldar [00:21:17]:
Mike's afraid of girls. So if there's going to be girls involved, he's probably going to be scared.
Harris [00:21:20]:
Of that and not the women in Russia right now.
Mike [00:21:23]:
Eldar [00:21:23]:
Especially if they're pretty. It's over for him then. He's not going to be able to say. People other than that. Mike, fucking talk.
Harris [00:21:28]:
There's no women. There's no woman on the council board, is there?
Mike [00:21:32]:
No, no, no. No chance.
Eldar [00:21:34]:
You never know.
Harris [00:21:35]:
Yeah. There's a lot of these young hotties up there.
Eldar [00:21:38]:
No, you know what I mean? There has to be. I mean, at least for stuff like this. I think there has to be a progression and change of the guard at some point. If there's. Especially this. People got lazy. People got docile. Right.
Eldar [00:21:49]:
Mike [00:21:50]:
Eldar [00:21:51]:
You know, these things will leak out this way where they're gonna have to start waking up people that never cared. Yeah, I don't care. Yeah, I never cared.
Mike [00:22:01]:
No, the thing is, like, I watched.
Eldar [00:22:03]:
An hour and a half.
Mike [00:22:04]:
Eldar [00:22:04]:
Video of a council meeting in the town.
Mike [00:22:07]:
Eldar [00:22:09]:
I saw displeased people come into the stand and explain to them their problems.
Mike [00:22:13]:
Eldar [00:22:14]:
You understand?
Harris [00:22:15]:
Reach out to all of them. People.
Eldar [00:22:16]:
That's right.
Mike [00:22:17]:
Harris [00:22:20]:
Find out who they are. They say that.
Eldar [00:22:21]:
Let's find out their problems. Let's find out how we can help them, how we can go and go up to bed for them.
Mike [00:22:27]:
Eldar [00:22:27]:
They need support, too. You know what I'm saying? Like, so there's so many different ways that we could spin this.
Harris [00:22:35]:
It's going down.
Mike [00:22:36]:
Eldar [00:22:37]:
Well, we don't have to. But if there's not. If we're not. If there's no justice, if they don't do right by us, we're gonna have to.
Mike [00:22:46]:
Do you feel like they can still do right by us at this point?
Eldar [00:22:50]:
Well, you have to give them a chance.
Mike [00:22:52]:
Eldar [00:22:52]:
You know what I mean? I think it's only fair because the way he met us.
Toliy [00:22:55]:
Eldar [00:22:55]:
The mayor met us in such a way where it's like it was refreshing almost. Right. We were able to quickly get on the phone with him, right. And speak to him. And he did listen to us, you know what I mean? He took the time to listen and give some. Some of the stuff. He doesn't know the story. I think he definitely needs to understand the story.
Eldar [00:23:10]:
Right. But I was pleasantly surprised that we were able to get to the mayor and speak to him directly about our situation, you know what I mean? So I think that it's only right.
Mike [00:23:19]:
No, for sure.
Eldar [00:23:20]:
It's only right to give a chance for them to do it right by us as well. You know what I mean? Which is we are not unreasonable people here. Right? We're not just going to go and start fucking a fire for no reason. You know what I mean? We can have a sit down. Let's sit down.
Harris [00:23:33]:
You put it in their hands. They don't do anything with information.
Eldar [00:23:36]:
If they don't do anything with information. If they don't take this seriously. Absolutely. We don't have to take and press some other buttons. Why I'm not afraid.
Harris [00:23:44]:
Yeah, Just checking the email. Sent, right? Totally.
Eldar [00:23:48]:
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Harris [00:23:51]:
Good boy.
Eldar [00:23:54]:
Joe. Joe's listening. We have to forward it to him.
Mike [00:23:57]:
Harris [00:23:57]:
Eldar [00:23:58]:
My friend Joe, he likes, kind of. Joe also faced his problems with the. He knows really closely to like what the is going on. Why. Why it is the way it is.
Mike [00:24:09]:
Eldar [00:24:09]:
You know what I mean? So after he hears the real story of this, he'll side with us.
Mike [00:24:13]:
Of course.
Eldar [00:24:14]:
Everybody should be involved.
Mike [00:24:16]:
I agree.
Eldar [00:24:16]:
Mike [00:24:17]:
We have to have power and strength in numbers.
Eldar [00:24:19]:
Strengthen number 100%. 100%. Yeah, we will. Yeah, we will.
Harris [00:24:25]:
It's going down, man.
Eldar [00:24:27]:
So fear, or do you want to live in fear? Right? I don't, I don't, I don't. I don't want to look over my shoulder, but I don't want to be a punk.
Harris [00:24:34]:
There's a reason I'm trying to set these things up where I face mine.
Eldar [00:24:37]:
There you go.
Harris [00:24:39]:
After that cliff dive, maybe I like the standup comedy. Maybe I like the, well, sales.
Eldar [00:24:45]:
Right. You said you have a little bit of fear of certain phone calls.
Harris [00:24:47]:
And now I'm getting to face it full on.
Eldar [00:24:49]:
Yeah, now you're getting to face it full on. And if you could.
Toliy [00:24:52]:
Oh, wait, but just out of curiosity, right, why are you still wearing the buoy that you were wearing when you went the floaty?
Harris [00:25:02]:
Are you? Fuck you, man.
Toliy [00:25:05]:
Harris [00:25:06]:
Oh, even that's for you, man.
Toliy [00:25:07]:
Thank you. Delicious.
Eldar [00:25:10]:
Nice. Would you eat our drinking beer, bro?
Harris [00:25:15]:
Fuck you. Comes with beer, man.
Eldar [00:25:18]:
Yeah, good. Enjoy the beer. But yeah. So fear, I think it could be very crippling, right? It could be like. It could be one of those things where it's like, why live?
Toliy [00:25:30]:
Yeah, no, the. The, like this same type of scenario. Same type of scenario played out for me when I was younger, when I was in like 6th, 7th and 8th grade.
Eldar [00:25:44]:
Three years.
Toliy [00:25:45]:
Yeah. Like, during that three year span.
Eldar [00:25:48]:
Toliy [00:25:50]:
It played out like on the basketball team.
Eldar [00:25:52]:
Toliy [00:25:53]:
Where I kept. Where, like, trying out. Right. And then how it was is that, like, there was one, like, select team. I don't know, it was like 10 people or like some. Some. Something like that. Right.
Toliy [00:26:07]:
And then there was like a league on top of it that like, anyone who pays is joining.
Eldar [00:26:12]:
Right. Okay.
Toliy [00:26:13]:
And then I would. I would not make the team and then go into the league. And then I was. I was getting selected. Each. Each, like the league then has like an all star event. Right. And I was getting selected to, like, the all star event.
Toliy [00:26:25]:
I was clearly, like, better. Like what? Like, I mean, on. On the team I was in. I mean, I was. I was definitely like one of the better players. I was definitely scoring, like, a lot.
Harris [00:26:35]:
Oh, shut up. You were on the bench, man.
Toliy [00:26:37]:
And then there would come time for, like, the tryouts, and then there were. There was a kid's dad that was in charge of it, and then he would not, like, bring me on the team, but I was also not like, in their clique, in their thing.
Eldar [00:26:49]:
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Toliy [00:26:50]:
And he'd bring on people on the team who are like, football or like lacrosse players. I like, have two left feet, don't even play.
Eldar [00:26:56]:
Yeah, yeah.
Toliy [00:26:56]:
But they're friends with, like, the guy's dad.
Eldar [00:26:59]:
Toliy [00:26:59]:
So like, that started transpiring. And then I got in high school, selected to, like, I finally made the team.
Eldar [00:27:05]:
Toliy [00:27:05]:
But then, like, I couldn't play. Like, they wouldn't play me. Like, they wouldn't like, do all the shit. But, like, I was the one being like, I guess like an essence of like, the bitch and like, running the hardest, working the hardest. Like, like, I was by far. It was even a close second. I was by far the hardest, like, worker. Like, running the most.
Toliy [00:27:28]:
Like, people are like in the summertime, in the aging, like, throwing up and shit, you know?
Eldar [00:27:34]:
Toliy [00:27:35]:
We were doing these things. I don't know if you remember, they would call. No, they would call them ladders. I don't know if you remember that.
Eldar [00:27:40]:
Yeah, yeah. Keeps increasing. Yeah.
Toliy [00:27:41]:
Where you had to keep. Keep increasing. And I get to start from One again. And then go up the ladder again. People are like, throwing up. It's fucking. Like, there's no AC in there. It's like human as it's.
Eldar [00:27:50]:
Toliy [00:27:51]:
A gym was crazy. I don't know if you remember.
Eldar [00:27:52]:
I remember that gym.
Toliy [00:27:54]:
How hot it was.
Eldar [00:27:54]:
That hot mess of a gym.
Toliy [00:27:55]:
Yeah. Yeah. And then, like, I'm like, on the brink of despair, giving it everything I have, you know, because I wanted to. To, like, show myself, stand out.
Eldar [00:28:03]:
Toliy [00:28:04]:
Send out so badly.
Eldar [00:28:06]:
Toliy [00:28:06]:
And, like, no matter what I did, I couldn't. Like, I didn't get in. Get the opportunity.
Eldar [00:28:11]:
Toliy [00:28:11]:
To do so. And I still dressed every single game, warmed up as if I'm going to play every single game.
Eldar [00:28:17]:
Toliy [00:28:17]:
You know, and then not play.
Eldar [00:28:19]:
So would you say that how did fear actually hold you back from. From actualizing yourself in that specific scenario?
Toliy [00:28:26]:
Well, I guess like, one.
Eldar [00:28:27]:
Like you didn't speak out.
Toliy [00:28:28]:
Harris [00:28:29]:
Stand up.
Eldar [00:28:29]:
Toliy [00:28:30]:
One. Yeah. Like, if I knew my. My value in that kind of way. You like? Yeah. Yeah. I should not have been out, been on the team. I should have left it.
Eldar [00:28:37]:
Toliy [00:28:38]:
You know, if there was like a. Like a. Like an injustice being done.
Eldar [00:28:41]:
Toliy [00:28:42]:
But done to me.
Eldar [00:28:42]:
Toliy [00:28:43]:
You know.
Eldar [00:28:43]:
You know what? I have that story, too. I quit the team. I told you. I went for the dunk and I was scrutinized, you know, And I realized that I was in the wrong place, and it felt really bad inside. So I was like, yo, this is not for me. I quit. Well, if you don't quit, right?
Toliy [00:28:58]:
Yeah, Right.
Eldar [00:28:59]:
You taking it deep. And now you have, what, Resentment, Right?
Mike [00:29:02]:
Yeah, yeah.
Eldar [00:29:04]:
You know, well, he was talented. I mean, we came, we knew, because we would play with him at the rec.
Mike [00:29:09]:
Eldar [00:29:09]:
We knew. He can fucking shoot lights out. We come to the game, he's sitting on the bench the whole time.
Mike [00:29:15]:
Eldar [00:29:16]:
He lets him in, one minute in, and then of course, he's cold. He can't do much, and then the game's over. Like, what is this?
Harris [00:29:21]:
Oh, you went to his games?
Eldar [00:29:22]:
Yeah, I went to his games. You went to. No, John. John Shoes. John went to the games? Yeah.
Toliy [00:29:27]:
One brother didn't even fucking go, man, that's fucked up.
Harris [00:29:30]:
I wasn't even part of YP back then, man.
Eldar [00:29:31]:
That's when you were dating Crispy.
Harris [00:29:34]:
Fuck you, man.
Toliy [00:29:35]:
You guys were in prom.
Harris [00:29:36]:
Fuck you. So then the psychotic girl back then, very much.
Eldar [00:29:42]:
And this can continue for many years. Like, he has an example of three, maybe four years or whatever. But these types of fears can hold you back for many years from living a life.
Toliy [00:29:52]:
Well, yeah, it creates. It creates like a precedent of how you act in these kind of scenarios, situations.
Eldar [00:30:00]:
Yeah, yeah.
Toliy [00:30:01]:
And then it just. It goes and it bleeds out to.
Eldar [00:30:05]:
Everywhere in your life.
Toliy [00:30:06]:
All different parts of your life.
Eldar [00:30:07]:
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Up until you get to a point where certain things like Harris right now, right. Like he came from a shelter, now he has to learn sales. He has to know how to speak to survive. Now he's forced to now learn and confront some of the fears that he has. Right.
Mike [00:30:25]:
Next. Fear is your fear.
Eldar [00:30:27]:
Right. Your fear you want to carry. Oh, yeah, you right. You want to date, you know. Well, you have to confront some of your fears to approaching girls and stuff like that.
Mike [00:30:39]:
Eldar [00:30:39]:
Otherwise you're just going to be stagnant.
Harris [00:30:42]:
Maybe he's in the closet.
Eldar [00:30:44]:
Maybe that's a possibility.
Harris [00:30:45]:
Well, I'm just saying you have to confront the door.
Eldar [00:30:47]:
Then he has to open the door.
Harris [00:30:48]:
You know what I'm saying?
Eldar [00:30:49]:
Harris [00:30:50]:
He's got a fear of women, you know.
Eldar [00:30:51]:
Harris [00:30:52]:
Maybe they'll find out, you know, that.
Eldar [00:30:55]:
He likes his booty hole to be.
Harris [00:30:57]:
Whoa, whoa. That's too much in depth, man.
Eldar [00:31:00]:
Fine. But yeah, yeah. So, you know, and then life passes you by and you have all these regrets and all these feelings that you didn't do. You know what I mean?
Mike [00:31:10]:
And then you were eight years old, sitting at the Dutch house, drinking your sorrows away.
Eldar [00:31:13]:
Toliy [00:31:14]:
Michael Jordan always said, you miss 100 on the shots you don't take.
Eldar [00:31:17]:
Yeah, that's right.
Harris [00:31:19]:
You're really quoting Michael right now.
Eldar [00:31:20]:
And on the other hand, right. On the other side, it's always the right. Like Mike, you're facing fear of other people. The other people also have fears.
Mike [00:31:28]:
Yeah, right.
Eldar [00:31:31]:
Harris faces the fear of sales. Right. Those people also have fears. They also fear. People totally face fears of the coach. They also are people.
Mike [00:31:41]:
Eldar [00:31:42]:
They also don't know things. They also afraid of something. Of course. Right. Or the situation with the local government. Right. They're also people.
Mike [00:31:49]:
Eldar [00:31:50]:
Just like us. Right. They have their own issues, they have their own drawbacks. And they also have their fears. We're talking about what? Being afraid of the world. That is also afraid. That's absurd.
Mike [00:32:04]:
Eldar [00:32:05]:
That is silly. You know, So a lot of times we confine ourselves and hold ourselves directly from living life. When I got that letter in the mail, the guy, you know, remember?
Mike [00:32:16]:
Eldar [00:32:16]:
Not in this letter. You know, it shook Catherine up, made her feel a certain type of way. I sat with it. I'm like, okay, what Is this accusations about something that's not true about me? You know what I mean? About us, about the company, Right? It's not true. Second letter comes, not true. You know what I mean? And I'm like, oh, okay. Concerning. But then what should I be doing? Not live my life and be afraid.
Eldar [00:32:40]:
Come say it to my face, you bitch.
Harris [00:32:43]:
Oh, damn.
Eldar [00:32:44]:
Come say it to my face. Let's have a conversation. You're a coward. Yeah, that person was messaging him is a coward. Of course they're pussies.
Harris [00:32:52]:
Using a different fucking number, but using.
Eldar [00:32:55]:
A different fucking number, right? To hide behind and anonymity, Right? To what? To not get ousted. If you're doing the right thing, what is the issue? Come have a conversation to me.
Harris [00:33:08]:
I've had those neighbors, respected them more.
Eldar [00:33:10]:
Come have a. Exactly.
Mike [00:33:11]:
Eldar [00:33:12]:
Come have a conversation with us.
Mike [00:33:14]:
Eldar [00:33:15]:
Let's have a conversation, right? This guy that sent me a letter, where is he at? Yeah, come. What are you gonna do? You're not gonna do anything. What are you standing on? What are you standing on? False accusations. What we do here is not real. Are you crazy? So I sat with it, right? Like, first, it's not comfortable, obviously, you know what I mean? Like, yo, what the fuck? My address, yada, yada, you know? You know, I told Catherine, yo, you afraid? Go get a gun. Go get a gun. What's the problem? Let somebody come in. What do they say? I'd rather be carried by six than judged by.
Mike [00:33:57]:
Judged by 12. Yeah, sick.
Eldar [00:34:01]:
You know what I'm saying?
Mike [00:34:01]:
Harris [00:34:02]:
You don't even gotta get a handgun, man, Going right now. Get a shotgun. 48 hours later. You got it.
Mike [00:34:06]:
There you go, right?
Eldar [00:34:07]:
What are we afraid of? What are we afraid of? Life? Death? Is that what it is? Getting hurt?
Mike [00:34:14]:
Eldar [00:34:15]:
You know what I'm saying? What are we living for? To be afraid or to actualize? I think that's a question that philosophers ask. Our thing is the questions maybe for the general public, even though the general public ought to start asking these questions in order to live a good life, we understand through reason, right. And through logic that the way to a good life is through virtue. It's to live in accordance to the truth, not in accordance to the fear or made up little ghosts that we create in our minds or the other people that are trying to oppress us. Just because he's in a position of quote, unquote, power, he really is not. So what is he, a cop? He's a cop. So what if he's a captain? So what if he's a mayor. So what? You are human, just like me.
Mike [00:35:01]:
Eldar [00:35:01]:
You have the same types of feelings. Of course you have fears, and you have families, too. You care about them, and they care about you, just like people care for me. Who are we afraid of and should we be afraid of?
Mike [00:35:14]:
No, I don't think we should be. Definitely not. We should be afraid of probably not doing the right thing.
Eldar [00:35:22]:
That's a. That's a. That's a good point.
Mike [00:35:24]:
That's the worst feeling in the world.
Eldar [00:35:25]:
And that is what. That's why. That's why I said what I said to him, right? I said, look, you don't want to perceive. That's your right. I respect it. You know what I mean? Because you can't. If you can't jump over what I'm jumping over, I don't expect it. You know what I mean? But I can't keep going there.
Eldar [00:35:40]:
It's a violation. Like you said, if you don't do the right thing, then what are we talking about? My hands are tied. I'm done. I can't keep losing sleep. I can't. But I'll die for the cause.
Harris [00:35:52]:
I think you should go back to meditating, man. Remember those meditation sessions, man?
Mike [00:35:58]:
Harris [00:35:59]:
Ringwood, all this?
Mike [00:36:01]:
Eldar [00:36:01]:
Yeah. You know what I'm saying? That's it.
Mike [00:36:07]:
Harris [00:36:08]:
You need to go back to being one with the earth, man.
Eldar [00:36:11]:
I am with the earth.
Harris [00:36:12]:
You need to go back to one with the earth.
Eldar [00:36:14]:
We are one with the earth, and we're one with the people. Oh, Harris, trust me. Anybody who sits down and listens to us, they'll understand that we mean, right? We want good.
Mike [00:36:22]:
Eldar [00:36:22]:
We don't want bad. We want good. But if that's challenged, you're gonna hear.
Harris [00:36:28]:
Us free the people.
Eldar [00:36:30]:
That's it. You're gonna hear us free the people? Yeah. Elon Musk said, go yourself.
Harris [00:36:36]:
I said that.
Eldar [00:36:37]:
Yeah, that too. Right? He stands for something. He believes in something. What are we talking about? Being afraid of the ghosts that we create in our minds that hold us back all the time and not being able to actualize and be happy.
Mike [00:36:58]:
Eldar [00:37:00]:
You know, how long are you going to be afraid not to be able to talk to the clients over the phone? Right. How long are you going to be afraid? Not be able to approach the girls?
Harris [00:37:06]:
How long you going to fear Mike?
Eldar [00:37:09]:
Right? How long?
Mike [00:37:10]:
Harris [00:37:10]:
How long have you had it?
Mike [00:37:12]:
A long time.
Eldar [00:37:13]:
All the time. It's a crippling thing. You can't even explain it. Can't explain it.
Harris [00:37:19]:
Can you just get out There and get that Bhutan.
Mike [00:37:23]:
All right.
Eldar [00:37:24]:
You know, so I think it's a very interesting topic. Does fear go away when you are come to terms with dying? Think about that while go to the bathroom.
Mike [00:37:40]:
Iris, what are you thinking?
Toliy [00:37:42]:
You think about pizza.
Mike [00:37:43]:
Pizza. Oh, wow. Okay.
Harris [00:37:45]:
This fear becomes a fear with this.
Mike [00:37:49]:
Fear go away when you come to terms with dying.
Harris [00:37:52]:
No, no, you don't think so like if I'm dying?
Mike [00:37:56]:
Yeah, no, not that you dying, but you come to terms with dying, you accept that you're dying, that you're gonna die. And that's.
Harris [00:38:03]:
Well, everyone dies eventually.
Mike [00:38:05]:
Yeah, but I don't think people can't.
Harris [00:38:07]:
Live in fear that you're gonna die.
Mike [00:38:09]:
You can, but a lot of people do.
Harris [00:38:11]:
I think you just kind of live day by day. Tomorrow's not guaranteed, man.
Mike [00:38:19]:
Well, that's for sure, but doesn't mean. What does that mean? That tomorrow's not guaranteed?
Harris [00:38:23]:
Tomorrow's not guaranteed. I could be walking across the street and get hit by a bus.
Toliy [00:38:26]:
Well, yeah, you definitely couldn't hit by no bus, man.
Harris [00:38:29]:
I'm just saying, man, weirder things have happened, man. I can walk outside and get struck by a lightning. That's a hundred things I could say that can happen.
Mike [00:38:37]:
Yeah, anything can happen.
Harris [00:38:38]:
But you can't fear it.
Mike [00:38:41]:
We can't.
Harris [00:38:43]:
I don't go to sleep at night worrying that I'm not gonna wake up tomorrow. I go to sleep and say, listen, whatever happens, happens, man.
Mike [00:38:53]:
So how do you, how do you dispel the fear then? If you have a fear of something, how do you dispel it? What's the antidote?
Harris [00:39:01]:
Or for that specific reason, like when I was a kid, I found out, you know, John, if I could, said to me, he goes, you know you're gonna die, right? Low ass kid. I ran to my mom saying, john says I'm gonna die. They sat me down and said, listen, you're not gonna die anytime soon. But listen, everyone dies. We're gonna die, you're going to die. That moment on never said anything, never thought about it. Listen, when my time comes, my time comes. Ain't nothing I could do about it.
Harris [00:39:35]:
It's out of my power. I'm not going to let it stop me from living. Not going to let it stop me from living. I go to sleep at night not worried about you. I don't think, hey, I might die tomorrow. Listen, I live day by day.
Eldar [00:39:46]:
You can't sleep at night. Please stop.
Harris [00:39:48]:
I take my sleeping pills and you.
Toliy [00:39:50]:
Take medication to go to sleep, man.
Eldar [00:39:53]:
What the fuck you're cheating, dude.
Harris [00:39:54]:
Yeah, I don't have a choice, man.
Toliy [00:39:56]:
You get hit by like a.
Eldar [00:39:57]:
No, no, but to be fair, he's probably not thinking about dying though. He's not afraid of that. He's just probably overthinking shit.
Harris [00:40:03]:
I'm not afraid that, you know, I'm afraid of other shit.
Eldar [00:40:06]:
Sure. Yeah. So did you answer my question?
Mike [00:40:08]:
Eldar [00:40:08]:
You understand my question.
Toliy [00:40:10]:
I think that like, if, if you jump over the worst case scenario, then you can definitely not have any fear.
Eldar [00:40:16]:
It's like, there you go, for sure. You're done.
Toliy [00:40:19]:
Yeah, you're right.
Eldar [00:40:20]:
You're done. I think. What's the worst case scenario? Right? What are we talking about? Dying.
Toliy [00:40:23]:
Eldar [00:40:24]:
Right. We're all gonna do it. We're all gonna die.
Harris [00:40:26]:
So no fact.
Eldar [00:40:27]:
Some die early, some die late.
Harris [00:40:28]:
If you so worried about dying.
Eldar [00:40:29]:
Harris [00:40:30]:
You're not gonna be able to enjoy fucking life, dude, because you're gonna be afraid to walk out of the fucking house and go, my God, I'm gonna die today.
Eldar [00:40:35]:
Correct. Correct.
Toliy [00:40:36]:
Yeah. But I also think that like. Like people who experience some of the best things, like their. The ones that are most accepting of those kinds of.
Eldar [00:40:46]:
I agree with the consequences. I agree with you.
Toliy [00:40:48]:
You know, like taking the last shot in the game or like doing all those things.
Eldar [00:40:53]:
Yeah. You know, there's the biggest rewards on that, on that end of the spectrum.
Toliy [00:40:57]:
Harris [00:40:58]:
That's why people have the mindset that I'm going to. I'm going to do some shit that people are going to think are insane.
Eldar [00:41:04]:
That's right.
Harris [00:41:04]:
But you know what? You only live one fucking life. One life. Enjoy it.
Eldar [00:41:08]:
But we don't know yet. Allegedly.
Harris [00:41:09]:
Allegedly. But let's go off to that, right? You're only on this earth, particular earth.
Eldar [00:41:16]:
With this body suit.
Harris [00:41:17]:
This body, one suit.
Eldar [00:41:18]:
Are you going to petition for a different body next, Next life?
Harris [00:41:21]:
Oh, fuck you, man.
Eldar [00:41:22]:
No, I'm just asking, what would you want?
Harris [00:41:24]:
Like, I'm not fully convinced that's. That's a theory.
Eldar [00:41:26]:
No, but if it is. But if it is, if there is.
Toliy [00:41:29]:
What would you want though? Like what kind of like skin tone? Like Arnold Fuck, like what you got? What do you want to be? Tan, pale white, somewhere in the middle, creamy.
Eldar [00:41:39]:
You definitely, you definitely have to, you definitely have to do an appeal for the dinosaur arms. Like that's fucking not cutting your hand.
Toliy [00:41:45]:
Hairy arms. Like what, what do you want?
Eldar [00:41:47]:
You can't have T. Rex arms. You know what I mean? Next life. Like just acceptable.
Harris [00:41:50]:
But like I was saying, man, when you face Those fears, I guess you could say of dying.
Eldar [00:41:56]:
Harris [00:41:57]:
You live life to the fullest, right?
Eldar [00:41:58]:
You try to, but the problem is, Harris, is that a lot of times maybe we'll just say, yeah, like I'm not afraid of dying or whatever. You don't necessarily carry that from moment to moment. A lot of times we forget I.
Harris [00:42:08]:
Jumped off a cliff, Right. The next step for me.
Eldar [00:42:11]:
But you show your bed in the office, for example.
Mike [00:42:15]:
But the thing is, next time you go back to the cliff, you're gonna show your pants again.
Harris [00:42:18]:
No, because I want to do it again. I was gonna jump off that cliff. We were on G. I remember. Yeah, but you wanted to test it first. Yeah, no good. Yeah. Neck, man.
Eldar [00:42:27]:
Yeah. Hurt yourself.
Harris [00:42:28]:
Toliy [00:42:31]:
Then you're also top heavy with your breasts, so you probably.
Eldar [00:42:34]:
No, no, but totally. Actually gave. Yeah, totally. Actually gave a good theory on that. That he was.
Harris [00:42:41]:
Matter, man.
Eldar [00:42:42]:
He said, but the way your body is shaped, you're going to be like a buoy. So you're not even going to sink.
Harris [00:42:45]:
I sunk when I jumped out that fucking cliff.
Toliy [00:42:48]:
You can't sink.
Eldar [00:42:49]:
Yeah. So you can. You can jump. You can jump from a very high, you know, cliff.
Harris [00:42:54]:
Yeah. Until I should have said that beforehand.
Eldar [00:42:55]:
Because three or four feet of water, you'll be fine.
Harris [00:42:57]:
You already got that behind. Because I might hit the ground, man.
Toliy [00:43:00]:
I'm going to put your upper body and breast float, like in that kind of way. And like, are shaped. They're going to do it.
Eldar [00:43:09]:
Picture this right now. If we take a cup of water, okay. And we drop one cup, like, that cup's not going down. It's just going to like, disperse. Right.
Harris [00:43:16]:
Counsel, you want to take care of this for me?
Mike [00:43:19]:
No, I don't think I can.
Eldar [00:43:21]:
Toliy [00:43:21]:
You also have K legs, so they're not going to like, bring you down.
Eldar [00:43:24]:
Yeah, fuck you.
Harris [00:43:26]:
But the point I was making, right? I'm ready to face more of my feels. The sales, the. The stand up comedy, even doing a tandem jump.
Eldar [00:43:35]:
Just not talking to your dad.
Harris [00:43:37]:
Honestly, I'm not dealing with him, you see?
Eldar [00:43:41]:
Yeah, good.
Harris [00:43:41]:
Yeah, but even a tandem jump.
Eldar [00:43:43]:
Yeah, you know, I don't know what that is, but.
Mike [00:43:45]:
Okay, but see how that's the question. Harris, you just said you're scared of your dad.
Eldar [00:43:48]:
That's right.
Mike [00:43:49]:
Harris [00:43:49]:
That's not that I'm scared. It's more like.
Toliy [00:43:53]:
You are scared.
Mike [00:43:54]:
You are scared.
Harris [00:43:55]:
Yeah, I don't want to deal with it, man.
Eldar [00:43:57]:
Mike [00:43:58]:
But every time, like, even in the conversation we had earlier in the in the thing about she couldn't invite us.
Eldar [00:44:02]:
Over for a barbecue.
Mike [00:44:03]:
Harris [00:44:06]:
If he doesn't want people at the fucking house, what am I gonna say? Listen, they're coming over whether you fucking.
Eldar [00:44:09]:
Like it or not. I told you for a while ago when you started here that you should tell him. You should come in home and say, dad, there's gonna be changes around here whether you like it or not.
Harris [00:44:17]:
He's gonna tell me, oh, pack your fucking bag.
Eldar [00:44:20]:
No, no, you're gonna pack your bags. Before I pack my bags, you should tell them, you know what I mean? Because there's gonna be changes around here. And these changes are gonna be good. And you're gonna sit there quietly and you're gonna enjoy the changes that are gonna be happening.
Harris [00:44:31]:
What you don't know about that, man, you gonna flip bricks, man. Who the hell do you think you're talking to?
Eldar [00:44:38]:
What do you mean, dad? You're gonna say, what do you mean? Like, I only want good for us and for the family. And the things the decisions are gonna be making are gonna be good, sound decisions for the family. You're gonna be happier, and I'm gonna be happier. You just need to be quiet. Let me take charge. I'm the captain now.
Harris [00:44:53]:
What he had was goddamn mind.
Eldar [00:44:56]:
That's true, dude. That's how I feel.
Harris [00:44:58]:
Then what you said to your dad.
Eldar [00:44:59]:
No, that's what's happening. You have to say it. All of us have to say this to our dads and to our moms.
Harris [00:45:04]:
Yeah, but you waited until you were out of the house to say that, man.
Eldar [00:45:06]:
No, who told you this?
Harris [00:45:09]:
What about you? Totally.
Eldar [00:45:10]:
He's saying it now.
Toliy [00:45:11]:
What about me?
Harris [00:45:12]:
So he moved out first.
Eldar [00:45:13]:
He's been telling his dad what to do to boil his socks for soup. What you ever had boiled soup? Boiled sock soup.
Harris [00:45:23]:
What is wrong with you?
Toliy [00:45:25]:
You said you had that when you were sick. Your dad made it.
Eldar [00:45:27]:
Harris [00:45:27]:
You sick son of a bitch, man.
Eldar [00:45:29]:
Yeah. Did he collect the socks that you dejizzed in or no as well?
Harris [00:45:32]:
Fuck you.
Toliy [00:45:33]:
That's how you add that extra, like, creamy layer on top.
Eldar [00:45:35]:
Harris [00:45:36]:
Oh, fuck.
Mike [00:45:37]:
Toliy [00:45:37]:
They call that the crema.
Harris [00:45:39]:
What the hell is wrong with you?
Eldar [00:45:40]:
Yeah. So fear. Yeah. Like again, right? You made an example. Yeah, sure. You want to live to the fullest and trying to break certain fears, but then there's some fears that are still holding you back, right? That is you being your Achilles heel. Right. Mike has his Achilles heel, You know, Everyone has something that they're afraid of, you know?
Toliy [00:45:57]:
Do. Do you do you have any fears other.
Eldar [00:46:00]:
I think I do, yeah.
Harris [00:46:01]:
What are they?
Eldar [00:46:03]:
I mean, nothing that's like, immediately holding me back. I don't like. I don't want.
Harris [00:46:06]:
Excuse me. We just aired our fucking fear.
Eldar [00:46:08]:
I don't like public speaking.
Harris [00:46:08]:
Get the fuck out of here.
Eldar [00:46:10]:
I don't. I got.
Harris [00:46:11]:
You're going to be the speaker of the fucking House.
Eldar [00:46:14]:
No, you appointed me.
Toliy [00:46:16]:
He said lunch. He goes, yo, don't park in Mike's spot because Mike is the chief of staff. This is the speaker of the House.
Mike [00:46:23]:
Toliy [00:46:24]:
He goes, you're in the fucking wrong spot, man.
Harris [00:46:26]:
He's the honorary. Honorary advisor.
Eldar [00:46:29]:
I thought Mike was the hr. Like, he's like, he's gonna be hiring a fire.
Harris [00:46:33]:
The one that told me, Mike is my chief staff, man.
Eldar [00:46:36]:
Oh, chief of staff. Okay. That's right. Correct. Yeah.
Toliy [00:46:38]:
You're a speaker of the House, and.
Harris [00:46:39]:
If anybody wants to speak to me, they have to go through Mike.
Eldar [00:46:42]:
Listen, I have 25 years to get good at public speaking, so I'll get.
Harris [00:46:45]:
I mean, you're the supposedly the one go with the speeches and the words, man.
Eldar [00:46:48]:
So I'm good around my friends, you know what I mean?
Harris [00:46:50]:
It's easy for me to get good around the public.
Eldar [00:46:52]:
I will, sir. I definitely will.
Harris [00:46:54]:
And so he was upset with the honorary advisor position.
Eldar [00:46:57]:
So, yeah, I have that. That's my fear for sure. Public speaking in front of, like, strangers and stuff. I don't like that.
Toliy [00:47:02]:
Yeah, that's not like a. You know.
Eldar [00:47:04]:
But what else? Like, everybody has different fears. Like, it's the same thing. Like, you know, you. You could say that Mike's fear of talking to girls is trivial.
Harris [00:47:11]:
Fear is fear, motherfucker.
Eldar [00:47:12]:
To me, it's trivial. Like what?
Harris [00:47:13]:
Fear is fear, motherfucker. You can't just say which one.
Eldar [00:47:16]:
Yeah, Some people afraid of fucking closed tight spaces, like phobias or whatever.
Mike [00:47:20]:
Harris [00:47:21]:
Some people are afraid of even walking outside their fucking door.
Eldar [00:47:24]:
Yeah. Some people afraid of grass or fucking insects and shit. You know, like, fears are irrational a lot of time, you know, they just come from out of nowhere for whatever reason, you know, like, totally. Yep.
Harris [00:47:35]:
How's your spider doing on your. In your backyard?
Toliy [00:47:38]:
Good, man. Playing with it every day.
Eldar [00:47:41]:
Harris [00:47:41]:
No, you're not.
Toliy [00:47:42]:
Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're not best friends, boy.
Harris [00:47:44]:
No, you're not. Because last time you saw a spider, you freaked the fuck out and dropped a piece of fucking wood.
Eldar [00:47:50]:
There you go. No, but fears, yeah. Fears are irrational. Yeah. Like, I mean, I remember trying to do public speaking for the classes or in college, I would try to avoid it at any cost. My palms would get sweaty, my heart starts beating fast. Like I want to avoid it for completely, you know, I hated it, you know, so.
Toliy [00:48:08]:
Yeah, I mean, I don't like it either, but I don't like it because, like, I have a difficult tea with, like, speaking.
Eldar [00:48:13]:
Toliy [00:48:13]:
You know?
Eldar [00:48:14]:
Toliy [00:48:14]:
But, like, I feel like if you don't have that, I don't know how you could be afraid, you know, Especially.
Eldar [00:48:18]:
Yeah. See, you don't know, but. Yeah, it's a thing. Yeah, it's an actual thing. I even skipped my final project, which was to give a speech in one of the classes, and I got a lower grade because I just didn't show up for the final. I, you know, I pussied out. You know, I think I had to do it with someone else. So I was kind of like, stood them up as well.
Mike [00:48:38]:
Harris [00:48:39]:
You know, what is wrong with you, bro? And once you made the one person.
Eldar [00:48:42]:
Fail you son of a. I didn't fail them.
Harris [00:48:44]:
You wanted the one. No, I won't hear it, bro.
Eldar [00:48:46]:
I'm sorry. I'll find them and apologize and send them some nano.
Toliy [00:48:53]:
You okay, man?
Eldar [00:48:54]:
Harris [00:48:54]:
This guy, man. What's up front, man? Yeah, but he's got a lot of fears, man.
Eldar [00:49:01]:
Harris [00:49:01]:
You're going on Stand up as well.
Eldar [00:49:04]:
Fear Factor now.
Harris [00:49:05]:
You're going up on Stand up as well, motherfucker.
Eldar [00:49:07]:
Good. Fear factor. Yeah. So, I mean, but certain fears, they hinder our lives, and certain fears that don't hinder our lives. Right. Like, if I was, like, aspiring to be a comedian or aspiring to be a presenter or like an influencer for a lot of people and stuff on stage, then I'm like, okay, cool. Like, I need to figure this thing out. But because I'm not.
Eldar [00:49:29]:
I don't really care much about it. You know what I mean? I think you should care about the things that you care about. And really, like, you know, I'm not looking forward to if we need to go to the board meetings and stand in front of them. Remember, we did this to you.
Mike [00:49:40]:
Yeah, yeah, we did.
Eldar [00:49:41]:
Yeah, I look forward to that.
Mike [00:49:42]:
Eldar [00:49:43]:
You know, it was a. It was a nuisance, but we did it.
Mike [00:49:45]:
Eldar [00:49:45]:
You know, you had my back there, you know, and like, we had to do.
Mike [00:49:48]:
Right now it feels different. Like, I don't feel like. Yeah, I'm scared to go in front of them now. Yeah. Because we have a different.
Eldar [00:49:53]:
We have a different call.
Mike [00:49:54]:
Different thing. Yeah.
Eldar [00:49:55]:
You know, so. And if I do get some fear I don't care. Now, like, I have to jump over it whether I like it or not.
Harris [00:50:00]:
We're going to call it the Totally cause.
Eldar [00:50:02]:
Harris [00:50:04]:
We'Re doing this for you, pal.
Eldar [00:50:06]:
Yeah, Free Totally.
Harris [00:50:08]:
So we're going to make the shirts to say it too.
Eldar [00:50:11]:
Harris [00:50:11]:
You're going to be in a jail cell and say free Totally.
Eldar [00:50:14]:
Yeah. So how important is this fucking topic? I think it's very important for a lot of people. I think this is. This is a holy grail of a human suffering problem, you know, an actualization, you know, to be able to finally break through some of these things and enjoy life like Harris says, without needing to fear. This, that, and third.
Harris [00:50:39]:
It'S easier said that.
Eldar [00:50:40]:
I agree.
Mike [00:50:42]:
But is there an antidote, Mr. President?
Eldar [00:50:46]:
That's why I asked the question about dying.
Harris [00:50:47]:
But really hard work and trying to solve how you can fear, you solve that fear.
Mike [00:50:53]:
Yeah, but is there like a.
Harris [00:50:55]:
Is there like, there's no shortcuts and so.
Mike [00:50:57]:
No, definitely not. But what's the formula?
Eldar [00:51:00]:
Well, it totally said. He gave us a hint. He said if you can find the word, if you can jump over the worst outcome in your mind, the worst case scenario outcome, and be okay with it and you're good.
Harris [00:51:10]:
Find out why the.
Toliy [00:51:12]:
The antidote to fear is finding out why is like knowledge and wisdom and like understanding. Because once you actually have that, you get a empowerment. And I don't think fear exists in the paramount. Because you understand, like.
Eldar [00:51:30]:
Toliy [00:51:30]:
The scope of things. Like, you understand what's going on. So, like, it's impossible for you to be like, it would. It would be like being afraid of like a maze that you know exactly how to enter and leave, for example, versus like, if you don't know, do you go left? Do you go right? But if you know, okay, it's left, right, this, this, that.
Eldar [00:51:49]:
Toliy [00:51:49]:
There's no way that you could be afraid.
Harris [00:51:51]:
Yeah, I'm gonna say.
Eldar [00:51:52]:
That's right. That's right.
Harris [00:51:54]:
Overcoming fear is finding out why you're afraid of it in the first place.
Eldar [00:51:58]:
That can help. But nonetheless, you still have to face it now.
Harris [00:52:01]:
Yeah, you start to face it, but you have to find out why you're afraid of it.
Eldar [00:52:03]:
Sure, you could say that. Like, you know, in childhood, one time, you know, I saw my friend get bit by a snake and he was crying a lot. Therefore, I'm afraid of snakes. Okay, you found out. But that doesn't mean that you're going to be able to confront that fear with just knowing that. No, you know what? I'm saying just because you remember that, like, oh, that gave me ptsd.
Harris [00:52:20]:
Yeah, but you, you know, have to.
Eldar [00:52:21]:
You still have to face the.
Harris [00:52:22]:
Confront it.
Eldar [00:52:23]:
Right? There you go.
Harris [00:52:23]:
Eldar [00:52:24]:
So does it actually matter where it.
Harris [00:52:26]:
Came from if you're putting it in the back of mind of your mind where it started in the first place? Maybe? Because I know. I just.
Eldar [00:52:35]:
I just don't see the connection between. I just gave you an example, right? I saw my friend get bit by a snake right when we were little and I became afraid of snakes. I don't know how that we're going.
Harris [00:52:46]:
To solve that fear, buddy.
Eldar [00:52:48]:
We will. That's what I'm saying. Like, so if you know this, how does that help you actually go through the process of facing seeing a snake, touching a snake, handling a snake, be around snakes, right? Like, I don't think there's a connection.
Harris [00:53:00]:
Like, with me, right. I needed to find out why I was so afraid or jumping off that cliff for what? For me.
Mike [00:53:10]:
And did you find out you were.
Toliy [00:53:13]:
Afraid because you're a pussy, man. Which is. Okay.
Harris [00:53:16]:
I don't want to fucking hear it. Totally. Okay. Do we need to play that fucking video again? You on the boat. Oh, my God. Shaky knees, shaky knees holding on.
Toliy [00:53:27]:
I was looking out for you, man. I don't want you to drown out there because I didn't know if I.
Harris [00:53:31]:
Wasn'T on the boat, you fucking dumbass.
Eldar [00:53:33]:
Well, no, he jumped right after you jumped into the water. He's like, I gotta go.
Harris [00:53:36]:
That was Mike, okay? I was up on the fucking cliff.
Eldar [00:53:38]:
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Toliy [00:53:39]:
I was looking out in the waters, man. If you were fucking Harris. Eaten by some.
Harris [00:53:44]:
I don't want to hear it. I'm a pussy, bro. You didn't jump off the cliff. You shaking up.
Toliy [00:53:48]:
Don't look about me. Don't, don't. Don't bring me into this, man.
Harris [00:53:51]:
I'm bringing you into it. You can't call me a pussy. My you pussy Harris.
Eldar [00:53:55]:
So why did you need to know why you were scared to jump off the cliff in order to jump from the cliff? Why? Because I don't think those.
Harris [00:54:04]:
Because I asked myself before I did it, I said, why am I so scared?
Toliy [00:54:07]:
Okay, you were shaking, man.
Eldar [00:54:09]:
You were shaking, dude.
Harris [00:54:11]:
Okay. Thank you. But I faced my fear.
Eldar [00:54:13]:
You definitely did.
Toliy [00:54:13]:
I even saw a small turd come out. I didn't say I didn't.
Eldar [00:54:16]:
That's what that smell was.
Harris [00:54:18]:
Oh, fuck you.
Eldar [00:54:19]:
Oh, my God.
Harris [00:54:19]:
Fuck you. There was no smell.
Toliy [00:54:21]:
Brown chunky.
Eldar [00:54:22]:
You a brown nosing. No.
Toliy [00:54:23]:
Chilly looking thing. Going down his throat?
Harris [00:54:26]:
Eldar [00:54:26]:
Oh, my God, no.
Harris [00:54:28]:
But I don't know. I just knee at the conclusion I came to was first of all was the height and the way I was gonna. Afraid I was gonna land. Right. That was the number one. My dad used to always tell me the story about how his friend jumped off a fucking 90 foot cliff. It was this place in upstate New York. It used to be like a dam.
Harris [00:54:50]:
It was a disabled dam for disabled people. No, they shut it down.
Eldar [00:54:55]:
Oh, okay.
Harris [00:54:57]:
And they would cliff dive off it. My dad's friend cliff dived off of it and fucking landed the wrong way. His whole entire body swelled up. They had to rush him to the hospital.
Eldar [00:55:07]:
Like, did he die?
Harris [00:55:09]:
He survived. He's up.
Eldar [00:55:11]:
You didn't jump from a 90ft.
Harris [00:55:13]:
No, I know, but still, landing the wrong way could be catastrophic.
Eldar [00:55:17]:
Yeah, but you did fine.
Harris [00:55:19]:
I did fine. But I was like, you know, I can't live my life in fear.
Eldar [00:55:23]:
Harris [00:55:24]:
And I said, I'll never live it down with these guys because these were already screaming on the boat.
Eldar [00:55:29]:
You see, that might be the reason why you actually did it. So I don't. I'm not sure if you did it because you found out. Like, why are you scared? Scared of it? You know what I mean? I don't think there's a direct correlation between the two that you actually need to know where it comes from in order to do it.
Harris [00:55:45]:
I don't want to hear this guy call me if I can pussy again.
Eldar [00:55:48]:
Especially jumping off of ten foot cliff.
Harris [00:55:50]:
What's wrong with you? Don't make it sound weak, dude.
Eldar [00:55:53]:
And I almost. I almost feel like, you know that feeling that after Harris did it, right? Jumped off the cliff, that feeling that he got a rush of like, adrenaline. I could do anything feeling, right. I think that when we find those fears and finally confronted our fears, especially the ones that were fucking holding us back, I think that they're supposed to serve us in such a good way. We're like, okay, now you get the reward of feeling good about yourself, feeling accomplished.
Harris [00:56:20]:
I felt so good about myself that I was a dumbass and jumped off a moving boat at 50 miles an hour.
Eldar [00:56:26]:
There you go. And you were fine. And that was pretty cool. You enjoyed yourself, right?
Harris [00:56:30]:
I didn't even fucking think about it twice, dude.
Eldar [00:56:31]:
Yeah, you just did it.
Harris [00:56:32]:
I was also a little plastered.
Eldar [00:56:34]:
That helped a little bit. For sure.
Harris [00:56:36]:
Yeah. I didn't fucking think it. I just fucking jumped.
Toliy [00:56:38]:
How'd you get plastered? From drinking? From taking like two sips, man.
Harris [00:56:42]:
Of Kahlua sips, bro. We drank.
Toliy [00:56:45]:
It was man. Of Shavitz, man.
Harris [00:56:47]:
Eldar [00:56:47]:
Oh, my God.
Harris [00:56:48]:
We drank. We drank.
Toliy [00:56:50]:
It was kosher.
Eldar [00:56:51]:
Harris [00:56:51]:
Fuck you, bro. Before we even left the fucking port, we took like three shots. Motherfucker.
Eldar [00:56:57]:
It's true. It's true. Yeah. So what I'm saying is that after you face your fears, I think that you get to a place where it's like, wow, you almost rediscovered who you are. Right. And you redefined what it is, the possibilities of life that now open up to you. You know what I mean? Now Harris wants to do other things, you know? And I think that through these types of things, when we accomplish ourselves through fears we've discovered that we've almost discovered or build a new identity for ourselves. Right.
Harris [00:57:25]:
Well, now I want to chase the adrenaline rush, man.
Eldar [00:57:28]:
Well, we could do a little bit of that as well. Yeah. But I'm saying is that there's rewards at the end of that. Achieving or overcoming your fear.
Harris [00:57:39]:
You're gonna overcome yours shortly, man.
Eldar [00:57:41]:
Yeah, I can't wait. I'm not afraid of the situation.
Harris [00:57:45]:
You're not afraid of the situation. But speaking in public.
Eldar [00:57:49]:
Yeah, it's good. And yeah, I can't wait. Especially for the right cause. Yeah, for the right cause. I will do it. Especially from the speaker of the House. Absolutely.
Harris [00:58:00]:
We're all going to wear the T shirts that says free. Totally.
Toliy [00:58:05]:
Wait, you could have roles in Congress and not be born here. That that's allowed?
Eldar [00:58:09]:
I don't know. I don't know.
Harris [00:58:11]:
I think so. Yeah.
Eldar [00:58:12]:
That. I don't know.
Harris [00:58:13]:
I mean, look at this. Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn't fucking born. He was the fucking governor of California.
Mike [00:58:17]:
That's true.
Eldar [00:58:18]:
Oh, he's right.
Mike [00:58:19]:
He wasn't born here.
Eldar [00:58:19]:
Yeah, he wasn't born here.
Harris [00:58:21]:
He was the governor of California. How is that possible? That's even higher than Congress. You're in charge of a whole fucking state.
Toliy [00:58:26]:
Is the mayor a paid position?
Eldar [00:58:29]:
Yes, I think they get paid. Not a lot. Not a lot, but, you know, they get paid.
Harris [00:58:33]:
The governor doesn't even get paid a lot. He gets paid like, what, 200,000?
Eldar [00:58:36]:
I mean, but that's good amount.
Harris [00:58:37]:
That's a good amount. But it's not like even the president, he gets 400,000 a year to run a country.
Toliy [00:58:42]:
Yeah, but they give no expenses.
Eldar [00:58:44]:
Yeah. By that point, everything is already set for you.
Harris [00:58:47]:
Oh, yeah. You get paid to come on TV shows, live the rest of your life.
Toliy [00:58:50]:
You don't have to pay for anything.
Harris [00:58:52]:
Do they provide you housing after you.
Eldar [00:58:53]:
Leave presidency I'm not sure, but definitely security for rest of your life.
Toliy [00:58:58]:
Yes, security for life. You have. You have like a travel. Yeah. Like plane access for the rest of your life.
Eldar [00:59:03]:
I think that if any. If you go to any restaurant, they know that you're the President of United States.
Harris [00:59:09]:
You go to a hotel. Sir, we have the presidential suite for you.
Eldar [00:59:12]:
100%. You're good. Yeah.
Harris [00:59:14]:
It's like you don't even have to have a house, bro. You stay at a hop to hop hotels.
Eldar [00:59:18]:
Mike [00:59:19]:
Is fear, Is it a value proposition?
Harris [00:59:22]:
What do I mean by that?
Eldar [00:59:23]:
Yeah, what do you mean by that?
Mike [00:59:24]:
Like, I'm just thinking the fear is driven by some sort of like a pain, Right. Because you're scared of experiencing a sort of pain. Pain of rejection.
Eldar [00:59:36]:
Mike [00:59:36]:
A pain of, you know, falling off.
Eldar [00:59:38]:
The cliff and hurting yourself.
Mike [00:59:39]:
Hurting. You're getting a boo boo on your five feet.
Harris [00:59:42]:
It was not five feet.
Mike [00:59:44]:
It was like six.
Harris [00:59:44]:
Okay, you. It was not six either.
Mike [00:59:46]:
You're not good at numbers, man. You gotta stay even.
Harris [00:59:48]:
Eldar pointed at 10.
Eldar [00:59:49]:
Yeah, that was over 10.
Toliy [00:59:52]:
Mike [00:59:53]:
Is it the value of this proposition of like, from jumping it, right, from doing the jump or getting, like, getting what you want?
Eldar [01:00:03]:
Mike [01:00:04]:
It's the doing the jump, getting the adrenaline, having the fun versus the fear, which is the pain of like, oh, I might hurt myself or I might.
Eldar [01:00:14]:
Well, that definitely can be what? Part of your argument?
Mike [01:00:16]:
Part of the.
Eldar [01:00:17]:
Yeah, that's right. For sure. And like, if. If on the other side of fear is fun, right. And living life to the fullest, like you're saying. Right. Then of course that's a value proposition. Absolutely.
Eldar [01:00:27]:
Mike [01:00:27]:
Like. Like, Harris sees us, we're doing the jumps. He sees that we're having a lot of fun. He's like, wait, they're having fun. I want to have fun.
Eldar [01:00:33]:
Yeah. Like, what the fuck? Yeah.
Mike [01:00:34]:
We're not doing like. We're miserable.
Eldar [01:00:35]:
Mike [01:00:36]:
Eldar [01:00:36]:
We're not doing it to get hurt. Obviously.
Mike [01:00:38]:
Eldar [01:00:39]:
If he hurts his foot, I hurt my foot. We want this.
Harris [01:00:41]:
I tried this before in Mountain Creek, but you motherfuckers were assholes about it. Why you say that you weren't? Because you didn't let me do it on my own, man.
Mike [01:00:49]:
We're going to go back this summer. That's it. Yeah, I want to do it, too. I want to do Tarzan.
Eldar [01:00:53]:
Harris [01:00:53]:
You didn't let me do it on my own. You fucking tried to push me off, man.
Eldar [01:00:57]:
Toliy [01:00:58]:
Harris [01:00:58]:
The fucking lifeguard had to stop.
Toliy [01:00:59]:
There's a shit ton of perks that you have afterwards of what?
Mike [01:01:03]:
Like after presidency?
Toliy [01:01:05]:
Yeah. Starting six months after a president leaves office. The General Service Administration GSA provides funding to establish. To establish, furnish staff. An official office. Anywhere in the United States. Do you get an office building with staff?
Eldar [01:01:18]:
Get out of here.
Toliy [01:01:19]:
Anywhere in the United States.
Harris [01:01:20]:
Hold on. Does it have to be an office building or can it be like a mansion?
Toliy [01:01:23]:
Well, this is office. It says former presidents also get support for communications which according to congressional research can include cable, phone, Internet, UPS, FedEx charges. All comped for life.
Eldar [01:01:36]:
Toliy [01:01:37]:
Equipment. According to CRS, the category includes any furniture, technology, hardware, software and any expenses related to any installation of home or office sick. Printing supplies and all printing supplies and materials. In addition to supporting printing cost, GSA provides funds. Letter friend has all paper supplies and subscriptions for life travel expenses. Former presidents and up to two staff members are each reimbursed for up to $1 million in cost per year. Spouses or former presidents are eligible for up to 500,000 per year for security and official travel if they do not receive protection from the United acreage, health benefits, health insurance for life, all funeral expenses covered for all for themselves and all extended family. Secret Service protection for life.
Toliy [01:02:25]:
And it ays, according to CRS, this category includes funding for security payments, mail, furniture, housing. Yeah, yeah. Pretty much everything is covered for life.
Harris [01:02:37]:
What about taxes, bro? I don't want to pay taxes for the rest of my life.
Eldar [01:02:40]:
You're getting a crazy stipend, dude. Can you hear what he just said?
Harris [01:02:42]:
Yeah, I don't give a shit, man. I'm president. I ain't paying no tax.
Toliy [01:02:46]:
Yeah, that you could do anything. You could write a book. That's going to be covered. Of course, you know.
Harris [01:02:50]:
Of course I'm not paying no taxes, man. Let a friend gets free paper for the rest.
Toliy [01:02:54]:
Which makes sense. Like what kind of. What kind of job can you go back to after being a president? Like you need.
Harris [01:02:59]:
What do you mean, bro? You're just going on talk shows and how you doing? Yeah, how you doing?
Toliy [01:03:04]:
Yeah, I mean, you get.
Eldar [01:03:05]:
You get Compton sponsored for. By everything. For everything. Everything. You know, you pay probably the most amount.
Harris [01:03:10]:
Sure, I'll come on. You come on. Yeah. I want $10 million. You can interview me.
Eldar [01:03:14]:
Of course by that time we're gonna have it all.
Toliy [01:03:16]:
Yeah. So this is to do like those college speeches, you know, did the speech.
Eldar [01:03:22]:
Of course.
Toliy [01:03:23]:
I think it was Stanford or.
Mike [01:03:25]:
Yeah, but that time we're not gonna.
Eldar [01:03:27]:
Need the money is gonna be irrelevant. You know, the whole. The whole. Your whole run for Presidency is to remove money out of the equation.
Harris [01:03:35]:
Just bitcoin.
Eldar [01:03:37]:
Mike [01:03:37]:
Not bitcoin, man. Come on, man.
Harris [01:03:40]:
What do you mean? We're creating our own. I thought.
Eldar [01:03:42]:
We are. We are. It's called nano for now.
Harris [01:03:45]:
It's called elderism.
Eldar [01:03:46]:
Yeah, all that. Yeah. But by that point, you have to be completely, you know, stress free when it comes to money. You have to be able to only focus on the job at hand. And that's doing right by the people and servicing the people.
Harris [01:03:59]:
Oh, that's going to take a long time.
Eldar [01:04:01]:
I agree with you. That's why we have a long, long, long timeline. 25 years.
Toliy [01:04:05]:
Yeah. And you ain't gonna let Barron win, boy.
Eldar [01:04:07]:
Harris [01:04:08]:
Mike [01:04:09]:
Harris [01:04:09]:
Can't do.
Toliy [01:04:09]:
Yo, have you heard his voice?
Eldar [01:04:11]:
Toliy [01:04:11]:
He sounds identical to Trump.
Eldar [01:04:13]:
Toliy [01:04:13]:
Voice wise.
Harris [01:04:14]:
So Baron said he's planning on running in 25 years.
Toliy [01:04:17]:
Of course he is, man. And he's 6, 7.
Mike [01:04:20]:
Keep it in the family, man.
Eldar [01:04:22]:
Which is crazy, right? Perfect timeline.
Harris [01:04:24]:
Well, we're gonna have a real battle on our hands.
Eldar [01:04:26]:
Oh, yeah.
Mike [01:04:26]:
No, you're gonna blow them out the water, man.
Toliy [01:04:27]:
You will blow a mudslide, man, for sure.
Mike [01:04:30]:
It's gonna be a mudslide like the one you get in your pants.
Eldar [01:04:32]:
Oh, my God. Are you serious?
Mike [01:04:35]:
After Mexican food?
Eldar [01:04:36]:
Wait, he's thinking about it. I think he has one now.
Harris [01:04:38]:
I might lay some gas towards Mike, though, if that's all right.
Toliy [01:04:41]:
Wait, are you wearing a crop top?
Harris [01:04:43]:
Are you fucking done, man? Are you fucking done? Baron's going down, man.
Mike [01:04:50]:
They don't make shirts for you. We got to get them custom tailored shirts. That's it. The shirts are not built for a shape.
Harris [01:04:55]:
Yeah, yeah. I'm just gonna say.
Eldar [01:04:57]:
Are they gonna have like Velcro to his stomach?
Mike [01:04:59]:
They're gonna have the Velcro to the pants.
Eldar [01:05:01]:
To the pants.
Toliy [01:05:02]:
He needs a belt for the shirt.
Mike [01:05:03]:
Yeah, yeah.
Harris [01:05:06]:
Baron. Baron's gonna be hired as my fucking butler, man. He gonna be good. Yeah.
Eldar [01:05:11]:
He's gonna know his place.
Harris [01:05:12]:
He's gonna remember his place.
Eldar [01:05:14]:
Harris [01:05:15]:
You know?
Eldar [01:05:15]:
Harris [01:05:16]:
I don't care if your father was Donald, all right?
Eldar [01:05:18]:
Harris [01:05:19]:
The only reason you would even ran is because your daddy was the president.
Eldar [01:05:23]:
That's right. We came from the ground up.
Harris [01:05:26]:
That's right.
Eldar [01:05:27]:
Good. You know, our daddy didn't hand us a million. A million dollars.
Harris [01:05:33]:
A million. You mean six billion, bro.
Eldar [01:05:35]:
Exactly. Yeah.
Toliy [01:05:38]:
A million pile of lunch meat.
Eldar [01:05:41]:
You guys have anything else to say around fear? I think that this.
Harris [01:05:44]:
I think we solved that.
Mike [01:05:46]:
Damn, Harris.
Eldar [01:05:47]:
You're good, Mike.
Harris [01:05:49]:
Mike [01:05:52]:
No I. I mean, I'm still battling with my fear.
Harris [01:05:56]:
Oh, yeah.
Mike [01:05:57]:
You know, but what was the last.
Harris [01:05:58]:
Time you went on a date, man?
Mike [01:06:01]:
Last time? I don't know. A year ago, two years ago?
Harris [01:06:04]:
Oh, yeah, it's rough.
Eldar [01:06:10]:
So, guys, Pier's done. Let's get some pizza.
Harris [01:06:12]:
I'm not going getting pizza, man.
Eldar [01:06:14]:
Toliy [01:06:14]:
What the hell, man?
Eldar [01:06:15]:
Are you serious?
Harris [01:06:16]:
Yeah, bro.
Toliy [01:06:17]:
You getting frisky with Crispy.
Harris [01:06:18]:
I am meeting up with Chrissy, so.
Eldar [01:06:20]:
Why don't you come with us, get some pizza. It's a nice town.
Harris [01:06:23]:
What do you mean? We're probably gonna meet up with his mama. It's her birthday.
Eldar [01:06:26]:
Harris [01:06:26]:
Yeah, I'm her adopted son.
Eldar [01:06:27]:
He asked you to. To take care of her tonight.
Mike [01:06:30]:
No birthday sex.
Harris [01:06:31]:
Toliy [01:06:32]:
She was gonna give her the big old empanada.
Eldar [01:06:34]:
You're gonna take her deep.
Harris [01:06:36]:
No, man.
Eldar [01:06:37]:
All right.
Harris [01:06:38]:
You're not coming to UFC tomorrow.
Eldar [01:06:40]:
I have a party. I wish I was.
Harris [01:06:42]:
Oh, you got a party.
Eldar [01:06:43]:
Yeah, I know. I'm gonna have to sneak the UFC on my phone.
Toliy [01:06:45]:
No, just bring the tablet with you.
Eldar [01:06:47]:
Yeah, with. Cat will ban me.
Toliy [01:06:48]:
No, you have to convince him to.
Harris [01:06:51]:
Oh, boy. I think we got a fear over here.
Eldar [01:06:54]:
That's true. One time, I convinced the party, the people at the party and the guys to put that shit on TV while we party. And Cat's like, are you serious? I had all the guys rolling because we threw money.
Toliy [01:07:04]:
Yeah, you just make announcement. Hey, like, there's this. There's $1.4 million in the line, and you guys are all part of it.
Eldar [01:07:09]:
Toliy [01:07:09]:
Everyone's gonna be done.
Eldar [01:07:10]:
You're done. Yeah, just tell me.
Mike [01:07:11]:
Put a parlay. That's 100 million, 4 million, whatever. Yeah, guys, you're all in on.
Eldar [01:07:15]:
Yeah, that's right. All right, guys. Well, final thoughts. You said, fuck fear.
Harris [01:07:22]:
Fuck fear.
Eldar [01:07:23]:
Expand on it. Why?
Harris [01:07:27]:
Because it's not worth it, man.
Eldar [01:07:29]:
You want to live?
Harris [01:07:29]:
I want to live. I want to live. I want to enjoy life.
Eldar [01:07:33]:
Harris [01:07:33]:
I don't want anything holding me back.
Eldar [01:07:35]:
Harris [01:07:36]:
I want to experience that cliff dive again, man.
Toliy [01:07:39]:
I like it.
Harris [01:07:40]:
And I think every fear. If you face that fear, you'll experience that. That adrenaline rush that.
Mike [01:07:45]:
Toliy [01:07:45]:
Why weren't you fearful when you were eating those five sushi rolls? Why aren't you afraid of that?
Harris [01:07:51]:
You're really focused on the wrong thing. On the wrong thing, man.
Mike [01:07:56]:
You have to madly revalue his position in the cabinet.
Eldar [01:07:58]:
Mike [01:07:59]:
What the.
Harris [01:07:59]:
He's very defense.
Eldar [01:08:01]:
He's on thin ice, Right?
Harris [01:08:01]:
You know what? He's on thin Ice, you took a long time to even think about going up against the mayor, you know what I'm saying? That how, how am I gonna, you know, allow you to face other countries, man? If you, if you're afraid, man.
Eldar [01:08:16]:
Harris [01:08:16]:
I might have to put Eldar in there. He might have to put him in their place, man. He might have to take your position on Secretary of Defense, man.
Eldar [01:08:22]:
I can stop in once in a while. If he doesn't want to do it, I'll sub in.
Harris [01:08:26]:
I don't think he can do it. You see this guy?
Mike [01:08:28]:
Harris [01:08:28]:
This is gonna be the face of our military, man.
Eldar [01:08:30]:
Give him a chance. 25 years. Think about.
Harris [01:08:33]:
Toliy [01:08:33]:
What the hell, man? Why don't you give him. Give me a chance to develop.
Eldar [01:08:36]:
Yeah. There's going to be tumbling. We all going to be tumbling in the same barrel for 25 years so we can be ready.
Harris [01:08:43]:
He's thinking about. He's going to be blowing people up, man. You ain't going to be doing that.
Toliy [01:08:47]:
No, man, I'm going to be just.
Eldar [01:08:49]:
Oh, you're going to.
Harris [01:08:50]:
Toliy [01:08:51]:
I'm going to be just.
Harris [01:08:52]:
What do you mean just?
Toliy [01:08:53]:
Just justice.
Eldar [01:08:54]:
Who's going to be right? He's going to do the right thing.
Harris [01:08:59]:
Got to have huevos, you understand?
Eldar [01:09:01]:
I hear you.
Harris [01:09:02]:
You got to be telling people like, listen, either you pull your military back or gonna bomb the fuck out of you.
Eldar [01:09:10]:
Harris [01:09:10]:
You understand?
Toliy [01:09:12]:
I understand.
Harris [01:09:13]:
Because there's a lot of her.
Mike [01:09:14]:
Is you gonna rule with an iron fist or.
Eldar [01:09:16]:
No, he's gonna walk slowly and carry a long stick.
Toliy [01:09:20]:
Oh, my God.
Harris [01:09:22]:
What the. Is that me?
Eldar [01:09:24]:
Speak softly but carry a big stick.
Harris [01:09:27]:
Your boy says you've heard of this before now.
Eldar [01:09:30]:
Have you heard of this before?
Harris [01:09:31]:
Eldar [01:09:31]:
No. Google it. No.
Harris [01:09:33]:
Basically, I'll be fair.
Eldar [01:09:35]:
Harris [01:09:35]:
If anybody had stuff with us. It's just what you got to do, man.
Eldar [01:09:38]:
Yeah. Behead them.
Harris [01:09:40]:
Eldar [01:09:41]:
Harris [01:09:42]:
Talk about other countries, man. We got a lot of enemies.
Eldar [01:09:44]:
We could be had the whole country.
Harris [01:09:46]:
We're not getting rid of the whole country.
Eldar [01:09:48]:
I'll behead them.
Harris [01:09:49]:
What's wrong with you?
Eldar [01:09:50]:
Listen, we're not gonna get rid of them.
Mike [01:09:52]:
Just behead them.
Eldar [01:09:52]:
Yes. We'll keep the heads.
Harris [01:09:57]:
I want Kim Jong Un's head on my desk, man.
Eldar [01:09:59]:
Mike [01:10:00]:
Eldar [01:10:00]:
What are your final thoughts on fear? I'm tired.
Mike [01:10:03]:
Eldar [01:10:04]:
Harris [01:10:07]:
Someone's getting good rest tonight.
Mike [01:10:08]:
Yeah, I mean, it's, it's. It's an interesting topic for sure.
Eldar [01:10:14]:
Mike [01:10:14]:
But it could be very like, debilitating thing to live with fear and being Fearful of things, you know? But one thing that, you know comes to mind, I guess, in. In fear. And like, my recent experience with fear is if you want to break that fear, I think it's important to get an understanding of the situation, of what's actually happening.
Eldar [01:10:44]:
Mike [01:10:45]:
You know?
Eldar [01:10:45]:
Mike [01:10:46]:
And exactly.
Harris [01:10:48]:
Isn't that what I just said?
Eldar [01:10:49]:
Mike [01:10:50]:
Did you.
Harris [01:10:51]:
Mike [01:10:51]:
You didn't speak English?
Harris [01:10:52]:
I said you have to face. You have to figure out why you fear it, man. That's basically what you're. Get the fuck out of here.
Mike [01:10:58]:
No, that's not. That's not what I'm saying.
Harris [01:11:00]:
And I don't think you could talk on this. You haven't faced your fucking fear.
Mike [01:11:06]:
You're talking about old bullshit, man. I'm not talking about digging in history books.
Eldar [01:11:10]:
Oh, my God.
Mike [01:11:10]:
I'm talking about seeing what's actually happening. It's like all.
Harris [01:11:13]:
So what's happening, Mike?
Mike [01:11:14]:
What's happening is that if you're scared of another person, that person is just a person, just like you, and you shouldn't be scared of them because they're also human.
Harris [01:11:21]:
So why are you scared of them, Mike?
Mike [01:11:23]:
Yo, listen, Judge Judy, calm down.
Harris [01:11:25]:
I'm just saying, man, you're talking this nonsense, but you haven't faced your fear.
Mike [01:11:31]:
That I don't have the understanding, you know, of. And seeing things from what they are is that that is another person. And there is nothing wrong. If they don't like me, I don't have to be liked by everybody, or.
Harris [01:11:40]:
I think you need to go back to Bermuda and practice on the goddess.
Mike [01:11:45]:
The goddess is gonna like me no matter what.
Eldar [01:11:47]:
I thought he said you have to go back to prison.
Harris [01:11:50]:
What the fuck? What is that gonna do, bro? No, you need to go. Maybe go back to Russia, you know?
Eldar [01:11:56]:
Mike [01:11:56]:
Harris [01:11:57]:
Visit the girlies.
Mike [01:11:58]:
Russia is not necessary. Yeah, yeah. So seeing. Seeing the situation for what it is.
Eldar [01:12:04]:
Mike [01:12:04]:
But also, like, I had certain fears. Like, you know, when I was making changes in my life, and I was fearful of implementing them and interacting with people.
Eldar [01:12:12]:
Mike [01:12:12]:
Fearful of making a mistake, but slowing down. Same thing for what it is. And also being in control of your own self and not overthinking it. Knowing the situation, what's happening, why you're doing it.
Eldar [01:12:24]:
Mike [01:12:25]:
What you're trying to achieve, it helps to dispel the fear. And I think we have a good cause that we're trying to get behind. And we have.
Eldar [01:12:33]:
Well, we have manpower number one. Right. We have. We're gonna. We're gonna pull in people and we're gonna. We're gonna take. We're gonna put time on our side. We're gonna take patience on our side.
Eldar [01:12:39]:
We're gonna put fun on our side. Right?
Mike [01:12:40]:
Eldar [01:12:41]:
Those are the things that are going to be fun. Yeah. You know what I mean? And we're gonna take it deep.
Mike [01:12:45]:
Eldar [01:12:45]:
If we have to.
Mike [01:12:46]:
If we have to.
Eldar [01:12:46]:
Yeah. I'm not afraid of that.
Mike [01:12:48]:
Eldar [01:12:48]:
That's it.
Harris [01:12:49]:
Face your fear.
Eldar [01:12:51]:
Yeah, totally. Put a cap on it. What's your. What's your final thoughts on fear?
Toliy [01:12:56]:
Unfair. I think it's super necessary because I feel like if you acknowledge fear, it puts you in a position where. Where you at least acknowledge that you have a choice to make.
Eldar [01:13:12]:
Toliy [01:13:12]:
You know?
Eldar [01:13:13]:
Yeah. And you made a choice today. Yeah. Yeah. You were definitely feeling that.
Toliy [01:13:17]:
Yeah, yeah.
Mike [01:13:18]:
Toliy [01:13:19]:
I think it gives you an opportunity, you know, And I think that's all you can ask for, an opportunity.
Mike [01:13:24]:
It's an opportunity to educate yourself.
Eldar [01:13:26]:
Right. Yeah. Remember?
Harris [01:13:27]:
Totally. You're in. You can't pull out.
Eldar [01:13:30]:
Yeah. Say it again. Totally. Sorry.
Toliy [01:13:32]:
No, no. It gives you an opportunity to do what you need to do.
Eldar [01:13:38]:
To dispel the fear.
Toliy [01:13:40]:
Yeah. Yeah. To dispel the fear. And I think that that's all you can ask for. Everything else is, like. Is on you from there. Once you have an acknowledged opportunity. Yeah, But I think that what's.
Toliy [01:13:53]:
That's also a big issue. Many people have, like, opportunities that are not acknowledged, that just kind of, you know, pass by. Pass by them, and they never like, make their mark on the. On. On, like, the world, you know?
Eldar [01:14:12]:
Yeah. And I think that's. It's a very good point that you say that. And I think that if we're gonna afraid. Be afraid of something. Right. We have to probably be afraid of that.
Mike [01:14:21]:
What you're not doing.
Eldar [01:14:23]:
Mike [01:14:23]:
Eldar [01:14:24]:
Mike [01:14:24]:
Especially the right thing.
Eldar [01:14:26]:
Yeah. Yeah.
Mike [01:14:27]:
So you heard?
Harris [01:14:28]:
I heard.
Mike [01:14:29]:
All right, man. So go take down Christie's mom.
Harris [01:14:32]:
So. Totally. I just want to stay. You locked it in, bro. Okay. You locked it in. There's no backing out now.
Eldar [01:14:40]:
Toliy [01:14:41]:
Yeah. Like, in. In those. Like, I, like, I. I mean, I don't want to die in the process.
Eldar [01:14:48]:
Me neither.
Mike [01:14:48]:
No, no.
Harris [01:14:50]:
You're willing to, like.
Toliy [01:14:51]:
Yeah, I definitely went through the whole process, like, okay, I'm gonna move. Like.
Eldar [01:14:55]:
Like, yeah.
Toliy [01:14:55]:
Like, have everything that was required.
Eldar [01:14:57]:
Toliy [01:14:58]:
If needed.
Eldar [01:14:58]:
If needed. Yeah.
Toliy [01:14:59]:
Yeah, yeah.
Eldar [01:15:00]:
Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah.
Harris [01:15:02]:
You're gonna move. We're gonna burn down the house. It's gonna be perfect. I.
Toliy [01:15:06]:
The property values up, like, 35%.
Harris [01:15:10]:
You don't even got to wait for a sale.
Eldar [01:15:11]:
There you go.
Toliy [01:15:12]:
It's an estimate of, like, 8, 819.
Eldar [01:15:14]:
Like, what are we afraid of, Right? Like what? Right? We can do all that.
Harris [01:15:18]:
Make over 200,000 on your house.
Eldar [01:15:19]:
Understand? We can do all that.
Mike [01:15:20]:
Eldar [01:15:21]:
And we'll have fun doing it.
Mike [01:15:22]:
Eldar [01:15:23]:
And that is the most important thing.
Harris [01:15:24]:
You got to make the T shirts, man.
Eldar [01:15:27]:
I am.
Harris [01:15:28]:
You know, I got to go in there. Signified, man.
Eldar [01:15:31]:
Sounds good. All right, guys. Thank you, guys. This was great. Awesome.