Dennis Rox

153. Overcoming Memory Lapses and Daily Stress for Success

Eldar, Mike, Toliy, Harris, Joe, Oleg, Serge Episode 153

What is the link between daily stress at home and memory lapses during training? 

In this episode, the hosts and guests delve deep into the challenges faced by Harris, a struggling salesman, who grapples with work pressures and external stressors. They discuss how his home environment affects his ability to retain and apply critical feedback in sales, and explore concepts like mental resilience, life's tests, and effective communication strategies. The conversation also veers into humorous anecdotes, exemplifying the bond and support system among the team. As they tackle Harris's journey toward improvement, the dialogue is both insightful and entertaining, shedding light on the struggles and potential solutions for personal and professional growth.


[00:00:00] Harris: On this week's episode. So basically my dad doesn't believe I can be a good salesman because supposedly salesmen don't have souls. 

[00:00:12] Oleg: Is your inability to like efficiently understand these training critiques or whatever really linked to turbulence at home? Cause for me, it's a little bit like an excuse.

[00:00:25] Joe: You're walking and kicking the door down and you think. The Queen wants to have tea with you. It's not going to work that way. I'm going to announce it that Harris 

[00:00:32] Eldar: is going to be running for president in 2020. I think 

[00:00:34] Harris: everyone knows that, okay? They've been listening to the podcast.

[00:00:42] Eldar: Tonight's topic is on memory, okay? At least for the phenomena that we're experiencing right now with Harris, me, and Toli, right? Is that we're finding that A lot of times we just have to keep reminding him of the same thing. And why is that? I think the reason for that is because he's constantly almost having memory lapses.

Of knowledge or understanding wisdom, truth, whatever it is, our perspective, you know, we're constantly telling them about our perspectives and some guidance that we're giving them in sales or personal life or whatever it is, right? And he keeps coming back and keeps forgetting, you know, the phenomenon of you can have a philosophy bubble like this one on Fridays and you can really tune in for the moment, right?

And you can definitely elevate or heighten your senses. When it comes to reason, thinking, and everything else, logic, right? But oftentimes, when we leave, and we go experience the world the way we experience it, and we apply ourselves upon the world, right? What happens is a very interesting phenomenon, to me at least, all the time, right?

Um, Dennis called it the philo bubble, right? Totally can talk all this shit, this crazy, philosophical, like, stuff that's like, makes a lot of good sense. But then he can't apply it to his life. And obviously with Harris right now, we're seeing a very serious or black and white, almost a contrast between having the ability to sit him down, talk to him and still certain understandings right in the moment.

And he's like, yes, I'm in, I understand. And, you know, I understand your intentions and everything's right. But as soon as he walks out and goes, lives his life and comes back or sleeps on it, right. He returns. A different man every single time, right? He he goes back with the rebuttals with doubts, right? Um and almost it's it's a fight Right and the fight always the fight is always the same thing We're trying to remind him of I don't even know what to call it.

Totally. What are we trying to remind them of? um of himself of his soul of his Innate understanding his priori as they call it.

[00:03:05] Toliy: Oh Yeah, i'm not sure if we're trying to remind him of of of anything 

[00:03:11] Eldar: Really? Yeah, I always feel like we're trying to remind him that like we are on his side and we wish him the best well, 

[00:03:17] Toliy: yeah that that that yeah, but i'm saying that like you can remind him of that but Like, I feel like those specific, uh, learnings that you 

[00:03:26] Eldar: need.

I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to, uh, cut you off totally for one second. Okay. I promised something and I completely forgot because maybe I'm a little bit tipsy. But I have to do it. Bad memory maybe.

Does everybody hear him or no? I hear the phone ringing. 

[00:03:43] Joe (2): Hello? 

[00:03:44] Eldar: Hey Joe. 

[00:03:45] Joe (2): Joe, 

[00:03:45] Eldar: can you hear us? 

[00:03:47] Joe (2): Oh, I can hear you. Can you hear me? 

[00:03:50] Eldar: Yeah, we can hear you Joe. 

[00:03:53] Joe (2): What's up, Mike, Joe? 

[00:03:55] Eldar: Oh, everybody hears him. Good. What's going on? Your cousin can't hear. Well, cousin doesn't speak English anyway, so it's okay. , 

[00:04:01] Joe: what's got, we got El Joe, Mike.

Paris, totally. 

[00:04:06] Eldar: Totally, yeah. And Oleg. He's being a quiet little man. Yeah. How far are you? 

[00:04:13] Joe: Uh, 33 minutes. 

[00:04:15] Eldar: Alright, sounds good. So, Joe, mostly, uh, just, you can just listen, okay, for now. You don't have a voice. When you come here, that's when you're going to have a voice. Okay? At least try to. For very specific reasons.

You'll know why when you get here. Alright. Uh, Joe, our topic today is on memory. Right. And one of the example, the reason why I chose this topic is a lot of times, at least what we're experiencing right now, when we're trying to train Harris and bring Harris up to speed with things about life or things about sales, right?

Uh, we constantly need to remind him of what we're, what we're talking about. Right? Um, we experiencing moments where Harris is completely in tune, is completely receptive and an ingredients of what we're talking about our logic, right? But a lot of times he'll go out into life, right? You know, goes to bed, comes back and then he completely forgets what we're talking about.

So I almost feel like it's a memory issue where we at least trying to help Paris almost recollect the knowledge that we're trying to instill in him or the knowledge that he already has in him. Right? Um, But we almost have to reassure him or convince him. Yeah, right. Totally. So help me out with what i'm trying to say in regards to What what is it that we're trying to do?

[00:05:32] Toliy: Yeah, I feel like there is there's like a a multi step, uh reminder process here that I think that we're we're doing But so one, one of the things like on the outside is that, um, we have to remind them that we're, we're like good and not bad almost right? Because oftentimes, like in, in, in those moments where you have to remind to begin with the other person things that like you're bad.

Right. So you have to first say like, Hey, well, we're trying to do is help and this is not a bad thing. What's going on is not. 

[00:06:08] Mike: Do you think that he actually perceives you as bad or? Yes. Yeah. 

[00:06:12] Toliy: In the moment, the way that the person acts, they, they're not perceiving you as like something of help. Like they're, they're, they're perceiving you as someone who, uh, who's like attacking everything that They know, like, being like, I don't know, mean, right, um, 

[00:06:28] Mike: making them feel dumb.

Is there like a distinction between Harris and Harris ego? I mean, obviously I know it's the same person and everything, but that's like, uh, he's using a different part of his brain. Or not using that part of his brain. Well, yeah, 

[00:06:42] Toliy: like, it can be separated, but if it's impacting him as to, like, who he is, then I think it should be combined, you know?

Um, because it's not like, okay, just Harris's ego is getting impacted here. Like, no, I think Harris as a person is getting impacted by those, uh, scenarios, even if it is his ego, which is part of him, that's like contributing here. Right. So yeah, I think that that's like the one step, but like, as far as like, um, um, I, I, I think it takes a while for most people at least to actually have the ability to pay attention to like, listen properly.

And then to download that kind of information for that, for it to be something that they now have in their brain and they can independently practice or even, or even try not even like mastering it. Right. But like trying it, right? Like if we're talking about like sales calls, like, okay, okay. Like hearing an objection and then feeling the need to, uh, And not allowing the conversation to move forward until it's like, uh, um, addressed.

Right. Yeah. So like that, that, that, like, if you agree with someone who was like teaching you that are showing you that, and then you understand it. 

[00:08:01] Eldar: Yeah. 

[00:08:01] Toliy: Right. Then you can independently be like, wait. I hear an objection, I need to address it, and I can't move past it, because like, I agree that the rest of the conversation will not be nearly as good, and my control of the conversation will not be there if I don't address it.

That's right. Could I, 

[00:08:19] Oleg: could I, this is like lag, but can I clarify the topic? Like, I just want to understand what the fuck is going on. Um, wait, can I, can I see if I understand it? Yeah, it seems like you're talking about the same memory, but what you're saying, well, what you started off saying sounded kind of like, well, how come people say one thing and are all excited about it, but then don't follow up and keep doing that.

So, but now it sounds like you're talking about a little bit of a separate thing when you have a conversation with Harris and he's like, okay, these guys kind of have my. Best interest at heart and he's receptive to you, but then some time passes and he gets resistant to you. Well, 

[00:08:58] Toliy: well, well, no, like what, what we're talking about are like, in like our instances where like, if someone is trying to like, learn something or for example, like, let's say you were to ask for help on something and we're like, okay, well, like, why don't you explain to us as an example?

Absolutely. Well, we'll focus on him. Yeah. So for example, if he's trying to like, Let's just say, um, help me get my life on track, for example, whatever it is, get good at sales, for example. And you're like, I got you. Yeah. And then if, if, if, if you employ people to, to help you learn that, right, then, um, there's going to be moments where criticism happens, right?

And oftentimes that criticism feels like judgment. Right. And then when you feel judged, um, a lot of people have an automatic reaction to like act a particular way and oftentimes the person was actually trying to help you and trying to like, maybe point out some of the wrong things and then like discuss them.

You could view that person as now a bad person like first, right? Because, like, what they're doing is, like, they're criticizing, they're, they're, like, talking about your mistakes, right, like, they're, like, um, they're pointing out stuff that you're bad at, right, they're, like, seeing where you're weak, um, but ultimately, they're trying to help you, but lots of times, if you're the one that's being helped, there's plenty of times and, like, moments where you're doing, like, wrong and dumb shit along the way.

Right? So when those things are pointed out, you feel an attack on you automatically versus an excitement of like, Oh, wait, this is an awesome opportunity because someone can break down every single word I say in every single situation and actually find like what I'm doing wrong and help me understand it so that I can then do right, for example, or maybe then I can understand these types of moments.

Right? But most people will view these as like a attack on them. Right? And in the moment of that attack, like you go into self defense mode, you start making excuses or you start like, um, figuring out ways to like put blame on somebody else or like give an excuse. Right? So that's like an automatic reaction for a lot of people in those types of situations.

So when they happen, you almost have to remind the person like, hey. Oh, like, I'm not bad. We're not bad. We're on your side. We're trying to help you. Right. Or Harris, we're trying to help you. We're right, like you raised your hand, you wanted to do this. Mm-hmm . You agreed with this. Right. So that's the reminder.

Yeah. Like you have to like, yeah. Convince the other person that like, Hey, I know we're talking about stuff that you're bad at, but just because we're talking about it, it doesn't mean that like we're judging you in some kind of way or making some kind of like, uh, conclusions. Like Albert and I know, but No, but we are.

No. Well, well we are, but we are. But, but, but like. We know that Harris is bad at sales, like we know this, right? Like there's, there's, there's no like covering up of it, right? So it's like, it's like trying to hide from somebody where you don't need to hide. Like, like this is understood in like plain English, right?

So if that's the case, we're obviously here to like help. But in the moment, the person views you as a bad person in those moments up until you give them particular reasons. And then like, they can't like, 

[00:12:13] Eldar: we use a lot anymore, right? I have a perfect example. Harris. Oleg is having a really hard time understanding what Tole is saying.

Can you explain to him in plain English what Tole is saying. Talk about 

the car Ha ha 

[00:12:26] Harris: ha ha ha ha ha You're using the example as a car review, correct? Yes. 

I don't understand his accent. What? You gotta 

[00:12:35] Harris: put the, you gotta put the headphones on, do you understand? Yeah. 

[00:12:39] Mike: Hey man, if anybody 

got an 

[00:12:41] Harris: accent, it's you man.

When I hear Harris speaking, I just feel like 

I might get like my documents taken away or whatever. So it makes me a little nervous. Joe? 

[00:12:52] Harris: Harris don't don't don't get shy chat USA, baby. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, America great again, man Yeah, 

I'm saying like I feel a little bit violent. All right, Harris hit him with it 

[00:13:02] Harris: So the call review today, let's use that as an example, right?

I fumbled the call like Something that could have been easy Yeah, something I know now, but when we're reviewing the calls, right, there's a lot of pressure. I feel a lot of pressure. Why?

I don't know. I, it's probably as totally pointed out, you treat it as one of your most hated parts of the week. Well, well, like, right. There's a lot of pressure. Everyone's focused on you, uh, Harris, just so I don't lose you here. I had calls, sales calls. So we're, we forgot recording. Yeah, we can record them on the quality assurance.

Yeah. And then you guys were reviewing them. Every Friday, we go over the calls. And you get defensive. I get defensive because it's like, here, here's what you did wrong. Yeah. This is it. You know, and I go into defensive mode. Is Noah, like, kidding you? Like, you fucking retarded? No. 

[00:13:57] Eldar: Are you kidding me? 

[00:13:58] Harris: No, 

[00:13:59] Eldar: you know this.

This sounds like Letter 

[00:13:59] Mike: Friends 

[00:14:00] Eldar: style a little bit. 

[00:14:01] Joe (2): Whoa! 

[00:14:03] Harris: You got an opinion of 

[00:14:04] Mike: Yeah, but Oleg is a very sensitive boy. Okay. But 

[00:14:08] Harris: no, it's more like, you know, the spotlight's on you, the pressure's on you, you know, so sometimes you feel a type of way, you know, like, there's a lot of pressure, uh, you're feeling defensive, 

[00:14:18] Oleg: you know.

So what is it, like, totally said, hey, you hear how you said this to this guy? Why didn't you say this? Yeah, 

[00:14:23] Harris: but you know, it's more like, uh, 

[00:14:25] Oleg: yeah, 

[00:14:26] Harris: uh, that is Pretty easy stuff, right? Let's talk about this, like you fumbled that, that should have been like this. There's a lot of pressure on you and I take when there's the pressure, I don't do good with under pressure shit.

I think there's an approach 

[00:14:43] Oleg: to everyone, like Eldar is going to say maybe it's PC or whatever, but I think it's just like, for example, I'm not very good, I don't know, in basketball. I have, um, sorry, we, when we used to like play around, whatever I have one friend, if I would play. He was just like, yeah, he's trying to help me better, but it's like just super criticism that you can't even relax.

Like, yo, you fucking suck, you know, whatever. Oh, but that's not what's happening. Well, I mean, whatever, that kind of No, that's a terrible example. And then I have a friend who's just like, super friendly and neutral. And like, you're like, you don't feel attacked because you see this guy's actually Yeah.

Whatever, you know trying to help you. So I I don't see how someone would get the fat I mean, there's people that get crazy defensive about everything. Yeah, but like Right when this 

[00:15:30] Harris: I've always been this way when there's spotlight. I don't do good. I guess you could say in the spotlight yeah, 

[00:15:35] Toliy: but but but it's like When someone went when when like you asked for help on something or you're trying to improve on something if you're not good at it There's naturally going to be a lot of things that you're not good at, right?

But if you're, like, on an actual quest, like, like, actually, right, to get, like, better at something, then part of that will be to, like, be able to field criticism, and then have it be, like, like, explained, right? Because like, there's going to be a pointing out of bad, and if you're bad at something, the volume of that, right, is going to be like, very high, right?

Like, if you're an expert at something, and there's maybe, you know, an even higher expert, right? Or someone else, they might be pointing out like very small things. Oh, like you need to get a little louder here or you need to do this a little better, but it's very minor things. Right. And those are usually not things that would trigger E um, ego [00:16:40] like, like to like happen.

Right. But if you're very bad at something, your ego is going to get triggered every like few seconds. 

[00:16:47] Oleg: It's not even like you're make not mocking him or raising your voice. I'm saying like, like this. No, no, but I'm saying even if you are, it's not that aspect you're talking about specifically, or sometimes it's the characteristics of an individual.

He's almost like, I don't know how to say in English. It's like yourself, like, like it's like, it's like, why are you bullying me? Not bullying? It's like, why are you, why are you nitpick Nit, yeah, why you nitpick. Like it feels like you're nitpicking, but actually those details make the call, 

[00:17:12] Toliy: for example. Yes, but for example, like if you feel like it's being like a nitpicked, it's like you in that moment, for example, the person who's learning, you're making a judgment call that someone is nitpicking, but there's a lot of minor details that are very important.

Then once you actually get. Better at something right then you also value those minor details because like I think Naturally in like any skill and anything that you could think of the usually the people who are bad bad in it They don't value the minor details in it Right and then usually the masters are all about the minor details and they will always say that and people people like does this stuff Really even like matter Right?

Like it's so small, but a lot of those small things add up to very important things, but the ignorant person in the moment is making a judgment call like, yo, why are you nitpicking? Or like, yeah, this is that might be a key thing, right? Who the, like, who the fuck are you? So I had 

[00:18:09] Oleg: to say those kind of, is that kind of what's going on?

But you also 

[00:18:12] Harris: have to understand at the same time they're doing it. I kick myself in the ass. When I feel it's a bad call. So when they go into it, I also feel some type of way because you see, so he has already, he already labeled the call back. Now I have to go over it again and relive 

[00:18:29] Toliy: what we also tell him many, many times that, that like you are not allowed to punish yourself for these things.

Right? Because like, you cannot yet govern yourself in like a proper way to like administer punishment. Right. . Yeah. Britney Spears. I get it. Yeah. And, and and conservatorship. Yeah. Do that. Right. Yeah. So like, because like the way that he could be punishing himself could not be the proper punishment that is actually like, uh, needed for those things.

[00:18:58] Oleg: Isn't 

[00:18:59] Toliy: punishment not a helpful tool for learning? Exactly. 

[00:19:02] Oleg: Yeah. 

[00:19:03] Harris: Exactly. They don't issue punishments. I punish myself. Exactly. And that's why, 

[00:19:07] Eldar: and because of that, he's actually 

[00:19:08] Harris: not being receptive. No, like, if I have a bad call, like, in a day, that call would probably last in my mind for, like, fucking hours.

Like, I keep beating myself up about it. Yeah. 

[00:19:20] Eldar: We're telling him that you're actually holding us away from being able to help you because of what you're doing. 

[00:19:25] Oleg: Yeah. 

[00:19:26] Eldar: Yeah. If you're 

[00:19:27] Toliy: punishing yourself on something, you don't have the ability, like, like, you will get extremely offended when, like, in the process of, like, trying to be, I guess, like, taught or, like, to, like, learn, like, it'll be very difficult to learn something if you're already being.

Yourself up because now you will feel a particular type of way towards that scenario where we're like, yo You're like you should not be admonishing Punishment to yourself, right? You get like stuck on 

[00:19:56] Oleg: it and you 

[00:19:56] Toliy: almost set 

[00:19:56] Oleg: yourself up to fail Yeah, it's always but you're going through like a practical here's let's let's fucking figure out how to do this better in this way I fucked 

[00:20:04] Harris: up on something.

Yeah, I kicked myself in the ass for hours at a time and it laughs Anything else? But the situation, but do 

[00:20:12] Eldar: you understand that our argument, Harris, is that you might be beating yourself up for the wrong thing in the first place that you might be missing something. There's some things that you can beat yourself up over, but a lot of times you might be mislabeling them completely.

[00:20:27] Toliy: Yeah, that's what I was saying. Is that like, like, if you're going to punish yourself or get frustrated with yourself, you have to have the right measurement tools as to like. What to actually get frustrated on because like you could be upset at doing X Y Z But like you actually did something completely different.

Mm hmm that like you like you're misreading the situation completely 

[00:20:49] Harris: like I know like Totally keep saying that you're not supposed to punish yourself you should take it as a learning opportunity and fucking learn from the problem, but It's something that I'm having a hard time to 

[00:21:01] Eldar: getting over, and that is why what I'm saying that this conversation is about is about memory.

We're trying to constantly remind him of this phenomenon that we're talking about. Hey, like, you gotta take it easier on yourself so you can open up your mind a little bit and understand the reasoning behind what we're talking about. 

[00:21:18] Toliy: Yeah, I'd like for Harris to bring up one time where he got. Punished.

[00:21:22] Eldar: Yeah. 

[00:21:23] Toliy: Yeah, it would be easier maybe than I've never got punished unless I bet 

[00:21:26] Harris: something and then I lose it. We've never 

[00:21:28] Toliy: punished him. Yeah for doing these things or saying that like this is what's supposed to happen yet He constantly makes these punishments for himself. Yes. I like we're saying like Oh Harris You said I like you fucking dumbass, right?

Like why did you say it that way, right? Like, like, like no one's talking to him in that kind of way. I punish myself 

[00:21:47] Harris: and when it's brought up, I relive the fucking thing. Yeah, 

[00:21:49] Toliy: I have a 

[00:21:50] Harris: I get frustrated. You understand what I'm talking about? I understand what you're talking about. 

[00:21:53] Mike: Okay. So, uh, I was listening to you guys and I think exactly what's happening, the way you're describing it, is actually supposed to happen.

It's supposed to be a memory thing. He's not supposed to remember. Why not? This is the test of life Giving you the survival of the fittest. How? Okay, the way I deduced it is. Okay, explain. Harris comes here, and he does what he does. Yeah, and you have these powwows where he's learning something, right? And then he goes home, and he gets thrown a bunch of dirty laundry on top of him, 24 7, right outside of this.

Okay, and some of it he's throwing himself, some of it his dad. Yeah, other people throwing it, right? And philosophy Thinking is out the window. And, 

[00:22:33] Toliy: and he sometimes he, he eats a dirty laundry juice soup, right? No, Mike is Mike socks. Hold on one 

[00:22:38] Mike: second. Hold on one second. And what happens is, yeah, he forgets about those things because real life Yes.

Other stuff, the applic is overwhelming. Yes. An application of this cannot be outside. Well, that's for sure, because it's too overwhelming. Okay. And the reason why he's going through this memory. Mm-hmm . Is the test if he's actually about this life, you have to tell you that he's evicted from the house. So what's happening is right.

He has an opportunity to come back every day and be a fool. Yeah, and it's an opportunity to see how long can you last it? Yeah, until you break what until you break and then when you break Is when you actually don't break, is when you actually become full. That's when you actually say, you know what, I'm committing myself to a life of philosophy.

[00:23:18] Eldar: Yeah. 

[00:23:18] Mike: To actually living and thinking. Okay. That's 

[00:23:21] Eldar: what the memory problem is. That is a very good point. Harris, do you have any questions for Mike right now? Yeah, he just gave you the path to victory. And if I was you, and if I were really paying attention, I would love to find out. At least one question.

How do I get my dad out of 

[00:23:41] Harris: the house? How do I get my dad out of the house? I don't know 

[00:23:46] Mike: how you linked that to sales. Part of it could be the part of getting your dad out of the house. But the part of, the main part is 

[00:23:53] Eldar: Getting your dad out of the house is a metaphor. Like 

[00:23:56] Harris: out 

[00:23:56] Eldar: of his 

[00:23:56] Harris: head? So basically, To brief Oleg here, A lot of my stress It comes from outside the place.

[00:24:06] Toliy: Outside of what place? Outside of Butterfriend. 

[00:24:10] Harris: It's my dad. It's my entire, basically, family. Uh, they cause most of my stress, I guess you could say. Whether it be my dad, whether it be my brothers, whether it be Uh, so he thinks, 

[00:24:27] Toliy: yeah, 

[00:24:28] Harris: well, they do cause most of my stress. This, my work is actually considered, uh, but what do we call it?

My getaway, my safe space. Oh my God. 

[00:24:37] Mike: Yeah. I see it. It's like, um, the way, the way I envisioned this is he comes here. Right. And he leaves here with an empty laundry basket. Okay. And then he, right when he gets outside, he just got a bunch of laundry, dirty, smelly laundry on top of him. Okay. And, and then you want to have a conversation with him, but he's like, bro, everything's muffled.

I can't hear shit. And then he comes back the next day and he still has a laundry on his head. He can't hear anything. He can't understand anything. He just covered with garbage. Wait, but you're going over these calls sometime into the workday when you're no, no, but this is not, this is not just about the cause.

This is about in general, why people, why this memory problem exists of people not keeping the same energy. Because they're too overwhelmed with everything that's going on, they don't know how to deal with it. But, this thing actually serves a tremendous purpose to me, the way I see it. Yeah, I It's gonna test Actually, if you're about this philosophy The only way 

[00:25:32] Eldar: Everything that you just said, I already pictured it, and this is gonna work out.

If this happens. Okay, you want me to predict your future right now? 

[00:25:39] Harris: My dad's gonna move in with his girlfriend I'm about to do the thing And then I get the house. 

[00:25:42] Eldar: No, no, I'm gonna do the thing for you right now if you want. I'm gonna read the leaflet. When you have the ability to bridge the gap between work and personal and home life where you can have consistency of character.

Of who you are here, right, in the outside world, then you will be finally full, okay, and your memory, you won't have any more memory lapses. Yes or no? 

[00:26:03] Toliy: Yeah. 

[00:26:05] Eldar: So That's like meditation practice. Oh, thank you. So I could try 

[00:26:08] Harris: to convince my dad to move in with his girlfriend, and then I have No, no, no. Well, ultimately what it is, is 

[00:26:12] Eldar: that you have an ability Right.

To stand up to your dad in such a way where it doesn't cause conflict, right? It doesn't cause conflict. It causes, um, understanding where both you people right in that moment, understand where you both stand and there is no barking back and forth. Like you currently have right as soon as you come in that you don't even want to come in the house You say you say you're waiting you're driving around A 

[00:26:37] Harris: lot of days I actually Drive around and stay out until my dad heads up to his room to start resting So I because my dad my dad talks about the same things every day eldar.

No, but 

[00:26:52] Toliy: no No, but I think that None of these scenarios of stress have anything to do with your dad or with, with your mom. Like, like it has nothing to do with them. They're going to be them. Well, yeah, I see your ability to perceive it and probably respond to it. Yeah, like you don't have the ability to properly talk with your dad, but I No, I've tried, man.

I've tried. Well, you've tried what you currently know. Right. You see, you're pretty limited how You're saying 

[00:27:17] Oleg: basically, like, to be able to do the correct quote unquote actions or ones that improve Of how you feel in life. You have to almost like embody a mentality, but you have to practice in life, mentality life.

Have you listened to the podcast? Yes. So it sounds like meditation, hold on, hold on, hold. What people try to do with meditation, right? They sit there in those thoughts and then you're sitting by push away yourself. Sitting by 

[00:27:39] Eldar: yourself in a alone, in the dark room is very, uh, level one basic phenomenon. You know what I mean?

Taking the knowledge and understanding and practicing in real life. That is 

[00:27:49] Oleg: practice. That's why people do. No, no, no. I think without music, without guidance and shit for sure. And you're sitting with those thoughts, let's say you just got bullied and you're sitting in the room and you're doing that and you learn to dissipate the thoughts instead of push them away.

Yeah. And then next time you can actually watch this happen and not latch onto it. I don't know. This is such. Like, this is one of the hardest things in life in general, so. Well, it's To give Oleg a little light What do you think the fuck we're doing here, 

[00:28:14] Harris: man? 

[00:28:15] Eldar: To give 

[00:28:15] Harris: Oleg 

[00:28:15] Eldar: a little light We're doing algebra over here?

Basic math? The fuck, yeah. To give Oleg a little light. Yeah, give him help him out a little, please. My dad He hasn't 

[00:28:23] Harris: been around for a while. Is on my case about a lot of shit. Don't be yelling at him. My dad is on my case for a lot of shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 

[00:28:30] Oleg: So most of your being a bad kid, no, 

[00:28:33] Harris: there's nothing 

[00:28:34] Eldar: to do with being a kid.


[00:28:35] Oleg: just playing 

[00:28:36] Eldar: my dad. Can you tell them about the sock though? Phenomenon before you get to see if you can take it seriously. Come on, please. 

[00:28:42] Harris: All right. So my dad, anytime I jerk it the first night I moved back. Okay. My dad has a tendency to just walk in the room when my door is shut. Yeah, when everyone's without knocking 26.

So I put now I put a sock on the door. Mm hmm. Tell him stay fuck out. How many times did he walk in on you? 

[00:29:00] Oleg: He hasn't wait you put a sock on the door means you're beating it Maybe I got a lady 

[00:29:06] Harris: over, you know, 

[00:29:07] Oleg: most likely 

[00:29:07] Harris: I ain't got time to go out. Can we get some stats on this? So anyway Anyway, uh, I mean My dad has a vision of where my where my life should be no It's the way he wants my life to go.

Yeah. Okay. So basically my dad doesn't believe I can be a good salesman because supposedly salesmen don't have souls. Okay. They're ruthless. They're this, but like Eldar said, we're selling a product that speaks for itself. 

[00:29:50] Mike: Whoa, Oleg would know. He's a former, uh, he's an expat. Yeah, used to, I, 

[00:29:56] Oleg: I, I, I used to try to deal money for souls as well.

I heard you were just grilling chicken. 

[00:30:01] Mike: So, 

[00:30:02] Oleg: don't worry, Oleg is finding his way back slowly. So, wait, what does your father want you to do? 

[00:30:08] Harris: My father wants me to get a federal job or a town job or something like that. I had it. Yeah. I worked for the post office. Two weeks. That was like two weeks, man. No, four months.

Okay, fine. And I worked in Patterson. Is your dad black? No. Why do you say it like that? He's a Jew, bro. 

Woah, woah, woah, woah. I feel like it's a black Jew. DJ, he's not racist. A lot of times, 

[00:30:29] Oleg: like, yo, find yourself a nice federal job, you know. But you gotta, but now your boy's in office. There's none of that. So, you gotta explain to your father, that bridge is burned.

And now I have to 

[00:30:39] Harris: go the Jew way. My dad, my dad goes, uh I had a sales job back. He had the sales job probably in the 80s. Okay, so he automatically thinks every sales job is like that They give you your little clients and then you have to go out and buy, you know, find your big clients and you gotta Uh, sell your soul, you're not going to go anywhere in the company, you know, this shit, you know, he goes, people are great salesmen, but you know, you have to be a scumbag.

And I said, that's not what it is here, but he doesn't want to hear it. He has his eyes set, find a job that has a pension, retire when you're in your forties or fifties, call it a day. 

[00:31:17] Oleg: Hmm. But why does he come into your 

[00:31:19] Harris: room? Oh, my God. You see, he's not even he's focused on something just to make that point.

Yeah, because he likes to talk. 

[00:31:25] Toliy: His dad only gives him life lessons while he's drinking. Fuck you, man. I fuck you. I mean, you are in a 

[00:31:32] Oleg: vulnerable state. 

You can't really leave me like when you're just my dad, my dad's Harris. You can finish in a second. I want to talk to you about my girl. 

[00:31:44] Joe (2): My dad. This 

guy's got whatever, Jenna Hayes or whatever on the screen, and his dad's pulling up the federal job application.

[00:31:52] Harris: Okay, so my dad, my dad goes on and on, okay? I closed two deals in the first week I started sales, and I told my dad that, okay? And he goes, you know, oh, you know, yeah, but You know, that comes once in a while, you know, yeah, exactly what he said. It's, it's luck. And he, he goes, you know, I don't give up on those applications.

And I said to him, I said, dad, you know, uh, I'd really like to give this a try. He goes, okay, put a date on it. And I'm like, what? He goes, yeah, two, three months. And if you don't do well. Find a different job and he goes if these companies come call and you know while you're still working there what you're just gonna give It up because you have a Tesla, you know, it's a chill back job My dad is so focused on the Tesla.

Like I think he's partly pissed Yeah, then I'm driving a nicer car than he is 

[00:32:51] Eldar: Yes, you can have five cars and all those five cars put together won't be able to beat your Tesla I mean that sounds logical though Tully actually takes his dad's side all the time. 

Well, isn't Tully his dad too? His work dad or whatever.

I think they're all my work dads. Yeah, there's a lot of 

[00:33:08] Eldar: dads here. What he's talking about his dad is actually Tully, dude. No, it's not! For me, Harris, it 

looks like a mix of if Tully and Mike had a child. 

[00:33:19] Harris: I [00:33:20] Tully's body. 

[00:33:23] Mike: We're living in progressive times. Yeah, Harris, Harris's biggest thing is that like I was saying about the his mind is a garbage can mm hmm But it's also his mouth is a garbage can too.

[00:33:36] Harris: Oh fuck you 

[00:33:37] Mike: His mouth is a garbage can as well as his mind 

[00:33:41] Oleg: I mean that's fucked up, but I'm not gonna lie my favorite of all your guys little shorts with Harris as when totally Said something about Harris's body. Just rejects all 

good. Oh yeah. And I just imagine like that's the properties of someone's body.

It just rejects. It's all positive. I think the problem is 

[00:33:59] Mike: Harris doesn't understand that like his mind is a garbage can. He doesn't understand that the lid closes. Oh, fuck you, man. No, no. That's a, that's, that's fine. Harris. Uh, so he's allowing anybody who has garbage to throw it in and then he comes in here.

And he's like, wait, guys, I have a bunch of garbage. How do you expect me to listen or understand anything? I'm eating banana peels that have been running for a week. You're not interrupting, 

[00:34:25] Harris: don't you? Well, you're not saying anything. You Turkish fuck. 

[00:34:29] Oleg: Turkish fuck? How does the stress outside of work affect your ability?

To, um, openly listen to, um, 

[00:34:38] Harris: Well, let me ask you a question, right? When you're done with work, right, what do you, what do you like to eat? You like to go home, 

[00:34:44] Mike: relax? Kick back your feet and whip out your hog. And eat poached fish. 

[00:34:49] Harris: You like to go home, 

[00:34:50] Oleg: relax? I mean, I'm home a lot. He doesn't work, he's been unemployed for 20 years.

I'm bourgeoisie. Well, the normal person, okay. Yeah, tell me a little more about this 

[00:35:01] Harris: blue collar man. The normal person, you go home, after work, you like to relax, put on the TV, maybe, put your feet up. No, I 

[00:35:08] Oleg: know what you're saying. 

[00:35:08] Harris: Yeah, of course. 

[00:35:10] Oleg: That's not how it works for me when I get home. No, I understand.

But my point is so I do not, uh, this, you know, disbelieve you or whatever about your stress at home. That sounds like, yeah, that not work. I got my mom 

[00:35:27] Harris: to accept that I'm working. I'm just trying to 

[00:35:29] Oleg: understand the link, direct link between you having stress outside of work and you having, Um, 

[00:35:36] Harris: it affects my, my daily life.

[00:35:40] Oleg: Okay. 

[00:35:41] Harris: Imagine working, right? So why 

[00:35:43] Oleg: do you get defensive when, when 

[00:35:44] Harris: Tolan and Elder are trying to help you with the call? He has garbage on his head. Imagine working, right? Imagine working. Okay. Knowing you're going to go home to the same thing every single day. Okay. Okay. 

[00:35:57] Oleg: That's what goes through me. Well, I mean, I, I wanna see this as a formula.

Like what? Like your daily stress plus what equals you have trouble. His daily stress plus inability. Listen to, to, yeah. Oh, wait, wait. 

[00:36:10] Mike: Let Harris explain. Sorry. Sorry, Harris. 

[00:36:11] Harris: He's not even Okay. My life is stressful. Okay. I'm probably gonna go gray in a couple years. I'm just gonna stay . Whoa. My 

life is stressful.

[00:36:19] Harris: My life is extremely stressful. Okay, what makes my, okay, when I go home, I eat up all that shit, okay? 

[00:36:27] Mike: You don't eat spaghetti? 

[00:36:29] Harris: No, I listen to my dad, okay? Watch TV for 30 minutes, then go to bed, wake up, take a shower, head to work, 

[00:36:37] Oleg: okay? How long do you listen to your dad? 

[00:36:40] Harris: My dad can go on and on. He can walk away and then come back and start the whole fucking thing all over again.

Is he a rumbler? 

[00:36:46] Toliy: Wait, what if you just walk into your house and you put the sock on? What if he just starts trolling and says like, dad, I'm jacking off. I can't tell you what for me. How many different, uh, how many different 

[00:37:01] Mike: approaches have you tried with your dad? How many different approaches have you tried with your dad?

I tried to 

[00:37:05] Harris: explain my dad that I wanted this, that I want to give this a shot. Yeah. And then he goes, okay, give it three months. 

[00:37:12] Toliy: Yeah. Like they, they. The issue here, um, all like, like a big part of it stems from communication, right? Like, his dad, in, in the way that Harris is, um, able to communicate with him, like, a lot of things I think that his dad says to, to his understanding are, are correct, right?

Like, think about it, if you've never done a job and it's like, you started and it's like, maybe not working out or like, you don't know if it is working out or not, right? Like, Like he's under his, his roof. Right. So as a dad, he's going to do to the best of ability to help his son and set him up for success.

And, uh, and, and like a big thing is like, what, like, yeah, go work for MTA, go do this, right. So you can get, you know, good insurance, good benefits. Benefits like a retirement package, right? Like all of that. So like All the advice that his like his dad is almost like probably seeing Like thinking that like it sounds like harris is a bit like, um, like a delusional and this working out Right.

Right. Because like he has no, he has like continuously nothing to show for it. Mm-hmm . Right. And his dad saying that. Yeah. Like he told his dad, oh, I like his argument. Like, well, I closed two, two deals. Yeah. Like his dad has a, I explained 

[00:38:26] Harris: to 

[00:38:26] Toliy: him that it takes time. No, but like, his, his, his dad has a good point.

Like Yeah. Like yeah. It's probably luck. Yeah. Right. You know, I'm thinking myself, right. Like, Hey dad, I, so far I'm agreeing with his dad. He's not, yeah. Yeah. Like, like, it's not like he's able to communicate with him and properly explain to him like. Um, what's going on, right? Like what if he just said, for example, just, just for example, Hey, like I'm going, um, um, what's actually happening is I'm going back to school, right.

And I'm learning, um, a new profession called sales, for example. Right. But it's like, you know, you could structure it in like a different way or whatever, right. Um, uh, uh, like if, if we were to do that, I'm going to be in school for the next two years, 

[00:39:08] Harris: but you're getting paid to be in the school. Yeah, but I'm also getting 

[00:39:11] Toliy: paid to be in the school.

Right. For example, right. Um, like you could properly communicate with somebody so that they then can act a particular way, like on you. But if you always just like blame that it's someone else's fault, like they're causing this, they're causing this lots of times. It's his inability. Not lots of times. It's just a reality.

It's your. Inability to properly communicate and talk to another individual so that they then act accordingly. But if you just sit there and just say like, yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, and let them like ramble. Yeah, that's what I do. I yam to death. Yeah, he lets them like do all the shit, but then he blames him for it.

Right like his dad is his dad 

[00:39:51] Harris: like after 10 minutes. I'm done with the conversation. So when he continues talking, I'm like, yeah, okay Yeah, 

[00:39:59] Oleg: so bring that practice to work when you're training. Is that it? 

[00:40:04] Toliy: Well, no, no No, like like like that that's his way of communicating with with his dad at this man. What happens is that His dad builds particular impressions off, off of this is that he's an idiot and he needs help.

So his dad is doing his best to provide him 

[00:40:20] Harris: help, which makes perfect sense. You're talking to someone, right? And you're finally done with the conversation. You're fed up. The person keeps going on and on and on. So you say, yeah, uh huh. Yeah. Yeah. You yeah him to death. Yeah. Cause you're, you're done with the conversation.

You don't want to hear anymore. You just want the conversation to be over. So you're hearing, hearing them to death. That's how my conversations go with my dad. Because I'm done. Like I've been listening to this for, I don't know how many months. Do you bring the same practice? He doesn't 

[00:40:48] Mike: have any, he only has one trick, bro.

He can only say yeah. And therefore his dad's like, yo, my man, he's an idiot. And he's also, by saying yeah, his dad's like, Oh, he probably, like, reminded me. 

[00:40:59] Harris: You just, you, you, you don't, you don't want to talk about it anymore. And I'm like, I'm just trying to 

[00:41:03] Oleg: find the link with the, because we could, coming back to the dad, but you guys are saying that you're trying to remind him that you're the good guys in his life or whatever.

Like, I'm, uh, yeah, we're doing that. So, what is the link? What is the link between Why do we keep going back to the dead? Because 

[00:41:21] Eldar: Joe's here. My friend. Childhood friend. Oh, yo. Paris, New York, Greece, right? Yeah. My cousin. Yo. We're trying to understand how memory works and why does it work this way, where he Stays here right now.

He's here present. He agrees with everything we're saying, but as soon as he goes home, right? He forgets everything and Mike has a theory. Why why this happens and I hear it. Yes. Oh, we're doing it again Yeah, please quickly Mike Very 

[00:41:48] Mike: simple. It's the process going through is the process he's supposed to go through Because at home or anywhere outside of the world He has a lot of garbage on top of his head Okay.

Garbage, meaning problems that he's thinking about people trying to oppress him or actually succeeding his mom, his dad, his brothers, things that he's thinking about that he's not good enough, all kinds of problems that he's internalizing. 

That's what I was going to say. Same thing. He's internalizing so much in his head at the same time while you tell him the information, it's not registered in a hundred percent.

[00:42:20] Mike: Yeah. So he can't actually 

come back here 

[00:42:24] Mike: with a clean thing. He's still carrying the garbage peels on his head. So me and Tony, we're constantly 

[00:42:28] Eldar: fighting those things. You know


[00:42:37] Harris: Drugs experiment. No, no, no, we're not doing that. 

[00:42:40] Eldar: We're not doing it. We don't believe that at least elderism doesn't right smoke We just do more drugs What totally believes is that it's learning how to communicate and I think my cousin can benefit from that As well because yeah, so My cousin's actually has depression.

Like I told you be nice being sensitive a little bit your PC. It's okay He doesn't 

[00:43:02] Harris: fully understand what you're saying. Yeah, it's okay. I'll explain it later

It's like this 

[00:43:11] Eldar: right Because what's gonna happen after this podcast you better be on his team. You know what I'm saying? Don't I 

[00:43:17] Harris: am in the 

[00:43:18] Eldar: In you in that? The same office. Alright, cool. Cool. Huh? You're done. What? 

[00:43:23] Harris: You already taught me a lot of the cheat codes, man, shit. Oh shit. That's that's a good one too.

You're done. You're 

done. It's not real. It's not really focused about memory though. 

[00:43:34] Mike: That's what I was saying. That's how, no, that's how, no, it's an excuse to talk shit about. It's for everyone. 

[00:43:41] Eldar: It's everyone. Everybody has garbage in their heads. It's not really memory. The question I have I just posed a question whether or not it's memory.


memory's been interfered with something in his life. 

[00:43:50] Eldar: That's right. 

We're talking about memory, memory, memory. The other day I started watching Lost again. The one I started watching in his 

[00:43:58] Eldar: house. Oh wow. That's when Sergey lived 

[00:44:01] Joe: at my house and watched Lost every day. Still the number one series Jack, fan of Soya Fan.

Oh, I like Soya. 

[00:44:08] Joe: There you go. No, so 


[00:44:09] Joe: both game, bro. So listen. So 

again, and when I watched John Locke fan, listen, when I watched it in your house, when Locke was trying to get inside the 

[00:44:18] Oleg: the Hatch Sege, 

bro, my mind was blown. That time , did you see this show? 

[00:44:25] Joe: Do you know what he's talking about? Do you know the show lost?

I doubt it. No. Okay. I've never seen that. 

So listen, my mind was blown when he was trying to get into the hatch and my mind was blown away that time. That's what got me into the show. Yeah. He's getting into the fucking hatch. What? Isn't that hatch? He's gonna open this fucking hatch. And how many, it's been 20 years since the show came out, right?

20 years. 

[00:44:42] Oleg: Yeah. Like 15 years. Yeah. 

I started watching it again longer and it's on Netflix. Yeah. Besides the people, everything that I thought I remembered, I saw it in my head that way. It was completely the fucking wrong. It's completely opposite of what I remember. I remember the hatch. 

[00:44:57] Eldar: I don't 

remember who was pressing the button.

I thought it was Lioness guy with the big eyes. I thought it was him pressing the thing. For years in my head, he was pressing, he was hanging in the hatch. Ends up it was Desmond pressing the button. What did you conclude from this fucking, from this phenomenon that I experienced? Hold on one second. No, no, no.

I'm ready. Wait, but that's how we 

[00:45:17] Joe: watch movies always. No, no, no, no. At the time he was watching it, he was in a different space. Correct. He's a completely different person. Completely different. Yes. He took on a whole different persona, mentality, the way you, you know, the way you live. So now you're seeing it through a clear, different lens.

I perceive everything differently now than I 

did back then, yeah. 

[00:45:36] Joe: My perception of everything is different. Yeah. So Harris. Being that his home is like a, you know, combat zone. Yeah combat zone It's gonna take years to pull this kid out of the rubble or at least he's getting conditioned while he's here and slowly Maybe he'll move out or his dad will leave.

I don't know ultimately Moving out is the best, is the best case scenario. Best case scenario. You're on your own and you, you call your own 

[00:46:01] Toliy: shots. The stress isn't there. No, but it's not even that. I think like before he moves out, he needs to like know how to properly communicate with his dad. Like, I still can't communicate with my dad.

I still fight with my 

[00:46:13] Joe: father, 

[00:46:13] Toliy: even though. But I don't think that like the right way to like move out, for example, just to be like, yo, that's it. I can't deal with this guy. I'm going to like avoidance, right? But it's 

[00:46:20] Joe: like, it's at least getting out of the room. Like if, if there's an argument here. No, but there's nothing.


[00:46:26] Toliy: what 

[00:46:27] Harris: I do now is I totally 

Dude, I couldn't do it with my family, I moved out right away. Wait, but Harris, 

[00:46:32] Oleg: do you think legitimately, like 100 percent if you're to be honest with yourself, is, um, your inability to, like, efficiently understand these, uh, training critiques or whatever really linked to turbulence at home?

Cause for me it sounds a little bit like an excuse. Well no, my everyday I guess you could say. Well, I'm not questioning that your life is not stressful. I'm just saying I don't know I don't know. I mean, I have a tendency to He loves you. 

[00:47:00] Harris: What? He loves you. What is wrong with you, bro? Everybody loves him.

We all love him. But no, you know, I don't know. Harris is the hook. I don't know. I can't fucking say anything if I'm, you know, undefinite, you know. But See, that's good right there. Are you stressed? You're not denying. Are you always stressed? Oh, hell yeah. I'm always hitting my vape. They, they, they came up with the idea to try to fucking, you know, leave the vape in the car.

And I'm like, yeah, I can't fucking do that at all. Let's put it this way. This vape here has 30, 000 hits. I'm lucky if it lasts two weeks. You tried to kill yourself? 

[00:47:35] Oleg: Oh, is it? Is it nicotine or nicotine? 30, 000? You don't think that adds to your stress? Yeah, of course. That's my stress reliever as 

a place where this kid knows nothing.

No people. Kadampa the buddhism for two months. Harris. I 

[00:47:50] Joe: don't know what to want. Maybe we begin with a weekend 

or whatever, you know, Harris, uh, 

[00:47:57] Joe: is from the streets. Mike is a changed man. You're from the streets. Meaning, you're from the streets. Now you're trying to come to a civilized community here. I grew up in the best 

[00:48:08] Harris: neighborhood possible.

You just like thoughts, not your neighborhood. 

[00:48:11] Joe: You like thoughts. I'm just saying, where are you coming from, Harris? You're walking into an organized I used to 

feed this guy 

[00:48:17] Joe: milk, 


[00:48:19] Joe: From my titty. You 

know, you can't, alright, picture this, 

[00:48:24] Joe: you can't go wine and dine with the queen or who's rest in peace?

Harris can, who's in the uk. You can't show up and have tea and, and sandwiches with her because you don't know what, where the fork goes, where the spoon goes. Not to put your, your elbows on the table's A stuff. Yeah. This is, this is the point is you could, I'm good. Thank you. Eventually get to that point.

But you gotta think of like the people that are at that table have been living that lifestyle. They know that. Culture, they know the rules and etiquette and they grew up that way. And then they're easily moving on to continuing that you're walking and kicking the door down and you think the queen wants to have tea with you, it's not going to work that way, but you have, you have potential.

[00:49:07] Eldar: I see it. He, everyone here, listen guys, I'm gonna announce it that Harris is gonna be running for president in 2015. I think everyone 

[00:49:14] Harris: knows that. Okay. They've been listening to the podcast. Yes. And 

[00:49:18] Eldar: my end, end to to party. Pardon? And if you're fucked up, you're leaving the fucking 

[00:49:22] Joe: country. We're gonna, you starting now until you become president.

Yes. Anything you do leading up? Yes. Pardon? You party. Alright. 

[00:49:28] Harris: And I also wanna stay, I'm gonna be running at the same time as. Justin Bieber. And Barron Trump. Barron Trump. Oh, shit. We're gonna own him. If you wear whatever you want. Yeah, you wear whatever you want. I'll talk to you tomorrow. 

[00:49:40] Joe: Yeah. You gotta wear some hot.

Guys, guys. My man. This is why, 

[00:49:44] Eldar: and Harris is taking some necessary steps in order to get there. Okay. Number one, he announced his presidency. He understood that it's going to take 25 years in order to get there. He's even wearing a very specific shirt. Harris, if you say what's on your shirt, I will give you 50 nano.

I didn't noticing that bro. 

[00:49:58] Harris: Reprogramming in [00:50:00] process. I'm just gonna leave it at that . Alright, cool. 

[00:50:02] Eldar: You earned 10. Stand by. Stand subconscious in 

[00:50:09] Joe: progress. Reprograming the Forget. This is the same shirt you, you challenge him on the last podcast. Yes. No it's not. No. There's a different 

[00:50:16] Eldar: shirt. Harris has a lot of shirts now with Dennis Rock.

Quotes, I 

[00:50:20] Harris: will be running. Yes, merge. Uh, against Barron. That's right. But Barron's gonna end up kissing my feet at the end. That's right. Why? Yes. Yeah. Okay. 

[00:50:30] Eldar: Because for the first time ever in history, we're gonna have Philosopher King. 

[00:50:33] Harris: Yeah. 

[00:50:34] Eldar: And it's gonna be Harry. 

[00:50:34] Harris: We are going to change this country all around.

Yeah. Okay? It's gonna be run off Socrates. 

[00:50:40] Oleg: Okay. Okay. I like it. Alright. Can we change the constitution to end term limits? What do you think? 

[00:50:46] Harris: Well, this is not it. I will, um. Most likely be the last president of the United States. Yes. You know 

[00:50:54] Eldar: why? Because people Is he gonna run? No, because people are gonna No, no.

He's not gonna change any terms. The people are gonna change the term and they're gonna want him to To run forever. Like Putin. Yeah. Woah, woah, woah. Woah, 

[00:51:07] Harris: woah, woah. Don't compare me to Putin, man. 

[00:51:09] Eldar: Yeah, what the hell? Are you serious? That's the best president ever. Here we go. Hey, we're not gonna start that.

Hey, hey, hey. Wait, wait, wait. Time out, guys. It's gonna be more like 

[00:51:15] Harris: the royal family except instead of being fake You know, uh These fake leadership people run this like it was in the old day. So your son will be your heir Yes, depending if he can handle if not, you know, maybe I'll have a kid maybe I go to him You know, it's gonna be a royal family not by blood but elderism by elders.

I like it. 

[00:51:36] Joe: You might have to Recoined the term, even though it will still mean, well, can you explain to people what's the initiation process? Okay. Americans need to, like, have a simple set. I think Oleg already knows. You talked about this. Joe, you're going to want to hear this. You're going to want to hear this.


[00:51:52] Eldar: there's an initiation process to elderism. You got to be humbled. So, unfortunately. Wait, wait, wait. But why do you have to be humbled? 

[00:51:59] Harris: Because, uh, this world is poisoned, I would say. Yes. Okay, with negative, uh, negativity. That's right. Uh, and they have been, I guess you could say, brainwashed by the media and the world.

To be arrogant. Yeah. Well, you gotta be humbled. Yes. And Eldar, I would consider, is the prophet of, uh, Socrates. Yes. So you got to take the prophet's farts, man. You got to do it and how if you're super fucked up, you got to let him shitting your mouth. No, 

no, what do you mean? He's the son of Mike and 

[00:52:34] Joe: Foley.

I've heard this. You heard this. I've taken almost 20 years of his farts. Well, it's to be seen. Is he cured? 

[00:52:44] Eldar: He is cured, he is cured, but he lost his way a little bit. Now he's trying to find his way back. This is 

[00:52:48] Harris: our newest, um, prospect right here, Alderism. 

[00:52:51] Eldar: Yes. He has agreed to the initiation. This guy is regretting his trip.

[00:52:54] Joe: I'm sure he never received a fart from me. Not yet. 

[00:52:58] Eldar: He hasn't been blessed because he's a bit of a lower. He's in between stages. Okay. The shitting in the mouth or the farting in the mouth. I'm trying 

[00:53:05] Toliy: to figure out which one it is. Based on your assessment, does Oleg need a fart? Or a crap. I 

[00:53:13] Harris: think this 

[00:53:22] Oleg: bias is fucked up because you can 

[00:53:25] Harris: have one person generating all these parts.

He's the prophets of Socrates. Okay. He's got a lot of fuck. It's probably the most part machine. I know you're the 

[00:53:34] Oleg: president. And there's going to be like thousands of people lining up to join the 

[00:53:38] Harris: party. The ring or some shit. You got to step up. Can you generate that many followers? No, we're going to learn how to 

[00:53:43] Joe: bottle it.

Yes. And clone it. Yeah. Like a stem cell, like spin it. And throw it Yeah, they're going to be able to recreate it because you got to give it out to the masses. Right. It's like Santa Claus, you know. No, maybe you can teach other people. 

[00:53:58] Eldar: Harris, I think Oleg is in between. He's not in, in, in between farting in his face, versus put, uh, shitting in his mouth.

We already figured out how to catch it. Maybe shitting on the top of his head a little bit. He's spreading it. We already figured out how to catch it in the hand. And Oleg is actually not opposed to eating other people's shits. Oh, is that right? Yeah. As long as they have a 

[00:54:18] Oleg: healthy 

[00:54:19] Eldar: microbiome.

[00:54:22] Oleg: You see this? But Eldar He's got a secret plan. Maybe he should 

[00:54:28] Eldar: get the shits because he enjoys them. Can you give us a quick rundown about the microbiomes real quick? Why, why, why would you eat somebody else's shit real quick? 

I mean, I don't know, maybe you like the taste. Come on, 

[00:54:40] Mike: he's a bit shy. He's shy, but I can take over if you want.

[00:54:43] Harris: Okay, now, back to the presidency, I'm not done. Yeah. I will not be running as a Republican or Democrat. I like it. We are creating a new Green New Deal. We are creating 

[00:54:55] Eldar: a new party. Is there space for Oleg in the party? He's well spoken. 

[00:55:01] Oleg: No, I'm running against this guy, what do you mean? 

[00:55:02] Joe: Woah, woah, 

[00:55:04] Joe (2): woah, 

[00:55:04] Eldar: woah!

[00:55:04] Joe: I'm gonna be like 90 though at that time. He's gonna be beheaded. There's only probably two people in this room that can run. This is the dictatorship now, bud! That's a good point. This is a 

[00:55:13] Eldar: dictatorship now, hey! Hey, hey! Serge is like, what has been going on here? 

[00:55:17] Harris: He lost his mind. You know, sometimes, you know, you might be walking down the street and, Oops, you know, car hit.

Sometimes or sometime. Sometime, you know, you could be walking down the street and a car comes out of nowhere, you know, shit happens. That 

[00:55:33] Oleg: makes sense, but that's not very, like, elderistic, I feel like. It's not. 

[00:55:37] Eldar: I'm not saying it's going to happen. It's terroristic right now, but that'll change. So, the new party Yeah, your 

[00:55:42] Oleg: threats are going to get more refined.

Did you sign the NDA, man? Did you 

[00:55:48] Harris: sign the NDA? 

[00:55:51] Oleg: I don't know what that stands for. 

[00:55:53] Harris: Non disclosure agreement. Anything you hear has to stay in this room, man. 

[00:55:56] Oleg: Yes. Yeah, I signed it. 

[00:55:58] Harris: No, you didn't. 

[00:55:59] Oleg: Huh? 

Where's that guy? 

[00:56:01] Oleg: Which one? That guy. 

Is he always watching you guys? 

[00:56:04] Oleg: This guy? He's collecting royalties. Oh my.

He's automatically in the party. He's collecting his severance. 

[00:56:10] Harris: Fuck no. What do you mean? He's your father. He's trying to find his way back. Woah, 

[00:56:16] Oleg: NYP, he was like your big. You know how you're small and big? I don't know what you're talking about. No, he's 

[00:56:22] Harris: just a wild one. We can't have someone the way he acts right now.

We can't have that in the party All right, guys before we 

[00:56:29] Eldar: go on the tantrum, let's get back to it. Let's get back to it memory. Does anybody have anything? You seem to have a lot of objections. All this 'cause you're yelling at me with your eyes right now. No, I'm just observing. Alright, cool. 

[00:56:42] Mike: O is just generally opposed to everything that's being said at all times.

Pretty much. There we go. Oh yes. 

[00:56:47] Eldar: He thinks that's cool. Right? Did Ole gets stuck on the cool part, like how, what's the coolest thing to do and he'll do like, no, I think that 

[00:56:54] Toliy: he, he's still talk. Yes. He, he is like the self-proclaimed, uh. man who knows it all in the village. In the village. I 


[00:57:04] Eldar: it. I 


[00:57:05] Eldar: think that's a village.

Yeah, I can't wait for him 

[00:57:08] Harris: to move there. Alright. Are you part of the poor part or the rich part? He's 

[00:57:14] Oleg: in the 

[00:57:15] Harris: rich part. He's in the rich 

[00:57:16] Oleg: part. Where I live, all of our excrement comes down. So you're in the rich 

[00:57:20] Harris: part of Fairlawn. You're with the beamers and the Mercedes. The beaters, bro. The beaters. The beat up pieces of shit.

Yeah. He drove a piece of shit, but he lived in a bidet. We, 

[00:57:28] Oleg: we vote for like, get all the piece of shit out. You know what I mean? Oh, that's fucked up, man. I lived in a 

[00:57:33] Harris: rented part, man. But that was rich. 

[00:57:37] Oleg: Yeah. Why? I lived in the rented part, man. Why? I was rich with my soul. Oh god, here we go. This guy was driving his mercedes.

So you're like 

[00:57:44] Harris: tommy, you know, he's sucking off Mom's tit, you know with the rich money. Well, actually tommy's my relative All 

he was poor compared to tommy, you know cousin the cousins second cousin. Are you fourth fourth? Yeah good cousins something far All right And final 

[00:58:06] Eldar: thoughts on memory, we didn't even discuss it.

Well, you are, you weren't here for the whole thing. Yeah, you were somewhere else. Did you understand the premise of what we're trying to say? Yeah, but I want to know what we can do about it. Look, oh, oh, I like it. Wait, wait, wait. No, no, no, no, wait a second. Wait a second. Before you say anything, you know what, I'm going to give you your props.

Usually you're very negative because you suffer from depression. But that was a very positive thing. I don't suffer from depression. Um, so, I think it's funny to be negative. 

[00:58:36] Mike: He doesn't suffer from depression, he just is depression. There's one guy 

[00:58:41] Joe: who's good at being funny and negative at the same time.

Bill Burr. But you don't, you look like Bill Burr. He doesn't look like Bill Burr. But you don't come 

[00:58:48] Eldar: off as 

[00:58:48] Joe: funny 

[00:58:49] Eldar: as Bill Burr. No, he's funny when he's I got the solution. I got the solution to all my problems. I think there's too much 

[00:58:57] Oleg: focus on I get 

[00:58:57] Harris: a lifetime membership. 

[00:58:59] Oleg: Yes. 

[00:58:59] Harris: I buy the Tesla air mattress.

Yes. Throw it in the back of the Tesla, park it at Lifetime, and fucking call it a day, shower, do everything there. Why are you shouting out five without them spotting you? Sounds like a very simplistic 

[00:59:12] Mike: way to solve the intersectional problem. What are you going to do in life when you get, like, uh, into an actual, like, a relationship or something with someone else?

Why are you being offensive? Bad life is 

[00:59:19] Harris: the norm now, man. What about 

[00:59:21] Mike: when you move out with your boyfriend Chris? Oh, fuck you, man. When you get into a fight with him, what are you going to do? You have a boyfriend, 

[00:59:27] Oleg: Crispy, 

[00:59:27] Harris: my best friend, my best friend, my best 

[00:59:34] Joe: friend, his name is Chris, but he's a little, he's a 

little first grade.

Yeah, it's crispy because he looks like he got burned. Yes. 

[00:59:44] Harris: Mike 

[00:59:44] Eldar: came up with that. 

[00:59:45] Harris: He's Mike. Yeah. Mike is Chris. So he became crispy. Oh, I fuck with him all the time, man. When I started, uh, raid in places. I'm like, yo. You mean family better pack your shit man. Hide go underground bro, because they're gonna fucking kick you out 

[00:59:59] Eldar: They're gonna kick him out.


[01:00:00] Harris: he goes. Oh, really? I'm ready I think we're very focused cut 

[01:00:04] Oleg: off. 

[01:00:04] Harris: Yeah, I think we're very 

[01:00:05] Oleg: focused on your father and your stress at home. Yeah I think we need to look at this rebound time of trust Of these fellas, when they're trying 

[01:00:17] Joe: to Trust is dead. 

[01:00:18] Eldar: He hasn't been listening. 

[01:00:19] Joe: Well, when we were all What are you, 26, right?

When we were all 26, we didn't know shit. You didn't know shit. I didn't know shit. Yeah, still don't know shit. I mean, wow, suckers. No, no, I 

think you get closer to 40, you start to 

[01:00:30] Joe: You start to realize you don't know shit. You're just peeking. You start to realize 

more than you did before. Yeah, 

[01:00:34] Joe: you're just peeking.


[01:00:35] Harris: whole reason my dad pushes the, the federal jobs, the local jobs, you know, all this shit is because he worked his ass off. He's still working his ass off. He didn't start saving for retirement until he was in his forties. 

[01:00:49] Oleg: Well, he's telling you the rational thing to do. 

[01:00:50] Harris: And he's like, I'm looking at my friends.

They retire at 45, 50. They had the city jobs, they have the pensions, they have the insurance. He regrets not joining the city job. My dad says the same shit. 

[01:01:04] Oleg: Well, it is the rational thing to do. However, You're trying to surpass rational. 

[01:01:09] Harris: Yeah, I'm still trying to surpass rational and supposedly his dad said the same shit He didn't listen, but he enjoys what he's doing, 


[01:01:16] Harris: So 

[01:01:17] Toliy: but he's saying this because you're not giving him anything rational to like to go on to 

[01:01:21] Mike: You're not challenging him, or you're just agreeing with him like a parakeet. 

[01:01:25] Oleg: But that happens to a lot of successful people. Their parents doubt them until all of a sudden, they're like, What the fuck? You might be the next 

[01:01:32] Eldar: Elon Bust.

Elon Bust. Elon Bust. 

Elon at 18 years old already. Listen, he's the president of 

[01:01:39] Eldar: the United States in 2050. I don't want to hear it. Future president, 


[01:01:42] Eldar: Yeah, don't talk to a future president like that. Any final thoughts? Oleg, please start us off. How do, how do, how do you, 

[01:01:48] Oleg: uh, what? What can they do? How about that?

Final thoughts on what game 

[01:01:54] Eldar: or final thoughts on memory on the phenomenon? What on the memory, what can, what we talked about your 

[01:01:58] Oleg: coworkers do to help you snap out of it quicker when they are trying to be a numb. Give you a positive, I don't know why 

[01:02:06] Harris: you're asking me, man. I'm fucking lost. Well, you could say what you need from them, 

[01:02:10] Eldar: right?

Maybe more farts. 

[01:02:12] Joe: Well, I got a question. Yeah. If he doesn't perform. You know, he's going through these challenges, you're recording his calls, you're trying to improve him, right? If he doesn't produce, does he lose his job? Uh, 

[01:02:29] Eldar: not in elderism's equation. 

[01:02:31] Joe: Well, that could be producing a, you know, a non driven, comes here, forgets shit, or doesn't apply himself that hard because there's no fire.


[01:02:42] Eldar: listen, listen, listen, elderism also I'm putting the fire under my own 

[01:02:45] Harris: ass. 

[01:02:45] Eldar: Hold on one second. Hey, that's fine. Hey, let me, hey, he's attacking me right now. Elderism also doesn't believe in discipline. Okay. So we have a hard time to be able to impose certain standards or certain benchmarks to get there.

We actually believe in actual organic growth where an individual can grow and then associate things properly and seek causality in the right way. So you can say, okay, cool, I've, I've done this with the help of these individuals. Therefore, I can give back in such a way where it's, it's fair or just. Mm hmm.

And if that's the case, that's what I want. 

[01:03:19] Oleg: Are you sure you can teach Harris sales? 

[01:03:22] Eldar: Absolutely. We're not teaching him sales. That sales is too easy. Can you teach anyone sales? Absolutely. You want him 

[01:03:29] Joe: to want to please you. Yeah. No, no, no, no, no, no. Internally, on his own, naturally. No, no, no, no, no. You want him to be able to care that he wants to do a good job or that He wants to apply himself and you don't want to, you don't want to force that hand on him to say he needs you.


[01:03:45] Eldar: came through the door asking for help. Yeah. Okay, there's only one specific way we can help. It's through thinking. There's no other way. Tony is applying that pressure really well, you know? And I'm supporting it. 

Just know. 

[01:04:00] Eldar: You know? Um. What? Blyat. I'm never flying again. Now. 

[01:04:07] Harris: No. 

[01:04:08] Joe: What happened? 

[01:04:09] Harris: Another airplane just went down.

In Philadelphia. 

[01:04:12] Eldar: See, I fucking told you, you fucking mush. You killed all those people. Yeah, you called it. You killed all those people. You can't blame that on me. Yes, I can. What did I say? In Philadelphia. Was it another helicopter? What did I say? It was an airplane. Yeah, I know, but what got hit? What did I say?

You can't blame that on me. I have 

[01:04:26] Harris: to. I'm not the only one that said we've had a safety record. Scully's soul burger said the same fucking thing. I said don't 

[01:04:33] Eldar: say this shit because it's fucking, it's a mush. But it's a small plane. Yeah, it's a small 

[01:04:36] Harris: plane, bro. Yeah, chill. 

[01:04:37] Oleg: Oh, that's okay. What if it was a very poor person?

I don't like flying and everyone's like, it's so safe and the last six months has been fucking just like pew pew pew, you know? 

[01:04:48] Joe: Joe, did you understand my answer? Yes, and I'm okay with that too. 

[01:04:53] Eldar: Personally, you know, we would love for him to start thinking. Yeah. Now something tells us that if this shit is built on thinking Organically an individual will do the right thing if they're thinking.

Sure. Right. And we're where what my cousin's looking for Right. Right now. 

[01:05:10] Joe: Yeah. 

[01:05:11] Eldar: Right. He's looking to be to find purpose. 

[01:05:14] Joe: Okay. 

[01:05:14] Eldar: To be important as he calls it, quote unquote, to be, and to be important is to be a piece of the puzzle that without this puzzle, nothing kind of puzzles. Yeah. So what I mean, people are relying.

Yeah. Calm down. So this is, this is the most important part. And in order to instill that importance. All right. I think it requires thinking, critical thinking people. So when he becomes this piece of the puzzle, he in turn, I think actualizes his purpose and therefore has the ability to give back to the puzzle.

Naturally organically. This is what we see.

Yeah, because right now you're a useless piece of shit. Thank you. Okay, but 

[01:06:03] Joe: I think with that treatment You'll you have you have that room to grow where unlimited environments We already discussed the other environments. You wouldn't have that freedom So maybe this is the opportunity that you need 

[01:06:18] Eldar: even if it's we want him right and I hopefully totally can co sign this right Ultimately to become better than totally And totally is fucking good.

That can happen. And totally is better than me. Mm. In sales. Mm hmm. Hands down. Okay? And if Harry's just 

[01:06:33] Oleg: has the natural talent. 

[01:06:35] Eldar: Okay, can 

[01:06:35] Oleg: you shut the fuck No, I'm just kidding. Well, I'm saying, you could delude yourself all you want, but some people you [01:06:40] can't train them to be a certain thing. Don't tell 

[01:06:42] Mike: David, cuz he can't hear this kind of shit.

Yeah. Yeah, he's 

[01:06:45] Harris: having a hard time. Do you understand what's being said right now? You understand the words coming out of my mouth? Because he said he doesn't understand, man. Why are you picking on a foreigner, 

[01:06:54] Eldar: bro? Yeah, yeah, why are you picking on him? Yeah, calm down. Be nice, Serge. Serge, yo, me and Serge once got into a fight because somebody was getting bullied.

A gay guy was getting bullied outside of the bar. We got fucked up, but we fought for him. How did 

this come about, man? Did they give you a kiss or what? They fucked us up, man. He said, I got into a fight. I didn't get into one fight. . He a thousand fights. You might wanna hire him 

[01:07:14] Eldar: for his security details.

Yes, yes. This guy right here will die. Job he'll loves the fight. Yes. Harris. He'll die for you. You want a job 

[01:07:21] Harris: as director of Secret Service? Yeah. All 

[01:07:23] Eldar: good. He's done. 

[01:07:25] Harris: And I'm making you Ambassador Greece. Gotta wait 25 years. 

25 years. Guys, go back to Greece, man. 

[01:07:32] Harris: Yeah. What the fuck, man? But you get to live in your mansion, man.

Yeah. So ambassador but can't stay. I mean, he can stay. He's gotta come back from meetings. He has diplomatic, uh, immunity. Yeah, he can do whatever the fuck you want. He can't get arrested, man. He has some weird fetishes. Yeah, you can do whatever you want. You can't get arrested. You got diplomatic immunity.

[01:07:50] Eldar: That's nice. Alright, Harris. What we said, did we say anything, Harris? What do you mean, bro? Overall, did we say anything? 

What did you get from this 

[01:08:00] Eldar: conversation? Man, I didn't give 

[01:08:01] Harris: my fucking life an order, man. That's 

it, that's it. Does he mean to meditate? 

[01:08:06] Harris: Figured it out. I could never meditate, bro. When he's jerking it, or?

He should meditate. He should meditate. 

[01:08:10] Harris: I could never meditate. We tried that in white people. Well for familiarity, hold the side first, man. He has to go 

[01:08:15] Oleg: deep, 

[01:08:15] Harris: deep, deep, 

deep in his brain. We 

[01:08:16] Harris: used to go to Ringwood, I can never do it, it's too quiet. Oh, Ringwood? No, 

sometimes you gotta find a place 

[01:08:21] Harris: to do anything.

meditate in my sleep. I know, but I can't keep my 

[01:08:23] Oleg: eyes closed. I'm like, yo, what the fuck? You can do it with your eyes open. Do it in your own bed. I'm, I don't do it. That's gay. Don't listen to him. In your own bed. 

With porno translated. Yo, listen, speaking of porno, 3D porno? That's 

[01:08:36] Harris: not a bad idea. Chill, man.

I got 

3D glasses. The fuck is 3D porno? Yo, did you bring it? Where the titties just pop out? Oh, I forgot. Pop out? Oh, you promised. I gotta go home. You got 3D porno? Like Oculus? I gotta go home to get it. Nah, he was gonna introduce 

[01:08:48] Eldar: us to a new type of gaming. That's the surprise? Yeah. No. Which ones 

did you get?

I said surprise is better. Someone with 3D. I can't play video games, normal video games, again. Is that the metal one or no? I look at the screen, I was like, what is this whack shit? Is that the metal one or no? You just live in a virtual world. Bro, it's just, the way, I mean, it's out of this world. Alright, stop advertising, stop advertising.

[01:09:10] Eldar: Let's finish this podcast so we can move on to the next thing. Harris, what are your final thoughts on this memory shit? Are we onto something? Is this true? What, what can we do? How can we help you? I don't know, man. Okay. Next Mike. Well, I don't, I don't, I guess 

[01:09:24] Mike: I didn't say it when the surgeon, uh, Joe came, but yeah, the most, most important thing that I extracted from here, I guess is my theory is that this thing is your test of survival of the fittest.

So the best thing you could do is come every single day and say, and try to have a reset, knowing that you have garbage in your head is reset it. If you do that. This is gonna unlock you to have your purpose, to have your potential, to, to do something great with your life, so. Maybe I need to light that garbage on fire.

Mike, can 

[01:09:52] Eldar: you come up with a six to seven word mantra that Harris can learn? And every time he comes into the office, he says this mantra to remember what I already have 

[01:10:04] Mike: enough time. No, I don't think it's going on with a mantra. I think believing in something is not because of a mantra or repeating something like all he likes to do in the morning every day.

Like I'm good enough. So you have to understand that the way I understood it, I can't pass it on. Is that what you do? You look in the mirror and go, I'm the 

[01:10:24] Harris: best person in this world. No one can beat me. That stroke my car. 

[01:10:29] Mike: So I think. He has to understand it. He has to understand why I said what I said and how he could understand that is by asking questions of why did I come to that conclusion.

[01:10:37] Eldar: And 

[01:10:37] Mike: then maybe through that, asking those questions, he can come to that conclusion his own. 

[01:10:41] Eldar: Damn. That's fucking a hard equation. He doesn't know what he said. 

[01:10:45] Mike: Yeah, it's easy. Just ask questions with time. Ask questions. There's only, that's totally as long as you keep coming back every single day, asking questions.

You're gonna get it eventually 

[01:10:56] Eldar: totally we have to be vigilant to understand what he asked questions because the questions are gonna be Very subtle in the beginning Joe. I got a this 

[01:11:03] Joe: thing I heard on the internet one you ever hear of this guy named Jacko or something like that Gecko Jacko Willey. 

[01:11:15] Oleg: They hate discipline, so they hate this guy.

Do it, 

[01:11:18] Eldar: do it, do 

[01:11:18] Harris: it. 

[01:11:19] Joe: It's two minutes if you want to hear it. I 

[01:11:21] Harris: know Jacko. 

[01:11:22] Joe: Did you ever hear what he said about that thing just labeled good? No. Alright. This is pretty, pretty good to hear, and if you don't Believe in discipline, like totally 

[01:11:33] Mike: No discipline is dead. Fuck 

[01:11:35] Joe: everything. Everything is dad. Trust is dad discipline.

Dad. Everything is dad. Yeah. 

[01:11:38] Mike: Hope is dead. Also, everything's dead. If they 

[01:11:40] Joe: don't agree, 

[01:11:41] Oleg: dad, bottom dead. They don't believe in genetics, for example. . All right, you ready? 

One of my direct subordinates, one of my guys that worked for me, he would, he would call me up or. Pull me aside with some major problems, some issue that was going on.

And he'd say, boss, we got this and that and the other thing. And I'd look at him and I'd say, good. And finally one day he was telling me about some issue that he was having, some problem. And he said, I already know what you're going to say. I said, well, what am I going to say? He said, you're going to say good.

He said, that's what you always say. When something is wrong and going bad, you always just look at me and say good. And I said, well, yeah, when things are going bad. There's gonna be some good that's gonna come from it. Didn't get the new high speed gear we wanted? Good. Didn't get promoted? Oh,

mission got cancelled? Good. We can focus on another one. Didn't get funded? Didn't get the job you wanted? Got injured? Sprained my ankle? Got tapped out? Good. A beat?

Unexpected problems? Good. We have the operative solution. That's it. When things are going bad. Don't get all bummed out, don't get startled, don't get frustrated.

If you can say the word good, guess what? You're still alive, you're still breathing. And if you're still breathing Well then hell, you've still got some fight left in you. So get up, dust off, reload,

re engage. Go out 

[01:13:50] Eldar: and recycle. Wow.

Bunny hop into that fucking B site. So if you 

[01:13:59] Joe: don't 

[01:13:59] Eldar: make a sales call, good. If totally yells at you, good, good. So what do you think, Harris? This is like a 

[01:14:05] Harris: military guy, man. You should, this should resonate with you. Yeah, I know it is. He's one of, probably, the most decorated talk show guys out there. 

[01:14:12] Joe: Daddy's talking shit at home.


[01:14:15] Harris: I'm not home to hear it. Most of the time. I'm driving around in my car. Are we still up? I guess. 

[01:14:20] Mike: Yeah. Let's Mike. You finished? I'm finished. I'm done. Joe. What do you think, man? Are we on to something here with this memory shit? 

[01:14:28] Joe: I think, uh, I think it's happened into, uh, something that's probably not as new.

It's new to him. 

[01:14:37] Eldar: Yeah. 

[01:14:37] Joe: Right. And, uh, it takes a little bit of patience. It takes a little bit of caressing and care to nurture the, you know, the idea of, of allowing him to come to the realization and to develop that naturally, because normally it's pounded into you or you're stressed while you do it, or you're pressured while you do it.

I mean, you got a good opportunity here to, for this to happen because, uh, he's allowing it, he's allowing you. To, to get there. Fuck. Normally you don't have that opportunity. So I think take advantage. Take advantage 

[01:15:14] Harris: what? Come sit right here. . Hey, this ain't the YP days. Whoa. 

[01:15:19] Eldar: Totally. What? You, thank you, Joe.

Yo, he molested all his kids. 

[01:15:23] Toliy: Yeah. My final, I just go, he held onto that pocket. I think he liked 

[01:15:28] Harris: it. He didn't. Yeah. He They all come back. They all come back. We can get away from possibly We are a cult, right? Elder is a cult. Well, YT became Aism. Yeah, I know. He's the, that was the beginning. Oh, that's the surprise today.

Diddy party. 

He's got the baby oil. You want to say it? These guys will have sex with Harris tonight. 

[01:15:51] Harris: I'm not just, don't worry. I'm consensual. I'm not Justin Bieber. 

[01:15:55] Eldar: Oleg, roll off the final thoughts by helping me answer the question. What can we do better for Harris when it comes to this memory, uh, conundrum that we've, 


[01:16:05] Eldar: please.

Have you tried to get your memory 


[01:16:07] Eldar: No, no, no, that's nice. Treats? Are you giving 

presents for like Alpha brain? Treats? Treats? 

[01:16:14] Oleg: No, I'll first give you the whole answer, where I think most people, you know, I believe in genetic and evolutionary psychology. Hold on. So I think everybody's born to do something.

And I think, uh, when you, when you can find that thing that they're born Kind of four that they're good at. They're going to be a good match. It's going to be a lot more natural than trying to force them into like a pet, a square peg into a circle. That's 

[01:16:39] Eldar: what I, or a grape, I mean, a watermelon into a garden hose.

[01:16:44] Harris: Well, did you know, supposedly because of my dad, most American, most people in this world, Hate what they do for a living. I enjoy being here. 

[01:16:54] Oleg: But anyway, but if we're gonna, but if we're gonna stick with Eldarism and you think you can condition them into sales and maybe you are a talented in sales, you just got to get through all the layers of Harris, um, how you can help him.

What can me and totally do in order to sell myself? Are you the 

[01:17:11] Harris: sleazy car salesman? 

[01:17:12] Oleg: Is that your job? No, I mean, I don't Yeah, I don't know what I just don't know because I don't I'm not like here. They did it day. I don't see what what you guys already do do for you don't want to fire but sales is sales.

Yeah, let's pull sales is a difficult thing. Like I've tried it many times and I just I, I don't like, um, confrontation, of course, 

[01:17:40] Eldar: this guy, oh, we'll, do, do hell man. I don't like confrontation, for example. So for me, sales is always hard, this customer service letter that 

[01:17:46] Oleg: hard. So maybe hold on. Maybe for him, the confrontation part is hard.

Maybe it's hard to memorize. Maybe he gets social anxiety and gets lost in the words. I don't, I don't know. Of course there's different kinds. 

[01:18:01] Harris: That's one of my diagnosis. 

[01:18:03] Oleg: No, what is, how about this? What is your biggest hangup when you do sales calls? What is your biggest obstacle? What do you mean? Like, is it, you get nervous talking, do you not like confrontation?

Well, no, I can talk like this to normal people, 

[01:18:16] Harris: but it's a learning thing on the phone. It's different than actually speaking. Okay, 

[01:18:22] Eldar: but can you quantify? He does. He does. But when it's on the phone. But on the 

[01:18:26] Oleg: phone. I actually think your voice and your accent is very, um, Well, when I talk to, to southern people like charming or what I catch when I talk to Southern 

[01:18:33] Harris: people, they, they think the same thing.

We're having a conversation. I talked to some southern guy and he is telling me all about his, uh, process. The speak is good, but what is, 

[01:18:41] Oleg: what is your biggest challenge on the sales call? Like which element can you, can you wait? 

[01:18:45] Eldar: This has nothing 

[01:18:45] Oleg: distill down the one that would they asking 

[01:18:47] Eldar: him to take his clothes off and, and be in his underwear when he takes it

Is that you guys training there? 

[01:18:53] Harris: Yeah. It's probably when they, when they come down to like, oh, you know, Joe, you're sharp. You took your vitamins out, bro. These people are locked in and you gotta come up with a way, it's difficult 

[01:19:03] Oleg: for you to be pushy, quote unquote. Right? Yeah. But 

[01:19:06] Harris: when they're, when they're stuck on a price, right?

They're stuck on the price. How does totally handle 

[01:19:10] Oleg: or how do you see how him handling it? 

[01:19:13] Harris: Well, well, why, why do you, why is it expensive? What are you comparing it to? Uh, are you comparing it to a postcard? Okay. Uh. 

[01:19:20] Oleg: And you have trouble to, to have conviction when you use the same thing? Approach? Well, 

[01:19:24] Harris: I've, I've used the approach a couple of times and, uh, It's true, right?

When you get a postcard in the mail, some marketing bullshit, do you read it? 

[01:19:33] Joe: Well, you're a postman, so it kind of, this job is colliding. No. You know which ones I do read? The ones that look like they're handwritten. 

[01:19:40] Harris: Oh my God, 

[01:19:41] Joe: you're just saying that. I learned to throw those away. But they're fake, and you can tell they're fake, but it catches my eye.

They're so magical. He's a hater. So, 

[01:19:50] Harris: I asked one person once, I said, Hey, listen, 

listen, I could tell you something. This guy wasn't a letter friend. He's here no more. Don't listen to him. 

[01:19:56] Eldar: You 

[01:20:01] Oleg: can learn from my mistakes. What did you do here? 

[01:20:03] Harris: I asked a little bit of this, a little 

bit of that. 

[01:20:08] Harris: Yeah. Crispy is about to take a job cleaning toilets anyway.

Um, basically I challenged him once. Like I had this weird customer, like it's not about the price. And he's like, this was a completely cold call. Right. I said, well, what are you doing for. Marketing because I said, yeah, yeah, I'm sending out direct mail. I said, great. What are you doing? He goes, Oh, I'm sending out postcards.

And I said, uh, well, how's your response rate on that? It's pretty good. I say, yeah, well, my go to, can it be better? You got, you know, make them think, of course it can always be better. Great. Well, what I see is most people that, you know, get postcards in the mail have a tendency to just rip it up and throw it out.

Well, no, no, that's not true. People read it, you know, I'm getting calls, you know, I say, well, When you receive a, a postcard in the mail, what do you do? He goes, I'll look at it if it looks interesting. Mm-hmm . Like, what the fuck does that mean? Like No, you do not. You're just, this motherfucker has got an ego, bro.

[01:21:06] Joe: Yeah. Yeah. He is off defending his point. Yeah. 

[01:21:08] Harris: He don't know what the fuck he's talking about, which is 

[01:21:10] Joe: fine. Let it roll off you when you do that. I'm 

[01:21:13] Harris: speaking of 

[01:21:13] Joe: mostly 

[01:21:13] Harris: real estate agents. Right. He hit you, hit you with a stomp. 

[01:21:16] Joe: Yeah. 

[01:21:16] Harris: Like I'm speaking of mostly real estate agents. Probably no more now about the real estate, uh, agent fucking job than most of these people.

Like, uh, I, I talk to some people that they're like, oh yeah, I'm a real estate agent, you know, I sell homes, my job's this. I say, no, no, I deal with a lot of real estate agents. Tony, 

[01:21:34] Eldar: does that answer your question? No. Okay. What are your final thoughts on the topic of memory? 

[01:21:40] Harris: When the price comes, I fucking get stumped because they're like, oh, it's too expensive.

Yeah. To the pussy. Oh, fuck you, man. Oh, sorry.

[01:21:50] Oleg: I mean, from what Harris did reply, it sounds like he gets stuck in the conviction part of the part when they give resistance, which is definitely one of the hardest parts. Oh, so that means you're expert level. What? Yeah. When it comes to money Based on him? Yeah, based on his, have you noticed improvement in your thing?

[01:22:09] Harris: What? Yeah. I mean, I closed two deals. I'm probably on the third right now. Once the guy gets back to me. Why are you bragging? Do 

[01:22:16] Eldar: no, he is not getting back to you mushed that deal. You just crashed the plane. No, I didn't, bro. I did pretty good, actually. 

[01:22:21] Harris: I lowered the price for him, bro. You crashed the plane.

I, I lowered the, I didn't do that, bro. You crashed the plane. I didn't do, I told you yesterday. Yo, even Soli Solenberger said today, the guy that landed on the Hudson, he said, unfortunately, we had to learn from accidents and America has been pretty good at not having accidents. What are your final thoughts on memory, Harris?

It's there to be learned, man. I got it. What are your final conclusion, final words? I gotta get my life in fucking check, man. 

[01:22:54] Eldar: Okay, Oleg, please, finish this up. I don't have anything. You don't have anything. 

[01:22:58] Harris: Yeah. You didn't say anything on the podcast. Can you please say that about him? Yeah? Yeah. 

What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.

At no point were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. 

[01:23:19] Harris: [01:23:20] Thank you. That's for you. 

[01:23:20] Eldar: Oh, fuck you. All right, guys. Thank you so much. This was great. Let's fucking get to the second part.