Dennis Rox

155. Cousin needs a miracle: Breaking Down Perceptions for Self-Improvement

Eldar, Mike, Toliy, Tolis Episode 155

How can someone change their life if they’re unhappy with where they are?

In this week's episode, the hosts discuss the importance of changing perceptions and mindset for personal growth, featuring Eldar's cousin Tolis as a special guest. They explore how holding on to wrong perceptions can hinder one's progress in life, emphasizing the need for true understanding of causality and action. Tolis shares his struggles with finding direction, revealing how waiting for 'magical doors' to open has left him stagnant. Through humorous and earnest conversations, the hosts attempt to guide Tolis towards better decision-making and understanding the power of proper communication and mindset shifts.


[00:00:00] Eldar: On this week's episode, 

when you just be present and you work, I was just waiting for something like magic, a door opens for me from nowhere, 

[00:00:13] Toliy: people who like they ask for help or they want things to like change, think they always prove to everyone around them that the current life they have is actually not as bad as they describe it.

You know why? 


[00:00:23] Toliy: Because they don't listen. 

I need, like, if you can tell me. Oh my God, why are you guys laughing every time I talk? 

[00:00:32] Toliy: There's like two things that are funny right away in the sentence. I need, if you can tell me.

[00:00:44] Mike: Alright guys, today's discussion will be around perceptions and how sometimes holding the wrong perceptions can be detrimental to our lives and future growth. We have a special guest, Eldar's cousin Tolis, and today he will help us with his perspective on things. 

[00:00:59] Eldar (2): We're saying that. If your mindset changes, things will definitely change.

There's impossible for them to stay the same. How are they going to change? We're not sure yet. Time will tell depends on the type of decisions you make and how you make them. 

[00:01:12] Toliy: Yeah. But I also think that like, so there's, there's levels of mindset changing, right? You could go from being like a piece of shit to like a little bit better to much better to like very, very, like very, very good.

Right. To like then elite level human being. Right. Like there's like levels as to like progression. Right. Bye. Do I think if your mindset changes and the way that you go about things and your perceptions, are you guaranteed to make a good living? Yes, like, oh, I mean, how could you not? You want to like, say a couple of prayers and, and, and, and have a month pass by and then just like, you're gonna be running Greece and like, the whole country?

You want, like you want, you want to do nothing and magic to happen. You want to do nothing and everything in your life to be good. That's what you want. Like say, Hey, we'll go upstairs, grab this. And then that's it. You're going to be good. 

No, but I can't take decisions right now, but I'm willing to hear from you guys, you know, everything 

[00:02:23] Toliy: Yeah, but something tells me that you're not 

but no, but you guys just you're helping me like Would you take the decisions for me like what to do after here?

That's what I want Like right now I need someone to guide me. I can't guide myself anymore. I can't trust myself anymore. I feel like I'm not trusty, you know, I can't trust myself. I think whatever I'm going to do right now, it's going to fail a hundred percent. So you guys have to tell me you, okay, when you leave from here, you go there, you do that for that long.

What I'm doing here, I'm following you guys. I'm going to follow you there. Your instructions, you know, 

[00:03:12] Toliy: yeah, you can do that. You can, yeah. Yeah, I think that, like, you can get help and start to change the way that you look at things and your perceptions and your understandings as to, like, how things work, what's real, what's not real, and, and, and all that, but I think it's also, uh, very much dependent on you and, and, like, your actions.

Like, I don't think anyone can tell you, like, hey, Tolos, go here, go there, do this, do, do that, and then just everything, like, um, changes. Like, like, I, I, I don't view that as, like, a. I don't know, Elder. What do you, what do you think? 

[00:03:50] Eldar (2): I think that the first step probably would be to have a mindset or go with a mindset that You know, there is a possibility, right?

Get excited the fact that you are going to start making changes, right? And obviously, guidance from some, if you need guidance from mentors, and let it be us, let's just say, for example, right? It'd be a good thing, right? Obviously, we cannot promise any kind of outcomes. However, if you take the right steps, reason through them together, right?

Have a supporting cast, and you take the necessary steps, I think you can get into a much better place. I think you already started doing that. Right. He reached out to his friend who he never reached out to before, but he knows he's a good friend, right? And his friend is already doing some research, like finding him a place because we've come to conclusion and realization that, um, you know, he can't live with his mom anymore because it's very toxic.

So finding him a new place, that's one. Two, finding maybe a school, right? His friend's mom actually works at a school, right? So he's finding out about that, some of the courses that he might be able to take, some things that he might be interested in. Right, maybe potentially get a job afterwards, right? So those are the steps, right?

If you follow through with some of these things, I think you will be in a different place. Uh, how he's gonna take it, we're not sure yet. It's gonna take some time to, to evaluate, but you have to try these things out. You know what I mean? If something's not working, if you, you know, you've been trying this for 29 years of your life and you landed here and you realize that you're not happy and you landed in some depression, this is the time to evacuate, change something and then try something new.

This is, I'm, I agree with this. This is a very good step in, you know, in the right direction, I think. And if something doesn't work, you go again. 

[00:05:37] Toliy: Yeah, I, I think cause like, there's no just magical change that that will happen, but I think that like you can maybe put yourself in a position if you try hard enough to, to start to understand, uh, like why things happen and, um, that'll probably be some like a, like if you can leave with that and that only, I think it would be a very valuable for you.

If you can understand why, why does something happen and actually have like correct reasons for going forward, um, I think like in the long term in, in, in life, I think that you're very highly, like highly likely to have success. You know what I'm saying or no? 


[00:06:23] Toliy: Okay. Right now you hit your foot and you think it's because something hit your back.

This is what's going on right now. 

[00:06:30] Eldar (2): Does he understand this? Can he reiterate it that he actually understand what you're asking him to understand? 

[00:06:35] Toliy: Yeah. Do you know what I'm saying or no? 

Yeah, not totally, but yeah, yeah. 

[00:06:41] Toliy: He doesn't understand the causality of things. Yeah. You don't understand why things happen and how, and how they happen right now.

You don't understand this. 


[00:06:51] Toliy: you currently right now, you don't understand why things happen and how they happen. Like you don't understand what's the reasoning reason for them happening. And if you can leave here. With understanding why, when I take this bottle and I do this and I let go of this, what, what's going to happen?

This is gravity. You guys, what's going to 

[00:07:15] Toliy: happen when I let go? 

It's going to fall. Yeah. Yeah. Right. You guys say that a lot, the gravity, this fire. Yeah. But for you right 

[00:07:22] Toliy: now, you think in your mind, when I let go of this bottle, it can float, it can go up, it can go sideways. Give them a different example.

[00:07:30] Eldar (2): Not the gravity closes nose and his mouth and see what happens in one minute.

Close your nose. I can't breathe. Yeah. What? 

[00:07:41] Eldar (2): Yeah, we all agree that if you close your mouth and your nose for a certain amount of time, you're going to have a very specific reaction. That reaction is universal for all of us. Okay, then we understand that this is action and reaction and we understand that this happens.

This is a true reaction, right? If we don't breathe long enough, we're going to start feeling pain. Yes. Now, a lot of things that you perceive in life. You don't have this proper connection. Do you know what that means? Perceive? Between what happens and how 

[00:08:13] Toliy: it happens. Do you know what the word perceive means?

What does it mean? 

Like, to see things. It's hard to explain. Perceive, like, see things before it happens.

[00:08:31] Toliy: Here, I'll give you an example. If you get a puppy, right? There's two people, for example. Two people, right? Both of them get a small dog, two months old, okay? 


[00:08:48] Toliy: Right. One, like, uh, one day, for example, they get the dog, and the dog pees in the kitchen. 


[00:08:59] Toliy: Okay? One person is angry at the dog. 

One person, alright.


[00:09:06] Toliy: one of the people is angry at the dog. 


[00:09:09] Toliy: Because it peed in the kitchen. 


[00:09:12] Toliy: Okay? So, something happened, the dog peed, The that owner's reaction is to be like, their perception of what's happening is that it's a dog's fault and they're upset at the dog. Okay. And they 

[00:09:26] Eldar (2): don't like 

[00:09:27] Toliy: pee 

[00:09:27] Eldar (2): in the kitchen.

[00:09:27] Toliy: And they don't like pee in the kitchen. Okay. 

All right. 

[00:09:31] Toliy: Second person also has a dog, same age, same dog, same age. And in their kitchen, the dog also pees on the floor. 


[00:09:40] Toliy: Okay. That person is not angry at the dog. They are understanding that this is an untrained. Dog and at this point, for example, it's perfectly normal for them to pee in the kitchen.

Yeah, and they also understand that it is their responsibility as the owner of this animal to properly train them Which will take time to get them to a point where they don't pee in the kitchen So right now both those types of people All over the world are out there. One person who's angry at the dog and the other person who understands the situation.

Yeah. That's being patient, right? 

[00:10:24] Toliy: No, that's not being patient. That's not being patient. 

That's being patient. I can't be, I can't be patient waiting for something. No, 

[00:10:32] Mike: that's not, that's not at all patience, not even close. It's seeing what's actually happening. There's 

[00:10:36] Toliy: one person has correct idea of reality and one person is a numbnuts.

One person's an idiot. And one person understands the situation. It's not patience. The dog is not going to train itself. One person understands that the control is in their hands. And they aren't understanding of the situation and what needs to be done to change it. And the other person is like, oh, this dumbass dog, this stupid dog.

Yeah, the 

first person who gets angry, uh, right? That's me. Yes. Because I'm not patient anymore. No, it's not patient. It's not because you're not patient. In your 

[00:11:18] Toliy: world, one plus one equals three right now. 


you guys like you want to get to a point where you want to 

[00:11:30] Toliy: get to a point where one plus one equals two right now for you. One plus one equals three. This is why you are where you are. 

[00:11:38] Mike: You don't respect the reality, like the reality is 

[00:11:42] Toliy: reality. He doesn't understand reality, why things happen, which is not like a baseline understanding, like just because you exist in this world.

Does not mean that you understand why things happen. You could think you understand, right? Just like for example, some people think that if they make the most amount of money That will equal them being the most happy right? Is there people who think this for example, right? Not 


[00:12:11] Toliy: No, i'm saying are there people out there who believe this?

Yeah, but I guess Are there 

[00:12:17] Toliy: people out there who believe this? Yeah. Okay. Are there people out there who believe that Um, no amount of money can buy happiness. Are there people who believe that 

I guess, 

[00:12:29] Toliy: right? There, there, there's some people, are there people out there who are somewhere in the middle of that, right?

There may be like 50, 50, right? Are there those kinds of people? 

Yeah, I'm in there. I feel I'm right. 

[00:12:41] Toliy: So people can think. Different things they can have. Everybody can have those. Those are the perceptions. Yes. Those are the perceptions. People can perceive whatever they want. You can think that everything is up to chance and luck being lucky.

Unlucky. I can think that it's complete opposite that you have full control over everything. We can both think that right. But what's really true. Is a different story, correct? 

[00:13:08] Toliy (2): Okay. 


[00:13:09] Toliy: somebody's right and somebody's wrong. 


[00:13:15] Toliy: Okay. So that that's what it is It's it's all about perceptions. There's there and everyone can have different ones But just because you exist does not mean that you have the correct perception that that's what i'm trying to say 

[00:13:33] Eldar (2): And also just because a million people or 99. 9 percent of the people have the same perception Does not mean that they also got it, right 

[00:13:42] Toliy: correct That's what i'm saying is that right now a lot of things that you're doing is probably wrong Which is why in your life right now one plus one equals three But I think you would like it to be too.

Yeah, but why is it wrong? 

[00:13:57] Toliy: Who 

says it's wrong? 

[00:13:59] Toliy: You say it's wrong. Who's unhappy here? 

I'm unhappy, but 

[00:14:05] Toliy: Okay, so if you're unhappy, is what you're doing right or wrong, overall? If you're unhappy. Those are your results. 

Yeah, some decisions maybe are wrong. 

[00:14:16] Toliy: That's your proof. 

Some of them, just some of them. Do 

[00:14:20] Toliy: you have enough evidence?

That where you have landed is not good


[00:14:27] Toliy: Yeah. Like, do you have enough evidence for yourself, enough proof for yourself that what your actions have led to is a place that you're unhappy with?

No, I don't get it. Nope. Do you, do you have enough proof for yourself? That all the things that you've done, all the decisions you've made, everything that you've done combined has led you to a bad place.


[00:14:58] Toliy: Well, of course, because he's been saying 

[00:15:00] Eldar (2): that he doesn't want 

[00:15:00] Toliy: to 

[00:15:00] Eldar (2): make the decisions himself anymore. 

[00:15:02] Toliy: You're also saying, yeah, I don't want to make decisions anymore. That's telling me somebody that has enough evidence and proof that what they're doing is incorrect. That's right. That's why. Yeah. Now, if you tell me, hey, no, actually, totally, everything's good.

I feel good. I like my life. Everything I've been doing is good. That's it. No problem. That means that everything is good. 

No, obviously not. 

[00:15:28] Toliy: So then what, what are we talking about? 

Yeah, but I don't get your point. Yeah. Still, I don't get your point. What you want to say, like what you're trying to say to me.

[00:15:36] Mike: He's saying that when you made the decisions, right, that you made in your life, were you hoping for something good to happen or bad, the intention? I wasn't really hoping. Okay. So what were you planning for? 

I was just waiting for something like, you know, magic. A door opens for me from nowhere, you know, when you're just present to places and you work and you've been responsible in your life, door opens for you.

That's what I was waiting for, but no, I don't feel it. Any door open for me? Mm hmm. No, go ahead. 

[00:16:27] Mike: You want to say something? 

[00:16:28] Eldar (2): Uh, what I think what I want to say is that I think we're totally trying to say that maybe cause for for a very long Time was living out Uh the wrong perceptions and he continues to do so, [00:16:40] you know These wrong perceptions and that is why he is where he is You know, this is what he's trying to say to you, uh, told us,

and maybe, right, if you start to reevaluate, right, these perceptions about life and how you think about life, if you start to rethink them, right, and reconnecting these dots, changing your mind, right, was what we're talking about, then going to live out those new perceptions about life and seeing if The results that you're going to start getting is, is what you want is what is going to make you happy, 

[00:17:20] Toliy: or maybe in those cases, for some reason, although I don't know why, but it seems that those magical doors just start appearing out of nowhere for no reason.

[00:17:29] Eldar (2): That's the funny part, right? How that works. 

What magical doors? 

[00:17:34] Toliy: What? I said that it just so happens that when you do things correctly. There's just doors everywhere. No, you almost don't, don't have enough hands to open all of them. 

No, not like doing the right thing. Just being present in the work and be responsible.


[00:17:54] Toliy: yeah. But what, what does that mean? Like, 

like you're not hiding your, you're out in the world and trying to. To accomplish something, you know? 

[00:18:02] Toliy: Okay. So what are you, what have you been trying to accomplish? What have you done to, to, to have doors open in your life or to like accomplish something? Like what, what are the things that you've done?

I was out there. I wasn't doing what you were bartending, whatever. Like, 

[00:18:17] Toliy: no, but you were bartending. Yeah, that's what I, yeah. But what, what is that? Like, what, what's going to like, what do you think someone's going to come and say like, 

[00:18:25] Eldar (2): and why 

[00:18:25] Toliy: did you 

[00:18:26] Eldar (2): start bartending? Did you want to start bartending? For what reason?

Why I started. Who 

[00:18:35] Eldar (2): told you that you have to go out there and do bartending? Did you agree with it? 

No, but you know, when I start to do that, two of my best friends, they told me we're gonna go and start going to the islands and just, you know, like adventure, experience things, make money. And did 

[00:19:00] Toliy: you 

do that?

We're gonna see, but yeah, both of them. So we went three of us there and started doing this thing. Okay. I never want to be a bartender. I never said in my life, I wanna go when I 

[00:19:13] Toliy: Yeah. But then you got what, what, what you wanted. Right? You, you had ventured, you saw things, you had a little bit of fun, right?

Yeah. Everything. 

[00:19:21] Toliy: Okay. So, but I stuck some girls money. 

Yeah. But I stuck there. 

[00:19:25] Toliy: What? Yeah, but what is supposed to happen to a Supposed to 

happen like work there for like two three years. Okay, maybe four 

[00:19:35] Toliy: Okay, and then what and then and then you own the restaurant to do what something else like what

what what's the natural pattern? What happens? He doesn't have a plan. Yeah. What happens? I 

didn't have a plan. 

[00:19:53] Toliy: So what do you think? Just magic is going to happen and someone's going to lift you up and be like, Oh, Hey, the way that you pour drinks is really nice. Maybe, maybe we may, maybe, um, we may, maybe you can help us build this building in Athens

and then from there, a couple of years from there, and then maybe someone's like. Hey, we have this new AI software that we need coding on. Maybe you could code it up for us. 

[00:20:17] Mike: And since you have, I'm not saying he's going to meet a rich girl and she's going to be a sugar mama. 

I had that. I didn't want that.

All right. Oh, maybe just, you know, a guy or someone, Oh, guy. Whoa. No, I'm okay. Harris, a person, right? Okay. Someone just come to me and say. 

[00:20:37] Mike: He thought somebody was gonna see his his work ethic and no no no how 

it started how it started my best friends told me Hey, we got an idea. Let's go there. Okay, so I was waiting for a new idea to come up Okay, and someone to say me a totally you want to stop button and go do that.

No one came 

[00:21:00] Toliy: Yeah, but like it's not a crazy expectation to have so I'm just gonna keep coming up with this This is 

the door that I'm waiting for and 

[00:21:08] Toliy: how long you gonna wait You done waiting, 

obviously. Yeah. 

[00:21:14] Toliy: Wait long enough? Yeah. May long. Maybe you go bartend another 15 years and may, may, maybe a door will open.

Yeah. It's not supposed to be that long. 

[00:21:24] Toliy: How, how long does usually, how, how long does it take Usually Thomas , two, three years. Albert. Two, three years. Yeah. Usually door doors open for somebody to have a, a, a, a new good idea. 

I was hoping like something, this 

[00:21:39] Eldar (2): is call us. You just explained to us what we try to explain to you.

This is called a perception Yes. Or maybe your friends had Yes. Or maybe Greek people Yes. About 

[00:21:50] Toliy: bartending. Yes. You know? Yes. Yeah. Greek people. Bar, bar. Bartending the gateway to your future. . 

Yeah. You guys 

[00:22:01] Toliy: are laughing. Let, let, let, let's, let's shoot an ad. El, let's shoot an ad. Santorini. We're looking for barn.

Yeah. The San Santorini call call magical doors. Yeah, call, call. Calling all young men of Santorini. We are, we are the gateway to your future. Come zen. Two to three years and that's it. A new door. Will we guarantee you Magical doors. Yeah. Magical doors are gonna o open two, three years. Just make a few cosmopolitans.

You know, Mike, we we're gonna shoot an ad, you know? Yeah. 

[00:22:32] Mike: Yeah. 

[00:22:33] Toliy: Bartending is apparently the gateway to successful futures in 

[00:22:38] Mike: Greece. Wow. See, somebody told him a lie. He believed it. Like, he got tricked like a little, little, little kid. 

[00:22:45] Eldar (2): Mike, Mike, this is what we talk about. He has a perception. Yes. He had a perception that, well, first of all, his friends had a vision, right?

And the vision was, hey, Tolis. Let's go bartend. We can get jobs over there. We can make some money. We can have some fun, you know, club, go to clubs, meet some girls, you know, whatever, and have fun and chill. And they did that. That was their vision, right? They had fun. 

Yeah, he did. 

[00:23:11] Eldar (2): You know, obviously, that type of fun runs out pretty quickly.

You can't do that type of partying, that type of doing stuff for a very long period of time. It just gets tiring and exhausting. Like anything else. Right? Yeah, but I think it's also known there was no, there was no other plan afterwards. There was no other vision. So you followed their vision and then he, for some reason, have some kind of like this perception that some new magical doors are going to open afterwards.

[00:23:37] Toliy: Yeah, I think it would be now if you told me a different thing toes, if you said, um, me and two and two of my friends, we're going to do, we agreed that we're going to go do bartending for the next three years and each year we're going to, we're going to each put 5, 000 into a pot. Oh, right. Oh, and save up over the course of three years, 45, 000.

And then, and then from there we had, we outlined the plan as to a particular, maybe business or investment that we're going to go into or start. And this is what we're going to do. These are our skills. These are some abilities we have. We're going to go grind it out for the next three years, save up this money.

And this is what we're going to do. That to me is a different idea for example. 

Yeah, but when you're 

[00:24:32] Toliy: yeah, that might be something called a plan Yeah, now now you don't have to wait for anything to happen you have a concrete plan three years Bartending grind save up the money open the company and then next Now you have a plan for example.

Yeah, but just going to do three years of bartending and hoping for an for a for a for a goose to fly down and pick you up and put you into a Nice company with all these newfound skills and a nice wife Hey kids and yeah, benefits and just live. Yeah. If you three years of bartend, you get, not only do you get a good new job elder in a completely different profession, but you get a new wife and they just inject two, two nice, also beautiful looking kids in your life as well.

Because we're going to Greece tomorrow with one of my best friends 

that we went there. All right, after the fourth year of the season. Okay. He found his love of his life. Okay. And now he has like a journey. 

[00:25:41] Toliy (2): Okay. He's 

moving with her. Okay. Maybe that's it. Maybe he's not going again that back there, but, 

[00:25:49] Mike: but do you know, do you know what his plan was?

Did he tell you, Hey, this is my plan just to go have sex with Taurus? Or maybe he had a bigger plan? 

No, he didn't. He was just working like me. Mm-hmm . And something magical happened. Magical a girl, but gave him like the purpose. Mm. To start to do something in his life, to think about future and, you know.

[00:26:10] Toliy: Yeah. But I don't think something. If it actually ended up being something good, I don't think something magical happened. 

Yeah, but it did. And my other friend, I said two friends, we were three. The other friend, somebody told him, um, when he was working there, somebody told him, like, you can come to Athens, you can work there for me.

[00:26:37] Toliy: As what? 

Doing, he was like a waiter. 

[00:26:40] Toliy (2): Okay. 

He was a waiter, right? 

[00:26:42] Toliy (2): Okay. 

That guy just one random guy. 

[00:26:46] Toliy (2): Okay 

for a good money. 

[00:26:48] Toliy (2): Okay. All 

right, so he went to Athens He stopped after the third year in the islands. He stopped coming. He went to Athens He worked one year as a waiter. Okay, and then he met a new friend there.

You know, he's not from others He's from trickle. That's me and that friend. He was accountant. He told him Some things and he was interesting. Mm-hmm . About accountant. Okay. Things and stuff. 

[00:27:19] Toliy (2): Okay. 

And then he started the college there. 

[00:27:21] Toliy (2): Okay. 

And he's now an accountant in Athens. Okay. And he lives there. Okay.

So this is magical, you know. Whoa. 

[00:27:29] Toliy: And what happened to you? 

Nothing. I'm just working. Whoa. Nobody came to me. How many 

[00:27:32] Toliy: years did you go to the islands? 

Six. Six and 2018. And where 

[00:27:38] Toliy: did you end up? 

What you mean? I'm still 

[00:27:42] Toliy: Where did you end up after six years in the island? 

Nowhere. What do you mean?

What do you mean what I mean? 

[00:27:54] Toliy: What happened after six Okay, you told me the trajectory. One person, they went to the islands, they met the girl, this other guy, three years in islands, then he went to Athens waiter, and then he met an accountant. What about you?

What do you mean what about me? 

[00:28:13] Toliy: What did you What happened to you after six years in the islands? 

Nothing happened. Nothing. Like, I was, I'm just Well, why 

[00:28:21] Toliy: don't you think about it? 

I'm just like, still like, trying to figure out What 

[00:28:25] Toliy: happened to you after six years in the islands? 

I got depressed. 

[00:28:30] Toliy: Okay, and who did you call?

My cousin. 

[00:28:34] Toliy: And where did you end up? 

[00:28:37] Mike: Here. I think that was a mic drop. Wow. Cuz you're in America, cuz. 

Yeah, I was here nine years ago though And this magical door and I didn't even believe because it's so magical. It's not even real I was here nine years ago and nothing changed So what do you mean?

Nothing changed when I was here nine years ago I was just here. I had like some break of my like City life and just came here had some good time And then, back, back to reality. Do you think it's a different experience? No, I feel, it's different. Obviously, it's different, because right now I'm like, older.

Alright? Still, I think like, I'm just doing what I did like nine years ago. I just came here, take a break of my city life, have a good life, and then back to reality. That's why I want to like something to change something. 

[00:29:49] Mike: How do you know something, uh, something's not changing?

[00:29:56] Toliy: Yeah. I, I also have another option for you. I need options. Why don't you just keep going back to the islands? What if you keep going back and then that door is going to open? Why don't you try that? 

I'm tired. What? I'm tired. 

[00:30:13] Toliy: But think about it. 

I'm tired. 

[00:30:15] Toliy: Maybe you can make a drink for somebody who's going to be an accountant.

And say, Hey, tell us, why don't you come work with me? I take you back to San Santorini. Show you the good life. 

No, it's not happened. 

[00:30:27] Toliy: Why not? It happened to your friend. 

No, somebody told him to go to Athens and work as a waiter. 

[00:30:35] Toliy: Yeah. 

And then he had a friend. 

[00:30:37] Toliy: Yeah. Wow. He has to be a waiter first. Okay. Yeah.

So then you're going to be a waiter wherever you meet. Oh, he 

was always a waiter. He didn't, he went to them. No, I 

[00:30:45] Toliy: know, but maybe you can get a job this season as a waiter and you're going to meet somebody too. 

[00:30:51] Eldar (2): No, 

[00:30:51] Toliy: no, no, no, no. That's 

[00:30:52] Eldar (2): not how it works. So first you have to meet someone and that person tells you to go to Athens to be a waiter.


[00:30:58] Toliy: Okay. So maybe 

[00:30:59] Eldar (2): you'll have to go. 

[00:31:01] Toliy: Yeah. Then somebody is going to tell you, maybe this season, next season in two, three, four, five seasons, you're going to say, Hey, tell us, come, come with me to Athens. You're going to work for me. Why don't you just keep doing that as a waiter?

Yeah, because I'm getting old, man. I'm getting old. I don't have time to mess around. 

[00:31:24] Mike: Are you getting old or you stop believing in the magic trick? He's laughing 

again. You see, every time I say something, he's 

[00:31:30] Mike: laughing. 

So that's why I don't want to talk, you know? Yeah. He's saying he has no respect. This guy, this guy has 

[00:31:38] Mike: no respect.

He's drunk. He's drunk. No, he's not drunk. He's sick. He's tipsy. 

[00:31:43] Mike: He's 

[00:31:43] Toliy: tipsy.

Yeah. Yeah. Cause I, uh, I don't know. Like, it sounds like you have a good plan, like that you've already seen be successful for your friends. Right. Keep going to the islands. You're going to eventually meet somebody. They're going to pick you up, show you a plan. You're gonna follow the plan and then you're gonna live hap happily ever after.

I don't know. I want a sign. I don't know who, who's gonna gimme that sign? Mm-hmm . If it's gonna be like a human or something divine. Mm-hmm . You know, 

[00:32:14] Toliy: you, you could take a handful of mushrooms and see some things. No , little bit of acid. I 

don't know what's just, I need a sign that, just give me a sign that I'm gonna get.

So why don't 

[00:32:25] Toliy: you, why, why don't you pray? Why don't you go to church? 

I did. I started. I never prayed. I was always believing God and everything, 

[00:32:34] Toliy: but 

I was never praying. And I did that last year after, after I broke up 

[00:32:42] Toliy: with 

my girl, you know, I don't know 

[00:32:46] Toliy: that that work well for you.

Something's changed. I don't know if something changed. I said, like, I didn't pray, like to get your back. So what did you prayed to like, stop being sad. Something to change, something to happen in my life, you know. Something like, magic. I need a sign, you know. I think it's 

[00:33:11] Toliy: great, it's like, like, your requests are like crazy arrogant thoughts.

Why? [00:33:20] Like I have to, I have like to request something small, like 

[00:33:23] Toliy: you're, you're requesting to eat 10 slices of pizza and lose weight.

This is what you want essentially in your life. 

Yeah. When you pray to something that it's not human. 

[00:33:35] Toliy (2): Okay. 

All right. So like highly power has no limit for me. You can ask anything. Okay. All right. 

[00:33:47] Mike: This is like the perfect, uh, okay, you know, you know the story about the guy who was drowning and God kept sending him the boats and He made it to heaven, you know the story?

[00:33:59] Toliy: No, no, but I know those types of stories that yeah, like Like they don't understand like what what what is being sent. I think 

you have to pray big You can't pray small. 

[00:34:14] Toliy: So when was the last time that you prayed?

Every day 

No, i'm not doing that right now, why not why not it don't work because like I feel like he doesn't believe it No, no, you believe it. Okay. They are I feel like god. He doesn't work gave me something. Why 

[00:34:38] Toliy (2): did he give you? 

Gave me like

the The idea to call my cousin 

[00:34:50] Mike: Now now now you finally said something you're tuned that makes it sounds like english 

because I wasn't thinking that at all before but after I had this thing with my relationship and I started to pray said like Do something like change something in my life. Come on. I can't be like sad anymore.

[00:35:11] Toliy: Okay, so then you're already you already got a divine, uh Intervention, right? 

All right. So what I 

[00:35:17] Mike: do now, what would you say to me? You said this yesterday, but you said this before you said something about my cause. He knows everything. He can, he's, he's the only one who can help me. He knows all the answers.

[00:35:32] Toliy: Yeah. 

[00:35:32] Mike: Yeah. 

[00:35:35] Toliy: But that, that, that's also like, it's a bullshit, right? Cause you don't really believe that you laughed at him too much. Yeah. He laughs at you. He doesn't take you seriously. This is why you can't talk. 

Oh, you know what? Fuck you guys. 

[00:35:53] Toliy: That's right. That's right, that's right. Yeah, you don't really believe that.

Everyone, everyone I've ever heard that it says, um, tell me what to do, I'll do whatever you say, you know everything, like, I don't know anything. They're all full of shit. 

[00:36:12] Eldar (2): And totally, you have to be famous to say that you said those words before, too. 

[00:36:15] Mike: Yes. Everybody, oh, me too, by the way, cuz. I also said it.

Yeah. I want to believe that, alright? I want to believe that. 

[00:36:24] Toliy: Everybody wants to believe that, but nobody believes that. 

I need a sign, like, something. Like, give me something. 

[00:36:29] Toliy: What do you want? You want Elder to show you his hoo ha? What is ? 

[00:36:36] Mike: His banana? No, 

it's gonna be a sign. I want a sign, you know. Alright. We have, like we said, like if I go back, we had like the three things.

My friend is doing a research, alright, an apartment, the job, what if I go back there? And I can't find an apartment. I can't find a job. So the plan is go, it goes. 

[00:37:07] Mike: So forget about it. Why even try it? Just forget about it. 

In reality, maybe I, I won't be able to like to find an apartment. I won't be able to find a job.

So the plan, it goes like. 

[00:37:19] Toliy: But I don't understand what's wrong with just going, going back to the islands and waiting for the door to open.

Why don't you just do that? If I don't have That's the clear plan, though. 

That's my last option, alright? Uh, but I wanna go there. This is my last, like

[00:37:41] Toliy: Yeah, I don't know. I think that you don't actually believe what you say that you believe. 

I don't know what I believe anymore. After you guys, all this talking, I don't know what to believe. I'm so confused every day. 

[00:37:56] Toliy: I know one thing for sure. 


[00:37:58] Toliy: That you believe you know better. That's for sure. 

I don't know better.

[00:38:02] Toliy: Yes, you do 

from you. No. 

[00:38:04] Mike: Yes 

from you No, but 

[00:38:07] Mike: the thing is the way you saying and the way you behave the way you It's not the same because we telling you told us jump you say you say I'm gonna do whatever you say We say totally told us jump you say no, I don't want to jump. 

Yeah, I'm not a robot You can't program it, but you told us you're gonna use because you believe how 

[00:38:24] Toliy: can you tell somebody I'm gonna do what you say They tell you what to do and you don't do it That to me says that there's somebody that knows more.

What kind of relationship is that? Yeah, like, what is that? That's bullshit. 

[00:38:38] Mike: If you trust your cause, then why you don't trust him fully? 

[00:38:43] Toliy: Cause no one trusts anybody. It's 

[00:38:44] Mike: impossible, yeah. Everyone 

[00:38:46] Toliy: knows better. Trust is 

[00:38:47] Mike: dead, guys. No, that's for sure. Trust is dead. 

You mean trust him fully and every day I say like, okay.

Everything's going to be all right. I mean, no, 

[00:38:56] Toliy: you're telling me one thing you're saying I can't make decisions. Okay. So then someone's like, so then you're like, I need you guys to make decisions for me. Okay. Cause decision number one, talk in the podcast. No, I can't. I, I, I, my, I, I don't want to, my, my English is 

[00:39:13] Mike: good, 

[00:39:13] Toliy: right?

What is that that to me somebody that that that knows better that they don't need any decision making help They're perfectly fine making their own decisions. They they show me that What, what, what you say and do are two different things. Right? I'll do it only up to a point, of course. But this is supposed to be, this is the, nobody does that.

Nobody listens to what other people say. This is impossible. 

So talking to the, because we're gonna make like the, the change. It's part of it. It's gonna start it, it's just 

[00:39:50] Toliy: an example. 

Yeah. But you guys gonna, it's just an example. Yeah, just an example. 

[00:39:54] Toliy: Yeah, it's gonna start it. That's that. That's for sure.

[00:39:58] Mike: The thing is what you need to do is you need to convince yourself you like you think when you speak you think you believe that you don't know anything, right? You honestly follow me? Yeah. What you need to do is to convince yourself that you actually don't know anything. And when you don't know anything.

Then you can ask for help and then you will always be coming and asking, okay, what do I do? What do I do now? You're a little bit quiet. You know, you don't ask questions. You don't say how you feel. You don't share so much. You share a little bit for you. Maybe it's a lot, of course, understandable for compared to before.

But, um, you still think that you know something and the way you behave, but you need to finally, uh, say that you actually don't know something and you actually have to believe it, but you can't fake it. You can't just say, yeah, I don't know anything. Because your actions is not going to be that way. It's impossible.

But when you, but when you say, I don't know anything and you act that way naturally, automatically, you're going to ask questions. Why is this? Why is that? This is natural. That's how things work.

More whiskey. 

[00:41:13] Toliy: Yeah. Like the, uh, I don't know how to like, like explain it to like somebody else. Right. Because it's like, like, I feel like I'm on the side of like, I. I, I knew nothing completely and like everything was bad. That was like me at some point relatively. Right. And then, um, slow, slowly something started to get better.

Some things I actually understood some things like I know, and I can explain and like talk about. Um, but, um, like I, uh, like I, I. Like I'm a living, breathing example of like both sides, you know, I don't know if that makes sense. Although it 

[00:42:05] Eldar: doesn't make sense to me that I know, I know what you're talking about, 

[00:42:08] Toliy: right?

So it's like, um,

it, it, it's difficult to communicate with the other side. Because the other side is programmed to reject the good side as much as possible in the way that they've been acting. So like,

yeah, like, they're, they're, like, it's very hard just to listen to what other people have to say and then, like, actually, like, listen. To them without going on the journey of like 

[00:42:47] Mike: but I think I think it's also because um Maybe I can agree or disagree. But the way you feel right now, it's um, it's because maybe you don't see the Like the journey that he's going through right now Is identical to all the journeys that we all went through.

We also had all this arrogance Thought we knew thought we were ready for help, right? But this is the same process that we all went through So it's like In this case, I think he has to keep going through it. What he's going through, um, to keep proving to himself that he actually wants this. And I think we all went through this.

You think, 

[00:43:33] Mike: I know, I know, I know. Yeah, I know. You're happy with, I know it's better. What do you 

[00:43:39] Toliy: think that like, like we didn't go through the same things. Like we didn't have to say everything you're saying. We all said this. I 

[00:43:46] Mike: said this totally 

said all the same things because you were all having these problems in the same place, in the same country.

He's, he's laughing at you. 

[00:43:56] Mike: What does that mean? I don't think, I don't understand. 

Different, different country, different problems. Come on. I don't know. Gravity. Yeah. If I 

[00:44:05] Toliy: drop this bottle in Greece, it's going to float. Yeah. In Greece, a small chance, small chance, 10 percent chance or no, or this bottle going to drop in Greece as well.

[00:44:17] Mike: Oh, those are different people. There's different, different people in Greece. Everything is upside down. 

[00:44:22] Toliy: The universe. 

[00:44:23] Mike: Yeah. Like. Yeah, like the thinking is different cause but in Greece is the truth the same as the truth in America if you kill somebody Those are different does the person die? 


[00:44:33] Mike: different bullets.

We didn't kill 

anybody No, but in 

[00:44:37] Mike: Greece is the same thing. Yeah, the truth is the truth you go to America you go to Africa You go to Greece. The truth is the truth. One plus one is two everywhere in the world, correct? Correct the stuff we talking about We're trying to discuss is just like that It's one plus one.

We try. We try. Yeah, we're trying to give you examples of one plus one, but you want to say one plus one is three. This is the problem. You just like you convince yourself that you're going to have this three years in Greece in the, on the islands. You convince yourself that this is the equation, but this is not the truth.

[00:45:14] Toliy: Yeah, I think, uh, just like in general, and no, he proved it. Sorry, Tolly. And he proved there he had 

[00:45:21] Eldar (2): a, he had a perception, 


[00:45:24] Eldar (2): That he's going to do this thing at the bar, right? For two, three years, he's going to work and then something else is going to happen. And then something else is going to happen.

That's something else is going to happen. And then he proved to himself. That's not how it actually works, right? 

That's, yeah, I thought this is a journey, you know, you just move on to something else. 

[00:45:46] Toliy: Yeah. I think that like people who, people who like, um, they ask for help or they want things to like change, I, I think they always prove to everyone around them that the current life they have is actually not, not as bad as they describe it.

Do you know why? 


[00:46:05] Toliy: Because they don't listen. 

I don't listen. 

[00:46:10] Toliy: Right? If people say, hey, everything is bad, life is bad, I need help, I need to know what to do, I need to learn this and that, then they would listen. But 99 percent of people, or 0. 9, don't listen, which just always proves back that whatever they're saying is not actually as bad as it actually is, right?

Otherwise they would listen.

[00:46:41] Eldar (2): And that is also why, because they also have a very specific perception of how they're supposed to get help as well. They have an idea of how the help's supposed to come as well. That's their perception of understanding of how the help should look like, right? Miracles or some other shit. 

[00:46:57] Toliy: Tolus, if you're laying on, if you're laying on the hospital bed, and you're dying, And doctor's like, okay, this is what's wrong.

We need to perform a surgery to save your life. Good. What are you gonna do? Go on. Why do you let him do that? Why? He tell me exactly 

what I have to do. 

[00:47:18] Toliy: What? What do you mean what? Wait, what do you mean? He tells you exactly what you have to do? He tells me you have to, you have no choice. You have no choice.

Alright. You don't know what he's gonna do. He's just gonna do it. What? What are you gonna say? Listen, look Doctor, you're gonna have to show me some proof that this is gonna work. . 


[00:47:36] Toliy: he's not. The shame. Yeah. Why? Why not? Why 

not saying how? 

[00:47:40] Toliy: Alright. You know people who listen only for a little bit. Desperate people.

When you're dying, you're desperate. 

I'm desperate, man. 

[00:47:51] Toliy: No, you're not. You are far from desperate. 

You don't have to be desperate. Like, 

[00:47:55] Toliy: you're, you're, you're like a fat dog laying on the couch right now. You 

[00:48:00] Mike: still wanna fight, cuz. Yeah, that's why you don't 

[00:48:02] Toliy: pray 

[00:48:03] Eldar (2): every day. 

[00:48:03] Mike: Yeah. 

[00:48:06] Eldar (2): You only pray that one time.

[00:48:11] Toliy: Yeah,

yeah. When, when life's on the line When it's something really bad, everybody listens like this, and then things get a little bit better, and then nobody listens. That's right. 

Alright, you know what I want you to do for me? Tell me, like, you have to do that,

or you're dead. But give me, oh my god. Okay, or you're dead. You know, Kaz, what Sia, that guy, told him at the beach? If not, if not this, what, if you, if you don't do this, you're doomed. That's what I want to hear. Like, give me something that I have to like to go through. All right. Tell me, like, you have to do that or you're doomed, 

[00:49:17] Eldar (2): but we, we can't do that.

So it was because we don't believe that. We don't believe that you're 

[00:49:24] Toliy: gonna be doomed. 


[00:49:27] Toliy: And you don't believe that either. Otherwise you would do it. 


[00:49:34] Toliy: what In 

[00:49:34] Eldar (2): which situation I'm doing what I'm, 

I'm doing, I'm following you guys. I doomed. We 

[00:49:39] Eldar (2): have to define, we have to define what it means to be doomed.

Right. If you, for shyla it was a different, whatever his reasons were to be doomed. That was his reason. Yeah. He and this teacher for, for that moment, found that to be his leverage and he used it for him in that moment only. Trust me, that was probably the only time [00:50:00] somebody used that on him in that moment.

Nobody else ever said that. Then he made the choice to start changing. And trust me, he's still in the process of change, probably. 

Yeah, but he's taking the steps, whatever, like, they're telling him to do? Yeah. Exactly what steps? He knows where he 

[00:50:24] Eldar (2): He has to be told him to do the 12 step program because he's an alcoholic, right?

So he started the 12 step program. 

All right. I need a program from you guys, but not like a program real program like a sick person, you know How 

[00:50:38] Mike: you dictate you come to the doctor and tell him what you need or you ask him what he needs 

[00:50:45] Toliy: Hey doctor, you can save my life, but only if you use that knife enough this 

[00:50:49] Mike: this 

[00:50:49] Toliy: one That one looks too sharp.


[00:50:51] Mike: is my locker. 

[00:50:52] Toliy: Yeah. And doctor, if you're going to be saving my life, I don't want you to wear purple gloves. See if you can find green ones. Yes, please. And if you're going to save my life, maybe you can put on some nice music to listen to, but I don't like rap. I only like rock.

And if you're going to save my life, make sure that there's a pepperoni pizza ready for me when I wake up.

Every, every, every good teacher or someone that helps somebody. Right. I think they're completely, they're, they're completely fine if the student doesn't want, want to learn. 

Alright, I'll do your question round now. A very serious question, right? Uh oh. Mm-hmm . Okay. Take you 

[00:51:39] Toliy: very seriously set up, because this means no joking, no laughing, no joking, no laughing.

Yeah. Alright. Sober up. Big guy. Hold 

[00:51:45] Eldar (2): on one second. Let me, let me, let me set up for this. Hold on second. Yeah. Put on your serious hat. Sit up 

[00:51:49] Toliy: and, and put on some shoes or something. Put on your 

[00:51:51] Mike: serious hat. 

[00:51:52] Toliy: Yeah. 

[00:51:53] Mike: Color your hair. All right. Put on a suit and tie. Okay. 

All right,

ready? I'm ready. All right, 

[00:52:06] Eldar: hold on a second. 

[00:52:08] Mike: No, he's not ready. He's brushing his teeth. 

I will forget the question, man.

[00:52:18] Eldar: All right, I think I'm ready. 

All right, so my question is if I go back to Greece, all right, and I'm still What I'm right now, miserable, negative and everything. That means

that the teacher didn't teach me good or I wasn't able to follow you guys. What do you think?

I'm following here. No, what do you think?

See, he's laughing. Yeah, 

[00:53:05] Toliy: I'm asking you, you go back to Greece 

if I'm miserable again, like, yeah, you're miserable 

[00:53:10] Toliy: again in your heart. What do you, what do you believe

didn't work for me? 

[00:53:20] Toliy: So what do you believe bad teacher or bad student?

I did what you guys told me to do. 

[00:53:30] Toliy: So it was not your fault then, if everything goes bad, right? 

Maybe your method doesn't work on me.

[00:53:40] Mike: Okay, maybe. Maybe it doesn't work on him. Maybe he's 

special. I'm telling you, like, it's just going to a normal school. I, uh, we all, we already, like, discussed that. Learning 

[00:53:57] Mike: Sick, I know exactly what he's about to say. It's easy. And I know I said this myself. 

It's easy, you know? Teaching is the hard part. If the teacher can't find the exactly, like, the proper words, like, and the method.

Method like to teach to someone it will never work. Maybe the teacher has 

[00:54:25] Mike: the right method, but the student doesn't want to learn. Is it still going to not work 

in my situation? I'm willing. 

[00:54:34] Mike: How do you know that you're willing and how do you check confirm that you're actually 100 percent willing? I'm here.

So what? So what is also here? So what? What do you 

[00:54:45] Toliy: mean you're here? 

I'm listening. I'm trying. 

[00:54:49] Toliy: What does that mean? What does that mean? You're here. 

I'm trying, you know, 

[00:54:53] Toliy: what are you talking about? What do you mean you're here? What what does that even mean because you're here because you came to america?

Yeah, I'm 

willing. Yeah. Don't give up. I like if I wasn't, you know, 

[00:55:08] Toliy: why you had a better proposal elsewhere. 

No, no, I had nothing. Okay.

[00:55:21] Toliy: So then what are you saying? What does it mean to be here? 

So you're telling me that 

[00:55:27] Toliy: no, I'm telling you, I'm telling you that it sounds like for a long time, everything that's bad has happened to you is someone else's fault. That's how you feel. Yeah, it's always, it's been bad teachers around you everywhere.

And if only there were good teachers around you, you would have succeeded. 

No, I never had a teacher in my life. I never listened to anyone in my life. And the first time in my life, and I said like, okay, I can't do that anymore. I can't like. I'm not God. I can't like control everything. I can't take decisions anymore.

I need someone 

[00:56:06] Toliy: to teach me. When did you say this? 

When I called my cousin. 

[00:56:10] Toliy: Okay. So before that, how could there be a good teacher in your life when you know everything about everything? 

Yeah, I was 

[00:56:17] Toliy: wrong. So that's what I'm saying. So no, you said that there's never been anyone in your life that could teach you, right?

No. How could there be a teacher in your life that could teach somebody that knows everything? Do you know a teacher like that? 


[00:56:31] Toliy: Do you know a teacher that could teach somebody that knows everything? 


[00:56:36] Toliy: I don't either. 

But I was never willing to, to listen to anyone. 

[00:56:41] Toliy: Okay. So then you have to re, you have to reframe then what you just said.

Because you just created, I had a perception in my life that here there is. This hungry, good student, eager beaver, willing to learn, told us out there in, in, in Greece. Scouring the streets for good teachers, and nobody's around to help him or to, to uh, to, to mentor him. But he's sitting there, hungry to learn, ready to go.

This is like the story that you painted me. And then you told, and then now you're saying no, actually. Um, you were never willing to learn, so therefore there were never any teachers in your life, correct? 


[00:57:22] Toliy: Okay, those are two different perceptions of what happened, correct? 


[00:57:27] Toliy: Okay. 

All right. 

[00:57:28] Toliy: So what happened?

So, after all this, that I said like to myself, I want a teacher, I'm willing to listen. 

[00:57:38] Toliy: Yeah, but I don't, like. But nothing's going on. No, but I don't think you're willing to listen, and I don't think you need a teacher. 

[00:57:44] Mike: If you're willing to be a student, you can't make the conclusion that nothing is changing.

You're not, you're not in a position, you're not qualified to make any judgements because you don't know what's the teacher doing. You don't know the process, you don't know how long it's gonna take, you don't know what's the steps. 

Yeah, but I don't have time, I'm not like You don't have, you're 

[00:58:02] Mike: not a teacher, you're not like 

Harris, I can't be like around you guys forever.

[00:58:08] Mike: Why not? You're gonna marry Tommy. 

No, I'm not. I'm not Harris. I'm not. I don't have like this to be around. You're like, have time, maybe 1, 2, 3, 4 years, 25 years. Like you said, I can't I'm leaving 1 month. I'm all alone. She's laughing

because he walked off. He went to the bathroom. He just got up and left. He's like, he's laughing. He's laughing. 

[00:58:42] Toliy: Why 

are you laughing at the kid? 

[00:58:45] Toliy: The way he throws his fits, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I like it too. 

They're very calm fits. He's 

[00:58:51] Eldar (2): calm. 

[00:58:52] Toliy: Yeah. They're calm 

[00:58:53] Eldar (2): fits. Yeah. They're not like. Paris is like, oh, fuck you, man, you know This is like, you know, I don't have 25 years.

This is like he's just like depicting like crazy ass scenarios very calmly, you know I don't like I don't have 25 years guys. Are you serious? 


[00:59:11] Eldar (2): You know, yeah, yeah, man, it's the same shit. Every time is the same playbook, man 

[00:59:16] Mike: Yeah, it's all the same lines from everybody. 

[00:59:21] Eldar (2): Uh, you know to some degree it's like, uh, I've been thinking about this shit and because it's like i've been seeing the same face just like, you know Different outfits like we always do, you know It's like the interesting part becomes but also alarming part becomes it's like I keep seeing the same stuff But we're trying to find the different words to describe it the same thing, 


[00:59:42] Eldar (2): know, 


[00:59:42] Eldar (2): and I think that I think that that's to show that, uh, we learn differently, uh, by using the same language, but it's not the same language, actually.

You know, no, I think that you're suffering. No, but other 

[00:59:57] Toliy: words. No, but I, I, I think it proves the opposite. What is the proof? I think it proves that we all learn the same way. Actually, because you keep trying to use different words to describe something to different people, but none of it makes sense. So that proves to me that the original words are the ones that work to begin with, but trying to find all these different words to explain it to all these different people who don't understand it to begin with, none of those words work.

Right. So to me, it proves that. We all learn the same way. We all learn through suffering. Right? Um, yeah. And that's it. 


[01:00:42] Toliy: The same plain words, because once you get it, those same plain words, and from the very beginning, they all start to make sense. Correct? Yeah. Right. And then you realize that there's no other words that you can use to find, find ways to, to get somebody to, to, to understand something.

Right. None of these different words work. 

[01:01:05] Eldar: Yeah. 

[01:01:06] Toliy: Right? The, the, the basic fundamental truths from the very beginning were the only thing that made sense. 

[01:01:14] Eldar: Yeah. 

[01:01:16] Toliy: Yeah. Everything else is like trying to find some like, uh, like quick hack to get someone to bypass some process. 

[01:01:27] Eldar (2): Yeah. Yeah. It's like, all right, I got the three steps to fix your life today.

Yeah. No, 

it's like you get tired, you get tired and you don't have the will. To hard, you know, and you just,

I think you just want something like, 

[01:01:50] Eldar (2): yeah, that's a good thing. Because that's, that's good thing. Yeah, that's a good thing because for a very long time you've been working hard but not smart, and you would just keep hitting your head over the same wall. 

That's right. I was working hard, but not smart.

That's the right one. 

[01:02:07] Eldar (2): Yeah. And there you go. You got the results that you got. And now, right, your mind is programmed to work the same way, work hard. Right. And that's smart. And now you've met people who are trying to like, Hey, you can work smarter, but not harder. And you're like, wait, that doesn't exist.

That's not, that's not real. That's magic. You guys not live in a real reality, you know? Uh, and that's why it's very hard for you to understand and jump over the barrier, which it's supposed to because you're an old dog trying new tricks. 

[01:02:38] Toliy: Yeah, you, you didn't see like the, the very long journey that everyone took to take steps towards change and towards evolving and still the current things that people still suffer with now, you feel that like you have this special case of the special story in the special place.

Where different laws of the world exist. 

[01:02:59] Mike: Yeah. And I think everybody says the same, same exact words. And I think it's very like, interesting. It's like, uh, you have to say the same, same thing to every single person that comes to the door, you know, that's trying to make a change. 

[01:03:14] Eldar (2): That's what I was just calling Polly about, Mike.

It's a crazy phenomenon, right? 

[01:03:17] Mike: Yeah, it's definitely sick. But knowing that, that also changes the way like you, not that it changes the way, but maybe you see, you start to understand that like, this is actually normal. Like, what he's going through, what he's saying, this is normal, this is what's supposed to be said by a person that's going through what he's going through.

It's like, this is like, uh, it's like a script, bruh. It's like, you already can predict this shit. It's a given. It's a given. 

[01:03:43] Eldar (2): Yeah, it's like a given. It's like, okay, I know what's next, what's gonna be said next, I know why. I know that there's pain in this particular perception. I know why he's suffering from this, you know, like 


[01:03:53] Eldar (2): It's like, it's like, it's like a script that's been read so many times, that's like, okay, like 

[01:03:59] Mike: So sick, so sick, but it's, but it makes sense. Everybody's suffering with the same thing. 

[01:04:06] Eldar (2): It's like a bank, right? It's a universal bank that we tap into when it comes to ego, pride, you know, and all the, all the nonsense, right?

Fear, jealousy, revenge. By all the nonsense, right? It's a fucking bank and we collectively can tap in into it and we can thrive off that shit, you know, not thrive, but live off of it or fuel ourselves, right? Whichever way and try to survive somehow, you know, 


[01:04:32] Eldar (2): the answer is right are also on the other side where virtue is where the truth is where wisdom is right to tap it.

You need to tap into that in order to cure this cure your other side, you know, but the bank is the bank, 

you know. 

[01:04:46] Eldar (2): So it's like, it's like Socrates described it, right? He's taking people from the cave, right? Where they see shadows. They see illusions about the world and reality. And you're trying to bring them up to the light, you know.

And they're going to fight and scream and battle you as much as possible. Yes. Um, to not get out. 

[01:05:05] Mike: But the tactics are the same. Everybody's using the same, same tactics to battle. 

[01:05:11] Eldar (2): Yeah, yeah. 

[01:05:13] Mike: Which is also pretty fascinating. It's all the same roll 

[01:05:15] Eldar (2): over and die tactic, you know. Roll over and die, and it's not gonna work.

I need proof, you know. 

[01:05:21] Mike: Yes, yes. I learned, I learned, I learned differently than everybody else. 

[01:05:26] Eldar (2): Yes, yeah, I'm some special case. Yes. The ego is like, it thinks it's funny and slick, or tricky, but it's fucking, it's so weak. Basic, yeah. It's like It's pathetic. 


[01:05:42] Eldar: So, 

[01:05:46] Toliy: yeah, I think we're supposed to be the bad guys.

Yeah. Cause I think everything that you're saying, whoever is, whoever was helping us in moments where we needed different help, we were saying the same thing. Yeah. Word for word. Yeah. Just tell me what to do. I'll do anything. I understand. 

[01:06:07] Eldar (2): It was all about showers. Let's go walk barefoot outside on the grass.

What? That's weird.

Go take a cold shower. It'll snap you out of it. Oh no, I hate cold showers.

[01:06:29] Toliy: You know what I'm saying? 


[01:06:31] Toliy: I think no one's willing to listen until they are. And that's it. But this is like the process 

[01:06:39] Mike: of it. 

[01:06:39] Toliy: [01:06:40] Yeah, everyone has a high pain tolerance. You know, and 

[01:06:47] Eldar (2): you know what, and you know what, uh, showing a miracle, right. Or displaying a miracle that is obvious. Miracle is a fucking insult, bro.

Think about it.

You know, you know what I need? I need, like, if you can tell me that, oh my God, why are you guys laughing every time I talk? 

[01:07:17] Toliy: It'd be because there is like two things that are funny right away in the sentence. I need. If you can tell me, right, all right, 

[01:07:31] Toliy (2): think about that. All right, 

[01:07:32] Toliy: now, now, now, think about this or this.

You're laying on the hospital bed and you tell us a surgeon. 

[01:07:37] Toliy (2): Yeah, 

[01:07:38] Toliy: that's I need if you can tell me. 

Yeah, that's 

[01:07:41] Toliy: not. Tell that to the surgeon. 

That's not like how I talk. This is how I talk in English, right? 

[01:07:47] Toliy: No, this is how everyone talks. 

No, this is how I talk in English. I wouldn't say the same thing in Greece.

[01:07:53] Toliy: You would say the right things in Greece. Yeah. 


[01:07:58] Toliy: so you need You 

know, I don't need, like, to show me, like, something. Like, things. Rolex and stuff. You know what I need? Let's hear it. I want my cousin to tell me Or all of you told us we got the plan. That's it. You didn't tell me that until, until now you say just follow and stuff, but you didn't say.

We have a plan for you. We have a plan 

[01:08:35] Toliy: so we need that. 


[01:08:36] Toliy: works. Okay. So wait, we need this is approved. So hold on. Let me just make sure I have things correctly. So I want to have the right perception. You're saying that you will give permission to us. You will give permission to us to help you if we can convince you of a compelling plan that we guarantee will work.

I don't want to know the plan. 

[01:09:00] Toliy: Yeah, but you're saying that this is kind of this, that this is what you're saying, right? This is something for me like Yes, so you're saying, I just want to make sure that this is what you're saying. So I have a correct perception. You're saying that you will listen To what we have to say if we can collectively create and guarantee you a plan that will work only then you will listen.

I just don't want you to let me down, right? He wants to hold you accountable. 

[01:09:34] Toliy: Did you hear what I said or no? Yeah. This is what you want? 

I just want, I don't want to let me down. 

[01:09:40] Toliy: No, no, but I'm asking you. This is What you want

is this what you're saying,

I don't know if it's that exact what you're saying is this What you're 

[01:09:56] Toliy: saying is this I will go into your store and I will buy a lottery ticket Only if you tell me what the winning numbers are, and you guarantee me they're gonna hit 

no saying this is what you're saying. No, you're saying that different stuff again, like, no, your examples are 

[01:10:17] Toliy: please.

Elder is, is, is, is that not what he just said? 

No, what I'm saying is you 

[01:10:22] Toliy: said Yeah, give me, tell me a plan and it's guaranteed it's gonna work. 

[01:10:26] Mike: Yeah. But how can we do that? Because if we tell you no, what, 

[01:10:30] Toliy: what, like you've been, so what an arrogant thing to say 

you've been through again. You told me that you know how it works.

You had that, uh, in your life. So this is normal. So you know how it works. Yeah. But what kind of, what kind of, you made up a plan all these years. Like, and you know,

we know the, our method is working mm-hmm . And it's gonna work. 

[01:10:58] Toliy: Yeah. But you don't believe it. 

I'm gonna believe it. Why? If you're gonna say to me, we got, we have a plan for you. We have a plan. You don't know, you don't need to know the plan, but we have the plan and we will not give up. 

[01:11:15] Toliy: Okay. And what happens if you don't listen?

What, what's the repercussion? 

[01:11:20] Mike: Yeah. How much percentage of the plan is up to us and how much is it for you? 

[01:11:24] Toliy: What's the penalty if you don't listen? We cut you off right away. 


[01:11:28] Toliy: Right away. 

You should, but not like in a simple, simple things, right? Like you guys tell me, like, uh, you have to go, go climbing.

I said, no. Oh, that's right. That's it. Cut off. 

[01:11:44] Toliy: Very interesting. Okay. So you want us to come up with a plan, but then you also want to set the conditions as to what's okay and what's not okay of this plan. This is what you're saying. 

We understand what's like. Wait, 

[01:12:00] Toliy: who's we? Who's we? Who's we understand? If you're saying that you need the help, you're saying, I don't understand.

So then I will listen. So then if that's the case, how can you make any, uh, uh, requests or terms or like, this is okay. This is not okay. How does that make sense? Tell me though,

how would that make sense? 

Like you, you telling me like, okay, let's go buy an ice cream. This is part of the plan. Come on, this doesn't make sense. 

[01:12:40] Toliy: How do you know? How do you know an ice cream? How can you say that? 


[01:12:43] Toliy: gonna change? But how can you say what makes sense and what doesn't make sense If you are saying that you don't know?

Yeah, but it's normal. Like what's normal? Normal in human brain, is that it? Like what is

[01:12:58] Eldar (2): buying ice cream is not part of the plan, bro. 

It's not. Why not? It's not totally. It says, who 

[01:13:07] Toliy: says, why are you telling me why? Yeah, logical people like who's logical people 

People that are not crazy like who

[01:13:21] Eldar: shiloh shiloh 

Yeah, like normal people like who? They're not like in Asylum, you know. Asylum. Those people are crazy. Asylum. He's trying to say Asylum. He's trying to say Asylum, but he said Asylum. Asylum, yeah. Oh, okay, okay. Asylum. Normal people who are not in Asylum.

Oh my god, cuz. 

[01:13:55] Toliy: Oh my god. Cuz, I You Let me tell you honestly what I think based on how you think now you just need some money. That's it 

No, I don't need the money. I need like no, I think you need the job to make the money I'm, not i'm not like asking for free money. I'm, not that no, but i'm saying 

[01:14:17] Toliy: I I I I think that if you just had like some money then you wouldn't have any of these problems right

money to start things All right And then just like normal, like money just to survive, you know? That's it. And then things would be 

[01:14:38] Toliy: all be good, right? Yeah. Yeah. You see, you just have one problem. You, we, we just need to show you it sounds like how to make money and that's it

not how to think. Yes.

You're not looking to think it's okay. You could be honest. You could be honest. Yeah. But can you do that? I think that you 

can be honest. You, you can find a way for me to make money, like in Greece. 

[01:15:06] Toliy: No, I'm saying that if we were to help you find a way to make money in Greece, I think everything would then just be fine.

You think? Right? 

Mm. It would be a start. 

[01:15:15] Toliy: I think 

[01:15:15] Mike: it would be everything, 

uh, a start. 

[01:15:19] Mike: But he's gonna be happy. He's gonna have 

money. It's gonna be a start, like, you know, so to, to build something, to have like my freedom. You know, an apartment is a freedom for me. 

[01:15:32] Toliy: It's a freedom to what walk around the house naked 

Whatever I want to do.

[01:15:37] Toliy: Yeah, but if you don't know how to think everything that you're gonna do is gonna end up bad

No, why not because I will still I will keep Listen to you guys, you know and like start but I need a start. I need like a starting line And then I'm gonna work for that until like I finish somewhere and I can survive alone. So if you were to 

[01:16:12] Toliy: learn how to, what, what if, what, what if you learned how to start to think first?

How I'm gonna start? If I can just think, you know, what do you mean? Okay, I maybe like I can think like you guys, you know, and everything, right? Come on, he's loving 

[01:16:31] Toliy: because you're saying you're about to you're about to say something funny. He's beating you to it 

Well, you say 

[01:16:36] Toliy: pretty laughing you 

say right now.

I'm thinking wrong. Yeah everything. All right. Okay, so Let's tell you you guys Uh, I do it. Okay. I'm thinking different. I'm right. And I'm going back to Greece. Okay. What do I do? I say like, okay. Uh, hello, uh, owner of the business. Right now I'm thinking different, so I can have the job. Right. That was a good one.

That was a good one. No, that was a good one. All right. She's gonna still say there's no jobs available. This is real life. Man, there's no jobs available. I don't care how you think, how you were thinking. There's no jobs available. I have a different mindset. You should go ahead and hire me. The reality, you're right.

There's no way that you can be. Sick after that, there's no way you can be sick after that, there's no way you can be sick after that. Oh, but he goes, he goes, 

[01:17:53] Eldar (2): I go to, okay, okay. Tony keeps pushing like, you know, Tony's like, I need a good start. You know, I need money and stuff. I had to start my life. So I'm glad I could be able to think, you know, so he's like, well, you don't want to start thinking first and then get your job or get money or whatever.

How's this look like? I'm going to go. Okay. I'm going to start thinking like you guys thinking me and I'm going to go to the business owner 

and I'm going to say, hi, I'm thinking differently. I need a job. Right now, he's crying. Oh, that's a good one. That's a good one. Holy shit. Holy fuck, yo. He said to him, hi, I follow elderism and I really want one.

Yeah, just go to any business owner and tell them, I follow elderism. Yeah. And you know, do a good job. Yeah, my mindset, it's all changed. Right now.

It doesn't make sense. You see, it doesn't make sense for me. It doesn't right now. This, that's what I'm listening right now from you. 

[01:19:12] Toliy: Yes, I agree with you now. Now we agree with each other. It's a joke. I think that you don't understand is that the whole point of the mindset to change, right? Is that if you learn different things, you learn how to, you, you, you have correct perceptions of life.

You learn to speak better, you learn to understand better, I think that's actually how it's going to go down with that business owner. 

No, I still don't get it. 

[01:19:43] Toliy: Everything that you just said is correct.

What? Say what? 

[01:19:53] Toliy: What's going to happen with that, with that business owner or whoever that you speak to, if you become those changes. That's how it's going to go, but not in that kind of language.

Do you know how as an example of that or no? 

Give me an example. 

[01:20:17] Toliy: When you told me your friend was the same type of experience as you goes to people and demands a thousand dollars more older, he said they pay him because he knows that he's the shit. He's good at what he does. He doesn't go to the business owner.

He doesn't go to the business owner and say, Hey, business owner, I have a different mindset than Tolis. You should pay me a thousand dollars more. Do you think he says that? No, no. He is the embodiment of what that is, which is why he demands more. Right? Because when he goes there, when he goes there, he has particular attributes and traits, the way he talks, the way he carries himself, the way he acts, the business owner understands that this is the guy I need and I'm willing to pay more for him.

That thing that you're talking about, your friend, at that time, he's an embodiment of those kinds of things. Which is why he makes a thousand 

[01:21:18] Eldar (2): total embodiment full embodiment. Yeah That's why I can make double what you 

[01:21:22] Toliy: make even though you have the same skills as him 

[01:21:26] Eldar (2): Because you for example have the skills, but you don't know how to communicate properly That's your life.

That's what you're lacking and because you can't communicate properly You can never put yourself in those positions that he does Therefore you will never make that kind of money even though you can do the same thing because that's not the totality Or what is required? In order to be able to sell yourself and make more money, you need to also be able to communicate properly.

Yeah. How I learned that. 

[01:21:57] Eldar (2): Oh, no, that's a very good question. I think. Well, no. Well, yeah, sure. You can find people that wrote books and authors that talked about communication. Absolutely. Yeah, that's one way school, right? I think what you're doing right now by podcasting, for example, right, uh, you're learning how to communicate, you're learning how to communicate what's in your mind to us, you know, and to see whether or not you do it properly.

We're giving you feedback. That's communication, talking more, right? Asking questions. These are all ways of learning how to communicate.

Yeah, but it takes time, right? 

[01:22:44] Eldar (2): Oh, you don't have time. I forgot. Yeah. Uh, well, that, in that case, that changes everything. How, how many, how many years are you planning to live? 

Alright. If it, it takes time. 

[01:22:55] Toliy: Do you think it's supposed to take time? 

Yeah, of course. Takes time. Like, I need to level up, you know? 

[01:23:04] Toliy: So then what are you saying?

You have nothing but time. What, what else are you gonna 

do? I, I wanna, uh, I, I don't want to still do what I'm doing right now. I don't want to go back there and work in the islands.

[01:23:20] I don't want to do that, but I have no option. 

[01:23:23] Eldar (2): Yeah, I think, I think I got the plan. 

By changing my thinking, my only option right now is like to keep working on that. My thinking to change it. All right. And in the meanwhile, in the meanwhile, I have to work there to survive. 

[01:23:45] Mike: Oh, there has the plan. He 

didn't tell me that yet, 

[01:23:51] Mike: but I think I know now 

[01:23:52] Eldar (2): I got it.

I got it now. You got it. It was just born. I got it. I think 

[01:23:58] Eldar: totally is right. 

Yes, me too. I got 

[01:24:00] Eldar: to go back to the island. 

Yes. I can work on that the way I'm thinking and I can listen you to guys, but in order to survive. I can't like stay, for example, in Drikala and in the progress that changing my thinking, I'm not going to survive there.

I can't go like to the job and say that to the owner or the owner of the apartment, everyone there. Even my friends, they won't believe me. I can't go to my friends and say, Oh, you guys, now I'm thinking different. I can talk to you guys. It's not, it's not going to happen. Like, I don't think it's going to happen.

I don't know.

I know that you guys trying to teach me something to understand, but I can't get it. I can't, I can't like imagine how this gonna work in my real life in reality. 

[01:25:26] Toliy: Well, yeah, because I think that right now, right now, I think you're too scared to understand it. That's why you can't understand it. 

Or you guys talking like.

In future proof, you know, you guys talking like, it takes time. 

[01:25:41] Toliy: No, but like, you, you don't listen to, to either thing. What are you doing? Meanwhile, one, one of him, you're saying that like, this is future, future stuff. The other hand, um, we're saying to do, do this small step, like you want first big steps, then you want small steps and you want big steps and you want small steps, like, yeah, I, I, I think you're probably too scared to understand.

What we're saying right now, which is why you can't understand it. I think it would be too much change for your life. It would be too good. 

No, I can take the small steps. All right, but I need to survive in the meanwhile 

[01:26:18] Toliy: No, all right, you could do that 

harris is now taking the small steps, but he can survive

By having time for himself to think and stuff. I can't survive if I have time All right, I can't in my position right now. I can't survive The only option for me to survive in Greece, taking the small step steps is like going to the islands. This is what I know to do right now. I don't have like any degree of any kind, you know.

So I can't have like a normal job and have like some time to think and still survive.

I don't know. What are you saying out there? 

[01:27:19] Eldar (2): Uh, well, yeah, no, the plan is clear. Um, obviously, you know, if it's, I mean, I identified as right proper communication, right? If, if it's in fact that he has actual skills, right? To do the job properly and do it well, right? But he's never communicated properly, right?

To be able to sell himself and get the money that he actually wants and deserves. Oh, that that word, right? Right. He needs to learn how to communicate his abilities properly, right? Sell himself before he starts working. Uh, obviously get the job that he needs, that he wants, right. Be recognized by individual and feel that he is, uh, is welcomed in that job.

That he feels that he's an asset, that he's piece of the puzzle and he's serving that purpose. You know, as being a good worker and getting paid fairly and how he's supposed to that's his first step. I think I think that will be his first miracle and that would be his first evidence that that what we're talking about actually does work.

So, the next steps would have to be, um, he knows all the, all the, all the, all the bars out there, right? And all these islands, uh, we need to come up with a resume of what he's done. And what he's able to do, he needs to come up with, uh, either a resume or a cover letter and start writing emails to all the bar owners, uh, in Greece and those islands and propose what exactly he's going to be doing and how much he actually wants to get paid, uh, before he goes to the next season.

And wherever he ends up, we're going to visit him because we're coming on the summer. 

[01:28:58] Eldar: That's the plan.

No, I dare him to say something stupid.

It's all democratic Greece. I don't feel that I'm going to make it another season. The last season I did, I was about like to quit in the middle, but that's 

[01:29:28] Eldar (2): because there's, there's, because you were following somebody else's plan that was not even a plan. It was somebody else's perception. Now you're going to follow and do what we tell you with the money, with how you're going to behave yourself and how everything else, this is not going to be what you're thinking about.

You, there's going to be what we're going to tell you and that's it. So it's not about you surviving. It's about you following our orders. 

Yeah. If you told me that, like After the three years of the season of two years, it would be fine right now after these years. I'm not I don't want to do that 

[01:30:03] Eldar (2): Now we go see now we go back to what totally talking about.

Hey surgeon, uh saved my life But uh, can you bring gatorade and a little bit of whiskey while you do it to me? 

Yeah, jigsaw. Well, something else, like something else. I don't want to go back to this. 

[01:30:23] Toliy: He's saying, um, um, I'm starving. I need to eat, but maybe I don't want chicken today. Maybe make turkey instead.

No, I don't 

want, I had chicken. 

[01:30:31] Toliy: Yeah, I'm actually a vegetarian. I'm on the brink of death and I'm starving, but I cannot eat this meat. This is not organic. 

I'm not saying this. I'm saying like, I'm eating chicken six years now. Can you give me something else? Pork beef . You know, I'm eating. I've given you something else.

Six years now. Don't give. 

[01:30:49] Eldar (2): You'll be eating shit. You've been eating garbage. You, I'm gonna be your supervisor at this bar, not the, not the the, uh, the owner of the bar. I'm gonna be your supervisor. I am gonna be your supervisor at this bar. You're gonna tell, you're gonna do everything I tell you. And then we're gonna see whether or not 

[01:31:07] Toliy: you're gonna come out the same way.

Plus, how much is it to buy a bar? Farther, what is it? $400 ? 

No, it's very expensive. How 

[01:31:16] Toliy: much. 

I don't know. And Southerin is very expensive. It's a tourist. 600.

Millions. Come on.

[01:31:29] Eldar: Depends where.

Like, by, by doing this, I, I will never have a normal life, never, like a stable life, a relationship, anything. 

[01:31:50] Toliy: Yeah, I mean, like I said, it sounds like you, you, you know everything. You never did anything right. Yeah, because, you 

know, I met some, like, girls in, I mean, while, and they, like, they, they were living in Athens and stuff.

They were saying, they were telling me like, all right, after you feel, uh, you, you end up the season, you want to come to Athens, like, and we can stay together. And I was saying no, because I didn't really like liked her. All right. I was like, yeah, it was opportunity, but I didn't like her. I didn't love her. I want to, uh, I'm not going to do that.

If I don't love the plan, you know, I have to love the plan. To follow it. If you don't love the plan, you won't, you won't, you will never like follow it. Right. 

[01:32:45] Eldar (2): Yeah. So that's a new, that's a new, uh, requirement. Well, yeah, 

you have to love the plan, right. To follow it gigs up toes. So even when I was in Germany that I went there, like, and I was working in a bar and I tried like something different, like to go to another country again, I met a girl there and she, she told me the same, the same thing.

Stay here, maybe you can go to the German school, learn the language, then you can like, leave the bar and go somewhere else, like, to have a normal life and, but I didn't want that, I didn't like the plan, I didn't love the plan. 

[01:33:29] Eldar (2): Micah. This is Mike. This is what this is your analogy that you wanted to say, you know, the the guy keeps going to God God Please help me.

You know, I want to win the lot of God He was the same even praise for winning the lot or every night, you know, he prays he prays he prays very hard God Please, you know Make me win the lot or please you know, and you know, the guy dies or whatever is a god I've never won a lotto. I always like, you know, prayed every day so hard, you know, and the God goes, did you buy the ticket?

Cuz, did you buy the ticket? 

[01:34:07] Eldar: He goes, oh, I had to buy the ticket.

So, you're telling me that I had to, to just do things in my life. Like, every, every opportunity in my life, I should take it. 

[01:34:24] Eldar (2): On one hand, you're saying, hey, you believe in this stupid ass magic, that somebody's gonna come into your life. And it's going to tell you what the next plan is, right? You believe this stupid magic because I don't believe it.

You believe this perception, right? And then these people came into your life. All right, there were random people There were girls whoever maybe your friends, maybe your mom told you some shit, right? You should do this. You should do that. But the plan was never what you loved or what you wanted So you never bought the ticket So like, on one hand you say, I'm waiting for a miracle, somebody has to tell me, but on the other hand, it has to be, it has to match my plan, it has to match my love, my passion, like What the fuck do you want?

What are you looking for 

a normal life that I would love? 

[01:35:16] Mike: But you think if somebody's gonna give it to you, you have to make it yourself. 

[01:35:20] Toliy: Yeah, I Think elder a big blocker here to me. Is that like he's Observed different things that have happened to maybe people around them or things that he saw online or wherever that he's heard of Right, and he created an explanation for himself as to why it happened and how it happened.

Yeah, and this is what he thinks it is and he's just stuck there. He's stuck at that explanation of how Yeah, of how he thinks it's supposed to happen and then he's just waiting for it to happen in that kind of way that he thinks it happens To him. Yeah, 

[01:36:00] Eldar (2): that's crazy. Yeah Well, no, it's not. It's not. And so I think there's plenty of people that, uh, get stuck in this, uh, this specific pathway.

They never get anywhere. They just kind of wish, have wishful thinking. But then when shit doesn't happen, and people ask them or they confront them, they're like, Oh, it's not my fault. They fucked me over here. They fucked me over there. You know, they always have their excuses as to why things played out the way they did.

All right. Right now that I'm thinking, I had, like, these magical doors in my life. 

[01:36:38] Eldar (2): Oh, I know that. 

All right. Always when that door was opening to me, it didn't feel right, you know, just doing something just, you just feel that doesn't feel right. You're just feeling it. Like it doesn't make sense. You're just feeling it is not the right thing to do.

So that's why 

[01:37:10] Eldar (2): I don't 

know if they were magical or enough or something. Like I remember, and I know a hundred percent. The reason that I didn't take those opportunities in my life, it was because it didn't feel right to me. 

[01:37:33] Eldar (2): Why not? 

I don't know. 

[01:37:36] Eldar (2): You can't like, what was, it was just a feeling. It was what didn't feel right.

Like I'm telling you right now, right? I'm saying, Hey, I think the door that you need to go through, right. You need to solve, right. You need to have a continuation of what you fucked up on with this whole bartending thing, right? You didn't do it right. All right, so you have to prove to yourself actually that you can do it right.

And this is how to do it through communication, communicating properly your skills and your assets that you have right coupling it with communication. If you learn how to communicate properly, you will see. That you will get something better. This does not mean that you will have to stay and bartend year two, year three, year four, and year five.

No, this is just one time just to show you that you can get a better job that you can be in a better place. Because of the way you communicate it. That is the power that you need to realize it. That's what you need to be convinced. Convince yourself all that this is possible. This is why I'm recommending what I'm recommending.

Do you understand this? 

Yes, I do. 

[01:38:45] Eldar (2): That is the only reason, right? Because you kept saying like, ah, this, this and that, you know, you have a bad attitude about it and you never understood why your friend turned out to be better than you, right? And what he did, you kept saying that he was lucky, right? You need to prove to yourself that it's not about luck.

It's about skills. Like totally trying to explain to you. Like I'm trying to explain to you, like Mike is trying to explain to you that it's in your hands. Your hands and your mind dictates, right? Your destiny. It is not magic. 

Yeah, but I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna be good anymore because I don't, I don't like it anymore.

I hate it. I'm going to be slapping my, in my job. I'm gonna, I'm not gonna be like good how I was like,

[01:39:36] Eldar: you're going to be better. 

No, I'm not in my job. I'm not going to be good. If I go back to bartending, I'm going to be very bad. 

[01:39:46] Eldar (2): See, see again, you're arguing with me. You're going to be better. 


[01:39:52] Eldar (2): you might fall in love And you might become a bartender for a professional bartender. You'd be a bartender for the rest of your life.

No I [01:40:00] don't want that. Kill me. Just put a gun in my face. That's it. That's it. I never wanted to be a bartender. Never. I hate it. All right. I went there because my friends went there. They had the idea. You 

[01:40:16] Eldar (2): became very good at it. 

Yeah, I became good at it because I like to be good in what I'm doing right now.

Like, whatever, like. When, what I do, I want to be the best, you know, I'm competitive. I want to like,

but after that I need something else. But if, if that doesn't give me that back, like I want, yeah, I don't want to, 

[01:40:47] Eldar (2): that's the, that's what I'm telling you is that. Because you didn't present yourself properly, you didn't get what you wanted, ultimately, right from it, you didn't get paid enough, you didn't get the proper respect, you didn't like the position.

I'm explaining to you that if you go and communicate yourself properly, you will bring a different identity to the same job and you will see you will have a completely different experience. 

No, money, they're not gonna solve anything by doing this job. It's taking seven months of my life. A way of my town or like wherever for seven days, 10, 12 hours per day.

This is not life. I don't want like, even if they give me like 10, 000 euros per month right now, I don't want it. 

[01:41:44] Eldar (2): I can tell you that we can find you a job. That's not going to be seven days a week with 12 hours a day. And you'll get more money than you got before for 12 hours a day with seven days a week.

I can guarantee it. 


But we're 

[01:42:09] Eldar: crazy guys, right? 

[01:42:11] Eldar (2): We're crazy, right? 

[01:42:13] Mike: We don't live in a real world because 

the only people right now that working like less and paid more. They're like, you know, very, maybe old guys doing the same job or they know people and have connections and they're just like, you know, being like this connections and leaking asses and stuff.

I was never, I was like, always like. You know, I was telling like what's happening. I didn't care what I wasn't never like, you know, a leaker. I said, I don't know how to say in English.

I was always say the truth. I was always like, if my boss wasn't right, I would tell him. I wasn't like, like maybe the, when I was learning first years, I was, I had my head down and I was just. You know, after I was saying that I was what I was believing, you know, 

[01:43:40] Eldar: yeah,

[01:43:43] Eldar (2): and that's why you agree to all the terms for seven years,

seven days a week, 12 hour shift days, right? No break. 

Yeah. But many people do that many. 

[01:43:55] Eldar (2): Big bad wolf over here. It's not everybody. How are you? It's 

not only me There's many people do that in greece many people they work 

[01:44:07] Eldar (2): It's time to change some stuff but it's going to be changes. There's a new sheriff in town.

His name is eldar I'm, the sheriff of greece going forward. So we get exactly 

[01:44:20] Eldar: what we deserve. I'll tell you 



He said no. Always.

Come on with the gravity thing. Come on. Stop. Find another. Find another example. Always. No one plus one equals two. Right? Find something. He doesn't 

[01:44:51] Eldar (2): like logic and math. 

[01:44:53] Eldar: This is like. 

[01:44:53] Eldar (2): Find something else. 

Gravity. Maybe like you were thinking different because you were, you're here in America. No? Yeah, maybe like, because I have my, my mind is closed, you know,

simple things in life,

you know what I mean? Like you're, you're here, like, I don't know how many you forever, like. You go to eat here, alright? To different cuisines, alright? Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, every cuisine. So, you know stuff, you know every cuisine in the world because you live here. I don't know any in Greece, alright?

I know only the Greek cuisine. So, That's in everything. My mind is closed. So in Greece all their minds are closed. So Nothing's gonna work.

You know what I'm saying? No, you don't you don't understand. I told you don't speak English

[01:46:16] Toliy: This guy Uh,

[01:46:24] Eldar (2): do women and men have orgasms in Greece or no?

[01:46:33] Eldar: I don't know. 

[01:46:33] Eldar (2): When they're chewy, we go explosion. 


[01:46:40] Eldar (2): And when this happens, it feels good or bad? 


[01:46:47] Eldar: Okay, so that's gravity or no?

You're saying examples that you can't change. Give you an example that is different. There's a lot of examples. All right Like you you you were raised here. You see different cultures. You see like different people Your mind is working open mind you guys like For you some some things you see here from different people that there were here from different cultures It's normal for you for us.

You think this 

[01:47:29] Eldar (2): is for all 350 million americans 

What? You think what 

[01:47:36] Eldar (2): you think this is for all the Americans, everyone, or just us, 

everybody in America? Okay. Everybody. 

[01:47:47] Mike: So you're just unlucky you were born in Greece. 

Yeah, because I don't know what's going on. You know, you guys know what, how the world works.

You know why? Because you have all the world here. Different people.

Yeah, I know only one world, Greece, you know, I don't know how they work, how they thinking you guys raised here that you have people from with different mindsets in Greece. 

[01:48:31] Eldar: Yeah, you need miracles. Holy, 

they have only one mindset, the Greek mindset. You guys don't have like one mindset here. You have like different mindsets.

So you, you learn, you talk with people, your mind opening, learning things. In Greece, I hear like the same things all over again, because everybody's the same. Mm hmm. They have the same thinking. 

[01:48:58] Mike: Go ahead, Toli. Get your final thoughts in. 

[01:49:00] Toliy: My final thoughts? Yeah, I think everyone gets exactly what they deserve, you know?

And I think that, um, everything's exactly where it's supposed to be.

[01:49:19] Mike: Aldar? What's your 

[01:49:22] Eldar (2): My thoughts? Yeah, I mean, this is, this, this was a very interesting one, you know, um, you know, it's like nothing's new under the sun. I've come to that conclusion, but nonetheless, the shit is fascinating, bro. 


[01:49:37] Eldar (2): like, 


[01:49:37] Eldar (2): like every time it's so fascinating to me, you know, I'm going to conclude that to one degree.

It's like, okay, it's not new, but I'm not getting bored from it. It's comforting. 

[01:49:49] Toliy: It's comforting. 

[01:49:52] Eldar (2): It's amusing, but it's also amusing. It's not like it's boring totally. No, it's not 

[01:49:55] Toliy: boring. 

[01:49:57] Eldar (2): It's not boring. It's like it's I guess I still get excitement. I still find it to be challenging, right? I still find it to be amusing.

I still find it to be, you know, everything, right? Yeah, these types of topics. Um, so it's interesting the way the shit is set up. So I'm more my final thoughts more on like, um, yeah, like this process. But this whole phenomenon is fucking awesome. It's dope. You know, because you could almost, yeah, like, I don't know, you mentioned something totally before that, like something along the lines of, um, when you're aligned with truth, right, especially universal truth, you gain a level of immortality, something along those lines, right?

But I think And I think having these types of discussions and having to realize these phenomenons and how they are almost cyclical right in their nature, right? It's a phenomenon of, um, immortality or eternity almost, you know, which is pretty cool to think about. Yeah, no, I was gonna, I was gonna tie to maybe, uh, I think maybe Socrates, right?

Um, discuss the immortality of the soul. And I think that he probably tied it into something like this where. These truths, right? Well, these universals, right? Uh, especially when our souls are completely tied up, tied up in them and stuff, you know, are eternal, you know, therefore our souls are internal, you know, we kind of keep going and that's the degree.

Yeah, it is comforting to a degree. It's cool shit. It's cool as fuck, you know? Um, it's never, it's never, it's never a dull moment, you know? 

[01:51:37] Toliy: Yeah. I, I think that, that, that like, yeah. Um, the, the, uh, comforting part to, to me at least is that like the most extreme ignorance is to me always prove, prove out truths, you know?

Yeah. Like that, that, that's a, 

[01:51:58] Eldar: that's a very good point. Like, 

[01:51:59] Toliy: like the opposite, the opposite spectrum or like the opposite of truth in those different moments. Right? Like it proves that like, like, um, like it, it, it proves that thing things exist, you know? Yeah. So. Yeah. Yeah. Like it's pretty cool. Yeah. Like, no, no matter how much ignorance you hear, like.

The truth always like, like screams louder and, and, uh, and like shines like brighter in that way. You know, like it makes it brighter and more right. But only, but only, but only to those 

[01:52:38] Eldar (2): who recognize it, right. Which is the funny part, which is maybe, no, no, no, 

[01:52:42] Toliy: no, not only those who recognize it 

[01:52:46] Eldar (2): because I don't think he feels the same way, maybe even though it might be universally true, but it feels differently than you do.

[01:52:52] Toliy: No, for sure. But whether you, you choose to line up with it or not, he's still going to suffer. 

[01:53:00] Eldar (2): Oh, yeah. Yeah. So you're talking about inherently inherently. 

[01:53:04] Toliy: Yeah. Yeah. Whether you line up with it or not, the outcomes are still going to be the outcomes are going 

[01:53:09] Eldar (2): to be the results based. Yeah. The results are going to be the results based on the truth.

Yeah. No matter what. Yes. Correct. Yeah. 

[01:53:15] Toliy: No matter what. 

[01:53:15] Eldar (2): Yeah. 

[01:53:18] Toliy: So if you, if you tell me that, um, if, if you choose to go against the truth, but you believe hard enough that you're not going to suffer, I think that would be different. You know, you know, but suffering 

[01:53:36] Eldar (2): will, are you guys excited to visit Greece now or what?

Oh, I'm very excited 

[01:53:43] Eldar (2): to meet all these fucking stupid ass people. 

[01:53:46] Mike: Yeah, I'm very excited to see all these people who don't exist 

[01:53:50] Eldar (2): that don't, that don't believe in gravity and that they don't orgasm. 


[01:53:54] Mike: was like, 

when he came to Greece, he was ironic with all Greek guys.

He was like that because he saw that all these guys are stupid. He was ironic with everybody. 

[01:54:18] Eldar: And I can't do this. You think I can't practice in America and I don't because everybody's smart.

[01:54:27] Toliy: He does this every single day here. 

Yeah, he did that. He, he has like something like, I don't know,

but he got something that we don't. He can be smart and prove that he can be ironic and no problem. 

[01:54:58] Eldar (2): So part of me wanting to have fun as much fun as possible, you know? 

Yeah. You're having fun, but you can do that. You're, you're able to do that because you 

[01:55:06] Eldar (2): you're lucky. 


[01:55:10] Eldar (2): Oh, you told me I'm special. Come on.

Good. Don't take that away from me. I like to be special. I'm not fucking lucky. I was, I was touched by God. 

[01:55:22] Toliy: Maybe Farida, maybe Farida eat a lot of garlic or onions or something, you know, and Murat

catch a lot of fresh fish, 

you know.

[01:55:43] Eldar (2): Yeah. All right. So what are your final thoughts? Sorry. No, 

[01:55:48] Toliy: no, no, no. Those are my final thoughts. I think that like, um, like, yeah, in, in, in general, I can't find anything in life where it's like, where, where it doesn't equate to gravity or to, uh, math. You know, like anyone who says different, like they don't know what they're talking about,

but you need a plan, right? You always need a plan in your life. If you don't have a plan, it doesn't, it doesn't mean like if the plan is like right or wrong, you still have, [01:56:40] 

[01:56:40] Toliy: I think you need, you only need one plan, 


[01:56:44] Toliy: plan. For everybody,

everybody, everybody just needs one plan and it's guaranteed to work. 

[01:56:57] Eldar (2): Yeah, I know. It's off to the big letter L as in Larry. 

[01:57:00] Toliy: What 

plan? Everybody needs one plan. You're right. You ready for it? Enlightening. Yeah. Okay. 

[01:57:12] Eldar (2): I'm going to sit down. Make sure he's sitting down. I think he's standing up right now.

I'm going to sit down. 

[01:57:21] Toliy: Sit down. 


[01:57:24] Toliy: Yeah. I think the only plan that you need is that if you're, if you have a vigilant, Desire to find out 


[01:57:34] Mike: what, what did I tell what today? We, during lunch, what did I tell you? Or I asked the question. I said, what's the most important thing? I think this is where he is going.

[01:57:42] Toliy: I think if you have a vigilant desire to find out, 

but the real plan, 

[01:57:49] Toliy: big desire you Small words, man. Small words. Tony, fuck. Stop. About one question, one plan. No one plan. 


[01:57:55] Toliy: Question people. You have a desire to find out. 

Yeah, but you still need the plan. 

[01:58:01] Toliy: That, that, that's the only plan you need. Nothing else works.

Just to find out,

ask me what? Find out what? Why didn't you ask me to find out what 

you can't go on vacations. If you don't have a plan, 

[01:58:22] Toliy: the only plan that you need is to find out. 

[01:58:26] Mike: He needs more whiskey.

All right, 

what's your final 

[01:58:34] Eldar (2): final talk 

the luck is gone the brain is shot the liquor we still got but we're done right now it's finished that's the cocktail movie if you ever watched it 

[01:58:55] Mike: Yeah with tom cruise. 

Yeah He was a good guy, like, he had like some love. He was like, 

[01:59:01] Mike: he was like a See, he wants to be that guy from the movie, man.


[01:59:05] Mike: He just wants to be in the movies, guys. 

No. He had a mentor. He was telling him, like, there's love, love about everything. In the end, you know what happened? He said, everything I told you about life is bullshit. And he just suicided.

[01:59:30] Mike: Was this a real life or a movie? I don't know. Uh, cause 

[01:59:38] Eldar (2): Mike, what are your final thoughts, Mike? 

[01:59:40] Mike: Um, uh, everything is going according to plan. 


[01:59:49] Mike: know. That's my final thoughts. Um, I think you're 

[01:59:53] Toliy: on the right plan cause, 

[01:59:56] Mike: but the person, he doesn't, who doesn't know the plan. Yeah. Everything always comes back to the paradox of it.

Uh, everything we speak about, uh, way things play out, it's always so paradoxical. The person says the same thing. The person who knows what they're gonna say, you know, who's went through this, they understand the importance of what's being said and what's, where they're going through it. And I think it's very interesting.

And the person who doesn't is always gonna say the same stuff. Which is very funny. But my final thoughts, yeah, I don't know. Let's see, Kaz actually wants to, you know. Find out the answers 

[02:00:43] Eldar (2): guys. Thank you so much. This was great and I was happy to hear cause on the mic He's sounding very good. 

[02:00:48] Mike: Yeah, very good.

[02:00:49] Eldar (2): Despite of all the Bs that he said, but yes, he sounded good. 

[02:00:54] Mike: Yeah all the cause